February 14

2/14 Haters Find Love

February 14, 2014


Valentine's Day has finally come, which means, the day that Kai and Ji Eun hate most has come. This year, things seem to be slightly different for Ji Eun.

Ji Eun has woken up earlier than usual, so she had plenty of time to get ready for school. Right now, she glanced at the full length mirror for a finally check of her appearance. She had a sporty look, since she was going to play soccer before class starts. Everything was okay, so she went to put her school uniform into her bag. When she reached for her bag, she stared at the gift she had prepared last night on her working desk. She was still hesitating whether she should give it to Kai or not, and her thoughts gradually drifted off to possible scenarios of what would happen if she really did give it to Kai. Would he be annoyed? Would he reject her harshly? Will this be the end of their friendship? Questions like these kept roaming around Ji Eun's mind. Suddenly, the continuous doorbell ringing broke her long train of thoughts.

    "YAH! JI EUN! ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?! WAKE UP ALREADY IF YOU WANT TO PLAY SOCCER BEFORE WE GO TO CLASS! IF YOU DON'T COME OUT IN TEN MINUTES, I'M LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" Kai yelled while banging the door, since the doorbell seemed to be ineffective through his eyes.

Without much time to think, Ji Eun's reflexes took over. Her hand grabbed the gift and stuffed it into her school bag. To Ji Eun, her bag suddenly felt like it weighted a ton.

    "I'M COMING!" she yelled back.

She hurried up, grabbed her bag and darted out of her home, so that Kai would stop yelling. Sooner or later, they're both going to get complaints from the neighbors for being too loud.

Kai was waiting for her right outside her door. He was standing with his back against the wall, while yawning at Ji Eun's slowness.

   "Morning…" Ji Eun mumbled to him. Her heart was beating rapidly today, just by the sight of her friend, whom she sees every day. On normal days, she still felt butterflies in her tummy whenever she saw Kai, but she tried to repress those feelings and just kept in mind that Kai and her are just best friends. That trick worked for years, until today. The façade Ji Eun once created was beginning to crack, despite how much she wants it to hold. She mentally slapped herself, and told herself to act like she normally does.

    "You don't seem happy today. I'm glad I'm not the only one," Kai said.

On the way to school, Kai started complaining about the day he foresees he'll go through today.

    "I really hope there won't be THAT many girls confessing to me today…" Kai let out a sigh, "The rumors about me hating this day helps decrease the amount, but my friends say that they overheard a bunch of girls planning gift ideas despite it. This year particularly, I'm feeling extra annoyed about this day."

    "How so? Isn't it like this every year?" Ji Eun asked, trying hard to keep an indifferent tone.

    "The guys were bugging me throughout the entire practice yesterday! Some of them kept asking me if I had plans, when I clearly said I didn't, but they kept pestering me about it! And then, Sehun and a few others were trying to convince me to do something this year! If the coach wasn't there, I bet I would have punched them for being so damn annoying! Even when I was trying to perfect my free kick technique, they were standing alongside me and they never shut up! They were really distracting me! It looked like they wanted to achieve something desperately!" Kai complained.

    "They're like your personal cupids," Ji Eun teased, which caused the grumpy Kai to laugh.

    "Anyways, because of them, I seriously don't know what will happen today to the girls who come up to me. Who knows? I might end up yelling at them," Kai grimaced. He's usually very polite in the previous years when girls came to confess to him, but this year, because of his friends, he's feeling more annoyed than ever. Who knows? He might snap at any second.

Ji Eun didn't quite know how to answer him. In fact, she can't even look him in the eye anymore after his statement. Nervousness and slight fear was starting to invade her, which were two emotions that she doesn't feel often. "What the hell came over me yesterday? I really shouldn't have bought that damn gift!" Ji Eun screamed in her head. Her grip on her sport bag naturally tightened.

    "Ji Eun," Kai waved his hand in front of her eyes to get her attention. She shook her head a few times and blinked confusingly.

    "Eh.. Yeah?" she tried to act normally again.

    "Are you okay? You're more quiet than usual, and you look exhausted. Lack of sleep?" Kai asked with concern. "Wait… Did you go to practice at night again?!"

    "I didn't go okay?!" Ji Eun rolled her eyes. "I just couldn't sleep very well alright! Don't be such a worry seed." she snapped.

