Guardian Angel

The Fat and The Furious

"Woaahhh," the chubby little four-year-old looked on as she gently ran her finger through her younger brother's smooth head.

"Gently, okay Jin?" her mother said, her voice almost a whisper as she cradled the newborn baby in her arms. The young girl nodded vigorously as she put her finger under the baby's hand, which he grasped tightly.

She giggled and kissed his cheek as light as possible.

Their mother looked on at her two children. Their cheeks matched in size, and their arms still looked like sausages. But hey, this is what I see from my mind's eye. Don't all little kids look like Michelin? Like the hyper girl she is, she squealed and flailed her arms around in joy and excitement.

For the first time, she wasn't going to be alone.

Her mother looked at her daughter happily. "Jin," she called out softly. The said girl took a couple of minutes to cool down and pay attention to her mother, her blissful, youthful smile still plastered on her face. Her joy was contagious, and her parents smiled down at her affectionately too. "We're going to name your baby brother... Jungkook. Now, listen very carefully to mummy. You are the older sister. And do you know what that means?"

The child put a finger to her chin, as if to think. Then, she smiled cheekily. "That I have someone that I can tell off?"

Her father chuckled and ruffled her soft hair. "No you silly little Donut. You have a responsibility now. Do you know what that means?"

She innocently shook her head.

"That means, that you have to take care of him from now on. You have to make sure that he doesn't get hurt and that he grows up to become a good boy."

opened wide and her eyes seemingly began to sparkle. "Really daddy?! I get to be a... a big sister?"

Her mother smiled at her and laughed a bit. "Yes dear. You can become something like... his guardian angel."

Jin's smile grew wider, and she looked back and forth from her parents excitedly. "Yeeahhh! I'm gonna be and angel!"

And so this is my mother. Four years of age and witnessing the birth of a new life. If you didn't get it already, she was there when her baby brother was born. And to say the least, from that day forward, she cherished her younger sibling so, so much.


"Hey Jungkook, quick, get up. You can't have breakfast now because you slept too late. Loser," Soo Jin shook her six-year-old brother slightly. "Jungkook," she said in a threatening tone of voice. "Do I have to roll on you again?"

As a response, the said boy just dug unto his blankets deeper.

"You leave me no choice," his sister sighed. "I hope you don't die."

True to her word, she raised a leg then rolled herself over to her poor younger brother. The whole mass of a 36 kg ten-year-old girl was put on him, and the young boy gasped for air. "Noona," he breathed, his eyes popping out of his sockets. "Get off. I can't... breathe."

His older sister rolled off of his bed slowly, taking time to stand up again. She breathed in an out heavily and dusted herself. "Now, I am sorry baby bro, but you do not have any breakfast this morning. You woke up too late. We will be late for the bus. Now change."

The newly awakened child rubbed his eyes and yawned. He opened one lazily to look at his older sister. There she was, in all her glory, already ready and wearing their green and white school uniform. At the time, the baby fat still looked cute. No offence mum, it still does. "You ate it didn't you?" he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Nope. Since when did I say that? Mum just didn't have enough time to cook for you."

"You sneaky noona. I know what you did. Don't lie."

"I'm not lying. Besides," she grabbed his arms and lifted him so that he stood up. "We're gonna be late for the bus. Change." She chucked his uniform over to him, but paused just before she left. Soo Jin towered over her brother, and she hit him with her stomach, to which, he fell down. "Haha. Shorty." She laughed to herself before she sauntered off to finish the rest of my uncle's breakfast her preparation for school.

Today was a special day, she could feel. My mother always told me that she had this gut feeling on this day which was particularly strong. A feeling which she couldn't have forgotten, even through all these years. What she couldn't figure out though, was if her gut was telling her something good, or something bad.

"Hurry up you slowpoke," she rushed him out of the door. As soon as she pushed him out, she waved a goodbye to their housemaid-- or as her parents called it, babysitter-- and went off to the bus station. She grasped her brother's hand tightly as she saw the crossing on the road. Everyday, it was like this, and she hadn't really thought much about it before. I mean first time, she said, it was exciting that she got to cross the road on her own. She was a big girl now.

Soo Jin saw her friends and waved back at them-- yes, at the time, my mother had friends. I mean, how easy was it to bribe other ten-year-old kids with just the latest barbie doll? This was the time, though, that her other friends started drifting away from her, and what was left was just a handful of others that had to yet notice that she was... different from the other kids.

"Are you ready?" she squeezed her brother's hand and she looked down at him, automatically smiling when she saw him playing with his spiderman toy with his other hand.*I have to be his guardian angel,* the young girl repeated in her mind. It was the words that she lived by as an older sister. And I know right, who knew that there was spiderman back in the day?

Just as they were about to cross, a man accidentally bumped into Jungkook, making Spiderman fly out of his hand and into the middle of the road. "Mr. Spiderman!" He reached out to grab the toy, but Jin pulled him back harshly.

"No. Shin Jungkook, we don't cross the road yet."

