The Boss

Split In Half

Zico panted heavily as he ran into the classroom and towards Baro who was busy looking over a textbook at his desk. "Hey! Did you hear about what happened?" He nudged his friend as he sat in the empty seat beside him, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Baro looked up and closed the textbook. "What do you mean? Did something serious happen?" 

"You haven't heard about it?" Another close friend of theirs, Insoo, joined the conversation while moving Baro's textbook aside and sitting comfortably on the desk like it was a chair. 

Baro leaned back in his seat and raised an eyebrow at the two boys. "Heard about what?" 

Zico rolled his eyes. "You seriously need to get out of your little world." 

"Just tell me what happened." Baro glared at Zico, crossing his arms over his chest. 

Insoo glanced around at the other students in the room before leaning down closer to Baro, cupping one hand around his mouth. "Park Jimin got into an accident and has amnesia." 

Baro's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Park Jimin did?"

Zico nodded sadly, a small pout forming on his lips. "It's so sad."

"Apparently," Insoo started, gesturing for the two boys to come closer to him when he brought his voice down to a whisper. Baro and Zico looked at one another before leaning in, opening their ears to listen to Insoo's explanation. "He only forgot all of the memories of this school and everything about it. Which means, he forgot about Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung as well." Insoo finished as he watched Baro and Zico's mouth open in shock. 

"So you mean to say, he has no memory of them?" Zico asked.

Insoo frowned and shook his head. "Not even a tiny little piece of memory."

Baro's expression saddened. "Holy . That's so ing sad."

"I know right?" Insoo nodded in agreement as he leaned back, noticing the other students in the room vigorously tapping away on their phones. "Looks like the whole school is talking about it."

The students in the room were busy typing away in the A.R.M.Y Chat Room, talking about the recent event that was getting everybody hyped up. Students around the school were all joining into the conversation on either their phones or on a computer, inviting different friends to join the massive chat room as well. It may seem like they were all simply gossiping about what had happened, but they were all truly concerned about what was going to happen to the three way couple. Ever since Jimin has boldly confessed to both Jungkook and V in front of the whole school like it was nothing, the students all began to look up to him and support the cute relationship.

Though after hearing about the amnesia that Jimin has, the students of Bangtan Elite High were worried about what was going to happen, and change, in their school. Bangtan Elite High was an extremely huge school with many students and it was practically like a home where everyone took care of each other. 

Suddenly, a surprising but intimidating message popped up in the A.R.M.Y Chat Room and made all the students shake in the inside.

Kim Taehyung: None of you have ever met Park Jimin before. If any of you even try to remind him of his memories, you're dead.

Most of the students felt lost and confused at why V was messaging them this, but they all agreed to not speak a word to Jimin. Even if they somewhat felt bad for having to lie to Jimin, they were also happy to be able to give Jimin proper first impressions once again -not that the first time wasn't good-. Also, nobody wanted to go against Kim Taehyung. He may not be the scariest boy in the school, but he was one of them. 

V nodded in satisfaction as he read all the replies from the students, locking his phone afterwards and slipping it back into his pocket. He looked around the empty hallway before pushing himself off the wall, beginning to walk down the hallway.


V stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Jin and J-Hope walking towards him. He gave them a smile as they stopped in front of him, disappointed looks on their faces.

V raised his eyebrow at them. "Why are you two looking at me like that?"

"Are you and Jungkook really going to do this?" Jin asked in disbelief.

V rolled his eyes in annoyance. *Not this topic again.* After he had explained to the two seniors of the decision he and Jungkook had come to, they began to throw questions at him while adding in a scoop of scolding. V was used to getting lectures from the two older boys but it didn't mean he liked it. He wasn't a boy anymore. He could make decisions for himself and he didn't always need someone to supervise him.

J-Hope furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest, upset with the way V was acting. "If you think you're doing the right thing, you're not. You're practically tearing apart the love Jimin has for both of you."

V sighed as he looked down towards the ground, tired of hearing the same words for the hundredth time. 

"What if Jimin ends up remembering his memories along the way? He'll be furious and you could lose him for good." Jin stated with sad eyes.

"I know what I'm doing hyung." V snapped. "I'm not stupid and I thought of all the negative things that could happen and I'm not going to change my mind. I'm determined to make Jimin fall in love with me and not for that ing Jeon Jungkook." 

J-Hope let out a frustrated sigh. "Do you hear yourself V? Because if you can, you'd notice how much of an you're becoming."

Jin nodded his head in agreement. "We didn't think that being in love could turn you into someone you're not. You're not like this V. You're a caring person who always thinks of others before yourself, and if you did that this time, you'd see how much hurt you'd bring to both Jimin and Jungkook." 

"I don't need you two to ing tell me who I am." V lightly glared at Jin and J-Hope. 

