JYP University

The Fat and The Furious

Okay. Time to get to work now. I haven't told you much about my grand parents, have I?

Besides from the fact that my mother wasn't very close to them and... and that's it. Yeah.

Well to be honest, I myself don't know a lot about them either. Everything I know is what I shall relate to you in my story. Now, my mother didn't really grow up poor, as you can see. She travelled to America, her education starting from Kindy was top-notch-- all the way to university. We can't say our family line is rich but huh well, you know I wouldn't brag about it but I got a lamborghini when I was sixteen. She went to one of the most prestigioius schools out there: JYP academy.

And the thing is, with these kinds of schools, you need money. You need to be rich. You need to be ing snobby, slobbery and all in all just a high-class pain in the . I'm not saying that absolutely everyone was like that but rich people stereotypes are often true. When you're a rich spoilt brat with the whole world revolving around your fingertips, you grow up as a .

Now my mother had THE MOST exprience on that. Trust me, she can talk about twig es all day. Oh her contempt. It was just like this one sunny afternoon.


"Sora, what's the date today?" Soo Jin groggily sat up from her bed, trying to shake her best friend awake. Sure, her best friend was thin, fragile and mostly feminine, but due to her lack of rest, her snoring was as loud as a train. "Sora."

"One moment Umma, I'll feed the cat once the plane lands," Sora mumbled.

"What the-- Sora!"

"I said, the panda is okay in the fridge. Go back to sleep."


"No, oppa, the butler sent his to the PSP."

"SORA WAKE THE UP. I AM SERIOUSLY STARTING TO GET CREEPED OUT BY YOUR INCOHERENT WORDS." Having enough of her mid-sleep mumbling, Soo Jin finally decides to roll her off the bed.

Sora landed on the floor with a thud, effectively waking her up. She groaned and sat up, rubbing her head in order to make her dizziness go away. "Sheesh Jin. You can always just wake me up. No need to be so ing violent."

"I WAS waking you up nicely," she blew hair out of her face. "I got creeped out when you started talking about putting pandas in the fridge."

Sora stared at her best friend, momentarily thinking that Soo Jin kinda does remind her of a panda. A cute, baby panda. Well maybe not a baby one, but you know. "Meh. Pandas."

Sora stood up and stretched as she made her way to their bathroom. They had rented out a small apartment, because of Soo Jin's constantly nagging Sora that they shouldn't stay with their parents, reasoning that their relationship with her would turn into a monster-in-law kinda thing-- which is truly absurd because Soo Jin's parents really like Sora. Maybe a bit more than Soo Jin. After all, Sora was the daughter they never had. Pretty, smexy and academically successful. But they got my mother. Soo Jin. No one can say for certain that they were disappointed with Soo Jin completely just... just disappointed that whenever she was told to lose weight or go on a diet, she would always grab another packet of chips.

"Hey Sora," Soo Jin called out, in the process of getting out of her bed. "What's the date today?"

"Uhhhhh...." Sora grunted as she brushed her teeth. Her eyes widened as she realized. "OH JIN. IT'S ORIENTATION DAY!"

Soo Jin jumped out of bed, making cracks on the floor in the process, and bounded towards the bathroom. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and she stared at her friend, wanting to blame her and wanting to punch herself. If she doesn't make it to their school on time, she can't make her long-waited introduction speech that she had prepared (and might I say, used over and over again as the years had gone by) especially for this day.

She lightly shimmied her so that she could push Sora out of the way, but she fell into their bathtub, which was next to their sink.

", Jin! Mind that booty," She complained, the tooth brush still in .

"Tss. Can't touch this," Soo Jin laughed as she spanked her resulting in both her and Sora to fits of gagging and giggling.


"Okay so, orientation is at nine, and it's 8.45. We can make it. We'll be on a different campus, but knowing our principal, he'll most likely let us sit together at lunch. Hopefully if our periods end at the same time," Sora talked her through it as they hopped into their chaffeur. She paused and took that moment to take in her breath. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" She asked sincerely, looking at her best friend with the slight bist of worry in her eyes. She normally doesn't show concern for her because she knew that the last thing Soo Jin wants is pity. She is just utterly sick and tired of people constantly 'worrying' about her-- her weight, her size, her outlook on life-- even her pet rat. Which, I might add, was squashed by mum.

Soo Jin smiled, appreciating her friend's concern. "I'll be a-okay. I got new cards up my sleeves and I ain't gonna let twig es run this town," she said, saying the last sentence in English with her thick Korean accent.

Sora laughed, content that her best friend would be alright on her own. She knew her very well, and anyone who gets to know my mother would surely know that she was one of the strongest women out there. Both emotionally and physically might I add.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Soo Jin turned the question to her best friend. "Remember, if any dudes try to eat you up, call me. I'll eat them up for you."

