We're different

Fight for Love

Please pardon my obsession towards wolf!au. If you feel bored with this kind of story, I suggested you back out now. I know it's so cliche but this is just my another baekyeol feels.

Also my horrible grammar and English might makes your eyes hurt. Seriously.



Canis lupus familiaris.

The correct term for mix of a wolf and a domestic dog is “wolfdog”. The dog was reclassified as a subspecies of wolf (canis lupus familiaris).

The question is what the difference between a wolf and a wolfdog is, since all dogs are descended from wolves the two species share some similar characteristics, such as their sense of smell and even behavioral things like putting their ears back to show submission. That being said, their similarities are few. Dogs have spent hundreds of years living amongst human and thus have evolved to be very different from their wild ancestors.

The majority of dogs’ breeds have floppy ears and short snouts; these are characteristics that are only found in wolf puppies. But mostly wolfdog has the same eye color. If look at a wolf the first thing you are sure to notice is it’s piercing yellow eyes. All wolves have varying shades of yellow eyes. This is an eye color that is occasionally found in dogs, though most have brown or sometimes blue eyes.

Wolfdog looked smaller than wolves. They are fonder towards human and definitely different with their ancestor who is wild and uncontrolled. The biggest different between these two is their mental state. Dogs only develop to the mental stage of a ten to thirty day old wolf puppy. This means dogs never become adults, which allows humans to be able to tell a dog what to do. Wolves reach maturity at two to three years of age. When they reach maturity, they become very independent, and possessive of anything that happens to find its way their mouth.

Back then at old centuries, to wolves mate with a dog is such a taboo. Pure blood of wolves is sacred and they are honored with high authorities. To be born as a pure blood wolves is such a bless. This same as you born as a royal blood. Opposite with wolfdog, where they are being enslaved by wolves, their status to be said is like as filth wolves and they have a lowest rank in the wolf family. The wolfdog start to think as their existence maybe is such a mistake.


But different degree of life can’t defeat the pure love of two creatures.





Baekhyun is still young at that time. When his father decides to leave him and his mother to married with pure blood wolf, Baekhyun can’t understand why his mother can’t stop crying. Every night, he can hear the sobbing sound from his mother bedroom as she mourns over something. Baekhyun want to comfort her. Baekhyun wants to wipe her tears away. He wants to her to stop crying.

He has such hard times when he is first year of school where he is eight years old. Her mother loses her job and Baekhyun frequently being bullied by other wolf for his status as a wolfdog. But Baekhyun is smart kid. He doesn’t want to be a burden towards his mother to tell her that he is a victim. So he keep the pain alone as a though kid even inside of him is broken.

When he is ten years old, his mother got an offer job from her friends. Baekhyun can’t be happier when he hears that news. Both of them go the said place and his mouth is wide open when they reach at the gate. This is not a house what his mother said about. This is totally a mansion where such a royal families can live here.

They being invited by a guard and Baekhyun can smell the strong scent of pure blood wolf. He start to ask himself is his mother friend is a pure wolf?

“I’m happy to see that you accept my offer Yura. This is the only way me and my husband can help you.” The beautiful tall woman with long black hair greets them in the huge living room. The silk dress fit perfectly as she dress like a queen and Baekhyun is awe because of her flawless face. The said woman smile at him when she notices Baekhyun can stop staring at her.

“Actually I’m really grateful you offer me to be your household. We are barely survived at outside so this is a great chance to me and my son to have a better life.” Mrs. Byun said sheepishly shy as her status as a wolfdog.

“It’s kind to hard to find a great maid to manage this mansion. So I hope you can handle well. So can I know the name of this cute wolf?” she bends down a little so her eyes are reaching the same level of Baekhyun. Her enchanting yellow eyes stare deeply as she finds to dig into his soul.

Baekhyun startled as he never see such beautiful eyes before this. She has a beautiful eye indeed. The long eyelashes flatter softly and her red lips smile fondly at him. Baekhyun hug his mother waist and hide behind her. The beautiful woman raised her eyebrow wondered why Baekhyun seem afraid at her.

“Sorry Taeyeon, but Baekhyun is not very open with strangers. And most likely with pure blood wolf.”

“Oh it’s okay. I guess maybe he is the same age of my son? He really like to make a new friend.” She smiles again before lead them to somewhere.

Baekhyun don’t like an idea about what she said. He’s afraid that her son will be the same like other wolves. The idea of getting bullied by her son is like worse thing he don’t want to be.

They pass through the beautiful garden with green grass. Baekhyun a little bit happy when he smells the fresh green scent of a just-mowed lawn. He likes everything which is green and natural.

They track stop in front of old shed but still in good condition. Baekhyun guess the shed must be don’t be used in such a long time. There are a few maids who busy clean the shed outside and inside.