J-Hope's eyes widened in shock. 

"Don't you dare talk to us that way Kim Taehyung." Jin raised his voice and spoke firmly, an angered expression forming on his face. "We're trying to lead you to be a good person but if you're going to act like you're a ing genius and you know everything in the world, then fine. But don't you ing forget that we tried to help you."

Jin slipped his hands into his pockets as he turned around and began to walk away from the younger boy with a heavy heart, his eyes showing the sadness he was feeling in his heart. V had never talked to him and J-Hope that way before and they never expected it to ever happen. Like what he said, he grew close to V knowing how sweet and caring the latter was. Even when V fought with Jungkook almost everyday, the good side of him never overcame the bad side. Seeing V slowly turning into a person he's not is scaring Jin, and he wishes that the younger boy would snap back into reality.

J-Hope glared at V and turned his body so that his back was facing the other boy. "Who the are you?" He whispered before beginning to follow after Jin, his strides long and slow.

V kept his eyes on the two boys until he could no longer see them. The strong look on his face weakened and the guilt in his body began to show. He always hated upsetting the two boys and their opinions mattered the most to him. He knew that Jin and J-Hope were right, but he couldn't bring himself to change his mind. He truly does know what he's doing and is not going to give up on trying to win Jimin's heart, but he can't deny the fact that there is something deep down that's telling him to stop and just unite with Jungkook again. 

"I'm sorry hyungs..." V whispered as he frowned at the ground.

He sighed before looking up and beginning to walk, deciding that it would be better for him to go back to the dorm earlier than he usually would. Most of the time after school was finished, V would join the other students and have fun around the school since it was always kept open until late at night but right now, sleep was all that he needed for his exhausted mind. 

V stopped when a soft tune entered his ears, catching his full attention. He tilted his head in curiosity and turned to look to his right, walking towards a classroom and peeking in through the huge glass window, his eyes landing on a boy sitting in the middle of the classroom with a guitar in his arms. He was staring down at the guitar as he tapped his foot to the beat, skillfully moving his fingers along the strings of the beautiful instrument.

V placed his hands on the window as he leaned closer and tried to get a better view of the person's face, the urge to know who the person was rising inside of him. He opened his eyes bigger when he saw the person slowly lifting up his face, making V lean even closer to the window and practically squishing himself against it.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring, causing for his heart to stop from the shock. The person snapped their heads towards the window just when V crouched down to hide. He wanted to know the identity of the person, but he didn't want to look like a total creeper and peeping into the window and staring is a huge feature of a creeper. He quickly took out his phone and answered the call, not bothering to look at the caller. 

"Hello?" He whispered, crouching down even further and cupping his hand around the phone.


V slightly stumbled back from the volume as he instantly pulled the phone away from him for a second before returning it to his ear. 

"Where the are you! You promised to wait for me by the ing gate you little !" 

V's eyes widened as he realized who the caller was. He jumped up and began to run down the hallway.

"I'm coming! Wait for me there!" V stated and hung up the call, slipping the phone into his pocket.

*I can't believe I forgot!* V ran like a bullet to the front of the school, not even taking the time to think or even worry about anything else but the person who was waiting impatiently for him. 

His eyes automatically found the person by the gates as he continued to run towards him.

"Baekhyun hyung!" V yelled excitedly before slamming into the older boy and wrapping his arms around him tightly, pulling him into a tight bear hug. 

Baekhyun slightly stumbled back from the sudden impact but was able to regain his balance right away, quickly wrapping his arms around V and returning the hug. "My baby cousin!" 

V chuckled and pulled away, giving Baekhyun a bright smile. "I'm so happy you're here now! I missed you so much!"

Suddenly, Baekhyun began to pinch V all over his body, earning small yelps and cries from him. It was surprising that even through the amount of layers he was wearing, the pinches he got from his cousin are still as painful as they always are. 

"I can't believe you forgot about me!" Baekhyun said through gritted teeth and continued to pinch V, an annoyed look on his face. "I even called you yesterday to remind you!"

V let out one last scream as he lightly pushed Baekhyun away. He pouted at the older boy and rubbed the spots where it was stinging the most.

"I'm sorry I forgot!"

Baekhyun saw the apologetic look in V's eyes. 

"There's just so much going on in my mind." V mumbled as he moved his eyes to the ground, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. 

Baekhyun looked at V with concerned eyes. "What happened?"

V sighed and shook his head, forcing a small smile to form on his face. "I'm just stressed about school." 

"Bull." Baekhyun simply replied. "Kim Taehyung never gets stressed about school. Tell me the truth."

V held his hands up in surrender and gave his cousin an innocent expression. "I'm telling the truth! I'm honestly worried about my school grades. I think I'm failing really badly."

