Teddy Bear and Chocolate

Split In Half

"To get the value of 'x', you have to substitute all of the other values you know into the equation. Afterwards, use the proper mathematical order in solving the question and make sure to divide both sides of the equation once you're left with the 'y' value." 

V smiled as he looked down at his notebook, reading over the script he had written neatly on the page. 

Later that day, V is officially going to tell Jimin how he really feels about him. After an hour of non-stop planning the previous night, Taehyung was able to plan the perfect way of confessing. 

He read over the script, making sure that everything was perfect. 

"Kim Taehyung."

*Oops. Bad grammar.* V bit his lip as he erased a sentence and rewrote it. 


*I think this doesn't sound sweet enough. I need to sound more cute.* V nodded to himself as he fixed a sentence that sounded too conceited. *There. Better.* He smiled at the new sentence.

"Kim Taehyung!!" 

Taehyung jumped up in shock, his eyes wide as he looked towards Mr. Jung. Mr. Jung stood at the front of the class, his hands on his hips as he looked at V with a strong gaze.

"Please pay attention instead of staring at your notebook dreamily." Mr. Jung stated.

The students around the room snickered as they all glanced towards V. 

V sighed and nodded, giving Mr. Jung a slight bow of apology. Mr. Jung cleared his throat before resuming his lesson. 

V took a deep breath and pushed his doodle notebook away, grabbing his math notebook instead. 

*Focus V. Jimin wouldn't want a stupid boyfriend.* V thought, determination running through him as he looked up to start paying attention to the class. 

V stared at the board blankly as Mr. Jung began writing different math problems on the board. *What the hell?...* He thought, scanning all the numbers and letters on the board. He looked down at his notebook and textbook, his mind getting even more confused. *When the did we learn this? I don't even remember any of this .* V looked around the room, noticing that half of his classmates were busy writing while the others were busy fooling around.

"Get all of these questions done before break. If you don't finish, you have to stay here until you do." Mr. Jung strictly said, a serious expression on his face. "I just need to get something at the office. I'll be right back." He said before walking out of the room. 

V watched Mr. Jung leave before looking back up at the board, copying one of the questions down into his notebook. He was determined to finish all the questions because he had no time to stay during the break since he had to carry out his confession. He stared down at the single question he wrote in his notebook, feeling like everything was a whole new language. He quietly sighed in frustration as he lightly gripped onto his hair, not understanding even one bit of the math problem.

"V." Someone called him.

V looked up from his notebook and turned his head to the right, his eyes landing on a smiling Jimin.

"Are you okay?" Jimin softly whispered.

V sighed and shook his head. 

Suddenly, Jimin ripped a page of his notebook. V watched Jimin with wide eyes as Jimin handed the page to V. V slowly took it from Jimin, not understanding what the other was doing. 

"You can copy that. I'll just rewrite everything." Jimin softly told him, a small smile on his lips.

V looked down at the page and saw that it was Jimin's work and answers for the questions. 

V frantically shook his head, trying to hand the page back to Jimin. "It's okay! This is your work." V said as he nudged the page closer to Jimin. "I won't take this."

Jimin shook his head, pushing V's arm away. "It's okay. I'm bored anyways. I feel like rewriting the whole thing since it looks messy. Besides, this is my way of repaying you for all of those times you let me copy your notes." 

V glanced at the page again as he bit his lip. "Are you sure?" He asked Jimin.

Jimin nodded, his eye smile visible. "One hundred percent!" 

V hesitantly pulled his hand back, placing the page beside his notebook. He stared down at the page, scanning through Jimin's neat writing. He slightly turned to glance at Jimin, noticing that the other was already rewriting the questions. 

A small smile formed on V's face.

*And this is why I'm madly in love with you Park Jimin.* 


Jimin happily whistled as he gripped onto his newly bought snack, a huge smile on his face. Since Jimin wasn't able to eat breakfast this morning, he was extremely excited to finally be able to eat something; even if it's just a snack. 

Jimin waved 'hello' to a few students he passed in the hallways. Since it was break time, all the male students either wandered around the school or went outside to play sports.

One thing is for sure though; nobody stayed in the classrooms. 

