
The Fat and The Furious

Okay. So first things first. I must tell you, my mother was never really that much of an introvert.

There are only two ways a person can go once they've been treated as she has. Their reaction can either be 1.) Stay inside their room, telling themselves how ugly and horrible they are and with that, never seeing the light of day. Or 2.) She fights.

My mother was the second. I adore her more than anything in the world. She was such a strong and independent woman.

But sometimes, others can see what you're going through, and yet consider your circusmtances. This experience wasn't one that she necessarily wanted, but it's what she got. And she benefitted so much from it.

Now, let's continue shall we?

"Oi Jungkook, hurry up and get inside the car already. I don't have all day!" Soo Jin complained, watching her 'adopted' younger brother trodding slowly towards the car.

"Yeah noona, I'm coming," he replied groggily, dragging his feet towards her.

Ever since that day three years ago, Soo Jin became Jungkook's babysitter. Although, they both really didn't view it as that.

Jin became the happiest person in the world when Jungkook's parents met her because they absolutely adored her and her squishyness. And by that I mean, they would always call her up and (get ready for it) cook her some food. Yes, food. So, not only did she have that other chance for a younger brother, she also got to eat and eat. Win-win situation, really.

They did almost everything together. Jungkook told her all of his secrets, and she listened, just as an older sister would. Jin would normally give him advice, because he was at such a primal age. He was fifteen, and as she expected, he was going through a lot of things, and a lot of changes. She wanted to be the one to help him get through it.

Right now, he looked as if he was going through something that wasn't so great.

Soo Jin looked at the younger boy who had just stepped into the car. "Geez Jungkook. You're so skinny. I could just... literally eat you, and all I would be chewing on are bones," she looked on at him empathetically. Truth was, Jungkook was turning out quite nice. But you know, this is my mum, and she prefers to just be who she is. Fat. "Here, eat this." She chucked him a packet of peppero, making sure to just almost miss his face, because she could tell that he wasn't paying attention to anything at all.

Jungkook sat there, his eyes downcast as he the packet, just the tiniest bit tempted to opening it. "Noona... Aren't you--" he stopped himself just as he was about to say something, in fear that what he might say might hit a string in the older girl.

She tapped on the steering wheel and shimmied up the seat, her enveloping the whole seat perfectly. She looked back and forth from the dashboard to Jungkook, waiting quite impatiently on what he has to say. "Yes..? What? What is it?" she asked, eager to know what was on his mind.

"... Aren't you... Aren't you tired of people always ridiculing you?" His eyes remained downcast, avoiding the gaze of Soo Jin, who had looked on at him empathetically, yet again, as if he lost more weight than before.

"Why do you ask, Jungkookie? You know that twig es annoy me. What they say doesn't get to me, really. I mean, they act as if they own the world but what they don't know is that, if I wanted to, I could just eat them and their skinny asses. So don't worry about it." She waved it off.

"No, seriously noona. People are always looking on at you and judging you by appearance. And--"

"Jungkook. Did something happen at school today?" Her tone became firm and authoritative right that instant, because she could sense something was wrong. And it involved her this time.

The said boy blinked twice. "N-no... Not really..."

"Jeon. Jungkook. I know something happened." She pulled over in front of their house and looked at Jungkook directly. She knew his parents weren't home yet, so she decided that this would be the perfect time for a prep talk. "Come on. Spill."

The fifteen-year-old boy looked left, then right, then at Soo Jin's face. He hesitated a bit before heaving a large sigh. "Well... there's this girl..."

Jin's eyes sparkled in interest. This wasn't the first time he mentioned a girl, but every time he did, it was just so darn interesting she just felt like grabbing some popcorn and eating while listening to him. It just reminded her of how he grew up so fast.

"... And noona, I really really like her."

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Go on." She nodded, fully attentive.

"I told her that I liked her today. And the thing is..." He paused for a while.

"... The thing is what?"



"She doesn't like me back."

