Chapter 9


Sunlight flooded into the room as I heard someone moving back the curtains in my room, I whined at the bright light and proceeded to wrap my blanket around my head only to be stopped by soft hands. “Rise and shine Seo Yeon, up up up don’t pull that blanket over your head I have the day planned out, do you want to miss it? Come on!” Jonghyun urged. I pulled my blanket over my head again and managed to open my mouth a little to only say, “eeh.” I heard him sigh, “Don’t tell me I did all of this for nothing.” I lifted and turned my head over at him to find him pouting with huge puppy eyes. I quickly shut my eyes, “okay, okay I’ll get up.” I re-opened my eyes to find his face full of concern and inches from mine. “What?” I asked as I rolled towards the other side of my bed. “Your eyes are swollen, how are you feeling?” he asked. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, “I feel like I can fly, I feel like the weight is nearly almost off my shoulders” I replied and gave him a big smile. His mouth stretched into a smile as well, “that’s good to hear… hey what’s this?” he questioned, I watched as his eyes slowly moved towards a yellow piece of paper besides me. I realized it was the note I had pulled out the night before and quickly snatched it up, “oh ha-ha that? Nothing, nothing important” I stammered and dove out of my bed onto the carpet. I cringed when I landed on my foot but quickly got up and made my way into the bathroom shutting the door. My heart was pounding; his face was way too close to mine, cutting into my comfort zone. I brushed my teeth and washed my face as slowly as possible killing more time by staring at my own reflection. I unfolded the note that I had stuffed into my pocket, as I started to re-read the note yet again I began to laugh. The note was so embarrassing; I felt a scarlet red creep across my face as I tried to picture what Jonghyun’s reaction would have been if he had read it. Safely tucking the paper in the drawer under my towels I walked into my closet to pick out an outfit. I ran my fingers through my hair; this was so stressful I thought. Normally I would have just walked out with the same clothes I had worn the night before, I had never cared what I was wearing as long as it was comfortable. I closed the closet doors and randomly felt through my clothes in the darkness, I ended up being able to pull out a brown sweater, black scarf, and dark blue skinny jeans. I tore off my clothes and changed, shivering as the cold hit me. I stuffed my old clothes into the basket and walked out back into the bathroom to brush out my hair before re-entering my bedroom. I found my pillows stacked, blankets neatly folded, and Jonghyun on top of it all engrossed to his phone facing the wall. I slowly crept towards him and squeezed his sides, “YAH!” I cried. He let out a small cry and flung backwards, I fell to the floor giggling. “You’re finally done?” he asked as he fixed his hair trying to play it off cool. “Yeah, I’m done” I responded in between laughs. He quickly sat up and climbed off my bed only to trip over his own foot to land over top of me. I stopped laughing and stared at him with wide eyes. My heart began to race, too close I thought to myself, way too close. Seconds later he flipped over me and helped me up, “I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked. I let out a weak smile, “I’m fine” I said as my voice slightly cracked. I saw him check his watch, “Let’s go Seo Yeon, it’s already 10. It will get too cold later” he said. “Where are you taking me?” I questioned. “You’ll find out soon, come on” he responded pulling me with him as he flashed me a bright smile. –End- 

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felfeell #1
Chapter 9: I love the story ! Its good, please continue author-nim :)