The truth was that, last night, she stayed up till very late to wrap Kai's gift. Wrapping gifts isn't such a hard task, but for Ji Eun, it was. She wasn't exactly the most artistic person in this wold, and gift wrapping was definitely not one of her fortes. A simple gift took her all night to wrap in order for it to be perfect. What she said wasn't a complete lie though, she really did had a hard time to sleep with the big dilemma going on in her head.

Kai looked at her a bit skeptically, but didn't say anything, for fear that his words might piss her off again.

After arriving at the school's soccer field, right when Kai threw the ball onto the field, Ji Eun started the game immediately. Kai was a bit surprise at her sport enthusiasm.

    "Go be the goal keeper, I want to practice some new trump card kicks. Unless you're afraid of them," Ji Eun challenged. 

    "Trump card kicks? Come on! I'm pretty sure I already know all the tricks that are up your sleeves. Give me your best shot," he smirked.

Kai wasn't expecting much from Ji Eun, since she looked dead tired, but man, was he wrong. The girl was ruthless when she kicked the ball to score. "Holy crap. It's like her force tripled compared to usual. Is she really this pissed off because it's Valentine's Day?!" Kai thought. He jumped in attempt to catch the ball, but it was way too fast. He ended falling onto the cold grass. He threw the ball back at Ji Eun, and noticed her eyes were full of anger and fury.

    "Things aren't going to be pretty…" he gulped as he waited for the next kick.

The next thirty minutes was complete hell for Kai. Not only did he let all the balls go into the net, his arms were a bit red, despite wearing long sleeves, and sore from the kicks that hit him before it went into the net.

The reason for why Ji Eun was being so merciless was the frustration she was feeling. "Why do you have to hate Valentine's Day Kai?! Why was I so stupid and bought a freaking gift?! Why did I even considered confessing to him today?! Why did I end up falling for him?! Why couldn't I just be satisfied with the current relationship we have?! Why can't Kai be the one going through this dilemma instead of me?! ARGGGGGG. WHY ARE THINGS SUDDENLY SO DAMN COMPLICATED?!" she yelled these types of questions in her head each time she kicked the ball towards the goal. She completely neglected the fact that some hit Kai. Too much was going on in her head.

    "Man this hurts… If this continues, she might end up breaking the bones in my arm!" he thought and rubbed his arms.

    "Hey Ji Eun!" he yelled. "Let's change roles. You come be the goal keeper! You can't have all the fun!"

    "Huh what?" she snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh sure."

She wasn't exactly focused throughout her game with Kai, but she still managed to catch most of the balls Kai kicked at her. However, at some point, she was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't see the rapid ball Kai kicked, and its trajectory was targetted towards her face.

    "YAH! WOO JI EUN!" Kai yelled when he noticed she wasn't paying attention at all.

Sadly, when she heard Kai's voice, the ball had already hit her face. There was much force in that kick, which unbalanced her, causing her to fall on the ground. At least the force Kai used wasn't as intense like the one she used against him .

    "Ouch…" she mumbled and rubbed her red cheek.

    "I'm so sorry Ji Eun! I didn’t know you weren't looking! You okay?" he said with worry in his voice. He examined her red cheek and flinched with guilt since he was the one who did this. Though it was an accident, he felt really bad.

    "I'm fine," she said. "Let's continue."

    "I think it's enough practice for the day…" Kai said and lent her a hand to help her up.

    "Oh alright…" she said.

    "You seem a bit... off today. Are you sure you're okay?" Kai asked while examining her face.

    "Yeah, I'm sure." she simply answered.

After changing into their uniforms, they entered the school together. For once, they're not running in late. At the very moment when they step foot into the school, when people spotted them, things crazy.

Ji Eun was bombarded with many male students holding cards, roses, and chocolates. They were practically yelling their confessions out to her.


    "PLEASE ACCEPT MY ROSE AND CHOCOLATE JI EUN-AH!" another student yelled.

    "JI EUN! PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME! I'LL MAKE SURE YOU'LL HAVE A NICE VALENTINE'S DAY!" a guy from Kai's class yelled to her. 

Ji Eun's eyes widened at the scene. She seem to have got more admirers than last year.

    "Um…" she bit her lip awkwardly, and cleared in order to get the guys' attention. "I'm sorry everyone, but I can't accept any of your confessions or gifts."

    "But you can still keep the gifts!" one guy said, and the others nodded as well.

    "Yeah, take at least the gifts! If not, it’ll go to waste!" another guy said.

    "We'll even carry them to your locker! Come on guys!" a friend of Ji Eun's classmate said. She didn't even answer them, yet the crowd of guys were already on the move to her locker, so she had no choice but to take the presents.

