Forced Marriage?!

Do You Love Me?

     Next morning I woke up and went to school again. Ugh, these annoying people. Don't they have stuffs to do?

     I sat in my seat and saw that Youngmin and Kwangmin was already here. I winked at Kwangmin, continuing our plan. Then we winked back at me.

     "Honey, did you sleep well?" I asked him as I gave a kiss on his cheek which made some whispering noises from the girls that were staring at the Jo Twins.

     "Yeah, I did. I was thinking about you the whole night," Kwangmin said with a smile.

     "I was thinking about you the whole night too," I said.

     Seems like Youngmin noticed it because his eyes went wide.

     "Since when were you going out with my brother?" Youngmin asked me.

     "Why do you care?" I told him and stuck my tongue out. And Youngmin just shrugged and went back to just staring at the window.

     Then Minwoo came in. I quickly linked arms with Kwangmin again and we both started smiling and laughing.

     "Hey Minwoo," I said with a smile.

     "Hey," Minwoo said looking awkwardly at me and Kwangming.

     "Whats up, man," Kwangmin said as he put his hand out.

     Minwoo took it and said, "Not much."

     Then me and Kwangmin went back to trying to act like a couple while almost everyone was staring at us especially Minwoo and Youngmin.

     When school ended me and Kwangmin was walking out of the school.

     "Om my god, did you see Youngmin's face when he saw us? And all the other people?" I asked Kwangmin while laughing.

     "Yeah, hes like all surprised and stuff," Kwangmin said laughing with me. "This is fun."

     "Yeah it is. But I haven't seen your crush today," I said.

     "Yeah, maybe she didn't come to school," Kwangmin said. Then Minwoo joined us and I noticed Youngmin walking behind us.

     When I went home, my mom quickly told me to get dressed up and have the best makeup, hair, and clothes. I tried to ask her why but she wouldn't answer me but just rushed me to my room.

     I had to wear a dress. I wondered where I was going. Finally when I was done I asked her one more time, this time she answered. She said we were going to Youngmin's place to have a dinner. So then I asked her, if were going to Youngmin and Kwangmin's place why did I have to dress up? But she wouldn't anwer me so then I just kept quiet and went inside the car and went to thier place.

     I was welcomed by Jo twin's mother.

     "Welcome, Mrs. Lee and Shinji," Mrs. Jo said, she was dressed up too. Then she led me to their dining room. There I saw Youngmin and Kwangmin in formal clothes too. I sat in the seat right across from Kwangmin's. He waved at me so I waved back at him.

     Then the foods came out so we started eating and the adults kept on talking and then Mr. Jo said something about me and Youngmin getting married?!

     "What?!" I said as I stopped eating.

     "Oh Mrs. Lee, you haven't told her yet?" Mrs. Jo said.

     "Oh no, I actually haven't," my mom said. I was just staring at them with my eyes wide open same with the Jo twins.

     "Okay, Shinji, you're getting married to Youngmin," Mrs. Jo said.

     My jaw dropped while Youngmin and Kwangmin was staring at the adults like they were crazy.

     "What?!" I said again. "You've never told me about this? I've never even agreed to this."

     "But its for your own good," my mom said and looked at me.

     I didn't look but I got out of my seat and started running to Kwangmin's room. I was so freaken mad. Why a forced marraige? Why the Jo Twins? Why Younmin not Kwangmin? Ugh!!

Youngmin's POV

     "Excuse me," I said with Kwangmin and we both ran to where Shinji could be which is Kwangmin's room.

Shinji's POV

     Then the door bursted open and I saw Youngmin and Kwangmin at the door then they came in. I didn't look at them.

     "Are you shocked?" Kwangmin asked me.

     "Yes!! Why wouldn't I?!" I literally yelled but then calmed myself down. "I don't wanna get married, especially with Youngmin."

     "It's not like I would wanna!" Youngmin yelled at me.

     "I don't want to either! Why would I want to marry a selfish, rude, not caring for others kind of dude!" I yelled. But then Kwangmin stopped us.

     "Whats up with my parents?" I asked myself. "Ugh!! Why can't it be Kwangmin at least. Why Youngmin?"

     "Shup up because I punch you in the face," Youngmin said as he glared at me.

     "I'm not afraid," I said as I glared at him and got into a fighting pose. Since when I was young I did Taek Kwon Do, boxing, hap ki do, and other fighting stuffs.

     "Oh so you wanna fight?" Youngmin said as he got in his fighting pose.