Sora laughed and they exited out of their car as soon as they got to where they needed to be. They stood in front of the steel gates, students rushing in, and they realized they weren't the only ones who were late. Soo Jin breathed in the familiar air and took in the familiar blue and white building. It was neat, as she had remembered it. Anyone who walked past this prestigious place would no doubt believe that the talents in that school were of the best of the best. To get in, you had to be one of the three things. 1.) Ridiculously rich. 2.) Ridiculously talented or 3.) Rediculously good-looking.

My mother fitted in the areas 1 and 2, yet still a lot of people never bothered to acknowledge her strengths. Up until now she hopes.

"Let's do this," she high-fived Sora before she stepped in, facing the world which they had left behind, and starting anew.


"... For those majoring in the Beauty and Modelling, please head over to campus 8, located on the north-eastern side of the university, where you will meet your instructor to give you a full overview of your schedule for the term. The students on that list is: Park Jihye, Kim Lily, Moon Jin, Kim Sora, Kim Chi..." (Did you notice how I added Kim Chi? Get it, get it? Kim Chi????) Sora looked over to Soo Jin and waved, giving her a thumbs up and heading off with her batch of people. Soo Jin waved back, smiling and letting her know that she'll be fine. She sighed as she watched her friend getting farther and farther away from her, and it seemed like her High school and Elementary all over again.

She had to be strong.

She had to be by herself.

And she needed thick skin.

But as of now, she was so hungry, she also needed food.

She stood back and passively listened to the prinicipal give more directions for the rest of the students as to which campus they would head to depending on what course they were taking.

She leasurely looked around, and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she saw an unpleasantly familiar face.

"... For those majoring in Arts, please make your way to campus 11, located at the Eastern side of the university, where you will meet your instructor and be introduced to your new classmates. The students on this list are: Lee Jonghyun, Kim Sunmi, Choi Jihyun, Shin Soo Jin, Nam Kyung..." Soo Jin didn't realize the people amongst her were starting to head out the door as she stared at the person, her eyebrows thoroughly furrowed and slightly open.


RapMon casually looked around, throughly bored by the long list of names that were just passing through his ears. He had studied overseas before, and at every roll call, he was astounded as to how many names there actually are. Yet he noticed that in Korea, names were so much more alike, so it sometimes sounded like the principal was just saying the same names over and over again. The dude's got nothing new.

He looked to his left and noticed the Art Majors leaving for their campus, yet he noticed someone who stuck out. Yes, she stuck out. "Hey, Yoongi," he elbowed his friend who was standing next to him, also looking around to pass time. "Is that--"

"How many times, Kim. Nam. Joon. It's either hyung, or Suga," he hissed. "Don't ing call me by my first name around other people."

"Woah, calm down." He raised his hands and chuckled. "Look. Look over there." He pointed left, puckering with his lips as he reasoned that pointing with his hands were far too bothersome.

"What? Where? The Arts Majors?" He squinted his already chinky eyes as if it would make him see better. (Honestly, Dad has really, really chinky eyes. Like mum.) "There aren't any hot girls there, what do you want me to look at?"

"OH. MY GOD," RapMon exclaimed in English. "Is she THAT hard to miss?" he exasperated.

"Who-- wait what-- OHHHH. NIGGA DAYYUUMMM. What's she doing here?"

RapMon cackled as silently as he could and held onto his friend to hold his laughter. "She's Jungkook's noona, of course she's rich too. What do you expect?"

"I expected her to be like, an adopted sister of Jungkook. But oh. Of course. How else would she be able to eat that much food?" he snorted. "And also-- oh. Oh she's looking this way."

Suga stared back confidently at her and gave her a smug look, almost laughing at her appearance. "ing pig," he muttered under his breath.

"Hey, easy there dude. That's Jungkook's noona. The kid will hate you forever if he hears you say that about her."

Suga just smirked and held himself back and let the Arts Major depart to their designated campus, yet in his head, he thought of ways to covertly annoy her stay here.


Sora walked into her first class, immediately knowing that all eyes were on her. She walked forward confidently, and mother always told me that she always thought that they can stare, but they can't touch. It's the motto I live by now.

The sides of her lips curled upwards as she sat on her seat, hearing the whispers of the other pupils in the class, and she knew that most of it was about her. She knew how to deal with this-- she's dealt with it all her life. And it shouldn't be any different now. All she has to do is it up like a buttercup and eat some Kimchi.

She knew it would be pretty damn hard to make friends here. Especially when Princess es grow up and evolve into Queen Mces. (Pokemon joke.)

She settled in comfortably in her seat, opening up her bag and flipping through a book as they waited for their new instructor to come by.