Meanwhile, Kai was going through the same situation as Ji Eun, but he however had more trouble. There were ten girls who confessed to him, and he had confession letters practically thrown to his face. He tried his best to reject them nicely, but they all ended up in tears. Luckily those girls' friends pulled them off of Kai so that he doesn't need to deal with this drama.


After closing her now filled-up locker, Ji Eun let out a sigh and felt glad that Kai did not accept any of those girls' heart. She waved at Kai, and decided to go to class instead of roaming around in the hallways. She might bump into more fanboys if she did so. When Ji Eun sat down at her desk, she spotted Jin Ri and her friend adding final touches to a Valentine's Day gift.

    "Are you ready Hana?? Nervous?? Scared?? Don't be!!" Jin Ri assured her friend.

    "Actually, I'm feeling okay hehe. You sound more nervous than I am unnie. I practiced what I'm going to say to Sehun yesterday night in front of mirror! Your trick actually works!" Hana said with confidence. It's funny how this girl was so nervous yesterday when she was talking about her confession plan. Right now, she sounded like she was filled with courage and determination. 

    "Okay let's do a final check…" Jin Ri said. "Chocolate, card, bubble tea… Okay you're good! FIGHTING HANA! You can do it!"

    "Thank you unnie! I'll be going now!" Hanna said excitedly.

    "Hey Hanna," Ji Eun called her.

    "Yes?" she spun around and her eyes widened. "Oh Ji Eun-ssi! Sorry for talking about Valentine's Day in front of you! Don’t worry! I'll shut up right after I go confess to Sehun!"

    "I just wanted to wish you luck…" Ji Eun blinked innocently.

    "Huh?" Hana was surprised by the soccer queen's answer. "Oh! Gomawo Ji Eun-ssi!"

After Hana left the classroom, Ji Eun rested her head on her desk and began to sulk. She was really envious of Hana's courage and situation. Hana is Sehun's best girl friend, but unlike Ji Eun, Sehun won't overreact if she confesses to him today.

A sudden loud cheer from the next door classroom woke Ji Eun up from her thoughts. This girl seem to always be drown in her thoughts today.

    "I guess there's going to be a new couple," Jin Ri said to Ji Eun. She smiled slightly and nodded as a response.

    "Lucky Hana… In my case, that wouldn't be the response I would get… I most likely will get a flat rejection, and a bunch of yelling and mocking," Ji Eun let out a sigh and took a quick nap before the teacher came in.

When the lunch bell rung, Ji Eun practically shot up from her seat, and headed once again to the rooftop with her jacket and phone. She couldn't handle another Ji Eun frenzy. Personally, she hoped that Kai would eat with his friends today. She didn't really want to see him, nor does she have the guts to face him now. He'll probably end up noticing her weirdness and she'll end up blurting out everything.

    "Stupid Kai…" she mumbled, "If you weren't complaining about V-day with so much anger this morning, I might, just might, have confessed to you and got this over with."

She put on her earphones and zipped up her jacket. Gradually, while listening to her music, she fell to sleep. Poor girl… She must be dead tired from staying up late last night. Plus, she gave it her 105% at soccer practice this morning.


Near the end of lunch time, Kai opened the door to the rooftop and panted breathlessly. Girls were surrounding him, and it took him a long time to reject every confession. There were really THAT much. He wanted to come up here once the bell rang, but sadly, the teacher needed to talk to him about something, causing him to get out of class later than usual. That lateness caused him a whole lot of trouble at lunch time. Right now, it's the only peace time he has gotten throughout lunch time.

"Those girls are very persistent… Some of them were on the edge of outrunning me!" Kai thought as he tried to breathe evenly. He shuddered at that chaotic chasing scene he just lived through.

He was walking towards his usual seating place and spotted his sleeping friend. Slowly, a smile was forming on his face. "Smart girl. She's been hiding here the whole lunch time," he thought when he saw her peaceful sleeping face, "She seems more tired than usual… There's still some time before class start, I won't wake her up yet." He sat down next to her and slowly pulled her towards his arm so that she can have something soft to rest on instead of having her head hanging down.

Before the bell rang for the start of class, Ji Eun woke up from the alarm she had set on her phone. She was still feeling a bit sleepy, and she snuggled onto the soft thing that her head was resting on.

"Wait a minute… This wasn't here when I came up," she realized and her eyes shot open. She gasped loudly with surprise at the sight of Kai.  

