No Other Man That Suit Me Well - Kaisoo

Story Request

A/N: I'm finally back with this request. Phew. So glad to get it done finally. This is requested by ana_O7LH and I am so sorry if it's crap and it is. It was just a long babbling and I'm sorry I forgot to put in the fluff. I know you're disappointed in me. The amount of Sebaek in it was too much, I realized and I am so so so sorry. It's terrible and I understand if you hate me. :(

This is a continous from 'Once Upon A Valentine' and 'Always Believe Your Heart'.

Those who are interested in following through the story of Krisyeol, Sebaek and Kaisoo as well as Xiuhan can subscribe to my 'In Upendi'. 


Do Kyungsoo had never felt more excited in his life before this very moment. He was actually really going to be a big star, just like how he’d always dreamt of being. He was almost certain that he was shaking from all the excitement and couldn’t help the grin on his face. It was five hours and a half more to go until he can meet that one person who will make his dream come true, and Kyungsoo couldn’t find the patience he had so mastered over the years.

Abandoning his bag at the corner of the practice room, Kyungsoo soon joined Baekhyun, his major senior and friend, who was checking himself out in the wall-sized mirror. The older was pursing his lips, blinking at his own reflection and seemed to be satisfied at what he was seeing. Kyungsoo wanted to roll his eyes but all he could do was suppress a chuckle, poking Baekhyun on his rib. The older gasped as if he didn’t know Kyungsoo was here all along, and then Kyungsoo remembered that his senior was actually a very flinch-ey person, if that’s even a word.

“I have the best news in the world, sunbae.” Kyungsoo said, dropping himself on the floor.

Baekhyun, for once, forgot about himself and went to join the younger on the floor, his eyes sparkling with an excitement for Kyungsoo. “What? You finally got laid?”

The four words that left Baekhyun’s mouth earned him a smack on his arm, which he now rubbed as he frowned at Kyungsoo. “The manager of SM Entertainment wants to see me for dinner!”

At Kyungsoo’s happy news, Baekhyun’s face lit up properly now as his mouth hung open in complete surprise and also happiness for his hoobae, shaking the much shorter male as if he was the one who got offered this special, once in a lifetime, life-changing opportunity. Kyungsoo laughed, nodding to himself and couldn’t contain his own excitement. Soon he finds himself screaming out their latest practice song with no tune at all with Baekhyun joining in.

They both stopped abruptly when someone entered the practice room. No, not someone but two people. Kyungsoo recognized one to be LuHan, another one of his seniors, and another to be Baekhyun’s infamous lover, Sehun. Baekhyun cheered as he got up to embrace his boyfriend, and Kyungsoo looked away when the two shared a kiss. It wasn’t that it disgusts him; it was just normal for both Kyungsoo and LuHan to look away because that’s what friends do when they pretend to be annoyed with their lovesick friend. To be honest, though, Kyungsoo liked it when Sehun does his constant visits. It always puts Baekhyun in a good mood and they all know bad mood Baekhyun is not one to hang around with.

LuHan chuckled as he watched the two lovers separate from each other. Kyungsoo noticed the slight blush on Baekhyun’s pale cheeks after Sehun leaned in to whisper something, and for the hell of it, Kyungsoo doesn’t want to know what the maknae had been saying. He watched LuHan did his stretching, as if they were going for a dance practice rather than doing vocals, and he got up to join the older Chinese boy. He urged Baekhyun to join too, but the latter was busy stealing glances at the tall, blonde boy who had opted to lie down the cold floor, revealing just a peek of his pale stomach. Kyungsoo wondered how Baekhyun is handling it.

Realizing what he had been thinking of the younger, Kyungsoo mentally slapped himself across his face. How could he even notice such a thing? First, it was just wrong to look at his friend’s boyfriend that way. And second, what the hell? Kyungsoo made a mental note not to look at the boy for more than five seconds at a time. It was hard not to like that boy, LuHan did say once, and he’s got the girls fawning over him and some guys stealing guilty looks at him.

But who dares go near him? No one, obviously, not when Sehun is clearly with Baekhyun. Besides, Sehun doesn’t seem to be interested in any of the girls, and he was only available for Baekhyun. The whole campus knows that. Sometimes Kyungsoo wondered how the small, short but older man could intimidate so many people, and he even wished he could have someone like him defending his name like Baekhyun does with Sehun, to support him like Sehun supports Baekhyun and to have someone to lean on like Sehun and Baekhyun lean on each other.