Jimin walked into his empty homeroom class, his eyes landing on a box of chocolates on his desk. Jimin raised an eyebrow as he walked towards his desk, grabbing the heart-shaped box immediately. He placed his snack on his desk as he stared at the delicious treat in his hand.

"Who would...?" Jimin whispered, his eyes narrowing in curiosity.

"I would."

Jimin's eyes widened as he looked towards the front of the classroom, his eyes landing on Jungkook. 

"Jungkook-ah..." Jimin spoke softly.

Jungkook smiled and walked towards Jimin, his hands in his pockets. Jimin gulped as he watched the other walk towards him, his heart racing. Jungkook stopped in front of him, a small smile on his face. 

"Park Jimin. I have something to tell you." Jungkook whispered.

Jimin nodded as he looked into Jungkook's eyes, his palms getting sweatier. *Is he going to confess to me?* Jimin nervously thought. 

Suddenly, a smirk formed on Jungkook's face. "You're so short." Jungkook teasingly said as he patted Jimin on the head.

Jimin angrily pouted, slapping the other on the shoulder. "Yah! I'm still your hyung! You're not allowed to bully me!" 

Jungkook chuckled before grabbing Jimin's hand, holding it as if it was a delicate object. 

"Why are you shaking up my heart?" Jungook whispered, softly rubbing the other's hand with his thumb. 

Jimin's face softened as he looked at Jungkook. 

Jungkook smiled. "I love you Park Jimin." 

Jimin's eyes widened. *Did he...?* His heart skipped a beat as his grip on the chocolate box tightened.

"I love you because your small and short. You make me want to protect you from any harm, even if you're my hyung. You're one of the nicest people I know and you're always thinking of others first. You work hard at everything you do and you never give up." Jungkook said, the smile still on his face. "And who wouldn't fall for a cute face like that?" 

Jimin lightly blushed, looking down as he tried to hide the smile on his face. 

Jungkook placed a finger under Jimin's chin, forcing the other to look at him.

"Jimin. I mean... Hyung." Jungkook corrected himself.

Jimin smirked, amused at the younger boy. 

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked with hopeful eyes.

Though Jungkook may seem confident, his heart was beating nervously as the thought of the other rejecting him kept filling his mind. 

Jimin smiled at Jungkook, his hand slipping out of Jungkook's as he moved a strand of hair away from Jungkook's eyes. 

"Trust me when I say I love you more than a best friend hyung. I really do." Jungkook softly said, a serious look in his eyes. 

Jimin slightly bit his lip as V entered his mind. He knew he loved the other as well, but seeing the way Jungkook had already confessed to him, he had the urge to accept the younger right then and there. 

Jimin took a deep breath, making up his mind. "Jungkook. I will--" 

"Not be your boyfriend." 

The two boys snapped their heads to the door, their eyes landing on a furious V who held a cute teddy bear in his hand. 

"V." Jimin said just as V began walking towards them. 

V glared at Jungkook, slightly shoving the other away as he stood in front of Jimin. Jungkook angrily glared at V as he straightened up and fixed his clothes. 

"You love me right Jimin?" V said as he softly pushed the bear into Jimin's arms. 

Jimin looked down at the bear in his arms, noticing that the bear wore a cute uniform and had a nametag that read 'Taehyung'. Jimin felt his heart skip a beat at the cute object in his arms. It reminded him so much of V, and he believes that that was the whole point of the gift.

"Be my boyfriend Jimin." V straightforwardly stated, his gaze fixed on Jimin. "I love you more than Jungkook does. I'll be a better boyfriend for you." 

"Don't listen to this ." Jungkook growled as he shoved V away.

V grabbed Jungkook by the collar and threw him down, pushing him into the ground. Jimin watched the scene with wide eyes. 

" you Jeon Jungkook. I had a whole ing speech ready for Jimin but you had to ruin it! Stop ing around and trying to mess with my life! You're only confessing to Jimin in order to mess with me!" V glared murderously at the younger boy. 

Jungkook had a firm expression on his face. "I love him too you ing . My life doesn't revolve around you. Just because I hate you, doesn't mean I don't love Jimin for real!" 