    "Did I wake you up?" Kai asked and chuckled at her startled face.

    "Nah," she said and pulled herself together. "I just got startled by my alarm," she lied.

    "Anyways, you probably didn't eat lunch yet? Come to my classroom. I still have half a bento left!" Kai smiled and lent her a hand to get up.

    "It's alright, you can finish it. I'm not that hungry…" Ji Eun mumbled, but the sound her stomach made just contradicted her words. Kai eyed her funnily.

    "Okay fine, maybe I am hungry," Ji Eun laughed.

    "That's what I thought so," Kai chuckled.

On the way to Kai's classroom, there was a girl standing outside his classroom, waiting for someone.

    "Kai!" the girl smiled widely and waved enthusiastically when she spotted the person she was waiting for. She completely forgot about Ji Eun, who was really just standing next to Kai.

    "Hey Jessica, what's up?" Kai asked casually.

    "Oh nothing much," she smiled and twirled the end of her hair. Ji Eun rolled her eyes. "If you have nothing to say then don't start a conversation," Ji Eun thought. Let's just say that Ji Eun and Jessica never really got along. Ji Eun didn't particularly offend her or provoke her, but man, did Jessica hate her guts. She mostly hated Ji Eun because she didn't care about the popularity she had. Jessica, along with her group of friends, had once invited Ji Eun to join their group when she enrolled in SM high, but she refused, since she doesn't like to be in groups. Jessica found that offensive, and well, since that day, Jessica hated Ji Eun. It even infuriated her when she heard Ji Eun had turned down the offer of joining the school's soccer team multiple times. She always thought that Ji Eun was thinking highly of herself, and that she think she's better than everyone. The idea that Ji Eun was more of a loner completely slipped her mind. Ji Eun on the other hand, got annoyed of Jessica's attitude and personality, but she doesn't go provoking her, unlike what Jessica does to her.

    "Oh is that so? I'll be going then. Later Jess," Kai smiled and turned to walk towards his classroom.

    "Actually, wait Kai!" Jessica said, and Kai turned around. "Maybe there is something I want to talk to you about."

    "Oh, go ahead then." Kai said. Ji Eun noticed the box of chocolate and letter Jessica was holding behind her back. "Confession huh? Guess it's time for me to go, I rather die than see this," Ji Eun thought. Without a goodbye, Ji Eun walked into Kai's classroom.

    "Where are you going?" Kai asked her when he noticed her leave his side.

    "You seem to be busy. I know where you desk is anyways; I'll just go get your bento myself," Ji Eun said and left.

In the classroom, the members of Exo greeted her when she went in. She returned their greeting with a simple nod. Jessica had caused her to be in a worst mood.

    "What are you doing here Ji Eun?" Lay asked.

    "Getting Kai's bento," she answered.

    "Where's Kai then?" Sehun asked as his head turned left and right to spot his hyung.

    "He's with Jessica. I think she's confessing to her as we speak," she tried to say in a nonchalant tone, but it came out really bitter, making Exo's maknae flinch.

    "Anyways, later guys," she said when she took Kai's bento and walked out of the classroom. Kai and Jessica were still there. When Jessica saw Ji Eun coming out, she pulled Kai into a hug to piss her off. For once, it really ticked Ji Eun off, but she chose to ignore her and walked back to her respective classroom.

    "What are you doing?" Kai asked her and pushed her off. "Wasn't I clear when I said I'm not interested in going out with you?"

    "I just felt really sad and I needed a hug," Jessica pouted.

    "You should go back to your class; the bell is going to ring soon," Kai said and left her before she could say anything else.

When Kai sat down at his desk, Sehun approached him.

    "What do you want Sehun?" he said and rubbed his temples. The incident with Jessica definitely caused him a headache. She confessed to him, but despite repeating it several times, she refused to understand his rejection.

    "I think you made Ji Eun angry," he said innocently as he sipped his second bubble tea of the day. The first one he drank was the confession gift he had received from Hana.

    "What do you mean?" Kai asked confusingly.

    "When she came in to get your lunch box, she sounded really pissed off with the Jessica confessing to you thing. Perhaps I'm wrong, I don't know, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to cheer her up later after school," Sehun suggested. He was partially worried about Ji Eun, but he mostly wanted his two friends to get together and hope to win the bet.

Sadly, the bell rung, so Kai couldn't go to Ji Eun's class to talk to her. Kai let out a sigh and tried to focus on the lesson.

