January 12 - Kaisoo

Story Request

A/N: I finally finished this Kaisoo request! Sorry if it's too short. This one's for missJ_panda. Hope you like it! I definitely loved writing Kaisoo and can't wait for my next piece! Kaisoo coming soon! 




The loud cheering made Jongin smile so wide his cheeks were beginning to hurt as much as his back had from too must sitting. He stretched his arms high above his head, glad that the day has finally ended. It was January 12th, 2014, and he had just, along with his group members, finished filming the eleventh episode of the EXO Showtime. All they did today was sitting in separate rooms, reading missions after missions to prove that they are one after all. It was frustrating yet fun when one by one, the members had different answers, leading them to failure after failure.

At last, when the question asked what song that represents them as a group, and everyone answered ‘Growl’, it was finally time to wrap up and go back to their dorms. Speaking of growl, his stomach made a loud noise, seeking his attention after being abandoned for hours. He patted his growling stomach as all twelve of them head back to their rooms. It was never quiet when they are all present in one room, but surprisingly tonight, everyone was silent. Jongin almost laughed at it. He was so used to the barking of laughter, whispers that are too loud to be whispers and people all around him talking non-stop that now when the rest are either yawning, or rubbing at their heavy-lidded eyes, Jongin find it rather unsettling. He knew they were tired, like he definitely is, but sometimes Jongin gets this irritating feeling, that someday they will separate, not for just a few hours or months, but forever. He tried to rid of the feeling, but it was hard.

He lingered at the back for a few minutes, watching as Chanyeol pushes Kris into their shared room, Xiumin laughing tiredly at what Luhan was saying as they too disappeared into their room. Tao was already sprawled on the couch, fast asleep. Someone patted Jongin’s shoulder, startling him and making him turn to look that it was Yixing-hyung, bidding him goodnight.

Jalja, everyone.” Jongdae called out in between yawning, not forgetting to flash a lazy smile before disappearing into his room and closing the door shut. It made Jongin smile at how Jongdae never seemed to be bothered by anything. He noticed that the older is a rather humble person.

He walked further into the living room to find their maknae, Sehun half-sat, half-laid on the bigger couch, his eyes half-closed but still awake, with Baekhyun beside him, head resting on the taller boy’s shoulder, already asleep. Jongin lightly patted Sehun on his shoulder, making the younger look up at him in question. He knew how Sehun cares about their hyung, Baekhyun. He flashed Sehun a knowing smile, which the maknae returned with a more sheepish one. Jongin chuckled, shaking his head and leaving the two to sleep. He had intended to wreck the drawers or fridge to find something to eat. Usually, he would ask Kyungsoo to do it for him but because today is Kyungsoo’s 22nd birthday, he thought it would be nice to let the older rest.

His eyes glance at the clock to see that it had just turned 11pm. It was the earliest the whole group had ever gone to bed at. Finding nothing in the fridge and even the drawers, Jongin scowled. He almost gave up and decided to head to bed when he heard muffled noises coming from the balcony. He tried to recall who he hadn’t seen earlier, and remembered that Kyungsoo and Joonmyun weren’t yet in their rooms. He knew the two shared a longer friendship than he does with Kyungsoo, and he didn’t want to pry on their conversation but it was too tempting.

He peeked from the window to see that Joonmyun and Kyungsoo were smiling and laughing at each other, talking in whispers and making skin contact. Something tugged at Jongin’s chest. It wasn’t unfamiliar; he had felt this way since a long time ago whenever he sees Kyungsoo close with another member, especially ones like Baekhyun because that particular one is pretty clingy. Jongin likes to think that he is somewhat special to Kyungsoo, but he couldn’t help but notice that the older is closer to their leader, and it’s hard not to love Joonmyun.

Maybe someday when someone asks if he was jealous, he would deny it. But not tonight.

He decided not to torture himself by watching the two and quietly sat at the kitchen table, attempting to think of what to feed his growling stomach but failing. His jealousy for Joonmyun did subside a little bit, but the haunting thoughts were replaced with a much terrifying one. Jongin doesn’t usually show his affection towards the others, and when he does it was often read as him being playful. He didn’t want to come out a deep-thinker, an emotional wreck, but when he was alone, like now, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking.  