“I’m kind bad to give you this place to stay but I think this is the best for personal place so you don’t be bothered by anyone.”

“Oh my god Taeyeon. This is already enough for me. I’m grateful to have a kind hearted friend like you.” Mrs. Byun shed in tear as she hugs her best friend. Baekhyun completely silent observed everything because everything seems alien for him.

That night, Baekhyun and his mother moving from their rent room to the new places. Baekhyun wanted to tell his mom because he’s kind not comfortable to have a wolves scent lingering around him but after he see his smile never stop smiling, he really need to cancel his intention. For him as long as his mother smile, he will make the smile stay put forever.

He’s encounter with such a young wolves. They meet in front of Baekhyun new house when he busy arranged the pebbles. The curly hair wolves never said anything but keep look at him. Baekhyun see in both of his hand lay a bar snickers.

Baekhyun don’t like this. He knows this wolf want to bully him so he run away from him and closed the door. His mother kind of surprise when she’s hears someone banging at the door, begging to be open.

“Wait! Don’t runaway! I want to be your friend!”

Baekhyun refusing to open the door and he sit in the corner hugging his knee. Mrs. Byun sigh because she really well known about her son behavior.  She opens the door and welcomed by a cute looking boy who wanted to cry in anytime.

“Are you Chanyeol?”

He nodded and grips the snickers a little hard.

“Come in Chanyeol.”

The boy quickly enters the house and his eye wondered in everywhere as he looking something. His yellow eyes spot quickly a small built body in the corner. He make his track slowly to make sure he’s not afraid the little one.

“Don’t come near!” Baekhyun yelled.

“Mother said I have a new friend. So I get my way here to give you this.”

Baekhyun glance at his hand and see the snickers. Mrs. Byun decides to not interfere so she makes her way to the backyard.

“I don’t know you, so why should I accept that?”

“Because you’re my friend? I’m really happy to have a new wolf friend!”

The statement makes him want to cry. Of course this boy though he’s a wolf. The size not makes any different as they still child.

“I don’t want to be your friend!” he knows this is the best. It’s okay if he’s always alone.


“Because we’ll never be one!”

“Yeah?! So tell me why so I will make sure that you will be my friend!” the boy is very persistent. He really determined of what he said.

Should Baekhyun say that he’s a wolfdog? Should he say that he just a filth wolf which doesn’t belong to be friend with pure blood wolf? If he being honest, will the wolf boy leave him alone or he just make a Baekhyun as his victims?

“B-Because I’m a wolfdog…”


“So I’m can’t be friend with you.”

“Is that all?”


“I don’t see any different between wolfdog and wolf. The scent comes from yours is not like dog at all. And I’m not a picky person to choose friend.”

“So you still want to be friend with me?”

“Why not? I’m kind lonely here to live alone in my house. Here, take this.” he shoved Baekhyun a snickers.

“After you eat this that’s mean we just made a pact.”

Baekhyun take the snickers from his hand and grip it securely.

“Called me Chanyeol. I’ll call you Baekhyun. Is that alright?”

Baekhyun just nodded. He just made a new friend and his heart flutters in happiness.




“Yah Chanyeol! Wake up you lazy bum!” Baekhyun try to grip the quilt from hugging the taller male.

This is not the first time he doing this to wake up the alpha wolf. Every morning before he goes to school, he makes sure to wake up Chanyeol first. Chanyeol will not wake up if the maid who will do that. Baekhyun can’t understand why he should do this.

“Chanyeol! We have test this morning!”

The taller groan and buried his face deeper on the pillow.

“I will not come to your match this Saturday if you still sleeping.”

“NO!” Chanyeol grip Baekhyun wrist and make the smaller lying on top of Chanyeol bare chest. His nose bump into his toned chest and Baekhyun can smell a strong masculine scent right here.

He started to blush when Chanyeol hands soothing his back as he embraced him like a delicate doll. Is not that he don’t like the way Chanyeol act, but he hates the feeling like a butterflies in the stomach.

Chanyeol always like this since they met. He abnormally touchy with him and frequently holding hands when they go somewhere. At first Baekhyun it’s okay because the picture of two little kids holding hand it seems so cute. But when they reach at puberty age, this seems wrong for Baekhyun. But Chanyeol keep insists that this the normal way of how best friend act.

“Chanyeol! Let me go! I can’t breathe!”

“Tell me you will go this Saturday.”

“I will go if you wake up right now.”

Chanyeol push gently Baekhyun body to the side as he start to get up. He kicks the quilt which hugging his body likes cocoon and before he makes his way to his bathroom, he kisses Baekhyun cheek deeply.

“What was that for?!” Baekhyun yelled loud as he can but it’s been ignored by the taller which disappear through the bathroom.

Baekhyun hates this feeling.

