Always Believe Your Heart - Sebaek

Story Request

A/N: Heyyyyy. So here I'm done with the Sebaek request by PowerpuffgullI know it's not anywhere near Christmas but I just went with the flow of the story. I really hope you like how I've written this piece. This is a sorta sequel to the previous Krisyeol fic I wrote. And I know it might sound bias but Sebaek is my OTP and I just loved writing them so that's why the update is pretty fast. Anyway, blah blah blah. I really enjoyed writing this and I certainly hope you will enjoy reading it. 




Of all days, Baekhyun picked today to be upset with him. Sehun found the smaller but older man standing on the edge of the hill, arms crossed and looking out at the town below, or maybe the sky above with the twinkling stars decorating its emptiness. Knowing Baekhyun, Sehun guessed the latter was looking at the stars instead of the busy road. Sehun lets out a sigh as he slowly approached his boyfriend. For a couple who rarely fights, Sehun didn’t like it one bit when they do. It makes him feel uneasy, afraid, scared that the littlest of mistakes could break them.

Of course he shouldn’t be too doubtful, but one can never know.

Baekhyun had been angry with him since last two nights before they went to bed. Sehun wanted to blame the older but he found that he couldn’t do it. It was in fact Baekhyun who had asked him about his first crush back in high school, and he had spilled it in all honesty that it was Kim Jongin, Baekhyun’s best friend, Chanyeol’s ex-boyfriend. Baekhyun had been mad since. For the rest of yesterday afternoon, Baekhyun ignored him. And today it was like he never existed.

They had gone to Kris, Chanyeol’s boyfriend’s place this time and Baekhyun hadn’t wanted to come. He was here now because Chanyeol had insisted. But then Kris told Baekhyun to not worry about Jongin because Sehun surely doesn’t like him anymore, and Baek became furious over the fact that his boyfriend had shared their personal problem with someone else. Only Sehun didn’t take Kris as just someone else, because Kris had been his hyung for almost a year now.

Sehun lets his arms circle Baekhyun’s waist from the back once he reached the angry, older man. Baekhyun tried to get away but the younger only tightened his hold. Sehun closed his eyes and breathed in the scent that only Baekhyun carries, just a tinge of the strawberry shampoo he loved, a tiny scent of his perfume, but mostly his very own scent. The older boy stops fighting to get out of Sehun’s arms, and with that Sehun began to place soft kisses on the other’s neck. Sehun could feel Baekhyun leaning back and into his kisses, and he smiled against the latter’s skin.

“I’m sorry I made you angry,” Sehun started, lacing his fingers with Baekhyun’s.

“I’m still angry.” The older mumbled, refusing to tighten his fingers with Sehun’s.

Sehun chuckled into Baekhyun’s neck, making the older squirm because it tickled. He was beginning to smile and Sehun took that as a good sign. He breathed and let out his breath, his gaze going up to where the stars shone above them, a sole witness to their undying love. He could feel Baekhyun’s body relax in his arms as he leaned back against the younger. It was a rather beautiful night, despite their previous disagreement, and the air was fresh, washing away the anger and sadness, replacing it with love and happiness. Sehun wished it could last forever.

Just as the clock struck midnight, without either of them noticing, Sehun kissed Baekhyun’s cheek and whispered into the elder’s ear, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”


The past seven years had been a blissful time for both Sehun and Baekhyun. It started during this particular English Literature class, when Baekhyun was assigned to sit and partner up with Sehun for a new project. Kim Jongin had been assigned to the person Baekhyun had wanted to work with, Chanyeol, but the decision was always made by their teachers. It was freshman year, the first year of high school, and Sehun had been excited for the new year. He was only fourteen then, but he skipped the last year of elementary school and went straight to freshman.

He was that smart, Baekhyun likes to call him.