Soon, the three vocalists broke into strings of tunes, practicing their voices with Sehun just there on the floor absorbing the angelic voices into his skin, wearing a peaceful smile with his eyes closed. Although he got used to it, Kyungsoo still felt that their vocal group was missing something, and that something was a someone who was once one of his closest friends. Kyungsoo missed Jongdae sometimes, but he knew the older was just living up a better opportunity that was given to him at Harvard, and he was happy for Jongdae.

He knew something had happened between Jongdae and Baekhyun, and that Jongdae had been in love with the latter. It was one of the reasons he was willing to leave Seoul for the States; he didn’t want to be the one to ruin the love Baekhyun and Sehun shared. Kyungsoo felt a certain respect for Jongdae; he knew he wouldn’t have been able to do the same.

After three long hours of practice, with three breaks in between, Baekhyun finally called it a day. LuHan dropped on the floor and groaned, mumbling something about having to go to dance practice after this and that he was tired as hell he could die. Kyungsoo took a long gulp of water from his water bottle and Baekhyun heavily dropped himself on his boyfriend, who did not complain in the least and only started threading his fingers through Baekhyun’s hair.

“You two need to get a room.” Kyungsoo finally said after abandoning his bottle into his bag.

“And you need a boyfriend.” Baekhyun said it in a sing-a-song voice, annoying the younger.

Kyungsoo could only roll his eyes, breathless since he had finished the drink in one breath. He stabilized his breathing first before he began to pack his bag. LuHan got up to sit, watching Kyungsoo’s movement with heavy eyes, both of them purposely ignoring the two lovebirds at the corner doing whatever it is that they do. Kyungsoo made notes in his head on what he should be doing once he gets home. There should be something about assignments, calling his mom, dinner...

His already huge eyes enlarged some more, remembering a certain dinner appointment he has with a certain idol management company. He scrambled up from his sitting position, and LuHan watched with confusion in his eyes, wondering what has got into this particular friend of his. Kyungsoo looked at the watch on his hand, noticing that it had only reached five in the evening, giving him two more hours to get ready before meeting the manager.

“We should go to that café Sehun loves so much,” LuHan suggested, also getting up from the floor and grabbing his backpack. “My dance class won’t start in two hours.”

At the mention of said café, Sehun jumped in excitement while he remained seated. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the maknae’s change of behavior when it comes to donuts and coffee. His usual cool posture would transform into one of an excited child promised to get candy. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and helped his boyfriend get up from the floor. Soon all four males were heading out of the practice room, waiting for Baekhyun to lock the door before they proceeded to the café.

“I’ll only have coffee, though. Big dinner tonight and I plan to actually eat.” Kyungsoo was saying as the four of them settled onto seats in the café. It was said to be Sehun’s usual seat, so it explains why the youngest sat so comfortably there, wearing a smile on his face.

LuHan raised his eyebrows as he looked at Kyungsoo. “You’ve got a date?”

The younger boy laughed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, sunbae. I forgot to mention it earlier. I have a meeting with the manager of SM Entertainment!”

As Baekhyun goes off to order coffee and donuts for them, LuHan nodded at the news that just greeted him. He was less reactive than Baekhyun had been, and Kyungsoo wanted to believe that the older was only tired from all the classes he had to go to. He would really hate it if one of his friends start being envious of the opportunity that was given to him. Sehun congratulated him and LuHan did too, only a little less enthusiastic.

Baekhyun came back looking like he would vomit fire of fury anytime soon; his ears a little red and eyes not smiling. Kyungsoo frowned at his friend and looked to Sehun, who was watching his boyfriend with concern. He asked if something happened, and Baekhyun dropped himself onto the seat, leaving out a sigh before he rolled his eyes again.

“Kim Jongin is here. There is just something about him that irks me so much. I don’t think I can stand under one roof with him.” Baekhyun explained, feeding a bite of his strawberry donut to his boyfriend, who seemed to have understood the situation.

Kyungsoo, clueless as ever, began to look around the café in search of the said man named Kim Jongin. He wouldn’t know which one of the many people is the man so he wondered why he was looking for him at the first place. Shaking his head to himself, he sipped from his glass of coffee, savoring the rich taste of it with his eyes closed. Then he heard Sehun’s voice calling out Jongin’s name, and he could feel Baekhyun kicking his boyfriend in the shin.

