Too much of a coincidence?

Destined Love (A Lee Donghae love story)


The man read through the note then looked back up at Dong Hae.

“Can you tell me now?”

The man sighed then looked around to see if anyone else was there.

“Come with me to my office and I’ll get her details for you – BUT don’t tell anyone. Got that? I could use my job it you do!”

Dong Hae nodded gratefully.

“Of course I won’t! Thank you so much!”

Dong Hae followed the man downstairs and into the next building.

He went into his room and switched the computer on.

“What do you plan on doing?” The man asked Dong Hae as he logged on the system.

“I don’t know yet.” Dong Hae admitted.

“But I’m not just going to leave it!”

The man smiled. “You have spirit kid!”

He clicked his mouse and the printer fired up.

Dong Hae went over to it and took out the sheet.

All Yumi’s details.

He looked back at the man.

“Thanks a lot! I owe you big time!”

The man laughed. “No you don’t. Good luck.”

Dong Hae nodded again in a appreciation and left the room.

This had everything! He thought looking at the piece of paper.

‘Surename: Tashahari

Given name: Yumi

D.O.B : 13/12/92

Nationality : British

Ethnicity : White-Asain’

It went on the her contact numbers and her address.

Dong Hae thought for a while.

Something was telling him he had to do this.


** On the plane **

We were about to land.

I looked out to see the typical motorway and landscape I’d always known.

It made Korea feel like another world.

I got off the plane to find my parents waiting for me.

My mother ran up to me and gave me a hug.

“Yumi! You’ve changed so much! Even though you’ve only been gone 3 months!”

My father stood a little distance behind her.

“Welcome back!” He said smiling.

I smiled half-heartedly.

I wasn’t going to tell them about Dong Hae.

My mother would only question me more and more about it.

We went home and it felt like a relief to be back in my own room again.

I collapsed onto my bed.

It felt so nice.

The time difference had really warn me out.

I didn’t bother unpacking everything.

Just the stuff I needed.

Then I talked to my parents about the whole experience.

However leaving out all my best memories.

I gave them all the stuff I’d bought them.

My mother loved the style of Korean Jewellery and was over the moon when she saw the necklace I got for her.

My father however was harder to get gifts for.

But he did seem pleased with the pens I got him.

He didn’t day it out loud but me and my mother both knew he couldn’t wait to get to work the next day.

Just to take out one of the pens and say to his colleagues ‘My daughter brought this back from South Korea. She was studying out there. Speaks great Korean, she does!”

He’s one who likes to boast.

Not long later my father went to bed as he had to start work early the next day.

My mother came into my room and shut the door.

I watched as she come over and sat on the bed, next to me.

“So.” She said excitedly.

I could tell she’d been waiting all day to ask what she was about to.

I waited for her to continue.

“Who’s this guy your teacher was on about?”

I laughed. “Oh just a friend, mum! The teacher just thought it was a little more because I gave him a hug. You know it’s not that common in Korea to give friends of the opposite hugs.”

I paused.

She nodded, although unconvinced she left it.

“Anyway, there’s something else I have to tell you. Your father’s work is having a celebration evening. It’s all very upper class so we have to dress smart. I bought you a lovely dress. I hope you like it.”

As she talked she walked over to my wardrobe and pulled it out.

It was a beautiful flowing dress. I loved it!

Then I started to hyperventilate.

It was BLUE!!

“What’s wrong?” my mother asked.

“N-nothing! It’s just so beautiful!”

My mother smiled. “I’m glad you like it. The event is in 4 days.”

I nodded and after that my mother left.

I laid down on my bed.

The blue dress, the blue fan.

It wasn’t a coincidence!

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how sweet!!!! like it!
Awwww <: This is soooooo sweeeeeet ! I want more ! Even though it ended already . Hehe ♥ I want Donghae more ! Please do inform me if there's any DONGHAE'S fanfic ! ^^
love this! update soon please :D