     "Yeah! Bring it on!" I said but then Kwangmin stopped us again.

     "Guys stop, it's not the time to fight. Do that at other time," Kwangmin said getting all serious for the first time, I think.

     "It's still on," I told Youngmin and he just looked at me.

     "Shinji, why don't you just tell them you have a person you really love?" Kwangmin suggested.

     "Psh, like that would work. You know my parents and your parents," I told them. "They're going to do everything to make their business better even if its selling your own child."

     Then they nodded in realization.

     "Should I tell them if I could get married to Kwangmin?" I said out loud. "I mean, it's better than Youngmin."

     "I like that idea," Youngmin said.

     "Um, sure," Kwangmin said.

     "Okay," I said and I walked to where the adults were.

     "Oh, Shinji youre back. And my sons," Mrs. Jo said as she looked at me and the Jo twins.

     "Can I get married to Kwangmin instead of Youngmin?" I said.

     They all looked at me. But then Mr. Jo said, "Sorry, but you're going to have to marry Youngmin, he fits you better and we already have plans for Kwangmin anyway."

     "Please?" I asked them one more time.

     "Why do you want Kwangmin more than Youngmin?" Mrs. Jo asked.

     ... what should I say? Should I just tell them that me and Youngmin don't get along? No. .......what should I say??

     "I'm, because....because.. because I l-love Kwangmin," I blurted out which made everyone's eyes wide.

     "Oh.." Mrs Jo said.

     "Well, still Shinji, but were going to have to make you marry to Youngmin," Mr. Jo said.

     I just glared at him. But then ran back to Kwangmin's room. I started crying on his bed. Then I noticed the door open and I saw Youngmin and Kwangmin. Kwangmin sat next to me while Youngmin just stood there, watch me cry.

     I leaned on Kwangmin's chest and started crying louder. He patted my back and started comforting me.

     "It's going to be okay," Kwangmin said. "You know, my brother is actually nice, its just that he doesn't care about anyone in the first place. If you get to know him and he gets to know you, then Youngmin hyung will act more nicer to you and stuff."

     "But we've known eachother for our whole life," I said between sobs.

     "Well, that's because..," Kwangmin didnt know what to say which made me cry more.

     "Oh just shut up already," Youngmin said. "I feel as bad as you but I'm not crying, stupid."

     I stood up and went through Kwangmin's closet to find a shirt to wear, and luckily I left a sweat pants here last time I slept over so I got my and one of Kwangmin's shirt and went to the bathroom to change. When I came out the twins just looked at me. I tied my hair up and put a bandage on my hand. Now the twins were really confused. Then I grabbed Youngmin and Kwangmin's hand and brought them to the basement where there was a wide space filled with mats and martial arts stuff. It was a practice room for the twins on their martial arts and their fighting stuff.

     I went to a sand bag, and started punching and kicking on it. I was super mad and angry so in one of the kick I kicked it too hard that the whole thing fell down. I looked at the twins and they're eyes were wide. I shrugged and went to another sand bag and started punching and kicking on it. I was punching it so hard that I thought I was getting bruises. Plus I began to see blood on my knuckles. Then Youngmin stopped me.

     "What?" I said as I glared at Youngmin.

     "Enough," Youngmin said as he let go of my hand.

     "Shinji, it's bleeding," Kwangmin said softly.

     "Do I look like I care?" I stared coldly at Kwangmin.

     "N-no?" Kwangmin said and Youngmin punched him in the arm.

     Then I went back to punching and kicking. At the last one I was going to do I let out a scream of anger and punched it really hard. And I swear I broke at least two of my fingers. I screamed in pain.

     Then Youngmin checked out my fingers and said that I broke my ring finger and my middle finger. I got up and started walking out and they followed me. I went inside a taxi with Youngmin and Kwangmin and we went to the hospital.

     Ugh, but I'm still not done taking care of my anger.

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TheYoungKwang #1
aw YoungMin sleep more deeply with her haha ^^ i'm so curious what will happen in the next chapter ^^ aw don't worry Shinji and YoungMin maybe you'll both fall in loved with each other (i hope so hehe *smiles*) and will realize your feelling for each other hehe *smiles* anyway i loved your story keke keep up the good work and hwaiting do your best ^^ ppyong ^^ *smiles*
lov4ever #2
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
YoungMinsGirlfriend #3
I love your story:)
OWWWWW! that must hurt A LOT!!!!!!!
Wow this story is awesome, please continue to update it:)
update soon :))
SuRyun #7
I really like this story! Please continue to write and update soon! :)