And yet I'm still missing you

Fight for Love

As usual, the grammar I made is so unacceptable. I wonder why even I get subs and all....




10 years laters…


“So if I give this to my adorable squishy Myunnie, he will accept my love? That’s it hyung?”

Baekhyun meekly nod. He put the flower scissor in his apron pocket after he done cutting the remaining leaves on tiger lilies.

“But it’s too girlish! I mean, he is a wolf and I would think that wolf must be hate flower and all.”

“Why would that?”

“Just because! I want to look cool in front of him! I’m a wolfdog so everything must be perfect for him.”

Baekhyun look at the tanned boy helplessly. This is not the first time Jongin barge in like a crazy boy. The boy will suddenly run into him hug tightly his waist and chanted Joonmyeon name repeatedly. He will talk about how beautiful Joonmyeon was, how the little angle smiles at him, how the white skin boy shared his food with him and everything about Joonmyeon until Baekhyun has to cover his mouth to stop talking.

For seven years old boy like Jongin to fall in love, it may sound like a monkey love.

“Look, it’s nothing wrong if you give tiger lilies to Joonmyeon. Flower is not just for a girls only Jongginie. Boys can give a flower to someone he’s like and I don’t think give a flower is too girlish. And if you think so why would you say being a florist like me is a cool job?”

Jongin fiddle with his tiny finger and his eye look on the floor. Once he said, he wanted to be a florist like a Baekhyun because he thinks it’s a cool and happy job.

“Yeah, but I’m still doubt if he want to accept this or not.”

“Well, you can try. There’s nothing wrong if you try once. I give you three tiger lilies for trial. How about that?”


Baekhyun nod while smile happily at Jongin. He then wraps three tiger lilies in the blue wrapping paper and tied it with royal blue ribbon. Baekhyun like to use blue color because it will not look too girly (in Jongin opinion) and more suitable for Joonmyeon.

“There you go. Here, give this to Joonmyeon and after that please report to me okay?”

“Okay! I will bring apple pie for you hyung to repay this!” Jongin grab the flowers and run to outside eagerly to meet his crush.

Baekhyun smiled alone. This is the reasons why he loved to be a florist. He loved the work environment that’s cheerful, encourage his creativity and smells fantastic. It’s not like he don’t get any other job which offers him much more pay, but he’s starting to realized, he loved to be surrounded by flowers and lovely customer. Baekhyun is not fond with having male friends when he’s in school. He has a lot of female friend but that doesn’t meant he is playboy or whatsoever. Most of all, his customer is old lady, housewife, couples and kid helplessly in love like Jongin.

Floral designers are present for some of the most important moments in people’s lives. Mostly, he has to choose for them which flower is matching with their mate and he’s also doing a great job as a florist. The stock of flower he gets is from the wolfdog village. The village is popular for their tulips though.

“I see Jongin run from the shop. What happen?” Mrs. Byun asks after she just returned from groceries shop. She wipes the sweat that starting leaking. Baekhyun quickly help his mother.

“It’s a same things everyday mom. Joonmyeon this, Joonmyeon that, Joonmyeon blah blah blah…” he passed the glass filled with water to his mom.

Mrs. Byun chuckles. She knows that kid very well. “Ah, I wonder what happen when he’s grown up and remembers how crazy he is with that little angel.”

“He probably freaks out or he doesn’t care at all.”

Baekhyun lift heavy containers to sorting the stock. He just got a fresh red roses early in the morning and he have to make sure the roses still keep fresh. The shop is not big but its fit enough to make a business. Only he and his mother run the business.

Baekhyun is too immersed with his stuff until he’s forget that his mom watch him intensely. Her fingers play with the empty glass and is open and closed like a fish.

Baekhyun knows that his mother want to tell something but he’s ignore her. But after a while he’s kind a bit of distracted.

“Mom, if you want to tell something, just let it out okay? I’m not mad out of nowhere.”