Kyungsoo looked up only to lock eyes with a tall, tanned and definitely good looking man who was wearing a half-smirk, as if he wanted to smile but couldn’t because smiling wasn’t his thing. The eye contact was brief since the man started to acknowledge Sehun instead, standing just beside Baekhyun’s chair. Kyungsoo noticed the hot-as-boiling-water Baekhyun, who refused to acknowledge Jongin’s presence. LuHan shook hands with Jongin and then Sehun startled Kyungsoo by calling his name, and he soon realized that the younger was introducing him to Jongin.

The boy smiled at Kyungsoo as they shook hands, revealing straight white teeth that were a stark contrast to his dark skin. There was an aura around him that somehow attracted Kyungsoo and continued to draw him in. The handshake was quick and Jongin began to talk to Sehun, but Kyungsoo found himself still openly staring at the boy. It was like slow motion, the way his lips moved as he talks, the smirk that he pulled on occasionally and that sparkle in his eyes when he laughs. Kyungsoo gulped at the sudden lump in his throat, guilty at the way he was staring.

But he couldn’t help it. The name, the face, the scent (of some expensive perfume), the sound of his voice lingered just at the back of Kyungsoo’s head.

Then he was trying out the boy’s name on his tongue as he sat in the bus on the ride home.


He figured it was just right for him to be the first to arrive at the restaurant where he had planned to meet with the manager. He was about half an hour earlier, wearing something decent that could actually be called smart attire. He wanted the manager to have a good first impression of him, much like how Jongdae had once taught him. The older used to remind him that first impressions are the most important thing about meeting new people. He never forgets Jongdae’s words.

He recognized the manager immediately, after having seen him on the internet countless of times. He stood and bowed respectfully once the older man reached his table and they shook hands before they settled into their seats. Food was ordered in between small talks, and soon they were both enjoying the meal and appreciating its taste. Kyungsoo took it as a good sign that the manager, Mr.Choi, was smiling and laughing occasionally.

He almost lost the memory of dark skin, white teeth and cocky smirk until his mind decided he should visit that time just a few hours ago, in the middle of the most important meeting of his life. With all the strength he could muster, Kyungsoo tried to push the thoughts away, but the name Jongin repeats itself in his head, and he was seeing that smirk Baekhyun seemed to hate so much.

It came to a point where he began to stumble with his words and quickly apologizes to Mr.Choi with embarrassment. He silently curses himself for letting things like that deter him, and wishes with all his heart that Mr.Choi will not part ways with him with a bad impression of him. For the rest of the dinner, Kyungsoo wore a confident smile and if Mr.Choi was thinking twice about working with him, the older was definitely hiding it pretty well.

The dinner ended with Mr.Choi shaking Kyungsoo’s hand with a smile that never wavered since they first met almost two hours ago. Kyungsoo was beginning to think that he didn’t do that bad after all. Mr.Choi left after saying he would contact Kyungsoo soon, leaving the small man in an all new excitement, causing him to shake slightly at possible success. The first person he called that night once he reached home was Baekhyun, who picked up the phone with a rather throaty voice, and Kyungsoo couldn’t help but wonder what the older was doing before he interrupted.

“Sorry if I interrupt something,” He apologized and heard a faint of ‘Yeah you definitely did’ from the other end of the line, recognizing it to be Sehun’s. He rolled his eyes.

“Sorry about that,” Baekhyun chuckled, “So how was the dinner?”

All thoughts of disgusting make-out, or something else entirely (Kyungsoo shivered at this), pushed out of his mind, Kyungsoo began to tell Baekhyun about the dinner. Baekhyun sounded excited much like how he was feeling at the moment and then the older began to congratulate him because he was going to be a big star and reminded him not to forget his sunbaenim.

“I would never forget you or LuHan or even Jongdae, sunbae. And that is if I even get it. I think I still need to audition.” Kyungsoo was saying, his phone clad between his shoulder and the side of his head as he took off his shirt and replacing it with his pajama top.

“And then you will pass the audition without a doubt. Don’t forget to give me free tickets and VIP passes to your first concert.” Baekhyun said and Kyungsoo couldn’t stop the grin that’s forming on his lips at just the thought.

“Ugh, stop it, sunbae. All this talk is making it hard to sleep.” He said, grinning still. For a short second, he wondered if he should tell Baekhyun about the sudden memory interval of Jongin, but decided better not to, at least not through phone, since Baekhyun seemed to really despise the guy.

Baekhyun was laughing at the other end of the line. “Kyungsoo-ah, I gotta go. This little piece of impatience is practically begging me to hang up on you.”