After half an hour of class, Kai wasn't at all paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying. In fact, he wasn't even sure what subject he was learning right now. He was too busy thinking of ways to cheer Ji Eun up. Even though Ji Eun and him bicker often, it was rare to see her pissed off or angry. She's usually very playful and always joked around. Whenever, she's really pissed off, Kai would always try his best to lighten up her mood. "What can I do to cheer her up…?" Kai thought, "Last time I tried to cheer her up, I took her to an arcade. I can't take her there again, it's not original. Hmm…. Oh I know! I'll take her to her favorite ice cream place. I'll even treat her to her favorite ice cream!"

    "Kim Jong In," the teacher slammed a textbook on Kai's desk, snapping him from his thoughts.

    "Class has started a long time ago, and you weren't attentive for a single second. Now, pay attention," he said sternly.

    "Yes sir," Kai straightened in his seat, causing his classmates to giggle at him.

Once the teacher's back was turned, Kai reached for his cell phone. He typed a text quickly, and sent it to Ji Eun before he gets in trouble with the teacher again.


Meanwhile, Ji Eun was taking notes diligently. English class was her favorite subject, and she always pays attention, and never has she once fallen asleep in this class. She suddenly felt her phone vibrate in skirt's pocket.


Up for green tea ice cream later? My treat :)

Ji Eun smiled when she read his text, but suddenly remembered the hug scene he had with Jessica.


Isn't there someone else you would like to take instead of me?

After a minute or so, she received his reply.


What do you mean? Oh , I think the teacher is starting to suspect me texting in class. Just meet me at the school gates later and I'll treat you to ice cream!

Ji Eun let out a sigh. Guess she didn't have a choice but to go with Kai. Part of her is happy of all this, but the other part of her feels skeptical. Is there a reason behind why Kai invited her? Is he trying to make up for the whole Jessica thing? "He said he'll treat me though… How could I say no to free food?" Ji Eun shrugged these thoughts away and focused on her lesson.


It was finally last period now, meaning, it's time for the rose and gifts distribution. In every class, it was a free period, since the teachers know that none of the students would be paying attention to their lesson due to the cheerful, and anticipating atmosphere. Like every year, all Exo members receive a lot of gifts, but sadly, not all of them accepted the girls' confessions. Except for Sehun, who had already accepted Hana's love and gifts. Kris was also in a super good mood. The girl he liked, Mi Sun, sent him a card and cookies. Exo was teasing Kris with this, since he's usually a cold guy. Mi Sun seem to have melted him.

During this period, students were allowed to go to other classes. As if on cue, Mi Sun entered their classroom, and of course, walked over to see Kris. Everybody in Exo, including Kai, was curiously looking at them.

    "Hey Mi Sun," Kris smiled warmly.

    "Hi oppa! Thank you for the roses. They're beautiful," Mi Sun said, and shyly gave Kris a hug, causing certain members of Exo to cheer.

    "They're nothing compared to you. You're the real beauty. I'm just really glad you accepted them," Kris said, causing Mi Sun to blush madly.

    "Duizhang, you're so damn cheesy! Can't you come up with something better than that? That line is so overused, and it makes me cringe!" Tao laughed, causing Kris to glare at him.

    "Excuse my friends, they can be loud," he eyed his friends, "And VERY annoying sometimes," he glared a Tao.

    "It's alright. Your friends are funny. So... Where did you want to take me later?" Mi Sun asked.

    "I was planning to go to Lotte World."

    "Lotte World? Oh my God! It's been ages I haven't been there! It's like you read my mind!" Mi Sun squealed happily.

While the new couple was in their little bubble, Sehun went to see Kai in attempt to convince him to do something today with Ji Eun.

    "Hyung, look at how happy they are! Even Kris, who had a cold heart, is radiating with happiness! I bet Ji Eun would be happy too if you asked her out," Sehun said.

    "How many times do I have to tell you Sehun? Ji Eun and I are just friends!" Kai sighed.

    "Well that's what you think. How do you know Ji Eun doesn't like you more than a friend? I was living the same situation as you when it came to Hana. We were best friends, and I thought we would only remain as that. Who knew she loved me? She even came to confess with bubble tea! Sometimes, a girl is really good at hiding her inner feelings. You say to me that you're only best friends, but I'm sure deep down you like her more than that. Before I sound too much like a lame love song, I am going to see Hana in the other class! Plus, I don't want you to hit me again, so see ya!" Sehun sped off before Kai could utter a word.