She clears his throat with a slow cough. Her old fingers put the glass on the table beside before look at her only son. She never realized Baekhyun already grown to be a beautiful man. His petite body never changes and his white pure skin becomes flawless in most any day. Other than old folks and children come to their shop, no wonder, mostly their customer is from male alpha and beta because they attracted at Baekhyun.

“So, they decided to have a celebration in our village. The council will be here for the new status for wolfdog.”

Baekhyun never paid attention on what his mother says but he still response with humming his tone low.

“I wonder if you wanna go to that celebration.”

“Why did you ask?” Baekhyun suddenly blurt out his curiosity as his mother never seems hesitate to talk something with him.

“I thought it would be nice if you be there celebrate with all your friends and pure wolf. You should be happy that the new alpha leader is worked hard to put up the new status for wolfdog as a wolf.”

The breeze air flow in and swept his bang slowly as know how he feels contain and relief with that news. He knew about that new status and of course he do feel happy. He feels relief which mean the other wolfdog do’t have through the hard time to socialize with pure wolf.

He should send his gratefulness to that alpha.

But he doesn’t know him yet and never meet one either.

“I don’t know mom. I don’t think is important for me to be there except if there someone want to meet me.”

He curiously glances at his mother when she is recklessly played with the rose in the tiny yellow vase. He have the feeling his mother hide something from him.

“oh.” She paused as she think to find another word to talk. Then she sigh in defeated knowing her son is not someone easily to talk.

Baekhyun take a stool and sit in front of her. “Mom, I know you hide something from me.”



Baekhyun and his mom almost jumped from their sit when one tall boy barge in like a crazy Jongin and shouted in madness. Baekhyun massage his temple in defeat and his mother chuckled to see one messy handsome boy inhaled and exhaled air like being drowned in the sea for hours.

“Hello Tao. Nice to see you young man.” Mrs. Byun gives Tao her charming smile.

“Hai Mrs. Byun! Is nice to see you too. Mama ask me to told you that she will waiting you at the normal café you all usually hanging out.” In one breath Tao blurted out everything.

“Okay Tao. Take your time to talk. Guess I leave both of you.” She takes her purse and gives Tao and Baekhyun one charming smile. But Baekhyun feel the smile she gave him is different and have a meaning behind it.

“Tao, next times don’t do that to me again.” Baekhyun sternly say. He has enough yelling and shouting his name and makes him shocked every time and every day.

“Sorry. But! I have something to ask you.”

“Go on.” Baekhyun continued to arrange the roses in display vase. After Jongin and his mother distracted him, not even single rose being touched by him. So, he tries to do best to settle his jobs as soon as possible.

“Hyung, let’s go to the celebration tomorrow please?” Tao gives his puppy eyes which can be resists by Baekhyun usually.

“Why everybody want me to go that celebration? My mom asks me the same thing like you.”

“It must be fun we all celebrate together. I’m so happy after they decided to change the status for us. As a wolfdog, I’m happy they accept us as wolf and not the filthy dog they usually insulted us.”

Tao is not any different with Baekhyun. He is having hard times when he’s grown up. Keep frequently being a bully victim by rich bratty pure wolf. Tao might look tough outside but he definitely can be broken inside.

“Please hyung. Pretty please?” the younger one keep whining after Baekhyun keep his mouth in thin line.

Is not that he don’t happy with the celebration. He just uncomfortable with too many people surrounds him as he likes to be alone since that accident. And mostly what he is afraid even more is to meet him.

Baekhyun will do anything to avoid meeting him.


Baekhyun is finally giving up. Tao is a thick headed and when he don’t get what he want, until then he will never stop whining and talking. Baekhyun had lot things to do and to hear whine from Tao is not of his jobs.

Tao is containing in happiness and his black orb around his eye doesn’t matching at all with that type of expression. Baekhyun is really happy to have someone like him even the younger keep acting like a brat but as a hyung that should be a normal view.

Tao keep reminding him that the celebration theme is masquerade and he asks Baekhyun to wear a beautiful and glittering mask that night.