This time Kyungsoo didn’t roll his eyes, instead he chuckled. “Tell him I love him too and that he should sleep because he has a 9am class tomorrow.”

The older laughed some more. “I will. See you, hoobae.”

When Kyungsoo heard a beep from the other line, he placed his phone on the nightstand, letting out a sigh as his smile re his face. He wondered if he should call LuHan but the older had been complaining about being tired, and he didn’t exactly look too happy when Kyungsoo told him about meeting Mr.Choi. He decided he should just mention it to LuHan in the morning. Just minutes before he fell into slumber, instead of dreaming about being on stage and performing for thousands of people, Kyungsoo met a boy with a light mocha tan and a crooked smile.


LuHan didn’t turn up the next morning for the class he shared with Kyungsoo. The younger felt a certain worry for the Chinese male since he had looked so tired the night before. Kyungsoo was still excited, though, about the dinner yesterday and couldn’t get his mind off the possible opportunities he might be able to grasp in the near future. Successful auditions, contract signing, debut, concerts, fans, and a whole life of him getting paid for doing what he loves.

By the time lunch came, Kyungsoo was grinning to himself and students were starting to give him weird looks. It didn’t bother him one bit because the excitement wins all sanity. He immediately spots Baekhyun with his classmate Kris and decided to join them. Kris acknowledged him with a smile and a nod of his head, while Baekhyun stood and gave him a tight squeeze before sitting him down with them.

“So I was telling Kris about you and the manager. For one, he actually trusts my intuitive skills and believes you’ll be a big star in no time.” Baekhyun said, drinking up his slurpee.

Kyungsoo could feel heat spread on his neck and cheeks as he looked at Kris. He knew Kris is Baekhyun’s best friend, Chanyeol’s boyfriend and the tall Chinese man calls Sehun his dongsaeng. Kyungsoo shook his head at all these excitement they were all making him feel.

“It’s true. Baekhyun’s got this foretelling talent besides singing and picking on people.” Kris said with a chuckle, earning himself a smack on his arm from Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo laughed. “Really? Can I trust this foretelling thing?”

Baekhyun feigned a gasp and dramatically placed a hand on his chest. “How can you not trust me? Tell me, who was the one who said that spring musical is going to happen?”

Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged at the news. “It’s going to happen?!” He screeched, and when Baekhyun nodded, he clapped his hands. “Oh my God! It’s happening!”

“And the three vocal students who performed for the Christmas show are chosen for the theme song. You’ll be doing the opening.” Kris announced, making Kyungsoo bounce some more.

“Oh, but wait. Who’s writing the whole thing? It’s definitely not the English Lit students because Chanyeol and Sehun said they aren’t involved.” Baekhyun asked, stopping the outburst of excitement.

Kris finished his cup of drink before placing it on the table, looking a little less excited. “Kim Jongin, he’s from Korean Lit.”

Kyungsoo saw Baekhyun’s jaw drop and Kris nodded in the same disappointment. Kyungsoo wondered for a second what the history they shared with Jongin was for them to despise him that much. But while Baekhyun began to shake with frustration and Kris helped him calm down with consoling words, Kyungsoo’s head and mind and thoughts were invaded by the image of white teeth against dark skin. That smirk, that laugh. Jongin.

Kyungsoo blinked and mentally slapped himself. It really wasn’t him to get distracted so easily and people don’t always stick around in his life but why is it that Kim Jongin keep appearing in his head even though they hardly talk? Heck, they never talked at all besides that exchange of smiles and handshake. Kyungsoo really didn’t need this right now, with so much important things to do other than fantasizing a boy with high cheekbones and that attractive aura and –

He shook his head fiercely. Stop it, Do Kyungsoo, he thought to himself.

Except that face kept coming back and he couldn’t help but keep it in his head.


He was in the library, finishing and touching up a long overdue report that needs to be handed in the next day. Spring musical would be in two months, yet Baekhyun still refused to meet up with Jongin to go through the musical’s storyline so he could start writing the opening song. Kyungsoo and LuHan both tried talking to the stubborn man into meeting up with Jongin, under a strictly business matter, but Baekhyun was persistent. Even Sehun had tried but his boyfriend is one stubborn man.  Kyungsoo released the breath he had been holding since he began typing the last sentence of the report. Now that it’s done, he could breathe again. He was about to close his laptop when someone joined him and sat on the opposite chair without any sort of invitation.