While he was shy and quiet, Baekhyun was friendly and loud. For three weeks they worked on the writing project, and for those three weeks Sehun found himself developing an impossible emotion towards the older male. He was fourteen, naïve and clueless. He didn’t know what he was feeling, he didn’t know if it was right. He had seen many couples with the same gender in the school, he finds it odd but the growing feelings he had for Baekhyun made him think otherwise.

Through time, the two became closer. Baekhyun opted to sitting beside Sehun even after the project had long been finished. Baekhyun tells him everything, when he was sad or happy, or just merely content. After a few months, Sehun soon became the shoulder for Baekhyun to lean on, for when he had fights with Chanyeol and had no one else to turn to. Baekhyun and Chanyeol fought a lot, and he knew it was selfish of him to like it but it only meant that he could spend more time with Baekhyun with a reason. He didn’t know how to ask Baekhyun out, he thought the older male would be disgusted and their friendship would break into pieces.

Until that one night when Baekhyun sat on the hill overlooking the busy streets of the town with Sehun beside him, spilling everything about himself to the younger boy. Sehun found out that night that Baekhyun was in fact, biual. He was washed with waves after waves of excitement and happiness, knowing that there was hope for them after all.

It was the night of June 6, 2007, when Sehun touched Baekhyun’s chin to make the older boy look at him, before he lets his lips touch the latter’s. He had half-expected Baekhyun to pull away, but instead he was welcomed with a deeper kiss as the older boy pulled Sehun closer to him. That night was beautiful, and it was engraved in Sehun’s mind until now, seven years later.

Their relationship went on for two years before Sehun finally confessed his love towards the older male. Baekhyun was more than happy to say it back. They were juniors in high school then, and spent the whole of Senior year inseparable, committed and there for each other. During graduation, both Sehun and Baekhyun cried, with the thought of being separated haunt every second of their conscience. They were going to get into college, and it was not determined that they would get into the same campus. And it had scared Sehun half to death thinking he would lose Baekhyun so soon. He wasn’t ready to leave, and he wanted more time.

They spent every day together while they waited for their application results, and on most days Chanyeol would be there too. Sehun likes Chanyeol as a friend, the latter being a caring friend, always giving in to disagreements and acted more like a hyung than Baekhyun does. Chanyeol was single for a long time after his break up with Jongin, saying he only wanted to focus on his studies. He wasn’t sad though, Sehun knew. Chanyeol was always happy.

Sehun was having cereal for breakfast and Chanyeol in the shower when their results came at the mail, each in their respective houses. It was only Baekhyun who had waited at the front door, for the past few days, expecting a mail for him. So he was the first to open the sealed envelope, revealing the result of his application. He was accepted to Seoul National University.

The first person he called was Sehun. Sehun who rushed to answer his phone, Sehun who cheered for his boyfriend’s success. But then Sehun remembered about the letter in his mail, and Sehun was afraid. On the other end of the line, Baekhyun tried to keep his voice strong, Sehun knew. Sehun knows when Baekhyun is truly happy, and he knows when the older is just pretending. Neither of them end the line as Sehun went out to retrieve his results. What was supposed to be the easiest task of opening a sealed envelope became impossible to Sehun as his hands shake while he tries to peel it open. He swore beats of sweat had begun to trail down his temple.

The first thing Sehun’s eyes searched for was the name of the university he was accepted to. He guessed if there wasn’t any then it meant he wasn’t going to any college. But what he saw made him laugh, and upon hearing it Baekhyun knew that fate was on their side.

Even Chanyeol was accepted in the same college. It would have been perfect if they were in the same major, but Chanyeol and Sehun had chosen to major in English Studies & Literature while Baekhyun majored in Arts Vocal Music. It didn’t matter, though, because Sehun was happy enough that they were going to the same school. Then when both Baekhyun and Chanyeol turned twenty-one, they bought an apartment and moved in. Sehun didn’t mind, he was there all the time.

The past seven years had, in fact, been the best years of Sehun’s life.


