31: History test

Just an Ordinary Guy [HIATUS] - Will be re-writing soon

Minyi’s pov


“Oh no, I have a test today.” The first thing that came out into my mind when I woke up. I remembered that it is History test. “I shall get Luhan for help.” I quickly rushed out of bed and gout myself prepared for school.

“Omma!” I shouted as I ran down the stairs. “Wae ?” My mum asked when she saw me rushing. “I’m going off! Not going to have breakfast. I have test today and I have yet to revise!” I continued and wore my shoes.

To : Luhan deer deer <3

Oppa! Are you in school ?

I texted Luhan oppa while walking school.

From : Luhan deer deer <3

Ne! Wae?

To : Luhan deer deer <3

I’ll meet you at the school café! Need help for History test which is today!

I quickly walked into the school and made my way to the school café. As I entered, I immediately spotted Luhan oppa and ran towards the table.

“Oppa!” I shouted and gave him a peck on his cheek before sitting down. “Yah, why didn’t you study last night?” Luhan oppa started to nag at me. “Because of you! We went out together and I totally forgotten about the test. You did it on purpose right! You should know that I think nothing when I’m with you.” I tried to give him a pout. “Ne ne, ara! Silly girl.” Luhan oppa then ruffled my hair. We then started to get serious in studying. Luhan oppa taught me all the important questions that will most likely to come out. After an hour of revising with him, it’s time for me to leave to the class for test.

“Remember what I’ve taught you alright!” Luhan oppa smiled giving me the strength to do well in my test. We walked down the corridor hand in hand. As we reached the door step of my classroom, Luhan oppa then gave me a kiss. “Saranghae!” I exclaimed feeling the happiness. “Saranghae! All the best!” Luhan oppa gave me a ‘hwaiting’ pose.

-After the test-

I sighed. Even though most of the content that Luhan oppa had taught me came out, I still felt that I did not do well. *If only I studied last night…*

From : Luhan deer deer <3

Jagi ! Don’t worry about the test anymore. It’s already over. Don’t bother to care about it. Smileeeee! I will meet you at the foyer after school. Muacks jagi <3

Again, I smiled to his text. Sometimes I wondered how our mind can be linked. Whenever I’m feeling low, he will have some kind of sense that knows that I’m feeling low and will send me a text to cheer me up.

“Yah, still smiling like an idiot?” Hae Rin waved at me. “Aigoo, look at you. You look like you are married.” She continued. “Yah! Stop teasing me! How’s Jong In oppa and you?” I asked casually. “Well, nothing much? But recently we started texting with each other more.” Hae Rin said. “It’s a good sign! At least you can continue to go crazy about him.” I smiled.

The day passes really slowly as I kept thinking of the things about my biological parents or about the history test. After we ended the last lesson, I quickly packed my bag so that Luhan oppa will not wait for me that long. I walked down quickly. As I was about to reach the foyer, I saw a girl approaching Luhan oppa. I decided to stand by to see her motive.

“Oppa, why did you choose her? Am I really not pretty?” The girl started to seduce Luhan oppa. *, get away from my boy.* Standing at one corner cursing in my mind. Suddenly, the girl tip toed and kissed Luhan oppa on his lips. *HIS LIPS ARE MEANT TO BE MINE.* I started raging. Tears had filled my eyes. When I was about to left, I saw the girl being pushed. “I’m sorry. As you know, I’ve a girlfriend. Your behavior is really being too overboard.” Luhan oppa said in an angry tone. I wiped away my tears and went up to them.

“Oppa!” I tried to act normal. “Who is she?” I asked with a stare at her. “I don’t know her but she came up to me and kissed me.” Luhan oppa explained. *I’m so glad that at least he did not hide the truth.* I smiled at his truthfulness. “I’m sorry. My boyfriend and I are going for a date now. Good bye.” I walked off after greeting good bye to that unknown girl.

“Minyi, aren’t you jealous that she kissed me?” Luhan oppa asked while we were on our way to the bus stop. “Of course I am. To be honest, I saw the whole scene. I’m so glad that you did not lie to me.” I said. “I will never lie to my princess!” With that, Luhan oppa kissed me on my cheek in the public.

We went out to Myeongdong to shop. Finally, we get to date again after so much trouble. Luhan oppa treated me dinner. We went into a ddeobokki shop after dinner. We ordered a bowl of ddeobokki. As I was about to have a mouthful of ddeobokki, Luhan oppa stopped me. “You are not supposed to eat it on your own. My princess, let me feed you.” Luhan oppa took the spoon from my hand. “Ahhhh.” Luhan said while opening his mouth forming like an O shape. “Oppa! It’s so embarrassing!” I looked around hoping no one would judge us. “I don’t care how others look at us. What is most important is that we have each other.” Luhan oppa’s words made me melt. Eventually, we started feeding each other while the tables around us looked at us. Some couples are even jealous of our closeness.

After a long stressful day, Luhan oppa sent me home. He greeted my parents before leaving. “Oppa, remember we are supposed to go visit a company tomorrow to find out about my biological parents.” I reminded him. “Yeap! I remember.” Luhan oppa gave me an one last kiss for the day. “Have a good sleep and remember to dream of me.” He said and left. 

I'm sorry but I know this chapt is really boring. I just wanted to post an update just in case all of you thought I'm not updating anymore. I will try to update tomorrow okay? ^^ Remember to comment and subscribe! ^^ 

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tamariska_jason2320 #1
Chapter 26: Yess more update its not so interesting if theres no conflict.. (no offense authornim)
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 25: Yayy you updated.. i love it.. co tinue to update please authornim.. your story is magnificant
lukoreanbambi #3
Chapter 24: 인녕하세요 authornim !! I really love this story , please continue to update !! Happy birthday !:)
kyungsoo-akira #4
Chapter 22: wow should i be skeptical and think she's suho's little sister.... sigh it'd be a shame because they are cute, but i guess you are rooting for lulu... hahah great job author. keep it coming!
tamariska_jason2320 #6
Chapter 11: I like the story so far... please continue the story authornimm.. it's interesting..
Chapter 7: This story is awesome
Thank you for uploading very fast! :3 <3 <3