"Stop it!" Jimin angrily yelled as he placed the teddy bear and chocolate on his desk, walking over to the two boys and immediately pulling V off of Jungkook. 

V slightly stumbled from the force but quickly regained himself. "You love me more right Jimin?" V ran to Jimin's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

Jungkook stood up, dusting the dirt off his uniform. "Jimin is going to be my boyfriend, right Jimin?" He looked at Jimin.

V turned Jimin so that they were facing one another. Jimin stared into V's eyes which were filled with nothing but love and sincerity.

"I love you Park Jimin. Ever since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. Every time we're together, my heart would beat fast and I would feel like I'm in heaven. I can't imagine a life without you anymore Jimin." V confessed in a sweet voice. "Please accept my heart." 

Jimin was suddenly turned around by Jungkook, forcing Jimin to look at him instead. 

"Jimin, I'll be the best boyfriend ever. I'll always make you happy and take care of you. If you hold me now, I'll never let you go." Jungkook whispered, grabbing Jimin's hand and intertwining their fingers together.

Jimin felt a hand hold onto his other hand. He turned to look at V, who was slowly intertwining their fingers together as well. 

"I wanna be your love Jimin." V stated, looking at him with so much love. 

Jimin looked forward, his mind and heart going out of control. Both the boys made him feel special and he loved both of them. Though right then and there, he knew that he could only choose one. 

He looked at V before turning to look at Jungkook. Slowly and painfully, he made up his mind.

"I can't accept either of your confessions." Jimin said, his heart almost breaking into pieces at his own decision.

If Jimin was hurt, V and Jungkook almost died after hearing Jimin's answer. 

"What...?" V asked with wide eyes. 

Jungkook stared at the older boy, shocked. "Is it because you only see us as friends?" He asked. 

Jimin shook his head. "No. It's not that."

V looked at him with a sad expression. "Then why?" 

"I just can't accept either of you." Jimin firmly said, pulling his hand away from both the boys. "I'm sorry..." Jimin weakly whispered as he began walking away from the two boys.

V angrily sighed before walking after Jimin, grabbing the other's wrist and forcefully turning him around so that Jimin was looking at him. 

"I'm not letting you leave until you tell me why Park Jimin." V said in a strong, demanding voice. "Why won't you accept our confessions?" 

Jimin glared at V, pushing the other's grip on his wrist away. "Just because!" 

"No! I want a straight answer Jimin." V spoke with a strong voice. 

"Taehyu--" Jungkook called after him but V shook his head.

"Give us a real reason Jimin. I don't care about Jungkook but we both deserve a reason for your rejection." V said, his gaze also getting stronger. "We both love you and if we can do something to gain your love, we'll do it." 

Jungkook looked at Jimin, waiting for his reaction. 

"You really want to know?" Jimin asked, his tone sounding mad yet frustrated. "You really want to know?" 

Jungkook slowly nodded, quickly glancing at V before turning his attention back to Jimin.

"Because I like both of you!" 

V's eyes widened as he looked at Jimin before turning to look over his shoulder at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at V as well, his eyes filled with confusion. *Jimin loves both me and V?* 

V turned to look at Jimin again. "What?..." 

Jimin blew his bangs out of his face. "I ing love both of you! I can't choose between one of you without the other one filling my mind. I love both of you too much to only choose one!" 

V looked at Jimin in shock. *He loves both of us?* V thought as he couldn't help but feel defeated by Jungkook. He was happy that Jimin had admitted to loving him, but knowing that Jimin also loved Jungkook crushed him. 

"Are you happy now?" Jimin angrily asked, glaring darkly at both the boys. 

He turned around to leave again until Jungkook's voice stopped him.

"Wait!" Jungkook called out. 

Jimin slowly turned around, his eyes fixed on Jungkook. 

Jungkook took a deep breath. *I better not regret this.* He thought as he moved to stand beside V.

Jimin raised an eyebrow at him. V also stared at Jungkook, a confused expression on his face. 

Jungkook began to rethink the idea forming in his mind, a hesitant feeling in his stomach. He honestly loved Jimin and would never think of ever giving him up to someone else. Though after seeing the way V has acted, he knew that the other loved Jimin just as much as he did. He may hate V, but knowing that Jimin also loves him, he might have to do this one favor for V.