It was Valentine’s Day, and Kris, of all people, had suggested on the double date. It was just slightly surprising, because Sehun knew how Kris liked being alone with Chanyeol. He went along anyway, because Baekhyun liked double dates, and Sehun found it fun this time. They were almost finished with their meal when someone they all recognized appeared out of nowhere.

Kim Jongdae came with a bright smile on his face as he greeted them. Sehun was only fully aware that Jongdae only pulled Baekhyun up to embrace the small man. Sehun clenched his jaw, playing with the leftover food that was on his plate, refusing to look at Jongdae. It wasn’t like the older man acknowledged his presence anyway.

Baekhyun didn’t seem to notice Sehun’s uneasiness because he kept on talking to Jongdae and even went so far as to invite him to watch a movie at his place right after dinner. Jongdae, obviously, said yes. Sehun internally rolled his eyes, slightly offended that his boyfriend hadn’t thought about how it’s supposed to be Valentine’s Day and only two couples are involved in this double date. What does that leave Jongdae? Baekhyun’s other man? That angered Sehun.

Chanyeol threw apologetic glances at Sehun, and Kris even tried to shoot signals at Baekhyun before he invited Jongdae, but Baekhyun was too busy to notice.

An hour and a half later, Baekhyun was sandwiched in between Sehun and Jongdae, smiling happily as they all watched the movie on the screen. Chanyeol was seated on his couch with Kris’s arm around his shoulders. Since there is only one other couch left, Baekhyun just had to offer Jongdae to sit beside him, which only pissed Sehun off because the two would occasionally lean in to each other to whisper comments on the movie.

He purposely laced his fingers with Baekhyun’s, marking his territory, and the older glanced at him and shot him the smile he loved so much. Baekhyun squeezed Sehun’s hand and brought it up to kiss his fingers and Sehun could actually feel Jongdae tensed beside them. He smirked, proud and happy that Jongdae knows Baekhyun definitely belongs to him. The movie went on for another hour and when the rolling credits showed on the screen, Jongdae was the first one up.

Sehun watched when Baekhyun offered to send the other man to the door. He was on edge, ready to leap at Jongdae if he dared touch his boyfriend. Jongdae was hugging Baekhyun, that one Sehun couldn’t prevent, and he had leaned in so close to kissing Baekhyun on the cheek when Sehun waltz in, lightly pulling Baekhyun away from that outsider. Sehun ignored the look Baekhyun was giving him; he only watched Jongdae forced a smile at him before he finally walks out the door. He was glad that would be alone again with Baekhyun. The older man had not even disappeared into the elevator when Sehun closed the door shut.

“We’re going inside now, guys. Goodnight and don’t get too loud.” Chanyeol was saying as he was being pulled by Kris into his room.

Baekhyun managed to call after him just before the door closed, “Tell that to yourself, .”

Sehun could only smile when his boyfriend turned to look at him. The older was beaming brightly at the younger, falling down onto Chanyeol’s couch next to Sehun. Sehun lets his arm circle Baekhyun as the smaller male lean into him. He wanted to ask how close his boyfriend is with Jongdae, but he was scared that it would ruin this beautiful moment. So for the next fifteen minutes, Sehun played with Baekhyun’s hands, while the older placed soft kisses and playful bites on his neck. It was when Baekhyun began to kiss Sehun’s jawline, lips, his hands going under Sehun’s shirt that Sehun decided he couldn’t get hot and heavy with Baekhyun while his heart and mind aren’t at peace. With all the strength he could muster, he pushed Baekhyun away.

Baekhyun’s eyes were half-lidded, looking up at Sehun’s, his lips forming a pout. Sehun cursed under his breath; he couldn’t stand the sight of that y male with pleasure-filled eyes and pouty lips without wanting to forget everything and drag that older male to bed, and not for sleep. He softly kissed Baekhyun’s pout, making the latter lean back on the couch. He knew Sehun couldn’t resist his look but the fact that Sehun had resisted meant there was something serious.

