Chapter 4


I awoke with the sun beating against my face, I kept my eyes shut and allowed the warmth to embrace me. This feels like paradise, I thought. If only I could feel the warmth like this every day. I tried moving my arm a little but I was stuck in between something, opening my eyes a little and realized it was Jonghyun’s arms. My mind retraced back to the dream last night which I quickly shook the thought away. “Yah Jonghyunn, move your arms, I’m suffocating under your weight” I said softly. Magically, he moved his arm and rolled over the other side almost falling off. I tried pushing myself to sit up but my arms were too weak to hold up my body weight, instead I decided to slide to the floor and crawl towards the bathroom. Closing the door quietly I the bathroom light. I first checked my side and noticed that a little bit of blood seeped through, removing the old gauze I checked out the wounds. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would look, in fact scabs were beginning to form and I didn’t see any new blood. Changing the gauze and rewrapping up my side I started to wash up and fix my hair. I slowly walked out into the kitchen while clutching on to the wall, I first looked around to see if my mom came home yet then I poured myself a glass of water. On the refrigerator I saw a small note, it read: “Youngie, I’m going to stay at my co-worker’s house for the next few days, work is tight. I brought you some stuff at the store, go keep yourself busy and stay out of trouble. –Mom.” Trouble? You’re funny mother, if you actually stuck around you would know what goes on in my life. I angrily ripped the note off of the refrigerator and threw it into the trash. I opened the refrigerator to look for something to eat, my eyes glanced around and I took out some eggs, bread, and ham. I decided to make Jonghyun a breakfast sandwich after all he deserves one, he deserves a lot more actually. I cracked an egg over the pan and let it sit for awhile; I watched as the egg began to bubble and quickly flipped it around, after waiting a few more minutes I took the spatula and slid the egg onto a plate. Letting the pan cool on the stove, I placed the plate and sandwiches onto the kitchen table and began to shape the pieces of bread into a puppy cut out. Placing the egg and ham onto one side of the bread I placed the other slice on top and slowly kneaded the ends together. I leaned back and smiled at my masterpiece but my mind began to spin. Appa used to turn foods into animals when I was little…he used to make one for everyone for lunch, when he didn’t we would sit there and whine until he finally gave in. Tears quickly sprung in my eyes, making my vision blurry, and one by one it slowly slid down my cheeks. I felt a firm hug from behind, I turned around to face Jonghyun. “Seo Yeon, put everything in the past okay? It’s only going to make you sad and it makes me even sadder seeing you like this. Forgive your mother for always leaving you; she’s only trying to find money so you will be well. Forgive your father for leaving you and forgive your siblings for leaving. Just pick yourself back up and keep going, you still have me right? You know I’ll always be by your side. So don’t be sad Seo Yeon, please” he pleaded softly while wiping the tears off my face. I stared into his eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, “I love you Jonghyun.” I rested my head on his shoulder as he hugged me tighter. “I love you too Seo Yeon.” –End-

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felfeell #1
Chapter 9: I love the story ! Its good, please continue author-nim :)