He wouldn’t have missed this face anywhere. It was the face that had been haunting his dreams when he sleeps. And surprisingly, Kyungsoo isn’t complaining. Kim Jongin sat there with a file in hand, giving Kyungsoo a once over and smiling at the older boy. Kyungsoo swallowed as all words left him. What was he going to say? Hi? That’s just not it.

“I figured one of the vocal students would be writing the opening song and since no one is coming up to me to ask what the storyline is then I guess I should just tell you.” Jongin spoke, his tongue rolling out the words careful and slow, and Kyungsoo couldn’t help but notice.

“Uh..” He shook his head, clearing his throat. “I’m not the one writing.”

Jongin’s head nodded in acknowledgement, but Kyungsoo was quick to add before he loses this chance of talking to that boy who had been in his dreams for the past weeks. “But, I can meet you up with the songwriter, my friend Baekhyun. He’s been pretty busy lately.”

Jongin let out a low chuckle. “I see. I like his writing. The Christmas Show song was good.”

Is Jongin trying to make a conversation here? Kyungsoo fought the urge to strangle himself as he thought of things to say to keep the conversation going. “Yeah, he’s good.” Fail.

“So, I’d like to meet him as soon as possible.” Jongin said, fishing out his phone and Kyungsoo was stunned for a second as he wondered if Jongin would be asking his number.

Then he remembered about meeting Baekhyun and LuHan at the café and thought that this would be the perfect opportunity. “It’s just nice that I’m meeting up with him after this. Wanna tag along?”

Jongin was quick to nod his head and agree but not before he asked for Kyungsoo’s number. The shorter male almost forgot the digits as he says it out for Jongin to key in his phone. His heart was beating loudly at his chest and he blushed at the thought that Jongin could hear it loud and clear. Soon Kyungsoo was leading Jongin to the café, where he found Baekhyun leaned against Sehun and LuHan just munching on donuts. Dance classes prevent him from gaining weight though.

He entered with a sprinkle of excitement in his chest and a lot of nervousness. Baekhyun might blow up in this very café. As he walked over to them, he saw Sehun waving, which made Baekhyun look up to see him and Jongin tailing behind. He could see Baekhyun’s jaw dropped before the older male turn away. LuHan smiled up at them when they reached and as Kyungsoo took a seat, he invited Jongin to join, purposely letting the dark skin boy sit beside LuHan.

He knows they all definitely do not need Baekhyun running away.

“Sunbae, I think it’s time we discuss about the opening song you’ll be writing.” Kyungsoo began as he placed his bag on the floor next to him.

Baekhyun shot him a glare and Kyungsoo saw that Sehun had taken his boyfriend’s hand in his to stop Baekhyun from doing anything stupid. The short boy with light brown hair feigned a smile, a forceful one at that, before he took in a breath. LuHan only watches from where he’s sitting.

“Oh, right. The opening song.” Baekhyun says with gritted teeth.

Jongin flashed all of them a smile. “So this is how the story goes…”

As the young boy began to tell his story in brief descriptions but detailed ones on the characters, Kyungsoo found himself watching him with warmth that had settled over his heart. Jongin’s voice was smooth yet confident as he spoke, hands and arms moving dramatically. He hardly noticed LuHan or Baekhyun or Sehun; he was only watching this boy who had so easily captured his attention from the very first day. And when Jongin stopped speaking and smiled at his audience, Kyungsoo was craving for him to say some more, to hear his voice.

That was when he knew he had fallen, and fallen too deep to get back up.


The cravings that were once cute soon became desperate. Well, Kyungsoo would call it that because currently he hates himself for letting it happen to him. As days go by, he was getting less and less confident because Mr.Choi still hadn’t called. He thought to himself that maybe he won’t be a singer like he’d wanted to be after all. So he opted to go the auditorium where the drama students do their rehearsals for the musical, and where he knew Jongin would be.

The good thing was that he didn’t watch the younger boy from a distance. He actually picked up the courage to sit beside the writer and they would converse in many different topics. Jongin says he likes to watch the rehearsals so that he can correct them if things go different from how he imagined it to be, and Kyungsoo would tell the younger that Baekhyun is working hard on the song and that it’s coming out quite well. For the next few weeks, it was all that Kyungsoo did after classes and practice; going to the auditorium to talk to Jongin.