Her face dropped. "What?! How could she not?! You are a handsome, talented young man. You can dance, you can sing, you can--" She paused, as if she realized something. "... Maybe... Maybe it's because you're too skinny."

He sighed in frustration and ruffled his hair. "No, noona. It's not that. It's--"

"IT'S NOT THAT? Gimme her name. Her phone number. The name of her dog. The type of teddy she sleeps with at night. , tell me where she lives. I will kill everything she loves. Stomp on every daisy in her front yard. One does not simply reject a Jeon Jungkook."

The young boy chuckled a bit at her reaction. This is why he absolutely loved having a (sorta) older sister like her. He felt loved, protected and cared for. "Noona it's..." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. "It's because of you."

She stopped in her tracks, her brows furrowing. "Excuse me, what? What do you mean? Have I, like, met her before, or like, eaten one of her family members or something?"

"Noona, the thing is, she said, she likes me. But... but she doesn't wanna be the girlfriend of someone who has a..." he cleared his throat. "...A fat babysitter."

Soo Jin sat there, trying to process everything that he just said. Did she just... ruin her chance of being an older sister? Yet again? "Jungkook," she chuckled a bit, yet her smile was faltering. He, until now, never referred to her as a babysitter. It had always been either a sister, or friend. She found it hard now to address him as a younger brother now, seeing as he just called her a mere babysitter. "Are you asking for me to lose weight? Because you know I can't do that."

"Soo Jin noona. You're funny, nice and all but... But I'm fifteen. I... I don't think I need a babysitter anymore. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you did for me three years ago, but it's... sorta history now. I can't have you trodding in and... and ruining my chances." He sighed, frustrated with himself. "Please, noona. I really like her. And I can't have her seeing you with me everywhere I go."

She held her breath, shocked that he was telling her all of this. Just when she thought that she could compensate for her mistakes when she was younger. She swallowed the tears and looked on at him directly in the eyes. "I get what you're trying to say Jungkook. And... And just in time." She gulped. She looked at her bag and saw her plane ticket sticking out.


"Appa, I've already told you. I don't plan on going anywhere soon," Soo Jin reasoned out to her parents-- in other words, my grandparents.

"But dear, this is a very good opportunity for you," her mother insisted. Jin sighed and rolled her eyes. It was like this every time. She didn't get to talk to her parents much, but when she did, all they talked about was school, education and money. Absolutely nothing else. "You speak English well and your best friend lives there. You should go!"

"Do you know how hard it was for us to raise you up? You get a scholarship, and you don't plan on extending it? Don't get me wrong, Jin. JYP is prestegious, but being offered to go overseas is an opportunity you shouldn't reject," her father looked up from the newspaper and stared directly in his daughters eyes, indicating that this was a serious matter. After all, all he wanted was for his daughter to have success. He was happy that she was self-confident, despite herself, and he was proud that she-- for the most part-- succeeded quite well in life, especially as they thought that her life would go downhill since her brother's accident. But this was a once in a lifetime chance. "Think about it Jin. They cover your flight and accomodation expenses just so that you can study there. And on the plus side, you'll get to see Sora again."

"Appa, I see Sora on Skype almost every day. She'll be fine. And besides, I have to take care of Jungkook," her voice became softer at the mention of his name. "I want to stay here. Maybe... Maybe I'll go to JYP University and pursue my Fine Arts career."

Her mother held her breath at her mention of Jungkook. She knew how much he meant to her. She looked at her husband, and they both knew that they shouldn't push her on this. Jungkook was the younger brother she never had. Literally.

Her father cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Well, just in case you change your mind, here is your ticket. We won't push you, but this is serious, Jin. You really need to think about your life and what's ahead of you. Here." He shifted to his side and reached out for the envelope that was sitting on the table beside him. He held it for a while before reaching out and giving it to her.

"Appa, I told you, I won't--"

He held a hand out, demanding her silence. "I told you, just in case. Keep it with you at all times. Think about this thoroughly."

Soo Jin sighed, giving in as she leaned in and took the envelope from his hands. She made her way to her room and took out the ticket.

April 14, Flight 667. America.


