An awkward Meal

Feel My Beats

"So why isn't Hyunsoo eating?" HyungJin asks sticking a mouthful of noodles in his face.

"He said he wasn't hungry," Jonghyo says smacking JunYoung whos chewing with his mouthful. WooSeok was being rather silent at the end of the table not making eye contact with anyone. Gunwoo cleared his throat after shoving the last of his first bowl into his face.

"I'll be getting up now," he says begining to stand.

"No you wont. Sit and eat some more you're losing to much weight." JongHyo says pointing his chopsticks.

The table fell into a silence that was thick and made it hard to breath. "What's going on between you and Hyunsoo?" WooSeok blurts out dropping his chopsticks on the table.

Gunwoo choked on the food he was eating in his mouth. "We're band mates, brothers. Why?" Gunwoon answers setting his own cutlery down.

"Bull !" WooSeok shouts standing. "There is no way in hell that's what going on!"

"What are you even talking about. Nothing's going on between us!" Gunwoo shouts back.


Hyunsoo lies on his bed listening to the shouting in the other room. So nothing is happening between them or is Gunwoo just saying that. Bringing his hand to his lips he ghosted his fingers over them. They still tingled.

Pulling his blanket around his face he let out a groaning noise. Hyunsoo was glad he hadn't eaten, but was starving. Maybe after everyone goes to sleep he can sneak out and get something. 

A knocking sounded at the door before opening. "Hyunsoo?" JongHyo's voice says. "There's a bowl in the kitchen for you if and when you decide to eat." the bed next to Hyunsoo sinks down as JongHyo sits. "Are you feeling alright?" he places his hand on Hyunsoo's forehead.

"I'm fine. I'm just not hungry hyung," Hyunsoo says pushing his hand away.


A/N(borninrain): Sorry we're being butts about updating. finals are coming up next week aka time to play catch up and our scheduals are already busy.

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Chapter 8: lol Jun XDD
Chapter 7: OMG yay! Finally!
Chapter 6: wow they need to work things out!!
Chapter 5: Aww poor ao!
Chapter 4: Wow... Things are intense right now... Can't wait for more couple development
Chapter 3: Aww poor ao!! Update soon!!
Chapter 2: OMG are they doing rated stuff! Lol poor king! The others are so cute lol are there any more lc9 couples!?