February 14 (continuation)

2/14 Haters Find Love

February 14, 2014

11:00 pm

    “Stupid Kai, it's all your fault that I'm in such a crappy mood!” Ji Eun said frustratingly. She was, yet again, at the storage building practicing. The ball she just kicked had so much force that a brick kind of cracked when it hit the wall. This girl must be really pissed off. She let out a loud sigh and went to grab the coffee she had left on the ground. It was her third coffee of the day already; she really needed the energy to rant out her anger through soccer. Since 8:00 pm, after a quick dinner, Ji Eun had got out of her house and went out here. She ruffled her hair and put down her coffee to go back to practice. Despite the energy she obtained from the dinner and cups of coffee, she wasn't in the best condition to play soccer. She was obviously tired due to last night. Her aim was slightly off, but there was much more force than usual. Tonight, Ji Eun wasn't playing soccer for her strong love for this sport; she's playing because she felt slightly heartbroken. Kai had crushed her without him really knowing.

Hearing the loud ruckus Ji Eun was making, a drunkard passed by and got curious. When he approached the chain-link fence, he noticed a beautiful young lady, all alone in such place. He wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing at the storage building; he was too mesmerized by her beauty. Ji Eun sensed someone's presence, but didn't do anything because the person might leave at some point. It's not the first time she's been through this type of situation.

    “Yah!” the drunkard yelled, “Beautiful, what are you doing all alone here? Boyfriend left you on your own? Don't worry, if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here.”

Ji Eun looked at him and raised a brow. “Even if that were the case, I wouldn’t go anywhere near you, you weirdo,” she thought. She simply ignored the drunkard and kept on playing with the ball.

    “Aren't you being impolite,” the drunkard said and opened the gate. “Beauties like you should have good manners. You must be in a bad mood. You're not even replying me. Tough day? I bet your boyfriend broke up with you didn't he? A pretty girl like you shouldn't be here on her own, especially on Valentine's Day.”

Ji Eun was in such a bad mood, she decided to handle this weirdo in a harsh way. One of her foot juggled the ball, and she glared at the drunkard.

    “That face of yours doesn't scare me sweetheart; if you're trying to scare me off, you will have to do better than that,” the man winked.

    “Doesn't scare you huh…?” Ji Eun mumbled. Her foot then let go of the ball in midair, and she kicked with maximum strength. The ball hit the wall and the sound was resonating their surroundings. “Are you afraid now?” Ji Eun challenged him.

    “Eh… No…” he gulped. “I'm not leaving anytime soon Beautiful.” Despite being in a drunk state, he was still able to see the hidden strength in this girl, but he did not want to admit defeat.

    “Well then, I guess I will just have to kick you off my practice territory the hard way,” her confident eyes suddenly had fury added into them. Her foot reached for another ball, and lifted up the ball in midair, and used her famous 'rocket shot'. It was simply a kick that had an 100% accurate trajectory and it was kicked at full force and speed. The ball hit the drunkard in the stomach, and his surprised face started turning into a painful one.

    “Time to leave yet ajhussi?” Ji Eun smiled.

    “W-W-What are you?! You're a freaking monster!!” the man clutched his stomach and groaned in pain.

    “Guess you learned your lesson the hard way. Now get the hell out of my sight and never come back, or else I'm aiming the next kick down there,” she threatened.

The man's eyes widened in great fear; just imagining the pain was hard for him to take in. The man got back up, and without a second look at Ji Eun, he ran away at top speed.

    “Good… Peace and quiet,” Ji Eun smiled to herself and took a sip of her coffee before practicing again.


While Ji Eun was practicing, Kai was sitting alone in the bleachers at a soccer field doing a final check of his things.

    “Food, check… Gift, check… Soccer ball, check…” Kai said to himself. He took a look at his watch and noticed it was about time he texted Ji Eun. He knows she's not asleep yet because she's most likely at the storage building again. Plus, it's a Friday night, there isn't a particular reason for her to sleep early since there was no school the next day. Kai wrote a quick text message, and stared at it, still hesitating whether or not he should go through with his plan.

After a few minutes of hesitation and staring at his phone's screen like an idiot, he took a deep breath and touched the 'send' button.