"But noona," the boy protested. "There's no cars! Let me save Mr. Spiderman!"

"No Jungkook. No--" she got cut off as he wriggled out of her tight grasp and bounded toward the middle of the road and to his toy.

He went to the middle of the road and waved his toy around, showing his older sister that he was safe and sound. And so was his Spiderman. She sighed a sigh of relief and looked left and right before stepping out into the road to get him.

Just then, she heard a loud bang, and children screaming out. Then that's when her world came spiralling down.


Soo Jin looked at the cupcake bitterly, before stuffing it in while her co-worker wasn't looking. Here she was again. Working at the shop.

It had been six years since her brother's accident, and she hasn't forgiven herself since. She put all the blame upon herself for the things that have happened. She was there. She could've stopped him. She could've saved him. But she didn't.

Nothing could soothe her despair.


... Except for food.

She waved goodbye to the other workers that could care less if she was gone and walked away. For the past six years, she felt lonely. She was always alone. At home, at work and especially, at school. Well, not if you call bullies spending time with you just to harass you 'alone'. But she learnt from all of this. She learnt how to thicken her skin-- so to speak, and just fight back or say nothing at all. It was the norm now. She was used to it.

Soo Jin just didn't care anymore.

She tightened her backpack and walked around, sometimes momentarily pausing when she's in front of a cake shop. She walked onward, yet she shivered slightly, feeling the cold creep up her back. She frowned to herself. "Wow, it must be really getting cold," she whispered to herself. "I normally don't feel cold because of all these..." She squeezed the 'muffins' on her stomach. "... layers."

She shrugged it off and made it a note to self that she needed to buy or make some knitted jackets for winter soon. Size XXL of course.

Her mind wandered off, thinking about all the things she has to do at home and how she almost always never wants to do them.

Something caught her attention though. Not too far away, a twelve-year-old boy was crouching in the middle of the street, looking at something with interest.


Jungkook waved the Spiderman toy around and smiled triumphantly at Soo Jin, his older sister, showing her that he was perfectly fine-- he was a big boy now, and he could cross the road safely.

The ten-year-old sighed a sigh of relief as she looked left and right, just to be safe from any passing cars. She must've been too focused, because by the time she looked up, the smiling face of her six-year-old brother was no more, and her heart pounded in her ears, blocking out the sound of other childrens' screams.

She was paralyzed, yet her feet seemed to move by themselves as she carried herself as fast she could to her younger brother.

It had been too late.

The red liquid poured out of his skull, and she couldn't help but stare at the driver of the car, who had just recently come out to check on the boy. She stared at him with so much contempt and hate, yet blaming herself at the same time over and over again.

She shook her younger brother. "Jungkook-ah," she said, her voice faltering. She still couldn't accept this as reality. "Jungkook-ah, noona's here." The young girl sat there, cradling her brother in her arms and shaking him gently. "YAH. SHIN JUNGKOOK DON'T PLAY WITH ME! JUNGKOOK-AH, WAKE UP!" Tears started to stream down her face and block her vision as she shook him, almost violently, trying to wake him up from an eternal sleep.

By the time she looked up, the paramedics were already there, and they tried to pry the boy away from his sister. "NO! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM?! GO AWAY! HE'LL WAKE UP SOON!"

The driver of the car looked at her apologetically, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm... I'm so sorry."


"JUNGKOOK-AH DON'T GO INTO THE ROAD!" the sixteen-year-old Soo Jin yelled, as she bounded towards the twelve-year-old boy. He snapped his head up, wondering why a fat woman was bouncing, yes, bouncing toward him. Thinking it was someone else, he looked around for other people. And just in time, as he looked around, he saw a car coming straight at him.

The twelve-year-old closed his eyes and simply waited for the impact, yet all he felt was a soft embrace. Or as I would think, a more... squishy one?

He got tackled onto the ground, he could tell that the impact was heavy, yet he didn't feel it as much. He opened his eyes slowly, and he saw a pillow-like face. Her eyes were closed and it seemed as if she was... praying.

"Jungkook-ah, you'll be safe. You'll be safe. Noona's here," the girl mumbled, not loud enough for the boy to understand.

A piercing sound suddenly pierced his ears, as he suddenly fully realized the pain of the impact. "Oww..." he grunted.

The driver of the car immediately came out and approached them. "Are you okay?" A woman asked, placing her hand on Soo Jin's shoulder, her eyes filled with concern as she saw the cuts on her face.

"Yes ahjumma. I'm fine. And he should be alright. I have more..." she smiled before she continued. "... Padding than this boy. So we should be alright."

"You're sure? I don't have to call Paramedics?" The older woman asked, although she got back into her car, subtly showing that she was, in fact, in a hurry.

"We'll be alright," Soo Jin nodded as she smiled politely. She watched as the car sped off to the other direction. She sat up and looked at the twelve-year-old boy, who was clutching his head. "Yah, are you okay?" she asked him with concern.