‘Heck I’m gonna wearing it.’




He really wanted to run back at his home, enjoying snack in front of television while snuggle in the warm sofa. He do remember tonight will be air his favorite drama series and he never miss it. Not even once.

He pull out his reverie when the tug on his small arm yanking him up.

‘Damn it, this brat sure practice wushu.’

“hyung, forget about your drama series or whatever at home. You already promise me we gonna enjoy this party tonight.” Tao securely grip his hand on Baekhyun arm afraid that the older might runaway leaving him behind. He should know, Baekhyun is not strong enough to loosen the grip.

The celebration is held in the big beautiful mansion belong to chief of the village. The wolfdog chief is kind to allowed everyone in the village attend to this celebration. Baekhyun once meet him when he and his mother still new in this village. Baekhyun likes him because he is kind and friendly even though his 90 years old. For old man like him to be able walk around the village by himself is already proved that this old man is strong and healthy.

Wolfdog and pure wolf don’t stop coming from the entry. Everyone put their mask and Baekhyun don’t even know which wolfdog is and which pure wolf is. The expensive car is park all away at the side of the road.

Baekhyun heard that the Alpha will be attending the party.

“I hate those girls.” Tao pointed at a group of female wolf with the iest clothing and barely cover their top. Baekhyun raised his eyebrow wondering why Tao hate them.

“I know them targeting on Alpha. I knew it since they already wear their thick make up and all. If I’m the Alpha no way in hell I would choose them.”

Baekhyun eyes are wide open. He is weird why the Alpha is still single because the rule to be chosen by the council is the candidates have to be mate first.

“Wait Tao, did you just say the Alpha is still single?”

“What? I thought you already know?”

Baekhyun puffed his cheek after he heard the mock tone from Tao. Bet the brat mocking him to be unsocial.

“ow, don’t do that hyung. It makes me wanna pinch the cheek of yours.”

“What the hell Tao!” baekhyun slap slowly the hand.

“Don’t be mad hyung. I heard it from the rumors. You know my mom, she like gossiping with her friend…”

“And my mom too.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever. Just I heard it before; the council really liked the Alpha so they want appointed him to be one. But, he refuse because you know the rule right? He has to be mate first to show his manliness and dominance. But the Alpha refuses.”

“Why?” this seems interesting.

“People said he’s waiting someone to bring back his broken heart.”

Baekhyun watch Tao as the younger tell the story intensely. baekhyun do think that the Alpha is such a loyal mate and he really wanted to meet him.

Also to thanks him for help the wolfdog.

“And at the end, the council still appoints him because no other wolf can defeat his charisma and charming. After hearing this I kind fell in love with him even though I never meet him once.”

Baekhyun falls silent. Not mind at all what Tao mumbling.

“Too bad his belong to someone.”


Yeah, I wonder who it is.



The party is not bad at all. Baekhyun honestly do enjoying the party not because the music or the dancing but because of the food. He is weird what Tao think. Tao keep dragging him away from food corner and lead him to the dancing floor but at the end Baekhyun barely leave his food and branded champagne.

Baekhyun wearing a classic half turquoise, half gold contrast with gold overlay pattern and trim. Tao told him that the mask he’s wearing right now has the meaning inside. The mask is told do I want to be playful or seductive? Funny or mysterious? Elegant and demure or bold and daring. Baekhyun rolled his eye when Tao tell him that because it’s not his intended to seduce anyone or getting laid tonight. He thought the food already seduce him.

Baekhyun don’t realize when Tao leaving him in the corner while him enjoying every bite of the ham. He looked up when someone touch his shoulder lightly.

“Hmm, excuse me?”

“Are you alone sweetie?”

What. The. Hell? Did this guy just called him sweetie because no. He is a man for the facts.

“Sorry but I’m a man for your information and the terms of sweetie is not suitable for my gender.”

The man wearing a mask influenced by the baroque style of 16th century Italy with features the sun symbols, jeweled embellishments, floral motifs and a distressed bronze metallic chuckled lightly as he amused by Baekhyun sassiness.