Every day, Chanyeol likes to show his affection towards Baekhyun. He treats him like his own girlfriend. Baekhyun wanted to tell him to stop but who is he to do that. He just a wolfdog that has no place in Chanyeol heart.

Park Chanyeol. This guy definitely a born with a leader charms. Everywhere he goes, he gains attention from male or woman. At school, he is active in sport mostly in basketball. He’s even being the captain for three years. His academic result always is on the top chart. The teachers praise him whenever he successfully in something.

The different between Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun is he’s a future alpha wolf and Baekhyun is just a filth wolfdog.

“What sock color you wearing today?” he ask while rumming through his wardrobe after he’s done with his shirt and pants.

“Chanyeol, stop wearing the same sock color like me. I don’t want them looking at us weird again.”

“So? Let them see. I just wanted to tell them that us is one hella damn matching pair.”

“That sound so gay Chanyeol.”

“Gay is not wrong. The wrong is peopling itself.”

Baekhyun clicked his tongue. He never can win when debated with this giant. As long as he remembers, never in billion times dare to argue with him. He’s just too clever in everything.



‘Filth things don’t deserved to live among us.’

‘Die. Die. Die.”

‘Just disappeared and never comeback.’

‘Go yourself you filth dog.’


When he open his locker, he always greeting with this greetings. Baekhyun close his eye, try to dissolved his sad emotion and forcefully smile at his best friend when Chanyeol ask why he looked stunned when open his locker.

Baekhyun very hardly deny anything wrong and closed his locker once he grabs his note. He made a note in his mind to always lock his locker so Chanyeol would not see that. He’s actually weird why the others can shove the dirty note into his locker.

Baekhyun know why they hate him. Because this school only for pure blood wolf. Wolfdog doesn’t belong here.


Baekhyun feel betrayed when Chanyeol never tell him that he will engage. He’s got the news from the others wolves who always insulted him.

“Chanyeol will engage and he doesn’t tell you. You know what this mean?”

Baekhyun receveid a punch on his ribs. His leg is wobbled and he winced in pain.

“That’s mean he doesn’t want a filth animal like you to be at his engagement day you fool.”

It’s enough to breaks Baekhyun apart. He bit his lower lips because not of the pain from his rib but from his heart. It’s aching so much until he most likely to die. It is wrong for wolfdog and pure wolf to be together? Why these two can’t get along? Is pure wolf is sacred so much and see how low wolfdog be?

Baekhyun don’t ask to be born this way. He doesn’t ask to have a dog blood run into his veins. His mother even apologized hundred times when he see bruised on his body. But Baekhyun never blamed on fate. There is no one to blame. He knows that.


Maybe. Just maybe, he should stop getting his hope high.


Baekhyun stop seeing Chanyeol after he knows about his engagement. He switches off the phone Chanyeol gives him and refuse to get out from his room. When the school day, he stop waking him up as he always does.

He managed to dodge Chanyeol eyes when they bumped. Baekhyun is fast runner. When Chanyeol chased him to ask what wrong, Baekhyun successfully hide from the alpha. He managed to do that for the entire week.

And for that week, the bullies’ thing is getting worse. The note keeps coming until his locker full of it. The number of bruised on his body increase. The bullies are smart not to hurt the smaller on the face or arm because they will be dead if Chanyeol knew about it. They satisfied enough to see the wolfdog suffering in pain, lying on the bathroom floor helpless.

“You kind of cute when I stare at you carefully.”

“Why don’t we shove the to his hole? I really want to him hard and silly.”

“Ah, now I’m understood why the alpha keep you. Because he wanted to you, using you as his toy while he gonna mate with someone.”

“You’re nothing but useless filth dog. The alpha only wants your hole.”

“Hahaha. How low life you have? Oh, I forgot, wolfdog is a slave for pure blood wolf. The title will never change.”


He wanted to be born as deaf so he never heard that insult again. Baekhyun eyes streaming out like a river. He’s completely broken inside and outside. Is it true that Chanyeol only using him?

“Baekhyun, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” His mother cried while applied the cream on his bruised.

Today he got beaten by rod steel on his stomach. The pain is unbearable and he cried for an hour alone in the store school.

“Mom, I want to disappear so nobody will be hate at me like now.”

“Oh Baekhyun my son, I’m sorry for the mistake I ever made. I should never marry to that jerk.”

“Mom, is not your fault okay.” He using his slender finger wiped his mother tears away. It’s fine if he’s suffering alone. He doesn’t ever want his mother suffer even more.

“I wanted to tell this long time ago but I don’t know if you fond with this idea.” Mrs. Byun put the cream aside and rubs her hand together. The smell of the cream is filling around the living room.

Baekhyun completely quiet and just wait for what his mother would say.

“There is a place; I think a small village far away from this place. The village is for wolfdog only, the same species like us.”

