Being Remembered

The Fat and The Furious

Now, just let me clear things up. Even though my mother is like, almost always lamenting about how much people absolutely hated her in high school, she always dismisses the fact that most people actually remember her. Like , how could you not remember? She's the only 80+ kilo high school girl in like, the whole freakin school. And it was a mixed case. Some people liked her, some secretly admired her, but none of them actually tried to befriend her. Why?

Because... yeah, her weight. Everyone around her would be instantly ridiculed as well.

So I guess you could say that my mother was popular.

Just... not exactly a good type of popular.

Now grab some popcorn and let me show you exactly how people remembered her back in the day-- back in 2014.


", , go Sora! Quickly!!" Soo Jin bounced on her best friend to get her moving. "QUICK BEFORE THAT BROWN SUGA GETS HERE!"

"Ahh Jin, take it easy!" Sora fumbled forward as she tried to keep up with her ridiculously high heels. "These twig stilletos will break if you keep on pushing me like that!"

"I swear Sora, this is life or death. Wait." Soo Jin stopped for a moment and examined her up and down. "Those stilletos... Look exactly like you. Honestly, I would agree with what you just said. Except if I were to push you, the heels won't break, you will."

"It's not my fault I had to wear it! We're trying out a new thing today to see if we can rock a different kind of outfit and--"

"OH! MCDONALDS! WESTERN FOOD! HERE I COME!" Soo Jin broke her friend off as her eyes caught a glimpse of the take away shop.

"But Jin!! You promised your dad about your diet--"

" my diet!"

Sora shrugged and looked down at her heels as she noticed that Soo Jin had already crossed the road. For someone of her size, she ran fast. The speed of her running was equivalent of the speed of her rolling around. And that speed accelerates whenever she sees an ice cream truck.

Soo Jin was willing to chase ice cream trucks all the way around the city if she had to.

Sora sighed and smiled, admiring her best friend. She didn't take nobody's and she was a complete original. She didn't care about what others thought of her yet at the same time, she tries her best not to offend others. She looked across at Mcdonalds and saw Soo Jin waving at her frantically to go there with her.

Sora's case was an entirely different story. She can't just be like her best friend, as much as she had wanted to, because this was the life she'd chosen. It wasn't just a carreer, it's also a way of life. Being a model, means that you... kinda have to take people's . You actually have to listen. Do as you're told. As a model, every aspect of her life was controlled. From her diet to what product she uses to take a bath. And it's sometimes suffocating. She's not even famous yet but here she is. Being whipped around at everybody's whim.

"Ugh," Sora sighed, utterly sick of everything. She snatched her stillettos out of her feet, as if she were taking off velcro. She stared at it as if it was the most pungent thing in the world. "Yeah. this."

Then she ran across the road to see her friend, Soo Jin. Her eyes were extra, extra chinky and her smile had almost literally stretched from ear to ear. "I am so proud of you," Soo Jin pats her back, and due to her excitement, she patted it a bit too hard.

"FFUUUCCK," Sora almost yelled as she almost flew across the restaurant from the single pat. "Geez Jin. Keep the violence down." She patted her face, as if it would keep her makeup intact and looked over at the board to see what selections they could choose from.

"I'm so sorry. I am just extremely proud of you for choosing chicken nuggets and fries over carrots."

"What's wrong with carrots?"

"Carrots are quite yummy," Soo Jin randomly commented.

"..." Sora looked at her best friend, not exactly knowing how to react to the situation.

"Order for number 57," a woman at the counter called out, and Sora almost died out of a heart attack when Soo Jin suddenly bounced and squealed loudly upon hearing the 'long-awaited' announcement. (Mum still does this to every. Single. Mcdonalds store we go to. Yup.)

"Mmm, yummy. Fries," Soo Jin giggled happily. Yet her happiness was quickly dissipated when she looked up, and saw the next customers to be entering the shop.


Suga, RapMon, Jin and Jungkook were walking down the street. (Oh my goodness, such a cliche sentence. I storytell like a six-year-old, honestly. My mother better thank me for this.)

"Hyung, I'm hungry," Jungkook suddenly complained as he saw a McDonalds just up ahead. It had made him think of his noona, Soo Jin, and every time he thinks of her, he gets hungry. Just because whenever she was around, they would always eat. (But up until now, uncle Jungkook's still the size of a twig.)

