Home Cooked Meal

Feel My Beats

In the room Hyunsoo had his bottom lip between his teeth. He just knew he was going to get yelled at. "I have a lot to say to you," Gunwoo states taking a step closer.

Hyunsoo clenches his eyes shut waiting to hear the shouting and the possible smack to the shoulder. There is none. "Wait, why aren't you yelling?" he asks looking up at Gunwoo with big eyes.


The living room TV played a foreign cartoon. HyungJin and WooSeok sat on the love seat huddled together. "What do you think Gunwoo is talking to him about?" Jonghyo asks from across the room.

"Who knows, but he seemed pretty upset about it," WooSeok says moving from HyungJin.

The room fell silent other than the TV; running in a language only one of them fully understood. "I'll go start dinner," JongHyo says standing and moving across the floor to the kitchen. JunYoung followed.

Soon the smell of rice and Kimchi soup filled the dorm. It was nice. It'd been a while sense they'd had an actual home cooked meal. The group normally ate out at noodle restraunts after practice, only to come home sleep for a few hours than going back to practice. 

Lucky for them Promostions would start soon. That meant more sleep in their systems.


"WooSeok will you go get HyunSoo and Gunwoo? the food's done," JongHyo speaks from the kitchen door.

"Why do I have to? Have JungYoung do it." WooSeok says back adjusting his position on the couch.

"He's helping me in the kitchen. Now stop being a brat and go get them." JongHyo says leaving back into the kitchen. With a sigh WooSeok got off the couch and slugishly moved to the rooms. He checked Hyunsoo's first. They weren't there so he moved on to Gunwoos room. Pushing the door open he quickly shut it and rather loudly at that.


A/N (borninrain): hey! Hope you like the chapter! I'm sorry if it isn't very good, I'm not the best with third person pov. Anyway please leave a comment if you'd like. 

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Chapter 8: lol Jun XDD
Chapter 7: OMG yay! Finally!
Chapter 6: wow they need to work things out!!
Chapter 5: Aww poor ao!
Chapter 4: Wow... Things are intense right now... Can't wait for more couple development
Chapter 3: Aww poor ao!! Update soon!!
Chapter 2: OMG are they doing rated stuff! Lol poor king! The others are so cute lol are there any more lc9 couples!?