Sehun smiled to himself as he was proud of the things he said to his hyung. Even though he's the youngest in Exo, and may not the brightest at times, he definitely noticed the chemistry those two share. He's a bit frustrated that those two haven't noticed it themselves.

Through the happy, and noisy chattering, Kai was all wrapped up in his thinking bubble. He was thinking about what Sehun has said to him. He's usually not the type of person to say such talk. "Like her more than a friend... I never really gave much thought to that. Come to think of it... Sehun said she was really pissed off when she mentioned I was with Jessica. She couldn't even really look me in the eye today. No way... Does Ji Eun like me?" Kai's eyes widened when he came to this conclusion. "If that's the case... Why doesn't she just tell me? It's not like I would reject her flatly, I mean, she's the coolest girl I've ever met so far."

Kai noticed Mi Sun and Kris smiling happily at each other without even saying much, and through the opened classroom door, he saw Sehun and Hana passing by, holding hands, and they were laughing cheerfully together. Both couples seem to be in their own little worlds, and their happiness definitely made Kai envious.

Suddenly, an idea pops into Kai's head. He got up from his seat and went to the rooftop for some privacy. He would have gone to the washroom, but there might be people who will overhear him. He just prays that for once, Ji Eun isn't up there.

The first thing he does was send a text message to Ji Eun. After that, he sits down at his usual spot, and tries to think of something special to do for Ji Eun.

"The trouble is that... I've always told people that I hate Valentine's Day. I've also always told myself that fact too. I can't just shove everything aside and start giving this day a chance. I have principles, and I have to respect them! Aish... Why do I have to be so truthful to myself?!" Kai ruffled his hair exaggeratedly in frustration.

After much thinking, his blurry mind started to clear, and he has a grand idea of what to do. He took out his phone again out of his pocket, and dialed a number.

    "Hello... I know this is a bit last minute, but I would like to place an order to pick up for today..."



Hey, something came up. Let's go to ice cream another time. Mianhae.

"Pff, I should have guess he would cancel this at the last minute. I'm sure he's doing something later with Jessica," Ji Eun thought, and sighed in disappointment. "Since the teacher isn't even teaching, might as well go home. There's no point for me to stay here anyways."

She was alert on her way to her locker, in case an adult catches her sneaking out of the school before it is even time to go home. She wore her jacket, shoved all the gifts she received today into her sports bag, and headed subtly out of school. When she successfully climbed over the school's gate without people noticing her, she relaxed since she no longer needed to be cautious.


When she came out a convenience store with a snack, she sat down on the bench to reorganize the things in her bag. Certain objects were making the bag hard to carry. While doing that, she spots the gift she bought for Kai.

"Stupid gift... If I wasn't being an idiot yesterday, and actually considering the thought of confessing to Kai, I wouldn't be in such a bad mood today," Ji Eun thought and stare at the gift. "If I didn't take so much time to wrap you, and if you didn't cost so much, I would have thrown you away ages ago!"

With that thought, she got up and headed home to take a short nap. She needed the energy to go practice soccer at the storage building, in order to distract her from the sadness she is currently feeling. 

Hi everyone! We're starting to be far away from Valentine's day, but I hope you guys can still enjoy this story! I apologize for not being able to update daily. I also hope you enjoyed today's update; it's the longest one so far :) Anyways, there will only be one chapter left to this short story! 

Thank you everyone who commented, subscribe and upvoted. It really means a lot. 

Please subscribe if you haven't yet, comment if you feel like it, and upvote if you think this story is worthy of doing so! 

Have a nice day. 





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Chapter 4: THIS STORY IS FREAKING AWESOME~ I loved it~ It would be cool if you wrote another story with kai and Ji Eun in. =)
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #2
Chapter 4: oh my god... This story is so awesome! I loveeed it! Ji Eun and Kai are so PERFECT for each other! Yes, it would be great if you have future characters similar to them! :)
Chapter 4: This story was so adorable! I loved it!
exoloverskpop #4
Chapter 3: nice story >< update soon! <3
xoxoHISTORYxoxo #5
Chapter 1: Ji Eun is such a cool girl *0* Update soon!
Chapter 1: LOL lovin' Kai and Ji Eun's current friendship. They're so funny! I can't wait for your next chapter!
TheDanceMachine #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha xD The two haters of Valentine's Day xD So funny! And I wonder what Kai and Ji Eun will do on Valentine's Day and how their relationship will be after that day~ Hwaiting!
TheDanceMachine #8
Can't wait until I can read the story~ Hwaiting~ <3