Step Six: An Empty Wallet

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I don't know if you're comfortable with the mentioning of lmao so this is just warn you, Baekhyun talks about for like, two sentences



"I'm guessing the first thing we should do is get rid of your hideous wardrobe." Baekhyun announced after looking at Minseok's closet with distaste. Both she and Jongdae came over after her soccer practice. 

"Why my clothes?" Minseok frowned a bit. "I like my clothes.."

"Yeah, if you wanna look like a boy." Baekhyun returned the frown. She pulled out a sports bra from the closet. "And what is this? Are you trying to be a girl or hide it with this?" 

"I need that for soccer!" Minseok squeaked, snatching it out of Baekhyun's hands. She was a bit conscious since Jongdae was sitting in her room. He was a boy, for christssake! He shouldn't be in here, regardless of Minseok being boyish or not! 

"I'm curious. What's the girliest thing you have in here?" Baekhyun asked, raising a brow. Minseok made a face before getting up from her bed to rummage through her closet. She reached deep within, pulling out an old Christmas gift bag. 

"I got this from one of my crazy aunts last Christmas." Minseok muttered, handing it to Baekhyun. 

"Ooh, well this isn't PG," Baekhyun chuckled, shooting Jongdae some looks. The boy raised a brow when she reached into the bag. "Jongdae might have to close his eyes for this one." She pulled out a pair of lace from the bag. Of course, being the boy he is, Jongdae's face flushed red. Baekhyun laughed rather darkly. She definitely was enjoying this.

"Go to hell, Baek," Jongdae muttered, averting his attention. He accidentally met eyes with Minseok, only to whip his head away to stare at the wall. Minseok's cheeks blushed a light pink when she grabbed the from Baekhyun's hand and shoved it into the gift bag, stuffing it back into its original place at the back of the closet.

"It was a gift," Minseok mumbled.

"A very nice gift! You should use it. It's girly." Baekhyun encouraged. 

"I-It's not like a boy is going to see my underwear! It doesn't matter." Minseok denied, shaking her head vehemently. 

"We should go shopping!" Baekhyun declared, grabbing Minseok's hands in her's. Usually, she'd go shopping with her friends. But now that she had none... it's been a while. She was feeling rather excited for once. 

"I-I don't have money to buy anything, though--"

"No worries." Baekhyun smirked. "I'll handle it."



"By handle, you seriously meant I would pay for everything?" Jongdae deadpanned. He couldn't believe himself for letting Baekhyun take advantage of him. Again. He's known Baekhyun for years, yet he always ends up doing stuff like this. 

"Huh. Well.... yes." Baekhyun nodded. Jongdae's frown deepened. 

"That's hilarious Baek. 'Cause I'm seriously not getting paid enough at my job and here you are ready to blow my money." Jongdae shook his head. "I'm not gonna do it. There's no way." 

"Oh come on, Jongdae.." Baekhyun whined. "Just look at her." She motioned towards Minseok who was looking through racks of clothes. "Her and her terrible choice of clothes... Just do it for Minseok. Don't think of it as me asking you for this. Think of it as Minseok asking you." Jongdae pursed his lips before rolling his eyes. 


"Yay!" Baekhyun squealed. "Minseok, get ready to buy anything and everything!" Baekhyun trotted over to the elder rather happily before dragging her away to the nearest store. 

Jongdae was left trudging behind, rather gloomily.



Jongdae was in the middle of a store, waiting awkwardly between racks of clothes. It's been an hour or two since they arrived and he already wanted to go home. Do it for Minseok, Jongdae... do it for Minseok.


The boy turned to see a towering giant heading toward him with b

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Chapter 15: aww itsokay authornim!!! i was actually really happy when i saw this updated but it is actually not a real update but its okay. I understand you authornim!! all the best for your university and i will wait for you and your update :)))))
Chapter 15: YAYYYY CONGRATS FOR GETTING INTO UNI! Can't wait for the updates!! :))
Chapter 15: Welcome honey! Take your time, you are awesome!
Chapter 15: Finally! It's amazing that you came back author-nim =)))))
Chapter 15: I'm glad you're back! Welcome back!
Chapter 14: awwww i need to see how jongdae will fall for minseok :( this story is so cute!
sehunnie08 #7
I've been waiting for this ever since you last updated... update soon juseyeo~... I really love this story♡
CrazyShoe #8
Chapter 14: Please update soon, this fanfic is sooooo good!!!
Hi, i would like to translate your fanfic into vietnamese for my friends and many people to know your fanfic more and post it on wattpad, let me know ì you agree, thank you a lot, can't wait for the next chapter, i will write all the credit in the info box of the story