Suga opened his mouth to retort something as he was accustomed to, yet he held back because... well, because it was uncle Jungkook. Like honestly, back in the day, they couldn't resist his charms. And dad was a DUDE. Instead, Suga cleared his throat. "What do you want?" His voice almost went an octave higher, and RapMon had to hold in his laughter from behind him. It was rare for him to be nice, yet he always tried his best for his favourite dongsaeng. He hadn't known Jungkook for as long as Soo Jin had, but we can safely say, that he was the younger brother that he never had, as well.

Jungkook's eyes lit up, and he weirdly bounced up and down like a child. It was a rare sight. He was normally a quiet boy, yet here he was.

Today was kind of an off day for everyone.

"MCDONAAALLLDS," he did a mini-squeal (that sounds much like mum's squeals, might I add) and smiled at each of his hyung's widely.

"It might be because he hasn't had breakfast yet," Jin leaned in to RapMon, trying to justify his actions. "Should we get him a happy meal?"

"Well Jin, there's no age limit on a happy meal," RapMon smiled. It was a smile where you just know he's guilty of the act himself. "And they can't forget the toy," he whispered to himself.

A bell rang as they entered the fast food restaurant, and Suga almost jumped at the sight, yet he regained composture almost immediately.

"Noona!" Jungkook cried out, immediately rushing out and giving the size XXL lady a hug. "I knew I would find you here!"

"Alas, my lad, you have used your senses and followed the ways of the Soo Jin," Soo Jin spoke to him regally. "You must now feast, for you are as skinny as my pinky. No, scratch that, my pinky is still fatter than you. Now hurry up and eat."

Soo Jin ruffled his hair and smiled, yet the smile disappeared as she saw who was behind him.

"Surprise, motherers," Suga smirked.

"Some fries, motherers?" Soo Jin held out her fries.

"Some pies, motherers."

"Hey hyung, let's have a medium Big Mac Combo--"

"Not my size, motherers," Soo Jin glared at Suga, who was fuming by now. Not only did he bring back memories from the first time meeting her (because of that Big Mac reference), but he was starting to run out of words that rhyme.

"... Bowties, motherers."

"Truck tires, motherers."

"Sun rise mother--"

"Okay, that's enough," Sora cut them off, taking a bite out of her burger. "In case you don't notice, people are staring at us because of your filthy mouths." She took another bite. "And also, probably because I'm hot," she whispered to herself and cackled wildly, to which Jin stared at with a face.

"Oh my god, a female V," he mumbled to himself as he stared at the female.

"Psh, everybody's been staring at me since I got here. How hard am I to miss?" Soo Jin did a hairflip.

RapMon cackled at the sight of her and Suga. He loved it-- everytime he got mad, he would turn purple. Purple dude. I you not. "Yoongi, I think she can beat you at a rap battle."

Suga's eyes flared red as he stared in contempt at his friend. He clenched his fists hard, knowing that all RapMon really wanted to do was push his buttons. And push he did. "Nam Joon, if you call my by my name one more time, I will bite your ."

Jin took a step back. "Ew." He made yet another face and scooted over to a corner to eat his burger quietly, like the good boy he was. And he sat. Like a normal person. Unlike his other friends.

"Okay everyone, let's play a game," Jungkook smiled, stepping in between the two. "A game of calm the down and eat your burger."

Sora whined and tugged on Soo Jin's shirt for the hundreth time. "JIN!" she yelled quietly, not wanting more attention on them. "JIIIIINNN."

"WHAT?" Soo Jin tore her glaring eyes off of her enemy and looked at her best friend. She stared up at her and held her half-eaten burger out. Soo Jin's jaw slowly began to drop at the sight of her. "... But... But why?"

"This is my guilty pleasure. And I've had enough. My conscience is bothering me."

Soo Jin slowly took the burger and took a bite, and stared at her the whole time she took bites, in hopes that it would make her feel the slightest bit guilty.

"Why does it always seem as if they have slow mo moments together all the freakin time?" RapMon leaned in to Jungkook's ear, staring at the two best friends who sat just across from them.

"They've always been like that. Ya know, just... like best friends. They have moments where everything stops and they just pay attention to each other and do really, really random things like... like eat," Jungkook explained, just staring at them as well, his eyes big. He had known the two for such a long time, this was an everyday act for the two of them.

Meanwhile, Suga was still in their midst, his fumes slightly settling. Slightly. He still mad. I guess he got madder cuz no one's paying attention to him anymore. That's just how dad is.

"Okay everyone," Jin stood up from his corner and rubbed his palms together, gaining not only the attention of his friends, but everyone around him. And he didn't care one bit. "We shall be late if we stay here for longer. Let's go. Now." He gestured for RapMon, Suga and Jungkook to stand up from their seats.

