exo drabble collection


short, five hundred (maybe more or less) word exo drabbles for everyone.


title: kiss me, i'm desperate

pairing: kaisoo

rating: pg 13

genre: comedy, fluff

word count: 731

summary: in which jongin gets a little too desperate and kyungsoo get a little too fidgety.


title: green and blue kisses (with sparkly rainbow glitter)

pairing: taoris

rating: pg 

genre: comedy, fluff

summary: in which tao insults his kris ge and kris gets a little too creative.

word count: 577



title: camping adventures

pairing: sehun/luhan

rating: pg 13

genre: fluff, slight drama

summary: in which sehun needs to pee in the middle of a dark forest

word count: 646


title: i spy, suho's high

pairing: suho/lay

genre: crack, fluff

rating: pg 14 

summary: in which suho accidentally takes a whiff of drugs

word count: 1083


title: squishing and

pairing: chanyeol/baekhyun

genre: fluff

rating: pg 14 

word count: 1331

summary: in which chanyeol gets furious when a stranger pinched his boyfriend’s bum.



title: bun thief

pairing: minseok/jongdae

genre: fluff

rating: pg 14 

summary: in which minseok steals jongdae’s hot buns.

word count: 1375





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Love_ZEA #1
Chapter 1: so cute.. fluffffyyyyyy.. eheheh.. i like it.. keep updating ok.. eheheh. :)