New Friends

Destined Love (A Lee Donghae love story)


I stared at the two boys, bewildered. I knew one was called Eun Hyuk, and the other Dong Hae but they were still so …well in a way, weird! The guy, named Eun Hyuk, eyed me. “Hey, Dong Hae! Do you know this girl?” Dong Hae looked back at me and smiled. “Well, sort of.” He replied. “What’s your name?” Eun Hyuk continued. “Yumi Tashahari.” Eun Hyuk clapped his hands with delight. “Japanese!” I weakly smiled at his over-reacting. Dong Hae laughed at my expression. “Sorry about him.” I laughed along. “No, no. It’s fine!” his eyes went back to his friend. Suddenly I heard the shop assistant scream. All three of us turned to her quickly. “M-miss your nose…” she raised her arm and pointed at me. I was confused but before I could figure anything out two hands tightly gripped my shoulders. “Oh my god! Yumi, You’re bleeding!” Dong Hae shouted. – I frowned at him. “I’m what?” “Bleeding! You’re bleeding!” I raised my hands to my nose and then placed them in front of my eyes - red. “Ah!” I screamed. Dong Hae still had a tight grip on me. “Eun Hyuk! Have you got any tissues?” “ERRR…” Eun Hyuk searched around frantically and then hey found something.“Here!” he said passing Dong Hae a pack of tissues he luckily happened to have in his pocket. Is it weird for a guy to carry tissues in the middle of summer?



Dong Hae placed one over my nose and tilted my head back. “Let’s sit her down somewhere.” Dong Hae suggested to his friend. “Good idea!” he replied grabbing my waste from behind. Didn’t I have a say in all of this!? I had two guys I didn’t even know all over me! – One holding my head back to stop the blood and the other steadying my by my waste while he guided me out the shop. It wasn’t every day you were in a situation like this!


They gently took me outside the shop and seated me down in a bench up the road. It was dark already now and my eye sight wasn’t all the good in the first place. “Ah! I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself, did I?”Eun Hyuk said sitting down on the bench next to me. “I’m Lee Hyuk Jae. But I like to be called Eun Hyuk.” I smiled at him but I doubt he noticed because the tissue was covering most of my face. “And He’s Lee Dong Hae.” Eun Hyuk continued pointing to the boy who was still holding a tissue over my nose. “Hey, Don’t you think we should get going now?” Dong Hae looked down at his friend who was speaking. “We’re gonna be late for rehearsals!” “We can’t just leave Yumi at the moment!” Dong Hae growled back. “I didn’t say that!” Eun Hyuk moaned. Dong Hae lowered himself to face me. “Yumi, where do you live?”

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how sweet!!!! like it!
Awwww <: This is soooooo sweeeeeet ! I want more ! Even though it ended already . Hehe ♥ I want Donghae more ! Please do inform me if there's any DONGHAE'S fanfic ! ^^
love this! update soon please :D