No more chances

Destined Love (A Lee Donghae love story)


I calmed myself down before walking into the exam.

One of my teachers noticed my tears.

She came up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

“It doesn’t seem that it’s the exam making you feel this way, am I right?”

I nodded, covering my face with my hands, I couldn’t stop the crying.

“You have to be strong.” Her words seemed sorrowful.

She gave me a weak smile.

“It’s almost time for the exam. Try to calm down.”

5 minutes later I walked into the exam with a dry face.

I took my seat like everyone else and was going to think about nothing then the exam.

Nothing else but the Korean language…culture…and people….Dong Hae!

I screwed my eyes up.

No, I can’t let this stop me doing well !

The exam was set in 3 parts.

Language, Culture, and Customs.

I found the language part pretty easy.

Forming sentences, correct order, filling in the blanks.

All the usual stuff, then Culture.

Naming certain Korean items, like Han Bok.

And finally Customs.

Bowing, using different words depending on age.

I knew all this.

When I flicked through my paper to check I hadn’t missed anything, a smile grew on my face.

That was a lot easier than I expected.

I sat in silence for the remaining 10 minutes.

Around me I could hear pencils scribbling out mistakes and people getting frustrated.

Did that mean I was doing better?

I didn’t want to get my hopes up but it did feel pretty good.

The time run out and everyone was instructed to put their pens down.

All the papers were collected and then we were allowed to leave in silence.

Once we were out everyone was asking about how each other did.

One of the girls approached me, but I really wasn’t wanting to talk.

“Do you think it went well?” she asked sweetly.

I nodded. “I was expecting it to be a lot harder, so, that’s made me feel a lot better.”

I laughed. “How did yours go?”

The girl smiled, happy I was making conversation.

“Good, too. Well, I hope so at least!”

Just then the teachers entered.

“Right everyone, we are returning to your dorms now. The flight times have changed a little then expected.”

Everyone listened carefully.

“Those flying back to Japan, you will now leave at 3pm, not 12pm. Those flying back to L.A, New York or Miami, the flights are at 10am not 1pm. And finally, those going back to England, Your flight is now 5am not 9am.”

I looked down at my feet.

I was leaving even sooner, yet again.

There was definitely no more chances to See Dong Hae.

I get back to my room, there was a note pushed into the letter box.

I took it out and read it straight away.

‘Yumi ~

How was the exam? I know you did well ! <3

So, I’m going to come and pick you up at 8am tomorrow, okay?

Then we can celebrate !

I love you,

Dong Hae.’

I felt sad reading the letter but at the same time had a of genius.

Once I had packed everything it was getting close to 12:30am.

I had to get up at 3:00am to get ready to leave and be at the airport at 4:00am.

I sighed.

My last 2 and a half free hours in South Korea.

Then I would have to leave.

I looked out the window at the night sky and the busy city.

I was going to miss it so much.

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how sweet!!!! like it!
Awwww <: This is soooooo sweeeeeet ! I want more ! Even though it ended already . Hehe ♥ I want Donghae more ! Please do inform me if there's any DONGHAE'S fanfic ! ^^
love this! update soon please :D