“Are you and Jongdae really close?” Sehun started, looking Baekhyun right in his eyes.

The older only smiled sweetly, shaking his head. “I knew this would come. You’re cuter when you’re jealous,” Baekhyun placed a kiss on Sehun’s jawline, tracing the younger’s lips with his finger. “But you don’t have to be. We’re partners for this new project. As close as Jongdae and I can get, he’ll never be more than a friend. Hm?” He pats Sehun’s cheek in assurance, and Sehun smiled. He didn’t want the older to get annoyed by his stupid jealousy.

Except that the thought of Baekhyun being partners with Jongdae haunted him for the rest of that night. And how he and Baekhyun, too, had started out being partners for their writing project.


It seemed like Jongdae is purposely appearing into their lives. It was two weeks later, when Sehun sat with Baekhyun in his arms at their favorite café, that Jongdae made an appearance again. He kissed Baekhyun on his cheek and sat with them throughout the afternoon. Baekhyun didn’t mind it one bit, Sehun assumed, since he was happily talking to Jongdae, ignoring Sehun’s hands that were playing with his fingers. At some point, he even pulled his hand back to show Jongdae something in his phone. Sehun had to endure that day painfully alone.

But Byun Baekhyun has a way to make up for all that he’s done. That very night Sehun was so mad, he tried not to talk to the older, but failed. Baekhyun started kissing him so passionately, that he lost all reasons to why he should be jealous of Jongdae. They held each other that beautiful, blissful night and whispered promises into each other’s ears. Promises of loyalty, promises of forever. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, and woke up to each other’s kisses.

Sehun could only wish they would stay that way forever.


It was wrong to doubt Baekhyun, but Sehun couldn’t help it. He had asked Chanyeol once, when Kris was away and Baekhyun was sleeping on his lap, if Baekhyun loves him like he said he does.

“Of course he means it. I thought you knew him enough not to doubt him. Trust me, kid. Baekhyun’s a er for love. When he loves, he loves hard.”

Chanyeol’s reply had satisfied him, but now he was starting to doubt it again. It had been almost a month since Valentine’s Day, but the project that Baekhyun was working on with Jongdae had not yet finished.

Sometimes Baekhyun would come home so late without telling Sehun, making the younger wait for him at the café the whole night. He remembered exactly texting Baekhyun to meet him there after he was done with the day, and he remembered the reply Baekhyun had sent him. He would be there, he said. But even after the clock struck nine, Baekhyun never showed up. For the first few times, Sehun forgave Baekhyun easily when the shorter male apologized repeatedly. But then it went on and on, and sometimes Sehun would catch his boyfriend leaving the café with Jongdae.

Always with Jongdae.

He didn’t want to accuse Baekhyun of cheating on him. He had no real prove, really. But it broke his heart every time he called to ask Baekhyun out and the latter always apologized with the reason that he was busy, something about the project due date coming really soon. Sehun tells himself that the project that was keeping his boyfriend away from him would end, and that when it finally ends, they could finally spend time together again.

The project did end, but Baekhyun continued to see Jongdae. More time with Jongdae and never with Sehun. Sehun always dropped by Chanyeol’s place, in hopes that he would see Baekhyun when the older comes home. But Baekhyun came home so late Sehun would already be sleeping on the couch, and when he woke up, Baekhyun was already out. It came to a point where Baekhyun doesn’t even kiss Sehun anymore whenever they do meet. And the hugs became short and unwilling. Chanyeol sat Sehun down one day and apologized on behalf of Baekhyun, saying he would help talk to Baekhyun.

So Sehun guessed that must be why Baekhyun was walking towards him now, wearing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. Sehun’s heart beat so loud he was sure Baekhyun could hear it. There were millions of ‘what if’s going through his head. And the word breakup hung over his head like a dark cloud. He tried to rationalize his breathing when Baekhyun finally reached him.

“We need to talk,” Baekhyun spoke as he took a seat opposite Sehun.