Before receiving Kai's text message, Ji Eun received a rare phone call from her mother. Since her parents were always off on business trips, and were rarely even in South Korea, she rarely got to see them. Sometimes, even when out of the country for several weeks, they are so absorbed with work, that they forget to call and check up on their only daughter who was living all alone back in Seoul. When Ji Eun saw the caller-ID, she was quite surprised and stopped everything to pick up the call. She misses her parents, but after so many years of living alone, she got used to the loner lifestyle, so she doesn’t hold a grudge against her parents for neglecting her a bit. 

    “Annyeong eomma, it's been a while,” Ji Eun said when she picked up her phone.

    “Ji Eun! How are you? It's been such a long time I haven't called you. Mianhae, I was too busy with work. Your father and I was able to sign a contract to have a partnership with one of the most important company in Switzerland! Aren't you proud of us sweetie?” her mother said with excitement.

   “Of course I am,” Ji Eun said softly. “Are you off to Paris soon?”

   “Yes! We have a really important dinner there. I even bought a new dress for the occasion when we were in Italy last week. I also bought you some Milan designer high heels!” her mother said.

   “Eomma, you know I don't wear high heels,” Ji Eun laughed. Her mother had always tried to transform her into a classy lady, but Ji Eun was way too sporty for that.

   “I know, but it doesn't hurt to try to change your style,” her mother chuckled. “Anyways, it should still be Valentine's Day in Seoul. Are you and Kai together yet?”

   “Eomma!” Ji Eun said embarrassingly. “You know we're just best friends!”

   “For now,” she answered. “I'm sure you'll end up together one day or another.”

   “How can you even be sure of that? What are you, psychic?” Ji Eun teased. Though it's embarrassing for her to talk about her love life with her mom, she's really enjoying this phone call. It's rare that she gets to talk to her mom for so long. Most of the rare phone calls were just to check if she's alright on her own or if she ate well, and it usually doesn't last over a minute.

   “Maybe I am,” her mother joked around. “But honestly, even though I'm always around, when I see you two together, I sense that one day or another, you guys will end up together! Perhaps today's the day!”

   “Eomma!” Ji Eun said and felt her cheeks burn up. If her mother was in front of her right now, she would have been teased even more.

   “Okay, okay, I know you're embarrassed,” her mother laugh, and let out a sigh when someone called her from afar. “I have to go now Ji Eun, eat well, sleep well, and the next time I come back to Seoul, I hope to see you with Jongin as a couple! Or better yet, my future son in law! Bye now!”

Before Ji Eun could say anything back, her mother hung up on her.

   “Aish… I swear, sometimes, it feels like she's more of a friend than a mother,” Ji Eun shook her head and smiled. She was about to practice again, but a text message interrupted her.


Practicing alone again? Come to the field that's about 15 minutes away from school. I need someone to practice with; the big game is tomorrow after all. If you don't come, then I will forever label you as the soccer chicken :P. 

At first, when Ji Eun read Kai's message, she more or less wanted to go see him because she was still pissed off of him, but when reading the last sentence, her competitive side took over. She threw away her now finished cup of coffee, took the soccer balls and headed home.

   “You know what?” she thought. “Instead of having this dilemma eat me up and acting like a coward, I'm just going to give him my gift, confess, and if he rejects me or laughs in my face, then that'll be it. If he doesn't even want to be friends after that, I'm okay with that. I may be sad at first, but I'll be fine on my own. I always have been, and that's how Woo Ji Eun rolls.”

After putting the soccer balls back into the basket where she keeps them, she took her bag that had Kai's gift in it, and walked out of the house.


11:30 pm

   “Is she going to come…?” Kai thought. It's been 20 minutes since he sent her the text, and he still didn't get a reply. His fingers were tapping the bench nervously and worriedly. He had everything planned out already, and he hopes Ji Eun will come.

After a long yawn, Kai noticed a familiar figure approaching the field. Since there were lightings, he was able to make out the person's features, and it's no other than Ji Eun. He swiftly hoped off the bleachers and went to see her.

   “Took you quite some time,” Kai said. “I thought you were going to turn down my challenge.”

   “Turn down a challenge? You know me well enough that I will never do that,” Ji Eun smirked.

   “Of course, I still remember the time you came out when you had a high fever,” Kai chuckled.

   “And I still managed to beat you,” Ji Eun smiled arrogantly. “Enough chit chat, let's start the game.”

   “Fine by me, but this time, I'll make sure I'll win,” Kai stated.

   “In your dreams! Actually, even in your dreams you will lose!” Ji Eun laughed.

   “The one who scores three times first, then the other, *coughs* you, will treat the other, *coughs* me, a meal. And I don't want McDonald's!” Kai said.