"Oh it." Jungkook suddenly said, turning to glare at V. "You better ing thank me for this."

V looked at Jungkook weirdly. "What--"

"Be our boyfriend Park Jimin." Jungkook confidently said.  "I want you to accept both me and V as your boyfriend." 

V's eyes widened. "What the are you--" 

Jungkook slapped V's face away. "Shut the up ." 

V angrily pouted, rubbing his cheek which was slightly stinging from Jungkook's attack. "Ow..." He quietly whispered.

"What are you saying Jungkook?" Jimin gave him a look. 

Jungkook sighed. "You know how much I hate V and I would never do anything for him. But since you love both of us and I care about you, I'll do this one thing for him."

Jimin stared at him, his eyes softening from the way Jungkook was acting. 

V looked at Jungkook, somewhat amazed at what the other was doing. He could tell that Jungkook hated the idea of sharing Jimin with him since he sure as hell doesn't like that idea either, but he -and Jungkook- knew that that was their only choice. 

V sighed and turned to look at Jimin, giving him a small smile as he decided to go along with Jungkook's idea. 

"Be our boyfriend Jiminnie. Both mine and Jungkook's boyfriend." V said, speaking with his famous sweet voice. 

"And if you accept us." Jungkook added. "We'll never let you go." 

Jimin began to consider the idea, liking the thought of having both the boys he loved as his boyfriends. He knew that accepting both V and Jungkook together will cause problems, but he can't help but think that it could actually work. He may seem desperate for loving both the boys, but that's what happens when you're in love. Sometimes, you just have to follow your heart instead of your mind. 

*Whatever. Who gives a what others will think. As long as V and Jungkook love me, nothing else matters.* Jimin gave them a small smile and opened his mouth to tell them his decision until a quick idea formed in his mind. A slight smirk replaced Jimin's smile. *Let's just make sure that they really, really do love me.* 

"Well? What do you think?" Jungkook asked, taking a step closer to Jimin. 

Jimin sighed, shaking his head. "I don't think accepting both of you will be a good idea." Jimin pretended to act worried, looking down towards the ground. 

Jimin secretly smiled as he waited for Jungkook and V to react. 

"Why not?" V asked as he looked at Jimin worriedly. "Why isn't it a good idea?" 

Jimin began to think of different problems that could happen if someone were to have two boyfriends. 

"First of all," Jimin started. "People would think that I'm a man . I mean, they would think I'm an attention seeker for having two boyfriends." 

V scoffed and waved a hand at Jimin. "Who gives a what others think. Once they find out you're my boyfriend," 

Jungkook raised a fist over his hand, letting out a loud cough.

V rolled his eyes. "Our boyfriend," V turned to lightly glare at Jungkook before turning his attention back to Jimin. "They'll find out that Jungkook and I are gay. We can all be judged. Either way, I'm pretty sure a lot of people already think that Jungkook is gay." V finished, a smirk on his face.

Jungkook looked at V angrily. " you Kim Taehyung." 

" you too Jeon Jungkook!" V exclaimed as he gave Jungkook a cheesy smile. 

"That's not the only problem though." Jimin quickly spoke up, worried that the two boys might start fighting again. 

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him. "There's more?" 

Jimin nodded in reply. "I don't think I'll make a good boyfriend. What if I can't satisfy both of your needs? I don't want to ever disappoint any of you two..." Jimin pouted as he looked down at his hands. 

Jungkook sighed as he walked towards Jimin, placing a hand under the boys chin as he forced him to look up. 

"Don't ever think that you wouldn't make a good boyfriend. And I'm satisfied just by knowing that you love me too." Jungkook showed him a warm smile.

V followed after Jungkook, wrapping an arm around Jimin's shoulder. "Second best is right. As long as you love me, nothing else matters." 

Jungkook pretended he didn't hear the name V called him as he nodded in agreement.

Jimin smiled at V and Jungkook, his heart leaping in joy at their constant confessions towards him. *They really are crazy in love with me.* 

"Okay." Jimin simply said.

Jungkook looked at him confusingly. "Okay what?"