We need to talk. Need to talk. Talk. Talk… It was never good when talks are involved, was it? It scared Sehun half to death again over the thought that Baekhyun had stopped loving him. He wasn’t ready to let go, he needed more time. So he blurted out something Baekhyun wasn’t even thinking of to begin with.

“Are you breaking up with me?” His voice broke, somehow, and it was hard to keep his gaze clear.

Baekhyun’s mouth hung open in shock, but he was quick and he shook his head, dragging his chair closer to Sehun’s and taking the younger’s hand in his. “I would never do that, Sehunnie. I love you too much. I just thought.. I should… tell you that-” He paused to take a deep breath, and Sehun waited for the older to continue. “I’ve been spending so much time with Jongdae and he’s so good to me and-”

Baekhyun didn’t have to finish it though, because Sehun knew what he was going to say as realization hit him like falling bricks. Baekhyun is in love with Jongdae, too. Sehun pulled his hand away from Baekhyun’s to cover his face. He forgot how to breathe and it was hurting his chest so much that he dropped a tear or two. It was so painful, the sound of his heart breaking, and more painful how it felt. It felt like the seven years they had shared was for nothing.

He didn’t let Baekhyun touch him, flinching away when the older moved to touch his hand. He was hurt and angry and betrayed. And why was it so hard to breathe? Damn it, he mentally cursed, trying to get back his breathing. For five minutes, the two sat in silence. The pain did not subside, but his breathing came back. He couldn’t look at Baekhyun without wanting to curl into himself and die. He loved the older so much he couldn’t believe it was only him in this relationship.

Well, Baekhyun never said he didn’t love Sehun, but falling for someone else at the same time was the same difference. Sehun could never have liked any other men but Baekhyun. He was only biual for Baekhyun and only Baekhyun. And he had loved and attached himself so hard to the older male, only to be peeled off because there was also someone else itching to join.

He had stood up so abruptly from his seat, getting everyone’s attention before he stormed out of the café. Baekhyun followed after him, of course, and he stopped when the shorter male caught his hand.

“Damn it, Baek,” Sehun cursed again, aloud this time, and missing the formality of calling Baek hyung on purpose, “I can’t hate you even if I tried. Because, you know what? For the past seven years all I did was love you, hold you, be the one person who will always be there for you. What did I do wrong? Did I forget to tell you I love you? I loved you, Baek. I love you. .” He shuts his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

His chest still hurt, more so now than ever as he watched Baekhyun stubbornly wipe at the tears that had somehow escaped his eyes. Baekhyun rarely cries, he only whines a lot. And now tears were falling down his cheeks as he tried to keep it cool, but his lips were already starting to pout. He kept wiping at his eyes, but Sehun couldn’t stand the sight of it. He stopped Baekhyun from further destroying his beautiful eyes by taking Baekhyun’s hands in his. He cupped the older male’s face in his hands, and he looked into those brown eyes.

“You cannot have the both of us, Baek-hyung.” He wanted to cry himself, but he held it back. “I hate making you choose but you have to. If you feel that Jongdae makes you happy, then I’ll go. I’ll let you go. I’ll let you be happy with him. Because nothing really matters but your happiness, hyung. I only want that for you.”

He took a moment to wipe away the tear on Baekhyun’s cheek with his thumb, and then he kissed the older male’s forehead, before he walked away.


The seconds became minutes and the minutes turn into hours. Baekhyun spent days in his room, locked and away from the world outside. He ignored Chanyeol’s calls for dinner, and he lets his housemate come in and out of his room, placing food Baekhyun never touched. At night he curled into a ball of misery, cuddling the sweater Sehun had left behind. It still has Sehun’s scent, and it made him miss the younger boy so much it began to hurt. He was so used to being with Sehun, that now when he knew he wouldn’t wake up to Sehun sleeping beside him made it impossible to go through another day. He tried to recall ever feeling this way when he was spending so much time with Jongdae, but he realized that he hadn’t felt it because he knew Sehun stuck around.