"I have to tell you something, Jungkookie," she gulped, still trying to push the tears back. "I've been planning it for a while now, but I didn't know how to tell you. I just thought, maybe I would just... leave you and elope haha." She laughed lightly, yet the smile didn't reach her eyes. "I'm... I'm leaving in the next two days."

The young boy stood up quite a bit, surprised of this last minute change. "... To where?"

"I'm going to study in America. You remember Sora, my friend?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm gonna meet up with her."

"When would you be back?"

"Hmm... to be honest, I don't know. Not that you'd care anyway," she laughed lightly, trying to make it seem as if she wasn't hurt at all. "Okay, now hop out the car. I need to get back home and pack my stuff."

He did as he was told and got out of the car silently. He looked blankly at the car, not quite sure what he had done.

Soo Jin the keys, about to start the engine. "Oh and, one piece of advice, Jungkook," she said. He looked at her, attentive to what she had to say. "If the person you love doesn't love the people that you love for a bad reason, chances are, they won't love you for who you are. The people around you and the ones closest to you are the ones who mould you into the person you are. You have to ask yourself if they're worth your loving. Okay? Till next time." She started the car and drove off, just like that. Wondering if that would be the last piece of advice she'd ever give him.

"Appa?" she spoke through the phone, a single tear streaming down her face. "I... I thought a lot about what you said. And... I'll take the offer. I'm going home right now to pack my bags. I'll see you later. Bye. I love you."

She was heartbroken. He just pushed her away, and quite indirectly, might I add. The past few days, she did feel Jungkook pushing her away bit by bit, but she hadn't realised how much it would actually hurt when he suddenly slammed it into her face.

Mum said, that at the time, she thought it was actually quite impulsive of her to just suddenly up and leave. But what's done is done right? She reasoned, that if she was the cause of his unhappiness, then why is she there in the first place? She would give everything to make him happy. After all, that's what Guardian angels do.

... Right?


Woop de dooooo. Late update, but it's here. I know, it must be going quite fast, but I forgot to mention. This is a prologue. And I might turn it into a three part prologue. Soooo, expect another time lapse in the next chapter lols.

ANYWAY. I don't know exactly how it came to have such drama, but... oh wells. Haha.

Planning on a double update today so ---> Nek chapter.

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taejunghyung #1
please update! :)
Chapter 7: Ouh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SooJin I love you coz you keep patient over the girl mocking about you !!!!! Seriously ~

V and J-Hope ... well ... they're always weird after all XDD
WhySoSerious_Icicle #3
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha, omg, this is one hell of a story, I really can't see how they fell in love! I mean, maybe we're a long way from when they even began to be friendly to each other, but I can't imagine it yet, I can't even imagine them in the same room without cursing at each other hahahaha. So anyways, amazing story you're writing here, and know always that we'll wait for you to update, don't worry about that. Hmmm, that situation happened to me not too long ago you know? I lacked the motivation for everything and I was too stressed by the exams… once they finished I could loosen up a bit, and I had to rest of everything just for a while because I was too sick of everything hahaha, so don't worry, keep going on, it'll pass soon and I'll be waiting patiently for whenever you can update.
Btw, I'm a HUUUUUUGE Otaku *^* I can't believe Naruto is going to end already though hahaha. See ya~
DeadHearts #4
Chapter 5: Man....Soo Jin sounds a lot like my sister. Well, not as hotheaded, but her attitude toward her weight is exactly the same! Haha. :D
anne2231 #5
When are you updating????
Chapter 6: Oh my God this story is hilarious xD
I'll be here waiting for your next update! ^^
Just by reading the title I already laughed I mean I cracked up bcs the idea was really smart. And knowing that this story delivers the plot in a new and fresh way just got me more excited to read this story. lol i haven't even read the first chapter. gonna enjoy it soon!
93yogurt #8
Hello! This is the best story I've read! I kept re-read the story even though it's not completed yet. I hope you can write stories like this (with comedy).

P.S. I really love your writing and your sense of humor :)