   “No problem,” Ji Eun shook his hand to accept the wager, just the slight touch made her heart beat rapidly. “If I do lose, which I won't, I'll treat you to Burger King instead of of MacDonald's then!”

With that final word, Ji Eun's foot took the ball that was between her and Kai, and started running towards the goal.

   “I DIDN'T EVEN SAY GO YET!” Kai yelled after her.

   “TOO BAD. YOU NEVER SAID THAT IN THE RULES!” Ji Eun yelled back. Kai shook his head, smiled, and ran after her. With his long legs, he managed to catch up to her in no time, despite the head start she had. While running in a rapid speed, Kai tried to tackle Ji Eun, but failed miserably. Instead of getting the ball, he fell down due to the slight layer of snow that got accumulated on the grass. Because of that mistake, Ji Eun kicked the ball into the goal in not time.

   “I'm pretty sure I'm getting the free meal later,” Ji Eun winked.

   “Pfff. That was just a warm up,” Kai got up and brushed off the snow on his pants. He caught the ball that Ji Eun threw him, and started running away with it at top speed. Of course Kai wanted to win against Ji Eun, but this time, this game wasn't his goal. His main objective is to make time pass by quickly in order to continue his plan. For 10 minutes straight, he had to rely on his endurance in order to consume time easily. Whenever Ji Eun tried to get the ball, he would start running away again.

   “Dude, now you're just messing with me! You could have scored into the goal 5 minutes ago! You've just been running around in circles! You're making me look like a puppy who's running towards its tail!” Ji Eun said while chasing him again. Kai chuckled at her. That's exactly what he was trying to make her do.

To not tick her off any further, Kai kicked the ball softly into the goal.

   “Now, was it that hard?” Ji Eun rolled her eyes while panting. “My turn now!”

Somehow, even after running for so long without a single second of break, Ji Eun was still full of energy. She scored in no time, and when it was Kai's turn, he was starting to lack energy, so naturally, he couldn't really keep up with the soccer queen anymore. His well thought plan of the long soccer game had come to a short failed result.

   “Damn… I can't believe the game ended so quickly” he thought. “It's not even time yet… What can I do to buy some time?”

   “I scored three times! You owe me a meal!” Ji Eun smiled widely as she stood in front of him. She lent him a hand and helped him get up. “Don't sit on the snow you dummy! It's cold, and your clothes will be wet!”

   “What do you want to eat?” Kai asked her.

   “Anything's fine. I didn't really have a filling dinner, so if you give me plain bread, I'll be satisfied,” Ji Eun answered. She walked away from Kai to retrieve her bag that she had put on the ground before. She brushed off the snow, and started to remember the purpose of bringing it with her tonight. “Oh yeah… The gift… I was so into the game, I completely forgot about this.”

   “What are you waiting for?” Kai yelled from afar. For a brief second, Ji Eun really thought that he had, on spur of moment, read her thoughts. “I have food here! Come and eat before I eat them all! I even have ddeokbokki and green tea ice cream!”

Ji Eun let out a slight sigh of relief.

   “COMING!” she yelled.

She clutched her bag firmly. If she was holding something hard, she would have surely crumbled it or deformed it.

   “Why do you look so tense? Come on, relax! I admitted defeat already,” Kai eyed her weirdly. She gulped and walked up on the bleachers to join her friend. Despite the snow that was now starting to fall down from the sky, she felt her entire body heat up. It wasn't exactly warm outside either, yet she's almost burning hot as if she was in a feverish condition.

   “Here,” Kai handed a skewer with a piece of ddeokbokki. Seeing she wasn’t fully paying attention, he just took her hand and shoved the ddeokbokki into . “What’s up with you? Too hungry to even pick up food?”

   “Haha...” Ji Eun laughed nervously. “Perhaps...”

Kai stole a glance when she was looking away. He knew she was hiding something from him, but shrugged it off. There wasn’t much talk throughout this late-night snack. After finishing the ddeokbokki, Kai handed Ji Eun a spoon, and they shared a pint of green tea ice cream together. Usually, when they shared ice cream together, there would be a lot of yelling and arguing. They usually get brain freeze from attempting to eat as quick as possible before the other finishes it first. Tonight, however, not much action was occuring. 

   “Okay, spill it Ji Eun. What are you hiding? You’re so quiet! You’re never quiet when we share food! You always fight for it like a starving warrior! Something is up!” Kai said and stood up. He still had a few minutes to buy, so he decided to try to use this time to try to get Ji Eun to talk.