RapMon slided out and looked at Jin up and down. "Who made you the leader?"

Jin looked at him, yet avoided eye contact. "Uhh, hyung... let's just go."

Suga stomped out of the restaurant, not uttering a single word.

"Noona! Come with us! We can walk to school together! Your campus isn't too far from the High School right?" Jungkook asked, his voice no longer chirpy. Now that he's had his food, his mind was functioning as it should and he was talking properly now.

"NO," Suga firmly stated, his eyes wide and can finally be seen, like yussss. He has eyes. and almost red. "I cannot walk a full five minutes with her, without having my hands itching to slam her face into the wall."

"Whoa, easy there dude," RapMon massaged his shoulders to calm him down a bit. "Not so loud, not so fast. Breathe. Breathe."

Suga's eyes now turned into slits in other words, back to normal, except even more chinkier and he cranked his head slowly towards the rapper. "Don't touch me. I swear, the more you try to calm me down, the more pissed I get."

RapMon chuckled and raised his hands in defeat as he stepped backwards. "Fine. I know. I have the magic touch."


"Hi Soo Jin sunbaenim."

"Goodmorning, Soo Jin sunbae."

"It's nice to see you here, sunbae."

Soo Jin smiled politely and nodded curtly as the high schoolers passed her by. Honestly, she hadn't even remembered most of these faces, but it surely was obvious that they remembered her. But really, like, how could they not.

"Whoa, why does everyone know her here?" Suga asked, in complete confusion. Because not only did they know her, they seemed to respect her and maybe even admire her.

"Oh my gawd," Jin said in fake surprise. "How could you not-- oh, that's right. Well it's because--"

"It's because I ruled these juniors back in the day. Mwahahahahaha," Soo Jin laughed along with Sora as they walked through the very familiar high school.

"Yes. Like a boss," Sora commented. She looked at Suga with a confused expression written on her face. "How could you not possibly know? Surely you've heard about Jin somewhere. She was... kinda... popular... ish." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you a scholarship student?"

"Well," Suga started, and Soo Jin almost jumped at her spot. This was the first time that she had heard him speak like a normal human being. "I, for one, do not stoop that low. I was born into a very high-class family, thank you very much."

"High-class, my ," Soo Jin snorted.

Suga gave her a glare before continuing on. "My father is a CEO of a bank you little . I can send you to a dump if I wanted to." He cleared his throat. "But, I didn't grow up going to JYP schools..." He let a pause hang over the two females for impact before he continued. "I... went to SM high."

Instantly, it was as if time had stopped.

At the mention of the rival school, everyone surrounding them seemed to have frozen in their spot, all thinking of the same thing.

We have an enemy in our midst.

Suga smirked, his head held high, obviously proud of his previous prestigious education. Soo Jin had hanging open, and it was literally the largest she had ever opened , in like, ever. She had never opened that wide-- not even for a burger. And I can assure you that it's true. Mum said so herself. Her own eyes turned into slits, so much so that they seemed almost non-existant. Her glare could not get anymore... glarier. If looks could kill, he'd be chopped into a million tiny pieces by now. "So..." she hissed. "The devil sent you here to do his dirty work, didn't he?"

"Aww come on, noona," Jungkook whined. "He's not in SM anymore, so there's no need to make such a big deal out of it." He tried his best to reason out, standing next to Suga as the world went back on play again, and everyone minded their own business, yet making sure to give a glare to their senior as they passed by.

"Stand back, Jungkook, while I deal with this cretin," Soo Jin rolled her sleeves up, and Suga raised a brow, knowing full well that she intended to fight.

"Oh. is about to get real," Sora commented.

"Okay, guys, we can work this out--"

"There's a reason why SM and JYP academies have been rivals for decades. And it's s like you who strengthen our belief that everyone in SM are s," Soo Jin spat, circling Suga as if was prey.

"Woop. Here we go," Sora stepped back, standing in between Jin and RapMon. "And in the blue corner, heavyweight champion, Shin Soo Jin," she said quietly with her announcer voice. "And in the red corner, with his renowned title as Big Mac Combo--"


", it's the bell," Jungkook cursed, breaking everyone out of their trance. He frantically grabbed his bagpack and slung it over his shoulder. "Please don't fight. Pick me up after school, I'm sure you guys can work something out. Bye!" He sped off as he waved to his favourite hyung and noona, who were still staring each other down, not flinching the slightest bit.

"You do know that I have the upper hand here, right twig boy?" Soo Jin hissed. "I'll break you in half and eat everything you love."