The boy looked up, surprised that he actually heard something. As soon as he realized who it was, he immediately shot up and stood. He bowed 90 degrees to her repeatedly. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You saved my life..."

*What a polite little boy,* she smiled to herself as she thought of that. *Just how I wanted Jungkookie to be.* Her smile faltered a bit at the thought.

"... ahjumma," he ended his sentence, not so sure what to call her.

"WHAT?! No. Don't call me that, kid. I'm only sixteen."

"Eh? Really?" he stared at her up and down. "But you're a big girl..." She frowned a bit, not exactly catching what he said but getting the gist. "I'm sorry!" He bowed down to a 90 degree angle again repeatedly.

She looked on at panic for a while before she literally caught his head. "Stop stop stop. You just got crashed and your brain will be jiggling around in your head if you keep doing that."

"Will it really?" he gasped, totally buying her words. Stupid kid, really.

Soo Jin looked at him, somewhat feeling pity for his gullibleness. Yet it amused her. "Yes. Now where's your parents kid?"

"Oh they're at home."

"Come, I think it's time for you to go back home. I'll walk you back."

The boy simply stared at her and shrugged carelessly. "Okay then."

A few seconds into their walk, Soo Jin couldn't help but stare at the boy. This was what he imagined her younger brother to be like. Innocent still. "What school do you go to?"

He turned around at her question and smiled boyishly. "I'm a sixth grade in JYP Primary School."

"Oh wow. You guys must live quite decent. I go to JYP High School Academy. I used to go to your school back then. What room are you in?"

"Really? Ugh. I'm in room 12."

"Ohh no. You got Ms Kim. You know, she owns a lot of cats. She has never had a husband before. That's why she's always so grumpy and cranky. I feel sorry for you actually."

"Yeah. I feel sorry for myself too. She totures us." He stopped abruptly in front of a double-story house. "Oh. I'm here. Thanks for walking me sunbaenim. And thanks for saving me again. Look! I don't have a scratch." He smiled widely as he bowed in a 90 degree angle again.

"You are most welcome. My name is Soo Jin," she smiled, her cheeks getting rounder, and her eyes were almost non-existant.

"Ah. Soo Jin sunbaenim. My name is Jeon Jungkook."

Soo Jin froze in her spot, literally unable to move as soon as the last word registered in her brain. Was this fate? Destiny? Was she supposed to have another shot at being her brother's guardian angel? *If so, Jungkook-ah, I won't let you down this time. I'll be your perfect older sister. Your perfect guardian angel.*

Seeing as his sunbae had frozen on the spot, he shrugged it off and began walking back into the house.

"Jungkook-ah!" she suddenly called out.

He turned around, a meek smile on his face.

"... Call me noona."



A/N: AAAAAHHHHH AND HERE IT FINALLY IS! I hope you guys aren't too disappointed lol.
I TRIED MY BEST OKAY?! ahaha I need to chill. But this was pretty fun, and I apologize geez am i apologizing too much or is it just me? again. So so sorry for those of you who waited long.

And so... uhh. I myself hope that the next chapter will be up soon ^_^


Shout out goes to my first 11 subbies I LAFF YOU ALL:












Like, omigoodness I neveerrrr expected to have even five subbies from the foreword.


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taejunghyung #1
please update! :)
Chapter 7: Ouh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SooJin I love you coz you keep patient over the girl mocking about you !!!!! Seriously ~

V and J-Hope ... well ... they're always weird after all XDD
WhySoSerious_Icicle #3
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha, omg, this is one hell of a story, I really can't see how they fell in love! I mean, maybe we're a long way from when they even began to be friendly to each other, but I can't imagine it yet, I can't even imagine them in the same room without cursing at each other hahahaha. So anyways, amazing story you're writing here, and know always that we'll wait for you to update, don't worry about that. Hmmm, that situation happened to me not too long ago you know? I lacked the motivation for everything and I was too stressed by the exams… once they finished I could loosen up a bit, and I had to rest of everything just for a while because I was too sick of everything hahaha, so don't worry, keep going on, it'll pass soon and I'll be waiting patiently for whenever you can update.
Btw, I'm a HUUUUUUGE Otaku *^* I can't believe Naruto is going to end already though hahaha. See ya~
DeadHearts #4
Chapter 5: Man....Soo Jin sounds a lot like my sister. Well, not as hotheaded, but her attitude toward her weight is exactly the same! Haha. :D
anne2231 #5
When are you updating????
Chapter 6: Oh my God this story is hilarious xD
I'll be here waiting for your next update! ^^
Just by reading the title I already laughed I mean I cracked up bcs the idea was really smart. And knowing that this story delivers the plot in a new and fresh way just got me more excited to read this story. lol i haven't even read the first chapter. gonna enjoy it soon!
93yogurt #8
Hello! This is the best story I've read! I kept re-read the story even though it's not completed yet. I hope you can write stories like this (with comedy).

P.S. I really love your writing and your sense of humor :)