   “It’s nothing!” she lied, and clutched her bag nervously. Kai raised a brow and noticed this little action. “She must be hiding something in her bag,” he thought.

   “Look over there!” Kai tried to distract her so that he can take her bag.

   “Nice try dude, but I’m not falling for that,” she rolled her eyes.

   “I guess I just have to force you to show me what you’re hiding!” Kai said with determination. His hands moved quickly and managed to get hold of the bag, but Ji Eun refused to let go.

   “Let go!” she hissed.

   “No way, not until I know what’s in it!” Kai said. Tug of war was definitely on, and both side refused to let the other win.

   “For the last time Kai, let go.” Ji Eun warned him.

   “No,” he said firmly. “You wouldn’t react this way if you weren’t hiding something big in there.”

   “True,” she thought. “It’s money!” she lied. “I’m hiding a huge amount of money in there because I just robbed a bank!”

   “That is one of the most ridiculous, and lamest lie you’ve ever come up with. Out of all the people I know, you’d be the last one who would go rob a bank! Your parents are freaking rich for crying out loud!”

   “Let. Go.” she emphasized both words and glared at Kai with dark eyes, but he still wouldn’t budge.

   “You want to know what’s in it? FINE. I’ll show you,” Ji Eun said dryly and pulled the bag out of Kai’s grasp. She took out her wrapped gift and threw it harshly towards Kai’s chest.

Kai held the wrapped gift confusingly. He didn’t really understand why she made such a big deal out of it. It's just a gift afterall. 

   “It’s yours anyways...” she mumbled.

   “Huh? Why so sudden?” he looked at her with confused eyes. "My birthday was last month, and you already gave me a gift." 

She pinched the bridge of her nose, and took a deep breath.

   “I like you alright...” she mumbled. “I liked you for a while already, and I bought this gift for you,” she mumbled and avoided his eyes completely.

He stared at her with a surprised face. “This girl is always a step ahead of me...” he thought.

A few minutes past, and Ji Eun finally looked up to face Kai. He was still staring at her.

   “Are you just going to keep staring at me all night? Just give me an freaking answer already, and let’s get this over with!” she snapped.

   “Hold on a sec,” Kai said, and took out his phone. “Damn, just a few more seconds!” he yelled in his mind.

   “You have got to be kidding me. If you don’t like me then just man up and say it to my face! IF you dare text me your answer, I am going to punch you, you little wimp!” Ji Eun yelled at Kai angrily. “5,4,...”

   “Are you even listening to me Kim Jongin?! You’re such a –” Ji Eun said and got interrupted. Kai had grabbed her face, cupped his hands gently onto her cheeks, and kissed her.

Ji Eun was definitely startled by this reaction and her eyes were wide with shock and surprise. Slowly, she snapped back into reality and her eyes closed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The kiss felt like it lasted forever, and they finally had to pull away in order to breathe. The two new lovebirds smiled at each shyly, but then Ji Eun slapped Kai’s arm.

   “Ow...” Kai rubbed his arm. “What was that for?” he demanded an answer.

   “That’s for making me wait so long for an answer! Was it really necessary?” Ji Eun asked.

   “Of course it was!” Kai took out his phone and showed it to Ji Eun.

FEB 15, 2014

12:01 AM

   “Oh, I understand now,” Ji Eun chuckled.

   “What can I say? I’m a man of words. When I said I never accept a confession on Valentine’s Day, I mean it, and I stick by my words,” Kai chuckled. “But honestly, I knew I was slightly gambling with my life because of this. Your eyes looked like they wanted to kill me.”

   “That thought came across my mind,” Ji Eun nodded. “Anyways, open your gift.”

   “I’ll do that, but first, here” he reached his sports bag and took out a gift bag, and a small gift box.

   “What’s all this?” Ji Eun looked at him with questioning eyes.

   “My confession gift. You beat me to it though,” he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassingly. “I called you out here to play soccer, so that right on the midnight mark, I could confess to you.”

   “Oh, woops, sorry for ruining your plan. So, you want to open your gift first or do you want me to open this first?” Ji Eun asked. She smiled, and was very happy that Kai had planned to confess to her. 

   “Ladies first,” he gestured in a gentleman-like manner causing Ji Eun to laugh.