Even Baekhyun is amused by himself why he suddenly becomes more sassy and bold.

“That’s only a polite manner of mine to treat such a beautiful person like you my angel.”

Baekhyun want to protest because he hates the terms of beautiful and all. He doesn’t like compliments because before this he living with insult and harsh words. Those compliments only waste his time.

Baekhyun is almost likely to drop his glass when the strangers touch his cheek. But when someone hand which is strong and big hold his wrist to avoid the glass from fall, Baekhyun retrieve his posture and gain his defense.

“Don’t lay your finger on him.” Stern and deep. That is what Baekhyun thought when the tall man speaks.

“Tsk, you no fun. This pretty man should be mine you know?”

“Sehun. Don’t . Please watch your manner.”

Baekhyun is stand in the middle between two tall and well built body. He can feel the two glaring at each other and did he just hear growl sound coming from them. no. He doesn’t want to involve between wolf fight. Is he some kind of princess that worth to fight for? Suddenly he feels regrets to not join Tao earlier.

“Alright, alright. Someone might chock me if I touch you. So, see you later sweetie pie!” Sehun leave Baekhyun dumbfounded with the taller man.

Baekhyun is awe about his height because his head only reach below his shoulder and not even Tao can be tall like this. His suit is perfectly fit on his body and distinctive masculine baroque-style mask with a silver metallic is stately and proud. It’s featuring two winged hoses, floral motif and decadent jewels. It has luxe-appeal for the modern man.

“What?” baekhyun ask the taller man when he doesn’t hear what he is talking about.

“I said are you okay?”

“Oh. I’m okay. The glass still in my hand and I don’t drop my ham, so I guess I’m very okay.”

“You’re not dancing?”

“Dancing is not my thing. Beside I have a great company though.”

“And who is that?”

Baekhyun show him a glass of champagne and a ham. The taller laugh at Baekhyun act.

“Mind if I accompany you?”

He shall not refuse because this man definitely reminds him of someone. So he agreed and the taller lead him to the outside which he doesn’t know where. Both standing in the middle of balcony that separate the hall.

Baekhyun is greeting by a beautiful garden. Garden like in the movie. Like a fairytale full of blossom flower and green bush. The fountain is shining under the moonlight and he knows the moon is like symbol for wolf.

“It’s beautiful isn’t? The chief show me his garden and I suddenly attach to it. Town doesn’t have this kind of view you know.”

Baekhyun is too immersed with breeze air and fragrance smell from the flower.

“But there someone is beautiful than this.”

Baekhyun cornered is eyes and look at the taller hidden face. Even Baekhyun can’t see his whole face but he can feel his sorrow eyes and sadness in his tone. He seems lonely as he broken hearted for hundred years. Baekhyun feel his sadness but he keeps his mouth shut. Because socialized is not his thing.

“I’m really stupid to not tell him my feelings before he go because if I did that, I know he would be in my arms right now.”

So, that person is he.

“If I could turn back the time, I will no… I’m definitely loved him with all my soul and heart and never leave him anymore.”

If we could. Baekhyun ever wonder if human could turn back the time it will make the thing even better? Can the couple getting back together? Can the person you love die in accident can be alive again? Can you get your health back after you know you have cancer? People want to go back at the past to correct everything, to make it even better and memorable. But everyone knows no one can do that.

Baekhyun know, he can’t go back to retrieve his friendship back.


“What would you do if you can turn back the time?” the man ask him after he sees the smaller one keep quite all the time.


Baekhyun don’t feel to run anymore. If he keeps it, it will hurt him more.

“I want my friendship back with Chanyeol.”


“Yeah. Tall crazy young wolf. I don’t believed he is few month younger than me. I mean if you look at his height, you will not know he is younger than me.”

The man nooded.

“But that’s not the point. I just want to apologize to him because I just broke his heart. I accused him out of nowhere without prove and it’s like I just throwing a at his face. He is a pure wolf for god sake and I’m just a wolfdog which is tainted with filthiness. He is kind to me but what just I did. I’m freaking said I hate him.”