Baekhyun looked at V suspiciously before deciding to push the subject away. Besides, what if V is honestly just stressed about school? "Fine then." 

V mentally cheered in his head. As much as he wanted to tell Baekhyun all his problems and thoughts, he was worried that his cousin would also become disappointed in him. Baekhyun is one of the most important people in his life and the very last thing he wanted was to disappoint or upset him. He was already so depressed at the thought of Jimin forgetting him and his friends leaving him; he didn't need his cousin to add onto that list.

"By the way." Baekhyun smirked at V. "When are you going to finally introduce me to your boyfriend?"

V froze in his spot.

"I'm not going to take 'later' as an answer this time." Baekhyun glared at him. "You won't even let me see a picture of him and I deserve to meet him."

V bit his lip. "Actually hyung..." He looked down at Baekhyun's things as his eyes landed on the bags his cousin has brought. "You play the guitar?" V asked in interest, hoping that his cousin wouldn't notice the sudden change in topic. 

The thought of meeting V's boyfriend slipped out of Baekhyun's mind and he also looked down at the guitar bag on the ground, a small smile on his face. "I'm learning." 

V smiled in victory and wrapped an arm around the older boys shoulder, pulling him closer. "After you become a pro, can you teach me?"

Baekhyun chuckled and flicked V's forehead playfully. "It would take you a hundred years to learn how to play the guitar." He shook V's arm off his shoulder and walked towards his belongings. "Help me bring this to my dorm." 

V pouted. "I can learn how to play the guitar quickly." He mumbled as he went towards Baekhyun and took a hold of a backpack and luggage. 

Baekhyun scoffed and waved a hand at V. "Just lead me to my dorm." He commanded while holding out another bag for V to hold. "And then help me unpack my things afterwards once we get there." 

Being the older male, Baekhyun always loved bossing V around ever since they were kids. It also wasn't hard to control V since the boy was practically born on another planet. 

V glared at his cousin and harshly dropped the bags onto the ground. "Lead yourself." He said before beginning to stomp away angrily. 

After being bossed around for half his childhood, he wasn't going to let Baekhyun do that to him here too; no matter how scary and violent the older boy was. 

"Yah! Kim Taehyung!"

He ignored his cousin and continued to walk away, his arms crossed over his chest and an angry pout on his face. He was determined to not fall for the fear that was slowly growing inside of him because he knew that after acting boldly towards Baekhyun, the latter would certainly hit him. 

Suddenly, a huge weight jumped on his back as he fell forward, pain shooting up the front of his body. Baekhyun pinched his ear and pulled on it, earning a loud scream from him.

"Are you going to help me with my bags or not?" Baekhyun asked as he sat on V's back.

V opened his mouth to decline when Baekhyun pulled on his ear harder.

"Alright!" He yelled out anxiously. "I'll help you!"

Baekhyun smiled in satisfaction before getting up and dusting the imaginary dirt of his hands. "That's what I thought." He smirked and walked back to his bags that were still resting by the gates.

V puffed his cheeks out as he looked over his shoulder to glare at Baekhyun's back. "Meanie." He whispered.

Baekhyun held up a hand. "If my bags aren't in your hands in five seconds..." He threatened without turning around. 

V's eyes widened as he scrambled to get up, messily fixing his uniform while running after his cousin. "I'm coming!"

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This story is almost coming to its end...


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i love vmi n
Chapter 29: This is almost everything I would have ever hoped for a vminkook story!! I'm so glad to have found this♥♥♥♥ Thank you for writing this story~!!!!
MIYUKI_wow #3
Jeoffie #4
Chapter 29: OH MY SAJKHQHWUWHISU- (dies cause of this story!)
Chapter 29: The most amazing,sweet,fluffy story that i have read!!! I really love VMIN,Jikook,vkook in this story!!^^ VMinKook forever ❤❤❤!!! I hope there is another Vminkook story^^ actually i love the early chapter with soo much fluffy
heavenairisu #7
Chapter 14: I am not into vkook that much but rn I just want them to end up together with jimin
Omg omg omg hiiii Author-nim.
Can you please give me a favor? I have read this wonderful fanfic of yours like a year ago and now when I read it again, my love for it is even more increasing. But when you and your fic like... suddenly disappeared? My heart felt like freezing ToT However, it's opening again yayyy and I can't take it anymore, I really want to translate your fic into my language - Vietnamese, not only to let more friends in Vietnam know about this fic but also my pleasure! XD
I promise I will credit carefully and translate it with love <3 Please accept me~~~ Oh and here is the link to my site:
Thank you. <3
Choi_Aya05 #9
Chapter 23: Author-nim, shouldn't Jimin notice a time lapse when he woke up from his accident? LOL. Just asking.
Chapter 4: Seeing BTS like this to each other is so sad, but it makes the story so good. One of the best BTS fics I've read so far.