IILWMTA - Chapter 12: Final

I'm In Love With My Teacher's Assistant


Chapter 12 - Final

Immediately sitting up, Ryeowook breathes heavily. Looking around him, he finds himself in a room that was slightly lit by the moon light shining into the room from the window to his left. Looking at the wall across from him, he stared at the Super Junior poster hung there. “A dream?” he lowly asks himself. “It was just a dream.” he whispers.

Looking at the bed to his right, he sees a sleeping Yesung. Ryeowook couldn’t help but frown. “Why just a dream?” he asks. Laying back down, Ryeowook stares at the ceiling. Sighing, he lets the events of the dream race through his mind. His mind couldn’t help but wonder to that night in his dream with Yesung.

Feeling himself becoming hard, Ryeowook groans. “Damn it.” he whispers. Turning onto his side, facing the window, he grips the front of his shirt. “Why does this keep happening?” he asks himself in a whisper. There was no way he could do what he wanted when the person in the same room was the one he was dreaming about.

“Do you need help?” Ryeowook freezes as he hears the too familiar voice. The voice of the person he couldn’t help but dream about. Turning over and raising, Ryeowook sees a shirtless Yesung sitting up in his bed. His eyes widen as Yesung stands up and walks over to him. “Y-Yesung-Hyung, you’re a-awake?” he asks as the other moves closer.

Placing his hand on Ryeowook’s shoulder, Yesung pushes him back onto the bed. Moving onto the bed, Yesung crawls over Ryeowook. “You know…” he starts as his hands goes to the bottom of Ryeowook’s shirt and pulls it off of him. “It’s really hard to sleep when the other person in the room starts out your name in his sleep.” he says lowering himself.

Kissing Ryeowook, Yesung immediately slides his tongue into Ryeowook’s mouth. “If you wanted me this badly, you should have just told me.” Yesung whispers. Ryeowook stares up at him. “This isn’t a dream right?” he asks. Yesung smirks. “Give me 20 minutes and I’ll let you decide that for yourself.” he says kissing Ryeowook again.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And that’s Chapter 12, the final chapter for you. :D :D

How did you like it? Last chapter just tripped you out didn’t it? XD

Wah, I can’t believe I finished this within 8 days. I was super dedicated to making this story. It’s because it was my first YeWook story.

It was the same way when I wrote my first KyuMin story. I wrote and finish the whole thing completely in 3 days without sleep. I was too motivated to sleep. Only thing that was messed up is that I finished it on a Sunday, which meant that I had to go to school the next day. But I couldn’t really sleep, so I just stayed up, editing the story until it was time for me to go to school. Luckily I didn’t feel tired, but all my friends thought I was crazy for staying up three days straight just to write. XD

Because of the fact that it’s a new pairing that I haven’t written before, I get SUPER dedicated and I give more attention to it than I do other things.

Don’t except the next one to be completed so quickly. -.- Just saying. XD

Anyways, thanks to everyone for taking time to read my story. I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. And special thanks to everyone who commented. Love you all. ^_^


~Now I've been planning a sequel to this. I have an alternate ending that can be spun off into a sequel. Should I write a sequel?






Of course if I write the sequel it won't be uploaded right away. First I'm going to post another story. It's my first ever Sibum story. Because this site needs more Sibum. XD It's titled "What's The Difference?"

I'm uploading the first chapter to it after I post this so, please check it out if you can.^-^

I might also upload the first Kyumin story that I wrote.(Story mentioned above)

Once again thank you all for showing my story love. I appreciate it.^-^



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Chapter 12: waaaaaahhhhh..seriously??? Hahaha best ending ever!!
Chapter 10: waaahhhh . I wish this really happen to them..thank you for this.
Chapter 9: oh..Siwon!! Hahaha *i borrowed it* that is so frustrating on Ryeowook's part..hahaha bad Yesung!!
Chapter 6: awww that's so sad and hurting..
Chapter 3: Hahaha Wookie is so cuteeee!!
..waaahh.you're.on.the.right.choice.of.making a YeWook.story,
Chapter 2: I like it... Yet I don't like how you pair yourself up with Henry. And make everyone protective. I like OCs who are happily forever alone and totally love and push the characters together. ^.^
i just finish reads all of your chappie, and its really great job author...
i'll be reads the sequel too
Chapter 13: Oooh I like! Please write a sequel ;u;
Chapter 13: Mind blown! :O you troll xD anyway, great story! Sequel please!