Of Rainbow Butterflies and Yellow Dragons



In which a homeless kid wakes up to find a stranger sleeping beside him.



“B-but who are you? What...What do you want from me?” Chanyeol sniveled and held back tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes. “I’m Wu Yi Fan. But you can call me Kris.” 


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Chapter 1: What kind of cuteness is thiiiiiiiiiiis? That was just adorable :3
Chapter 1: lewl! yellow dragon.. /rlab
Chapter 1: Hahahaha so cute ♥
BabySkypeia126 #4
Chapter 1: woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~!!!
its like Rapunzel n the dragon??????? LoL

that ws sweet~
at first I thought it wld b sad cz Chanyeol life seems so pitiful~
but after he met Kris, or to b exact Kris found Yeol, Yeol life changed into more happiness!!!!!! ^^
nycbean #5
Chapter 1: Including the dragon part made me think it was a crack story but goddamn I love Krisyeol so much ♥♡♥♡♥♡