His vision is started to blurry because the tears that threatening to fall. He forced himself to hold the tears for not spilling in front of the stranger but he failed after he felt the touch on his cheek wiped the tears away from tainted his milky skin.

The man in silver mask offered his handkerchief to Baekhyun for wiped his tears away. He shyly takes it and promised will return back the gold color handkerchief. 

Baekhyun forgot the times he spends with the man for the rest of the celebration. Talking with this tall man makes him comfortable and easy for him to let it out what have been he holding on for the years. It’s not like he hates to share his problem or stories with others especially with his mother but he seems not ready to share it with anyone.

But there something about this man. Its likes that the man knew what he’s thinking and Baekhyun likes to take a look at his gaze at his face for what it seems to be intimidating.

Baekhyun excuse himself when he sees Tao waves his hand among the crowded people. He wiped his remaining tears and give him his last smile before go. But he stopped by a hand on his wrist.

“No matter what happen, just believe that friendship is never end. Have a faith on him because the fate is always being with us.”

Baekhyun smile sheepishly as he takes the wise words deep in his heart. He really hopes the friendship is still there but doubt about it. Whether he doubt about Chanyeol or he doubt about himself.

“Hyung, who is he? You seem to know him.” Tao ask with his curiosity starting floating in his mind. His eyes never leave the tall figure which is now missing among the people.

“Nah, just some random stranger I talked to. Where did you go suddenly leaving me alone?”

“pssh, excuse me Mister but you are the one who don’t want to leave your ham.” Tao rolled his eyes as he jabbed his finger on Baekhyun arms.

Both of them burst into laughter. Suddenly he feels relieved after he talked with the tall man. He makes a noted maybe one day he can treat the man a lunch or dinner.


“Now, we are gladly to have the Alpha to give his speech in front of us. Give a loud applause to our honored Alpha!” the host announce with the big applause.

Everybody including Baekhyun doesn’t want to lose an opportunity to take a look at the person who has change the wolfdog world. The hall suddenly begins quiet as something big will happen.

Baekhyun jaws are hanged open after he sees the alpha. He is the same man who talked with him. He is the same man who gives his handkerchief to Baekhyun. He is the same man who gives his hopes reminding him that his friendship never ends. The tall man is the respectable Alpha.

Tao wooing slowly at the back and whisper to Baekhyun. “Damn it hyung! Did you just have a talk with the Alpha?”

“Just shut your mouth Tao! I don’t want people hearing this.” Baekhyun hissed back at Tao with flushed face.

Baekhyun embarrassed. Not because he having a chat with the Alpha but of course he is shame after everything he already told him. He just freaking said his secret and bitter past. What do you expect when the stranger is the alpha?

Really, Baekhyun is willing to jump off the cliff rather than face him again.

The Alpha cleared his throat before he starts his speech.

“Have you ever wondered why someone felt so distant or seemed so different than anyone else in a crowd? Have you ever wondered why you always seemed to struggle with some mundane task in your life while others seem to soar? If you answered yes to either to those questions, then you need to sit back and evaluate your current situation.”

“So many people are seen as weird or odd. Others are seen simply for their appearance, race, creed or gender. However, many people present themselves for what they are not. It’s not the color of your skin or our creed that differentiate us. It is what we’ve experienced in our life that brings out the different in each other. Life exists in levels of knowledge and experience.

“We came in same ancestors. We have a same blood running in every our veins. You can’t deny that we live as brothers and sisters. We need each other in every step we take.”

“I know, before I takes the step forwards, our mind has been set to hate on wolfdog. Don’t you think that person you hated right now maybe is your long lost brothers and sisters? Maybe it’s your father who married with your mother but they have to separate because your mother is pure wolf and your father isn’t?”