"Okay, I'll be your boyfriend." Jimin said with a clear and loud voice. "Both of yours." 

V looked at Jimin with wide eyes, pulling away from him. "Are you serious?" 

Jimin laughed as he smirked at the two boys. "Actually, I already agreed a few minutes ago. I just wanted to tease the two of you." 

V shook his head as he flicked Jimin's forehead. "You're such an idiot." He told Jimin, a smile on his face. 

Excitement ran through Jungkook as Jimin's answer echoed in his ears. "So does that mean you're our boyfriend now?" Jungkook asked Jimin as his lips stretched into a huge smile. 

V looked at Jimin.

Jimin smiled and nodded. "Officially." 

"Yes!" Jungkook and V yelled out happily, tightly wrapping their arms around Jimin.

"Thank you for accepting Jimin." Jungkook sweetly whispered into Jimin's ear, nuzzling his cheek into the other's shoulder.

Jimin smiled as he rested his cheek on Jungkook's head. "Thank you for loving me." Jimin said in a loving voice.

"Okay! Individual hugs first!" V shouted as he shoved Jungkook away from Jimin. 

V pulled Jimin closer to him, wrapping the other boy in his arms tightly.

Jungkook glared at V as he forcefully pulled Jimin towards him. "Who the said you get to hug him first?" 

"I said so." V replied as he pulled Jimin away from Jungkook.

"Well, he loves me more so I get to hug him first." Jungkook said as he grabbed Jimin's wrist, pulling him closer. 

"I'm more handsome." V randomly stated as he smirked, once again pulling Jimin towards him.

Jungkook looked at V weirdly. "What the does that have to do with anything?" 

"Jimin deserves to be hugged by someone handsome so I guess you won't have a chance." V stuck his tongue out at Jungkook before wrapping his arms around Jimin again. 

Jungkook glared at V as he pushed him away from Jimin. "Don't be cocky you ." 

V also glared at Jungkook, feeling annoyed at his rival. "Don't be jealous second best." 

Jimin sighed and shook his head, a smile forming on his face as he listened to the two boys bicker like little kids.

He walked towards his desk, looking down at the box of chocolate and the Taehyung teddy bear. He smiled and grabbed the snack he bought before, opening the bag and chewing on the delicious snack. 

*Yummy.* He smiled in satisfaction as he turned to look back at V and Jungkook. They were still arguing, angry looks on their faces as they fought over who was better between the two of them.

Jimin chuckled and shook his head. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, these are my boyfriends." He softly whispered to himself as he watched his two lovers argue like there's no tomorrow.

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This story is almost coming to its end...


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i love vmi n
Chapter 29: This is almost everything I would have ever hoped for a vminkook story!! I'm so glad to have found this♥♥♥♥ Thank you for writing this story~!!!!
MIYUKI_wow #3
Jeoffie #4
Chapter 29: OH MY SAJKHQHWUWHISU- (dies cause of this story!)
Chapter 29: The most amazing,sweet,fluffy story that i have read!!! I really love VMIN,Jikook,vkook in this story!!^^ VMinKook forever ❤❤❤!!! I hope there is another Vminkook story^^ actually i love the early chapter with soo much fluffy
heavenairisu #7
Chapter 14: I am not into vkook that much but rn I just want them to end up together with jimin
Omg omg omg hiiii Author-nim.
Can you please give me a favor? I have read this wonderful fanfic of yours like a year ago and now when I read it again, my love for it is even more increasing. But when you and your fic like... suddenly disappeared? My heart felt like freezing ToT However, it's opening again yayyy and I can't take it anymore, I really want to translate your fic into my language - Vietnamese, not only to let more friends in Vietnam know about this fic but also my pleasure! XD
I promise I will credit carefully and translate it with love <3 Please accept me~~~ Oh and here is the link to my site: https://hell241004.wordpress.com/
Thank you. <3
Choi_Aya05 #9
Chapter 23: Author-nim, shouldn't Jimin notice a time lapse when he woke up from his accident? LOL. Just asking.
Chapter 4: Seeing BTS like this to each other is so sad, but it makes the story so good. One of the best BTS fics I've read so far.