Chapter 5


"Do you have a lot of homework?" He asked without letting go. "Just a little, I can probably crank it out in a few hours, why?" I asked. “Go and finish it by tonight, I have plans for us tomorrow” he responded. “Tell me why I have to listen to you, you can’t boss me around like that” I opposed. I lifted my head off of his shoulders to catch his reaction, he looked stunned by my response, I let out a small smile, “I was kidding Jonghyun, relax I’ll go do it right now” I answered. I turned a little but I wasn’t able to go any further, his hands were still holding onto my waist. “Uhh… I kind of need to walk to get my stuff” I said and nodded towards his arms. He let out a sigh, “in a few minutes.” I decided to lean my side against his chest, right then he let go, “Okay go finish your homework” he said smiling. I gave him a face and walked upstairs. I opened my door and sprawled across my mattress, I tried not to stretch out to far fearing that the underdeveloped scars would rip. I closed my eyes for a few minutes but quickly re opened them. Homework, you’re suppose to finish homework not lay here, I told myself. Sliding off my bed I walked over to my desk and my laptop, I only had a lab write-up to finish; the lab we worked on was simple. I could get the write-up done in no time, plugging in my earphones I got to work. I ended up sitting there for more than two hours; I wasn’t even close to half way done. I leaned back in my chair, and took of my earphones, what was Jonghyun doing? It was so silent downstairs; it was as if he left the house. I slowly crept down stairs and saw that he was sleeping on the couch while holding onto a notepad and a pen. It looked as if he was halfway in thought and just passed out in the middle of it; I smiled and walked back into my room to grab a blanket. Walking back downstairs into the living room, I laid the blanket over on top of him and looked at the sketches he had on his notepad. I couldn’t make out what it was; there were random scribbles all across the paper. I was about to stand up to go back into my room, but Jonghyun flips around and wraps his arm around my side. I turned and saw that his eyes were half opened, “Why are you so loud, you walk down the stairs like you’re big foot or something” he murmured. “I’ll take your analogy as a compliment, sorry, go back to sleep I still need to finish homework.” I replied. He let go of me and waved me off, I laughed and rolled my eyes, who does he think he is? I glanced at the clock in the room, it was a little past three in the afternoon, and it was too late to make lunch. I decided to skip it and finish the lab. Walking back into my room I closed my door, I readjusted my earphones and went back to work. A few hours later I was finished, it wasn’t my best lab write-up but good or not the 10 pager was finished. I squinted at the time that was located at the bottom of my screen, it read: 6:48 PM.

I massaged the temples of my forehead and closed my eyes. My stomach began to growl at me, I looked down sighing, I did not want to get up after sitting for hours. But my stomach won the battle, as I opened my bedroom door I was flooded with the aroma of food. I pranced down the stairs but immediately regretting it, I felt a stabbing feeling through my feet. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jonghyun dressed in my old apron, I almost choked. “Hey, you’re alive! I thought you got eaten by your books” he said laughing. “Why are your jokes so lame” I responded laughing back at him. “You’re lame, come on the food is going to get cold” he said urging me to sit down. I reached over and untied the apron on his waist before sitting down, “never wear that again” I said and gave him a look. He bows down, “Aish, you’re right, what was I thinking, I should never wear a princess’s apron. Silly me, please forgive me.” I cracked up and shook my head, “you okay Jjong? Did you eat something to mess with your head?” I joked. “Yeah, the breakfast you gave me this morning” he stated. I stared at him, I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not since he had on a straight face. He held my hand, “Girl, chillax I’m just messing with you, thanks by the way, it was delicious” he said giving me a reassuring smile. I let out a sigh a slapped his hand away, “don’t scare me like that” I muttered. I saw his expression abruptly change, “sorry Seo Yeon, I didn’t mean it like that” he said as he got a hold of my hand again. I saw the sadness in his eyes and decided to let it go, it wasn’t even a big deal, why did I get all hurt so fast, I thought. I gave him a small smile, “forget it Jonghyun, I’m overreacting it’s not a big deal, let’s eat I’m starving” I responded. He quickly agreed and started piling up my bowl with vegetables, “eat a lot Seo Yeon, you have to grow and be strong so you can fight off whatever is bothering you” he said. I laughed and nodded my head towards him, “yeah you’re right, I’ll eat a lot so I can burst the troubles away” I answered. He smiled at me and motioned me to eat; I took a small bite and stared at his eyes. I chewed slowly and thought about what he had told me this morning, to forgive and forget the past. He was right, I needed to forgive, but I couldn’t bring myself to forget the past. Forgiving was easy but the past was memories, memories live on forever whether I liked it or not. Jonghyun stopped eating and stared back at me, “what are you thinking about? Is something bothering you?” he asked. I shook my head but mind kept turning. “no, nothing’s wrong, just thinking how important you are to me” I said, giving him a smile, as I moved towards him to pile his plate. “You’re important to me too Seo Yeon” he said and gave me cheeky grin. He reached out and pulled me in for a hug, “until the day I die, I will show you every day, I will show you just how important you are to me” he whispers. –End-

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felfeell #1
Chapter 9: I love the story ! Its good, please continue author-nim :)