“When we feel angry or frustrated, we often look for someone else to blame for our problems. I’m ashamed of myself for not realized this sooner. Because of my unconsciousness, I blind for what the pure wolf do towards wolfdog. I’m so enjoyed with my life and not realized all of you need someone as knight in shining amour. I’m so stupid for not realized it because slowly I begin lost my other half.”

“If you have a chance to live with your loved one, just cherish every moment because either both of you can’t predict what happen in the future. The worst feeling in the world is when you know that you both love each other but still you just can’t be together.”

Baekhyun turned out. He can’t bear to hear something like that. It’s not that he hates what the Alpha just said but he hates the fact that what he said is what happens in his life. Just, how you supposed to react when the situation is quiet similar with him.

Tao tugged his sleeve after seeing Baekhyun have an urge to run away from the ceremony. He is oblivious about anything as the younger one think Baekhyun might be not interested with the speech.

“Tao…I…I think I need a rest. Do you want to stay here or you want to follow me?” his voice began to crack a little after the scene of Chanyeol leaving him playing in his mind.

Why? Why now?

Tao smile a little and know the older one had been bothered by something. Even he is most likely act like a whining kid but he does respect Baekhyun privacy and private matter. He keeps his mouth shut and lead Baekhyun to the exit door.

But Tao, still oblivious there are tears behind the mask.





Ehem. /clears throat for shameful speech/


OKAY. Seriously guys, I'm really bad in updating stories because yeah, I have other commitment. Work and Fanfic shouldn't be mixed together. (My boss just catched me open a AFF while working and he ask me if AFF is like a Facebook and I'm just nooded. Then he ask me to sign up for him and I'm just give him a blank stare. WHY YOU WANT TO SIGN UP FOR AFF BOSS BECAUSE YOU'RE 47 YEARS OLD MAN AND DID YOU EVEN KNOW BAEKYEOL IS REAL AND I'M HOPING BAEKHYUN IS PREGNANT WITH CHANYEOL KIDS. I really wanna tell him that but after half an hour, he forgot what he saw.

At first I decided to post this chapter along with the final chapter but when I looked at the last date I'm updating, I was just like 'Godammit I'm still not even write the final chap and should I be a sloth because I deserve to be a sloth'.

So, I posted this chap meaning I apologized about my attitude. /slapped cheeks/

Just don't throw me a bricks and rocks even if you can. But if you want to throw Baekyeol and Xiuhan to me, I volunteer to catch them! LOL.

Apologized for the Capslock things and useless rambling.

Until then, see you guys again in the final chapter which I don't know when. Bye! /nervous mouse clicking/




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Chapter 3: Can we hv a baekyeol fam sequel, no ???
Chapter 3: PERFECT ENDING !!!!!!
Lolol totally love this !!! ♥
Amazing as always !! ♥

And yeah, i'm on your side with that kris thingy !!! ♥
Chapter 3: oh my god, again! you make my heart has a weird feels because of this unbearably fluffy wolfau things ;~; <3

seriously, please continue to make ChanBaek wolfau. And a sequel about Baek having Chanyeol's pup would be perfect xD
Like have I said, Baekhyun pregnant with Chanyeol's pups is yuum
Chapter 3: I love this even there is no or some scenes ...

Love baek wearing chanyeol's shirt
AisyahUmaira #5
Chapter 3: great! it was so baekyeol 4ever!
AnggySam #6
Chapter 3: ow so great, BaekYeol always cute together
Darkness96 #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhhhh.....nice stories~so sweet like the candy i eat while read this story...hahahaha....authornim,i love krisho too *high five*.....baekyeol is so sweet~^_^.would u like to write stories about krisho baekyeol hunhan kaisoo..with ....hehehhee...sorry i got little crazy when i excited...
bunnybaekkie #8
Chapter 3: Lol.i cant with KaiHo ♡ so sweet and i want seqeul xD.poor baek .. TnT why chanyeol like that. please make this story to chappie 4 hahahaha xD

And omg Jongin is too cute I kennot!! I bet Kris will have his kick later Lololol.

Baek is Chanyeol's shirt! /dead