He had taken the younger boy for granted. Sehun was always here, Baekhyun realized a little too late. Sehun was here when he comes home, he was here when he left in the morning. He recalled every night he found Sehun sprawled on the couch outside, having waited hours for his return. He cursed himself for ever letting Jongdae into his heart. He was happy and content with what he had with Sehun, yet he forgot what was most precious to him because of someone else’s sweet words and kind gestures. He was comfortable with Jongdae, which was why he had let him in.

Kris visits him occasionally, bringing him notes he would need for year-end exams. It was the last year of college, finally. Kris knew they had to work hard to graduate, and he was kind enough to take time and hand Baekhyun what he missed in lectures. Chanyeol sees Sehun every day at campus, and the two together with Kris would have lunch together sometimes. Chanyeol tells Baekhyun that Sehun isn’t doing much better, that he had eye bags from lack of sleep, failing at class tests and no longer smile like he used to. Baekhyun wanted to cry after listening to every word Chanyeol was saying. He blames himself for ruining the younger boy’s life.

Jongdae called numerous of times but Baekhyun ignored every call. He wasn’t ready to talk to the boy, and he wasn’t ready to choose. Choosing would inevitably destroy either Sehun’s and Jongdae’s heart, and Baekhyun was considering letting them both go instead, which was, of course, easier said than done. He was watching the sunset by his window when his door opened, and he turned to see Jongdae at his doorway.

“Why haven’t you been picking up my calls?” Jongdae asked, closing the door behind him.

“I need some time alone, Jongdae.” Baekhyun muttered a response. Jongdae seemed to have already known why Baekhyun was acting the way he does, because he sat on the edge of the bed and let out a sigh.

“I don’t want to come in between you and Sehun, Baekhyun-ah. The kid loves you, and I don’t deserve his place in your heart. I came to say goodbye, anyway.”

Baekhyun’s head shot up. “Goodbye? You’re leaving?”

Jongdae smiled. “I was offered a place in Harvard, and I’m going. Wish me the best, alright?” He got up and embraced Baekhyun tightly.

Baekhyun couldn’t say anything as all words left him. He watched as Jongdae opened and closed the door. He tried to find that similar pain he had felt when it was Sehun who had walked away.

He couldn’t find it.


Baekhyun kept his distance from Sehun, for fear that the younger boy decided that he did hate Baekhyun after all and doesn’t want anything to do with him. He went back to attend lectures, and sometimes he would see Sehun walking down the hallway, or lazily munching doughnuts in the café, but he was too afraid to approach him. Baekhyun never deals well with rejection. He misses Sehun, really, but watching him from afar was enough.

There would be a show coming for Christmas, and Baekhyun had written a song specially for Sehun. He wrote it with his heart, that one, during the time he missed Sehun so much, and it was the only thing keeping him from breaking down at night. He wanted Sehun to hear it on the day itself, and he made Chanyeol make sure Sehun would be present. The taller boy was more than willing to do it. He wanted the two to get back more than anything.

It was Christmas Eve, and there were crowds of people coming into the auditorium, filling every empty seat. Baekhyun peeked from behind the curtains, amazed at how many people had opted to attend this Christmas show rather than spending Christmas Eve at home. He recognized most of them to be students from campus, and he was trying hard to spot his best friend among the crowd, and possibly, hopefully, Sehun along with him. He scowled when he couldn’t find either of them.

His attention was soon drawn to the finger that had just poked his side, turning to see that it was his friend, LuHan, who would be performing his song with him along with Kyungsoo. It was originally for Jongdae, but since he had left, LuHan was the replacement. The Chinese male smiled at Baekhyun, asking if he was ready because their turn would come really soon.

Baekhyun didn’t know if he was ready. His hands trembled and he was sweating despite the cold. He was nervous, not because there would be hundreds of people watching him sing, but because he was afraid that Sehun wouldn’t be there watching him. It would feel incomplete then, because Sehun is always there. Sehun would always be there up until a few months ago.