"Okay," a man walked in the room, slamming a whiteboard eraser on the wooden desk, immediately gaining everyone's attention. The man was much older, with black and white, salt-and-pepper hair. He looked so knowledgeable, it was obvious that he was the instructor for this class. And Soo Jin recognized him as one of the instructors that visited the High School Arts seniors a few years back. Sora had called him Grandpa Gandalf. "Listen up, students. I will give you a run-through on the classes in a few minutes, and afer that, I will show you around the school. You will get a 30 minute break, and it would be very well if you spend that time to get to know other people around the campus. I know that most of you grew up going to the JYP schools, but my job as your instructor in Arts is to let you kids who have just gotten out of high school know that, there is no homeroom in University. Don't slack. It's either you show up at your class, or miss it. And although we know that most of your parents have power in the school or otherwise, if you don't show up to your classes, chances are, you won't get a degree. Please don't ask your parents to pay for one."

He smiled, yet he came off as intimidating for other students. He stared at each of his new pupils they rubbed his hands together. "Alright then. I must introduce myself." He got a chalkboard and started writing in Hangkul, then at the bottom, he wrote English letters. "My name is Mr. Kim Minjun, and I hope it would be a pleasure to teach you kids the ropes of the Arts. Now, if you would follow me..." The kids stood up, and Soo Jin had managed to wriggle her out of the 'crevice' of the seat and follow along with the other pupils. She had been to JYP university before, so she wasn't a stranger to the sight.

Her eyes lit up as they toured around the cafeteria, seeing how the lunches provided here was much better than the other schools that she had been to before.

She looked to her left and caught a glimpse of the door. She shook her head as she saw what was past the door.

A couple was out there, their faces off.

It was normal.

She's seen that in high school, and the schools that she'd been to before that. And she was expecting University to be much worse.

"Ah, the joy of JYP," she whispered to herself, as she walked along and looked around, wondering what other not-very-surprising surprises Korea's university had to offer for her.


"Okay, Nam Joon, when they finish the tour, they should be heading off to---"

"Moon. Yoon. Gi. What did I tell you about using my real name?"

"Aish shut up. Rap Monster is an ugly name. It's awkward to call people that."

"And do you know how awkward it is to have me call you Suga? I sound like your ing husband godammit."

"Well lucky you, a lot of girls would die to be my husband."

"Well first, I am not a girl. And second, I would rather die than be your husband."


A/N: KYAHHHH I APOLOGIZE FOR SUCH A LONG WAIT. It's funny about how I'm writing about a school, yet I want to kill school itself. //laughs while wiping tears.

Okay so first things first I'm a realist (ugh that song is stuck in my head), I have absolutely no idea how university works-- yet. I don't normally pay attention to my classes or class assemblies, so everyhing I write here is just from my head and assumptions. My sister goes to a uni, but she's a freakin monster whenever she comes back home from Uni, so uhmm never mind. I don't ask much from her lol.

And also, I am trying out a new thing: WRITING WITHOUT A SPECIFIC PLOT LINE. YEHET. okay Nicole, that's a horrible excuse for not writing down a plot Sooo, expect random things. I do write down small things from time to time that I can incorprate into my story but that's pretty much it. I want this story to not be so stressful and just... flowy.

Anyway, this is the end of my rant and thanks again if you sat on your bum and read the entire thing. Okay, so here goes the new roll call and shoutout for my subbies :D







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taejunghyung #1
please update! :)
Chapter 7: Ouh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SooJin I love you coz you keep patient over the girl mocking about you !!!!! Seriously ~

V and J-Hope ... well ... they're always weird after all XDD
WhySoSerious_Icicle #3
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha, omg, this is one hell of a story, I really can't see how they fell in love! I mean, maybe we're a long way from when they even began to be friendly to each other, but I can't imagine it yet, I can't even imagine them in the same room without cursing at each other hahahaha. So anyways, amazing story you're writing here, and know always that we'll wait for you to update, don't worry about that. Hmmm, that situation happened to me not too long ago you know? I lacked the motivation for everything and I was too stressed by the exams… once they finished I could loosen up a bit, and I had to rest of everything just for a while because I was too sick of everything hahaha, so don't worry, keep going on, it'll pass soon and I'll be waiting patiently for whenever you can update.
Btw, I'm a HUUUUUUGE Otaku *^* I can't believe Naruto is going to end already though hahaha. See ya~
DeadHearts #4
Chapter 5: Man....Soo Jin sounds a lot like my sister. Well, not as hotheaded, but her attitude toward her weight is exactly the same! Haha. :D
anne2231 #5
When are you updating????
Chapter 6: Oh my God this story is hilarious xD
I'll be here waiting for your next update! ^^
Just by reading the title I already laughed I mean I cracked up bcs the idea was really smart. And knowing that this story delivers the plot in a new and fresh way just got me more excited to read this story. lol i haven't even read the first chapter. gonna enjoy it soon!
93yogurt #8
Hello! This is the best story I've read! I kept re-read the story even though it's not completed yet. I hope you can write stories like this (with comedy).

P.S. I really love your writing and your sense of humor :)