"Well, we'll see. Right after I melt your fats and feed you to my cat. Then what's gonna happen is--"

"Soo Jin, Sora. What's going on here?" An authoritative voice stepped in between the two fighting 'bulls' and looked between the two females. Sora shrugged and shrunk back.

"Goodmorning Mr. Choi," Sora said, her voice small. She could remember her history teacher very vividly.

Mr. Choi eats razors for breakfast.

Mr. Choi likes to beat little kids up.

Mr. Choi doesn't poop in the toilet.


He doesn't poop. At all.

Everything was an exaggeration, really. But with a glare like his, all the rumours might as well be true. He made sure that everyone in his class paid attention. He poked them all until they were awake.

"Soo Jin. Pay attention. What are you doing on high school grounds, when all of you should be in the JYP campuses right now?" He asked-- or more like demanded-- to the adolescents standing before him. The only one he recognized worthy of being talked to was Soo Jin out of the group, because to him, all he saw was: Rapmon- Slack, Jin- Sleepy-kid-in-class and Suga- The-one-he's-never-seen-before-but-doesn't-seem-worthy-of-his-prescenece. And of course, Sora. The slightly-above-average-yet-still-average-pupil.

"Goodmorning Mr. Choi," Soo Jin softened her glare as she bowed respectfully to her previous teacher. "I was just uh... taking care of some business."

"Oh," his eyes travelled towards Suga, and he raised his head a bit so that he could look down on him. "I see. Well, all of you are late for classes, and as much as I would love to give you your detention slips..." He burned a hole right through RapMon's head. "You are no longer under my authority. So go on, head off to your campus." He waved them away as if he was shooing off flies.

As Soo Jin was about to head off, she did a double-take and leaned in toward Mr. Choi. "Him," Soo Jin whispered to his ear, pointing at Suga. Her previous teacher listened intently to what she was about to say. "He's from SM Academy."

Just as what any other JYP-goer would do, he narrowed his eyes in contempt. "Yes, I had a feeling about that."

"He is the devil."


"... Mmm. Now go and kick his , my favourite pupil. I have taught you the ways of the wise."



I am currently writing in the middle of the night, so everything on this screen is just from the top of my head. I'm flinging my imagination on everyone ahahaha.

Since this is the sixth chapter, this will be the last time I do roll call for my new subbies, since I think that the chapters have gone far enough. from here on out, I'm gonna start going on yer walls //smiles creepily






greasy-couple (fancy seeing you here ;D)



needalifeoutsidekpop (dude, me too)




Honestly some of your usernames make me crack up. It's only just now that I realize that everyone has kinda... weird usernames lolol.

And I also apologize for traces of of engrish here and there, imma proofread this when I have time. I just seriously need my sleep. e.e



Now imma go get some sleep.

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taejunghyung #1
please update! :)
Chapter 7: Ouh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SooJin I love you coz you keep patient over the girl mocking about you !!!!! Seriously ~

V and J-Hope ... well ... they're always weird after all XDD
WhySoSerious_Icicle #3
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha, omg, this is one hell of a story, I really can't see how they fell in love! I mean, maybe we're a long way from when they even began to be friendly to each other, but I can't imagine it yet, I can't even imagine them in the same room without cursing at each other hahahaha. So anyways, amazing story you're writing here, and know always that we'll wait for you to update, don't worry about that. Hmmm, that situation happened to me not too long ago you know? I lacked the motivation for everything and I was too stressed by the exams… once they finished I could loosen up a bit, and I had to rest of everything just for a while because I was too sick of everything hahaha, so don't worry, keep going on, it'll pass soon and I'll be waiting patiently for whenever you can update.
Btw, I'm a HUUUUUUGE Otaku *^* I can't believe Naruto is going to end already though hahaha. See ya~
DeadHearts #4
Chapter 5: Man....Soo Jin sounds a lot like my sister. Well, not as hotheaded, but her attitude toward her weight is exactly the same! Haha. :D
anne2231 #5
When are you updating????
Chapter 6: Oh my God this story is hilarious xD
I'll be here waiting for your next update! ^^
Just by reading the title I already laughed I mean I cracked up bcs the idea was really smart. And knowing that this story delivers the plot in a new and fresh way just got me more excited to read this story. lol i haven't even read the first chapter. gonna enjoy it soon!
93yogurt #8
Hello! This is the best story I've read! I kept re-read the story even though it's not completed yet. I hope you can write stories like this (with comedy).

P.S. I really love your writing and your sense of humor :)