The curtains finally drew, revealing three vocal music students who had rehearsed over and over again for this special night. The stage was set with a piano at the corner, and Baekhyun could see YiXing, the pianist, seated behind the massive musical instrument. His eyes searched the audience, and he first saw Chanyeol and Kris. He almost dropped his microphone, though, when he saw that blonde hair, accompanied with a tall, lanky male that he had so missed.

The three of them were seated at the front, and when the music started, Baekhyun locked eyes with Sehun, gazes never leaving each other as he poured his heart out into the song.


Sarangi gomaun jul mollasseotdeon naega~

Kkeutnamyeon geumanin jul aratdeon naega oh~

The hairs on Sehun’s arms stood on end at the voice that he had just heard. The meaning of those words settling and absorbing onto his skin like the falling snow outside this very auditorium. His head reeled at how heavenly that voice was, somehow slightly proud that it belonged to Baekhyun, the man that was his, the man he had loved. The man he still loves.

All along as Baekhyun sang, his gaze never left Sehun’s, and Sehun had to blink away the tears that were beginning to pool at his eyes. He had missed Baekhyun so much. Nights without the older boy felt long and miserable, and he often lets the memory of Baekhyun’s scent linger just at the back of his mind, bringing it to life whenever he closes his eyes. He liked to imagine that Baekhyun still lay beside him in bed, and not with Jongdae somewhere else.

He assumed Baekhyun was broken because Jongdae left for Harvard, which was why Baekhyun hadn’t come to him. It hurt him to think so. He had selfishly wanted Baekhyun to choose him. He knew even if Baekhyun had chosen Jongdae, he would still be happy for the older male. But a part of him couldn’t help but wished Baekhyun would choose him.

When the performance ended, Chanyeol leaned in to whisper in his ear something about meeting Baekhyun backstage. Because he missed Baekhyun so much, he did what he was told. He found the smaller male huddled in a corner just outside the door to the backstage, wearing his blue parka and Sehun’s sweater underneath it. The younger couldn’t help but smile at how Baekhyun still has a part of him with him. There was a sprinkle of hope that lights Sehun’s face at the thought.

Baekhyun looked up when he heard someone approaching, and when he saw that it was Sehun standing in front of him, his face lit up with the brightest smile Sehun had seen in months. Oh, how he missed that smile. As if remembering that they’re not exactly in good terms, Baekhyun’s smile wavered as he breathed, stealing glances at Sehun.

“Was that song for me?” Sehun asked, breaking the silence.

“Well, I was thinking of you when I wrote it, so I guess, yeah.” Baekhyun replied sheepishly, slightly embarrassed and clueless on what to say.

Sehun cleared his throat. “Did you write it because Jongdae left? And you only have me as the other option?” He knew it was childish, but he wanted to know.

A look of disbelief crossed Baekhyun’s features, but they faded just as soon. “There is no Jongdae between us, Sehunnie.” He said, finally, closing the distance between them.

Sehun’s heart beat once, twice. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, and when Baekhyun was close enough he had to look up to look Sehun in the eye, Sehun let his finger caress the older male’s cheek. “I’ve missed you… So much.”

His voice was filled with longing and want, making Baekhyun close his eyes against Sehun’s touch. “I’ve missed you more.” Baekhyun replied, leaning into Sehun for warmth and for his touch that he had so missed.

“I love you, hyung. It was so hard, letting you choose. I wasn’t ready to let you go.” Sehun spoke into the shorter man’s hair, and Baekhyun looked up to smile at his long-time boyfriend.

“Then don’t. Don’t ever let me go, Oh Sehun. Because I’m not letting you go ever again.” With that he reached with his tiptoes and kissed Sehun on his lips.

It was warm and familiar and all that Sehun craved and longed for. He lets his hand cup the side of Baekhyun’s face as he deepened the kiss, sure and certain that this time it will only be the two of them.