It was undeniable that he had developed much more intensified feelings for the younger. He found himself looking forward to their daily meetings and when they do meet, all he wanted to do was sit there all night and listen to whatever it is that Jongin has to say. It was difficult to say goodbye when the sky darkens and rehearsals end, and before sleep Kyungsoo and Jongin would continue their chat through the phone, only it was less satisfying because Kyungsoo wanted to be able to see that other boy while they talk. Neither would be the one to hang up first but Jongin always insisted that Kyungsoo do because he’d like it if Kyungsoo sleeps first.

Whether Jongin feels the same way about him or not, it was impossible to tell. Kyungsoo heard from Sehun that Jongin wasn’t exactly a nice boy and was too confident once upon a time to think that any girl or guy would be interested in him. Well, not that it wasn’t true. Kyungsoo wanted to believe that he had somehow changed. He heard that Chanyeol had been Jongin’s boyfriend before and that they hadn’t ended with a good note. The past is the past, though, right? He knows now why Baekhyun despised Jongin, but he felt that Jongin had changed since he rarely talks about himself when they do talk. He had his hopes run high until it plummets down below.

Jongin had his arms around a much taller boy, laughing over something. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but let a weight crash over his chest. Why on earth was he jealous anyway? Jongin isn’t his boyfriend or a close friend, to begin with. But why does it hurt so much to see him so happy with another? It was suddenly hard to breathe, and Kyungsoo found himself gasping for air as he left.

He found Baekhyun over by the piano seat in the auditorium, the older developing tunes from the black and white keys. The sound creates an echo through the empty auditorium, causing the hairs on Kyungsoo’s arms to stand. Slowly he approached the older boy whose face is frozen in concentration, and the younger guessed he must be working on the opening song. He didn’t interrupt Baekhyun when he reached the stage and sat on the floor. He closed his eyes and listened to the piano tunes, liking it already.

When Baekhyun stopped and turned to look at Kyungsoo, the latter sighed as he got up from the floor, taking a seat beside the older boy. “That’s really good, sunbae.”

Baekhyun smiles, but it didn’t reach his eyes as it normally does. “Thank you, hoobae. It’s almost finished. And when it’s done, we’ll do rehearsals and all.”

Kyungsoo nodded in agreement, failing to return the smile. For a moment, he wanted to be able to feel free, like how he had felt way before he met Jongin. Ever since he saw the younger, all he felt was this unbelievable attraction, and not being able to let it out torments him. He wondered why he was so afraid to confess. Maybe he thought he couldn’t handle rejection. He looked over at Baekhyun now and he wondered how the older could be so confident, in love and everything else. He wanted to carry and possess the confidence that Baekhyun has, but it was easier said.

“Sunbae, how is it that you’re never nervous for anything?” He asked, breaking the silence.

Baekhyun bit his lower lip in thought. “Because I believe. When you believe, Kyungsoo, you can do anything.” He said, his voice filled with wisdom Kyungsoo never heard before.

Kyungsoo sighed. “Your confidence is amazing. You’re always so… confident.” He chuckled at his own loss of words, and Baekhyun joined.

“I’m not always confident. I get nervous before performances too.”

“But you’re confident in your love life, around Sehun. I thought the people we like make us a nerve-wrecking mess.” Kyungsoo watched the older as he smiled.

Baekhyun’s expression settled into one of those wise ones Kyungsoo usually sees on his mother’s face whenever she starts talking about her past experiences that had somehow made her stronger. “I’m all but confident around Sehun, hoobae. He makes me so nervous sometimes my hands and legs tremble from it. I am confident about our love, because I believe in it. Sehun’s presence in my life makes me a better person, because he believes in me and accepted me. But Sehun on his own takes away my confidence in everything else.”

Kyungsoo could feel something tug at his heart and he doesn’t know if it was painful or just moved when his vision blurred slightly. “Do you still get nervous now? How long have you been with him?”

“This year is our eighth year, and yes I still get nervous. It never ends, Kyungsoo. Not as long as you love someone that much and you want them to think the best of you and to love you as much as you love them.” Baekhyun smiled but stopped when he saw the all too emotional Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo laughed at himself and shook his head. Baekhyun wasn’t doing that great himself, Kyungsoo realized, when he saw the older jab at his eyes with the back of his hand.

“So, why are you asking? Are you in love, hoobae?” Baekhyun asked.

The younger blushed fiercely, looking at anything else but the boy in front of him. Baekhyun, however, took that as a yes. He began to ask a series of questions of who and how, and this time Kyungsoo couldn’t keep it to himself. He needed to let it out.

“Kim Jongin.” He blurted out, shutting Baekhyun up instantly.