   “Oh my god... This is so freaking awesome!” she cheered. Kai had bought her a Chelsea scarf, and it was of course an official merchandise.

   “You never wear a scarf when you go out in winter. This will prevent you from catching a cold, and show your Chelsea fangirl side,” he laughed. “Now open the small box.”

She did as she was told, and found a necklace in the box. It wasn’t an ordinary necklace though. The charm was a soccer ball, and there was a small heart next to it. On it, it read “2/14 2/15”. Behind the soccer ball charm, both their names were engraved on it.

   “I tried to be as less cheesy as possible, but the necklace really caught my eye,” Kai laughed. Ji Eun started laughing really hard at something funny, that Kai didn’t quite understand.

   “Thank you Kai, I love your gift so much! You should take a look at yours now,” she giggled as she put the necklace and scarf around her neck.

   “This is really nicely wrapped by the way. A lot of improvement compared to my birthday gift,” Kai teased, making Ji Eun grimace.

He open the gift and inside, there was a Manchester United jersey, and the same exact necklace that he bought for Ji Eun.

   “Is that why you were laughing at?” he pointed at the necklace and Ji Eun nodded. The engraved words on the soccer charm were the same, but the heart read 14, since it was Kai’s number in the school’s soccer team. “Wow, we really have the same taste. Oh! Is this the 2013 Manchester United jersey?! I freaking love it!” he gave Ji Eun a bear hug, slightly suffocating her. Kai had always wanted to buy this jersey, but never had enough money in his wallet to buy it whenever it was in stock at the shop. When he actually had the money, it was always out of stock. He just gave up the tought of owning it at some point.

   “Happy 2/15 Kai,” Ji Eun hugged him.

   “Happy 2/15 to you too,” he answered. “It’s getting  late; we should go home. Plus, I have to wake up early tomorrow for the game.”

They walked home, hand in hand, and they were both smiling like idiots who got bitten by lovebugs.


February 15, 2014

Kai and his team were playing against CUBE High. This game was quite important as it determined which school gets to go to the nationals. So far, it was a close game, with Doojoon being a good captain for the CUBE High team, SM High was slightly struggling compared to their usual games.

   “DAMN IT!” Kris yelled when Kikwang from the CUBE team scored into his goal. The score was now 4-4 and there was less than 5 minutes left to the clock. Normally, in such important games, the players who have girlfriends will be there to cheer them on, but in Kai’s situation, Ji Eun wasn’t in the crowd in the bleachers. She never really liked going to school matches, and Kai respected her decision, so he didn’t force her to come even though he wanted her to be there.

While wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Kai bit his lip nervously. “... 5 minutes... It’ll be hard to get a point in such short time, but we have to. Our team at penalty shoot out if the scores are tied,” Kai thought and ruffled his hair in frustration.

   “Kai!” Suho yelled because the ball was heading towards him. Kai swiftly got the ball and began running towards CUBE's goal. In midway, Yoseob and Dongwoon tried to tackle him, but he managed to pass the ball to Sehun in time. When Kai was no longer surrounded by CUBE players, Sehun passed the ball to Tao, who then passed it back to Kai, but fell onto the ground when doing so. The ball’s trajectory wasn’t the most perfect, but Kai managed to get it and have good control of it. While nearing the goal, Hyunseung tried to take the ball from Kai, but with his mad dribbling skills, he fooled Hyunseung, and kept on running. However, Minhyuk and Hyunsik were blocking his way. If he kicked the ball now, it will never reach the goal, so he passed it to Baekhyun and signaled him to pass it back to him when the time was right.

After much struggle, Kai managed to get the two guys off his back, and Baekhyun passed him the ball. The ball was badly passed and it was still in the air. Kai suddenly froze and didn’t know what to do, but someone’s voice managed to wake him up to move.

   “KAI! USE YOUR OVER-HEAD DYNAMITE KICK!” he heard a familiar voice yell. He took a quick look and saw Ji Eun standing next to the coach. He smiled with confidence, and did the kick. It was a move that he only showed to Ji Eun since he did not completely perfect it yet, but seeing the result right now, it is perfected. SM High had won against CUBE High with a score of 5-4. There was only 8 seconds left to the clock, so it automatically means a win for SM High, since CUB high had no time to catch up. Exo was cheering happily and hugging each other, and many ran over to Kai to give him a big group hug. They lifted him up in the air and congratulated him for such a nice final kick. Ji Eun jumped onto the field and ran towards Kai. Seeing Exo, and Kai’s reaction, she smiled widely and she was proud of her new boyfriend. While being thrown in the air, Kai spotted Ji Eun and told the guys to let him down.