“I missed this,” Baekhyun was saying as he leaned against Sehun, who had his arms wrapped around the older boy’s waist from the back.

They were sitting on the hill again, their personal favorite spot. They weren’t watching the stars up above or the busy roads down below; they were just simply savoring the time in each other’s arms. Sehun played with Baekhyun’s fingers, like he usually does, while Baekhyun closed his eyes and memorized the scent that only Sehun carries. It will be at the back of his head now, coming to live whenever he closes his eyes and Sehun isn’t there with him.

“So did I,” Sehun responded and watched as Baekhyun turned his body slightly so he could bury his face into Sehun’s neck.

Baekhyun traced Sehun’s collarbone with his finger, suddenly too attracted at how y Sehun is. He placed light kisses on Sehun’s skin, making the younger let out soft moans that he liked to hear. He leaned up to kiss Sehun’s lips, playfully biting Sehun’s lower one before the taller boy hold on to him and deepen the kiss. It was passionate and full of love; it made Baekhyun’s stomach pool with warmth. He was so close to pushing Sehun on his back when he heard Chanyeol’s voice from where Kris’s house should be.

“Guys, jeh-bahl. You can do that later. It’s movie time!”

Sehun chuckled against Baekhyun’s lips, “We should pick a better spot next time.”

Baekhyun groaned as he got up on his feet, offering his hands for Sehun to take. “Ugh, that ing .”

Sehun laughed again, taking Baekhyun’s hand in his before leading them inside, where their best friends await for yet another movie night.

It would be another seven years, fourteen and more. Sehun knew nothing could break them apart. His love for Baekhyun and Baekhyun’s for him was prove enough.


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I'm sorry, holikaholika. Hopefully in the future I get to make up for it ;_;


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Chapter 3: Wow this was beautiful... I'm so so glad sebaek choose to each other ..
Chapter 6: hello there author, just done reading the story~
I'm surprised that you managed to finish my request so soon tho o.o
I like the story but I think it is a bit rushing? kkk and I actually hoping it will be longer. but don't worry, overall I like your work especially the ending~
and why are you keep apologizing omg, I'm not angry and I don't hate you orz don't think that way, tbh I really am thankful that you wrote this story. you're not a fail author~
in the end, thank you so much for your hard work and good luck for your other stories. see you again in the future :)
Chapter 4: Wait so u will only make two stories for each couple?
missJ_panda #4
Chapter 4: thank u so much!! this kaisoo fanfic was awesome!! luv u!!
Chapter 3: You know what..saranghaeyo..forget abt liking i loved this story..Thorough out the story i could feel butterflies in my stomach..just perfect for me...>_<

Thank you so much...u evn kept the title..:D M glad that u like Sebaek too...thank you once again...Keep up the good work author nim...^_^
MehRainbow #6
Chapter 1: Hello~

1. Xiuhan
2. So fluffy it gives me cavities
3. Happy ending? PUHLEEEEEZ. o3o
4. Luhan had never lost a soccer game in his life! Until he meets an infuriating rival over an online soccer game. There's no way Luhan can let his MANLY man man pride be damaged like this, so he challenges Xiumin to a REAL soccer match.
6. Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
Chapter 1: 1. Xiuhan

2. Fluff, comfort

3. Definetely a happy ending

4. Luhan is homesick, and it's up to Xiumin to comfort him ^^

5. Nope

6. You pick one (my name-picking skills really )

I hope you'll concider writing this fanfic. You really have 100% free hands with this story if you do choose to write it :))
ars251 #8
Chapter 2: uwaaaa, krisyeol :))
Chapter 3: ahh this sebaek one shot is nice and also sweet. their love is.. amazing ;3;
good to know that baek still with sehunna~~
YeeningPenguin #10
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Sebaek cliffhanger. Aww, I want to know what happen to them after baek and sehun went out.. Btw, nice story!