Kyungsoo covered his face with his hands. Then he began to spill everything, from the moment he locked eyes with Jongin to the moment where that heavy feeling of jealousy wash over him when he saw Jongin with another. Baekhyun, surprisingly, listened quietly without any question intervals. Kyungsoo could tell that the older still couldn’t believe what he just heard but was kind enough not to judge the younger. When he was done, Baekhyun breathed out.

“Wow. I had no idea.”

Kyungsoo groaned. “I tried to think about all those things you and Sehun told me about him, but I couldn’t help it, sunbae.”

Baekhyun’s arm went around the younger’s shoulders. “It’s good that you don’t listen. I’d hate it if you don’t end up with the one you love just because of our assumptions. I still don’t like him, but you do and you should tell him.”

“There isn’t any hope anymore. I think he already have someone.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Is this where the talks about confidence come from? Well, then like I said, you have to believe. Far as I heard, he’s not seeing anyone.”

There was just something about the way Baekhyun say it. Maybe it was the way Baekhyun patted his back encouragingly, or maybe it was because he was inspired by the love Baekhyun and Sehun shared. Or maybe, just maybe, it was that face that appeared at the back of his head, looming with that infamous smirk, calling out for him.

“You truly are my idol, sunbae.” And with that, Kyungsoo rushed out to the one person he needed to confront.


Jongin’s reply to his message was quick. It gave him a confidence boost to know that the younger wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see the other. It was less than fifteen minutes later that he finally saw Jongin, a little breathless as his eyes searched for Kyungsoo. When he caught the shorter male, Kyungsoo could see a smile spread across the younger’s face.

Face to face now, Kyungsoo could feel his confidence slipping away from his grasp. His brain went blank and his hands shook slightly. His breathing was ragged and he swore his heart was beating so loudly he was sure Jongin could hear it. He parted his lips to begin, but it seemed Jongin wanted to say something as well because at the same time, they said the same thing.

“There’s something I need to tell you – ”

Kyungsoo’s breath hitched in his throat. He wondered for a second what was it that Jongin had wanted to say. Maybe the younger had wanted to tell him to go away; maybe Jongin was annoyed at how he’s always seeking to see the boy. But his thoughts were cut off when Jongin asked him to say it first, and his heart did that rhythm again, missing a beat. Kyungsoo cleared his throat.

“I just want to tell you that you did – ” He cleared his throat again, shaking his head. “I like you, Kim Jongin. A lot. And I know it’s weird and all and I totally shouldn’t expect anything in return but I do like you and it’s been awhile now and I just needed you to know that – ”

He was cut short by the feel of Jongin’s grip on his shoulders, stopping him from speaking. He was certain that the words were all jumbled up since he was saying it in one breath and he was having difficulty breathing now, especially now that Jongin was touching him and looking into his eyes. There was no way he could ever have the courage to repeat his words. He’s doomed.

“Breathe, hyung. There’s no need to say anything, because I like you too.” Jongin finally spoke.

Kyungsoo’s eyes enlarged in confusion. Was that supposed to mean anything? He was speechless and silent with absolutely no idea of what to do. “What?” He managed to stutter.

“You heard me.”

Before Kyungsoo could react, Jongin was already leaning in and capturing his lips with his darker ones. He could feel Jongin’s lips on his and there was this feeling of satisfaction, of many nights fantasizing finally coming true. There was a moan, either from himself or Jongin, he doesn’t even know anymore. Still in the midst of it all, Kyungsoo remembered the taller guy Jongin was with.

“Who were you with earlier?”

Jongin frowned. “I was with Tao earlier.”

“Who’s Tao?”

“Tao is my friend.” Jongin smirked, clearly happy to know that Kyungsoo had been jealous. Kyungsoo pretended to not be bothered, shrugging his shoulders, and that was when Jongin leaned in once again for another kiss, pulling away only to whisper against Kyungsoo’s lips.

“I’ve always wanted to do that.”

Kyungsoo’s voice was throaty and worn, “Why didn’t you?”

Jongin shrugged, taking Kyungsoo’s hand and leading him away. “I just wanted you to say it first.”

Kyungsoo flicked the younger’s ear. “.”

He smiled at the way Jongin grinned, and there was this warmth again in his heart unfamiliar yet comfortable. It was like something had completed him. The sound of his phone ringing broke them apart and Kyungsoo immediately picked it up when he saw that it was Mr.Choi.

He was needed for audition.


“Shut the hell up, Kim.”

