Chapter 8


I laid in bed staring off into the darkness. I had Jonghyun leave my room; although I was grateful for him, I needed space. I wanted to think alone. The words continued to circle around in my head; did my mom really leave me? It could be a possibility, I was turning 18 in a year, she could easily just leave me and go. Go and leave me, leave me here by myself. The words ‘alone’ repeated in my head like a broken record player. ‘Yah, Seo Yeon refrain the thoughts, you’re not alone. Are you an idiot? You have Jonghyun.’ I whispered to myself. But the words pained me; just having Jonghyun was equivalent to being alone wasn’t it? If Jonghyun left, I’d have to live in this world alone. I pulled myself up and off the bed and onto the floor. Reaching under my bed I pulled out the box my father had made me. He had carved it out when I was younger and told me to keep all my thoughts that I wished to report to the world inside. I hadn’t pulled it out since I moved into this house. Turning on the night lamp on my desk, I carefully opened the box. I took great pride in the box when I was younger, I would always make sure it was organized accordingly: pictures on one side, notes and letters in the middle, and my own thoughts on the opposite side. I pulled out my thoughts that were written in paper first, each was dated and I had drawn a face according to my mood. Looking at the first piece, it was dated all the way to March 6, 2012. Feeling the rough rigidly texture of the paper I remembered the tears that had fallen when I wrote this. The note read:  “It’s been a week since dad left. It’s been two months since he started drinking. It’s been a month since we all sat together as a family. 41 days of tears, 0 days of happiness, and another day of sadness.” Tears filled my eyes once again as I placed the note back into the box and picked up the next note marked at February 14, 2012: “Guess who got a box of chocolates this year? Jonghyun dropped by my house and gave me roses. He stated each rose stood for the years we’ve been friends and how he hoped for being more the coming years, hah whatever that means. Either way I’m happy, happy to have met him.” I cracked a small smile as I remembered how the whole scene played out.  Not wanting to read the rest in the box I placed the lid back on and slid it back under my bed, but I kept the note in my hand. Suddenly I felt a soft vibration from my phone.  I slowly crawled towards my desk and picked it up, crawling back into my bed I flipped open my phone; it was a message from Jonghyun: “Hi. I’m downstairs. Are you feeling better? I’m scared. Since when did your house creak? I took your blanket in case you were wondering, it’s too quiet. Sweet dreams.” I let out a laugh and replied: “I’m feeling fine. Come upstairs if you want, there’s a spare bed in the other room you know.” Seconds later my phone lit up again: “Too far away.” I shook my head and turned off my phone; pulling the covers over my head, I fell asleep with the note still clutched in my hand. –End-   

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felfeell #1
Chapter 9: I love the story ! Its good, please continue author-nim :)