Baekhyun raised his eyebrow. He knows what his mother talking about but he decides to let her finish first.

“I think the best way is we move to that village.”

“How far it is?”

“Far enough to heal your broken heart.”

When Baekhyun want to reply, there are loud banging sounds from the door. The bang is seem not gonna stop if Baekhyun or his mother don’t open it. Baekhyun glance at Mrs. Byun begging her to ignored the banging sound. He damn knows that is Chanyeol.

The alpha he wants to get rid.


“I know you’re inside Baekhyun!”


“I’ll never stop if you don’t open up!”


“ it! I’m gonna crush this door!”

There are silent moments. Only cricket sound can be heard and Baekhyun take a gulp down his saliva afraid that the alpha will crush the door. He grips his mother arm begging her to never leave him.


The door is broken with one kick. What did you expect? Of course as a alpha he has an extraordinary strength. That’s why don’t ever ever find a troubled with alpha because they can smash you like a rubbish.

“Baekhyun!” his eye spot the two figure sit in the living room. He bow slightly at Mrs. Baekhyun and then his eye stop at Baekhyun.

Chanyeol is completely frozen on his track. At first, when he burst into Baekhyun house, he wants to strangle him because he really pissed off for the entire week. Baekhyun ignored him and he doesn’t like it for a bit.

But after he see Baekhyun flat stomach full with bruised and marks, he grip his knuckles hard.

“C-Chanyeol…” Mrs. Byun said with fear. The air is so tensed. She can’t even utter any word. She sees her son avoiding Chanyeol deep stare.

She takes a chance to leave both of them. They are not child anymore so she surely knows they would not fight each other. Because she also know the deep stare Chanyeol give to Baekhyun is not comes from a best friend but more than that.

After Mrs. Byun leave them silently in the living room, Chanyeol come near to Baekhyun.


“Why don’t you leave Chanyeol. I’m so tired right now so I need to sleep.”

“w-where did you get that…” he point at Baekhyun stomatch.

“Oh, I don’t know. There is too much name and I can’t even tell all of them.”

“ Baekhyun! You should tell me that they are bullying you! What are you?! A slave for them?!”

“If you remember wolfdog is a slave for pure blood wolf. I don’t see wrong about that.” Baekhyun calmly said while inside he’d been crying. He can even take a look at Chanyeol eyes because he’s afraid Chanyeol will know everything. He will know that Baekhyun is a weak one.


“Just get out already Chanyeol. Why should bother about me when you’re the one who want me to get out from your life?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m understand if you don’t want me to be in that ceremony but if you tell me that you will engaged that’s already makes me happy.”

Baekhyun wanna cursed himself for saying that word. He’s already made Chanyeol heartbroken but he thinks this is the best way to finish off everything.


“Don’t worry Chanyeol, I will out from your life so you will never be bothered by me anymore.”


The deep stern voice makes Baekhyun flinch. Chanyeol never raised his voice. He’s never mad at the smaller either.

“I hate you Chanyeol. I really hate you until I can’t stand to see your face anymore. Just get the out here.”


Surprisingly, Chanyeol complied with Baekhyun wishes.




Dun dun dun...of course it's not finish yet. The second part is still in progress.  /hiding in xiuhan feels/




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Chapter 3: Can we hv a baekyeol fam sequel, no ???
Chapter 3: PERFECT ENDING !!!!!!
Lolol totally love this !!! ♥
Amazing as always !! ♥

And yeah, i'm on your side with that kris thingy !!! ♥
Chapter 3: oh my god, again! you make my heart has a weird feels because of this unbearably fluffy wolfau things ;~; <3

seriously, please continue to make ChanBaek wolfau. And a sequel about Baek having Chanyeol's pup would be perfect xD
Like have I said, Baekhyun pregnant with Chanyeol's pups is yuum
Chapter 3: I love this even there is no or some scenes ...

Love baek wearing chanyeol's shirt
AisyahUmaira #5
Chapter 3: great! it was so sweat..love baekyeol 4ever!
AnggySam #6
Chapter 3: ow so great, BaekYeol always cute together
Darkness96 #7
Chapter 3: Yeahhhhh.....nice stories~so sweet like the candy i eat while read this story...hahahaha....authornim,i love krisho too *high five*.....baekyeol is so sweet~^_^.would u like to write stories about krisho baekyeol hunhan kaisoo..with ....hehehhee...sorry i got little crazy when i excited...
bunnybaekkie #8
Chapter 3: Lol.i cant with KaiHo ♡ so sweet and i want seqeul xD.poor baek .. TnT why chanyeol like that. please make this story to chappie 4 hahahaha xD

And omg Jongin is too cute I kennot!! I bet Kris will have his kick later Lololol.

Baek is Chanyeol's shirt! /dead