Kyungsoo heard Baekhyun say to his boyfriend as he finally leave the room that contains people who has his future in their hands. As soon as Mr.Choi called and said he could audition, Jongin and him had had a little celebration. When he arrived at the SM building two hours ago, accompanied by Jongin, Baekhyun, Sehun, Kris, Chanyeol and LuHan, he was so nervous his legs were shaking so much he swore he would’ve fallen down on his if Jongin wasn’t there.

The judges were friendly people, and when he started singing, all sorts of nervousness escaped him and he showered with a whole new confidence, greeted with a loud applause by the judges when he finished. Their answers had made his heart race non-stop. He was finally going to be a star.

“You shut up first, Byun.” Jongin bit back, arms crossed.

“Hey, that’s no way to talk to him. He’s older than you.” That was Sehun and Kyungsoo saw how Baekhyun squeezed his boyfriend’s hand in gratitude.

“You guys need to stop it.” Kyungsoo finally said, startling all of them.

The first person to engulf Kyungsoo in a bear hug was Jongin, kissing his cheek over and over as he repeatedly asks if Kyungsoo had been accepted. At this, all of his friends looked at him with anticipation. Even Baekhyun forgot about Jongin and was standing beside his nemesis as all of them waited for Kyungsoo’s answer. Kyungsoo broke into a huge grin and he didn’t need to say anything for the rest to erupt in cheers and wishes of congratulations.

“Yah! You’re going to be so famous.” Baekhyun dramatically wiped at his eyes.

“Stop it, sunbae.” Kyungsoo laughed and the older joined him.

“Call me hyung, Kyungsoo-ah. Just call me hyung.”

Kyungsoo’s grinned widened as all of them made their way out of the building. He could feel Jongin lacing their fingers together and he looked up to see the boy smiling down at him.

“One thing left before you head off on the high road, jagiya.” Jongin said, taking Kyungsoo’s hand to kiss the back of it.

“What is it?”

“Spring musical. You’re leading the vocals.”

Kyungsoo swore his eyes would eventually pop out of his eye sockets from too much news. “I thought Baekhyun is doing it.”

“Oh, no. Not anymore.”

Jongin smirked, and Kyungsoo, knowing what exactly he meant, smack him on his arm.

A/N: This actually really omg

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I'm sorry, holikaholika. Hopefully in the future I get to make up for it ;_;


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Chapter 3: Wow this was beautiful... I'm so so glad sebaek choose to each other ..
Chapter 6: hello there author, just done reading the story~
I'm surprised that you managed to finish my request so soon tho o.o
I like the story but I think it is a bit rushing? kkk and I actually hoping it will be longer. but don't worry, overall I like your work especially the ending~
and why are you keep apologizing omg, I'm not angry and I don't hate you orz don't think that way, tbh I really am thankful that you wrote this story. you're not a fail author~
in the end, thank you so much for your hard work and good luck for your other stories. see you again in the future :)
Chapter 4: Wait so u will only make two stories for each couple?
missJ_panda #4
Chapter 4: thank u so much!! this kaisoo fanfic was awesome!! luv u!!
Chapter 3: You know what..saranghaeyo..forget abt liking i loved this story..Thorough out the story i could feel butterflies in my stomach..just perfect for me...>_<

Thank you so much...u evn kept the title..:D M glad that u like Sebaek too...thank you once again...Keep up the good work author nim...^_^
MehRainbow #6
Chapter 1: Hello~

1. Xiuhan
2. So fluffy it gives me cavities
3. Happy ending? PUHLEEEEEZ. o3o
4. Luhan had never lost a soccer game in his life! Until he meets an infuriating rival over an online soccer game. There's no way Luhan can let his MANLY man man pride be damaged like this, so he challenges Xiumin to a REAL soccer match.
6. Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
Chapter 1: 1. Xiuhan

2. Fluff, comfort

3. Definetely a happy ending

4. Luhan is homesick, and it's up to Xiumin to comfort him ^^

5. Nope

6. You pick one (my name-picking skills really )

I hope you'll concider writing this fanfic. You really have 100% free hands with this story if you do choose to write it :))
ars251 #8
Chapter 2: uwaaaa, krisyeol :))
Chapter 3: ahh this sebaek one shot is nice and also sweet. their love is.. amazing ;3;
good to know that baek still with sehunna~~
YeeningPenguin #10
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Sebaek cliffhanger. Aww, I want to know what happen to them after baek and sehun went out.. Btw, nice story!