Ji Eun ran towards him, and threw herself onto Kai to give him a hug. Kai wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up bit to spin her around. With such excitement, he set her back down on the ground, lifted up her chin and crashed his lips onto hers, ignoring the many eyes surrounding them. To this couple, they felt like they were only ones on the soccer field.

As for the audience and Kai's teammates and opponents, their jaws were hanging open due to this sudden scene. There was a long pause of silence, and even the players from CUBE were staring at Kai and Ji Eun. Kai and Ji Eun pulled away each other, and noticed the numerous eyes that were staring at them. Suddenly, Exo ran towards them and yelled congratulatory words. Most Exo members were patting Kai on the back, but Sehun on the other hand did something else.

   “Hyungs, pay up!" Sehun put out his hand as he addressed these words to Suho, Kris, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Luhan and Tao. It took a few seconds for the guys to understand what Sehun meant. The ones who were on Sehun's side also shoved out their hand towards them to receive their share of money.

Kai looked at his friends, and already knew what was up. He knew they made a bet whether he would end up with Ji Eun on Valentine's Day. He rolled his eyes at their silliness, and didn't bother yelling at them for making such ridiculous bet. He was too busy staring at Ji Eun.

   “Wait, wait, wait, ” Tao said. “Kai hyung, or Ji Eun, since when did you guys started dating? Yesterday? ”

   “Well, not really… It was actually this morning," Kai chuckled.

   “What? That's impossible! You were with us this morning at practice! And we all know Ji Eun never wakes up early on the weekend!" Sehun said.

   “Well, if you guys really want to know that badly… At 12:00 am," Ji Eun rolled her eyes.

   “HA! PAY UP ERS!" Tao said and stuck out his tongue. Sehun and the others who had to pay frowned despite winning the match, and walked towards the changing rooms to get their wallets. The other guys were grinning in victory.

Kai and Ji Eun laughed at their friends' silliness. Kai grabbed his sportsbag from the bench, and put his arm over Ji Eun's shoulder.

   “As much as I like you Kai… Go take a shower; you stink really badly," Ji Eun grimaced and pinched her nose. Just to mess with her, Kai held her tightly and gave her a long, tight bear hug.

   “Ewwwww! Get away from me!" Ji Eun yelled as she struggled to get out of his embrace. She felt like she was going to pass out anytime soon. Kai laughed, and smiled at the luck he has of having such a great girlfriend.

So the two 2/14 haters found love… just not on February the 14th. Celebrating February the 15th will be the start of a new tradition for these two soccer lovebirds with endless memories along the way.

-------------THE END-------------

Annyeong everyone! As you can read on the last line of words above, it's the end of this short story! I apologize for updating so slowly, and it must weird reading this when Valentine's Day is roughly a month passed already. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and got a good laugh from the Ji Eun x Kai couple. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE WHO COMMENTED, SUBSCRIBED, AND UPVOTED! You can still upvote if you think that the story is worthy enough ^^ 

If you want to, you can even check out my other story: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/478162/some-things-never-change-you-exo-exok-exom-kai-tao-kris


P.S. Out of curiosity, how did you guys like the Kai and Ji Eun's personality? Would you guys be interested in reading another story with them in it? Or maybe a story with similar characters? Comment below :) 

Kai & Ji Eun's gifts: (for those who are curious) 

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Chapter 4: THIS STORY IS FREAKING AWESOME~ I loved it~ It would be cool if you wrote another story with kai and Ji Eun in. =)
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #2
Chapter 4: oh my god... This story is so awesome! I loveeed it! Ji Eun and Kai are so PERFECT for each other! Yes, it would be great if you have future characters similar to them! :)
Chapter 4: This story was so adorable! I loved it!
exoloverskpop #4
Chapter 3: nice story >< update soon! <3
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #5
Chapter 1: Ji Eun is such a cool girl *0* Update soon!
Chapter 1: LOL lovin' Kai and Ji Eun's current friendship. They're so funny! I can't wait for your next chapter!
TheDanceMachine #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha xD The two haters of Valentine's Day xD So funny! And I wonder what Kai and Ji Eun will do on Valentine's Day and how their relationship will be after that day~ Hwaiting!
TheDanceMachine #8
Can't wait until I can read the story~ Hwaiting~ <3