The past few years had been memorable for Jongin. He met eleven amazing people that somehow completed his life. There was Xiumin, who, although not the closest to him, was kind. Luhan, who he liked to hang out with. Kris was fun and Joonmyun became a brother he was thankful for. He liked how Yixing is still learning Korean, and that Baekhyun never failed to tell s how much they mean to him. Baekhyun is like that; playful but serious when it comes to feelings. Jongdae was always concerned for Jongin’s health, and Chanyeol made him laugh. Not forgetting Tao and Sehun, who kept him company. And then of course, especially, Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo who had gotten up in the middle of the night only to find out that Jongin is sick with fever, panicking just to get him a glass of water. Kyungsoo who, even though tired, is willing to bring Jongin to the kitchen just to get him some food to eat because the younger gets hungry at odd hours. It was Kyungsoo, who lent him a shoulder to lean on when he needed it. The image of them having to separate crawled into Jongin’s mind like big, ugly spiders trying to eat up his brain. He saw himself alone back in his old room, remembering times like this but not able to relive those moments. He sees each and every one of them going separate ways, and it hurt.

It hurt like he had been hit by a moving truck, only he was sure that getting hit would’ve hurt less.

He knew it was just too far a thought to reach, that separation is sort of impossible, but Jongin just couldn’t help but think about it. He likes to be ready when things do happen for real; he doesn’t like being unprepared when he knew it was coming. He managed to stop a tear from rolling down his cheek when someone else entered the kitchen, startling the crap out of him. He smiled to see that it was Kyungsoo. Jongin is good like that, masking his true emotions.

“Hungry, Jongin-ah?” Kyungsoo asked, shooting him that adorable smile only Kyungsoo has.

Like what the maknae would do, Jongin pouted and nodded. He only does this with Kyungsoo, though, because to Kyungsoo, Jongin is his little maknae.

Kyungsoo chuckled and shook his head. “Okay. I’ll cook you ramyun.”

So Jongin waited as the older begin to rummage through the kitchen drawers and began to cook for the younger. It was silence that filled the kitchen, and unlike usually, Jongin felt the need to break the quietness. How many times have they sat with each other in silence? Jongin lost count. He only knew that in the past it was never awkward, and he was comfortable just watching the older cook for him. But why now? He wondered silently. He glanced at the clock again, seeing that it was half past eleven. His heart beat at his chest, feeling like he had to say something to make it go away, to lift the weight that had somehow settled over his chest.

You should tell him you like him. Sehun had said earlier in the morning. Jongin had teased the maknae back, saying he should also tell Baekhyun about his feelings. The younger only ignored and continued asking him to tell Kyungsoo. Now, he wondered if he should. He had tried to earlier on during the day, while they filmed Showtime. The question had been what Kyungsoo would like for his birthday, and Jongin had written on the paper the word ‘love’. But then he remembered that Kyungsoo couldn’t see his answer, and that his effort had gone to waste.

He fidgets now in his seat, drumming his fingers on the table. He wasn’t worried about Kyungsoo being disgusted because he was gay; he knew some of the members are biual too because they’re spending too much time with people of the same gender. He was just afraid that Kyungsoo doesn’t feel the same way, that the older maybe only likes Joonmyun. He cleared his throat, but Kyungsoo had misheard it, so he did it again. The older only glance at him slightly.

“You should drink more water. You’re lucky you’re not in the vocal line. You’re in trouble if you are.” Kyungsoo kept on nagging while his eyes focus on the food he’s preparing.

Jongin rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh as he leaned back against his seat. His frustration had somehow boosted his confidence, so he spoke up. “Hyung,”

“Wait just a minute. It’s almost ready.” Kyungsoo mumbled.

Jongin wanted to scream. He stood so abruptly, his chair scraping the floor so loud, he received two angry voices directed at him from the living room.

“Keep it down, idiot!” He recognized those voices to be Sehun’s and Baekhyun’s but he ignored it. Kyungsoo was looking at him in confusion, his eyes wide open, ramyun temporarily forgotten.

“There’s something I want to tell you, hyung,” Jongin began, talking too fast for fear that his confidence will get washed away along with his pride. “But I’m not good with words and you, of all people, know that.”

Kyungsoo turned off the gas and finally paid full attention to Jongin, who swallowed down the lump that had somehow conjured in his throat. “Well, then do what you do best. Show me.”

Jongin stared at the older boy with a stunned expression, but his mind was swirling with all the different kinds of actions he can do to show Kyungsoo how he feels. And the one that settled in his brain was the one he decided to do next. He kissed Kyungsoo full on the lips.

It was slow and passionate at first before he realized that Kyungsoo had frozen in his place. Every fiber in Jongin’s body trembled with the short-lived excitement and the nerve-wrecking anticipation of Kyungsoo’s reaction to his kiss. He was so scared to look at the older boy’s face that he closed his eyes, backing away slightly. He almost regretted it, because surely after this Kyungsoo will do everything in his will to make sure Joonmyun will put them separately. And Jongin didn’t want that, of all things. He almost reached the doorway of the kitchen when he felt Kyungsoo pulled him by his arm, and then their lips lock again. This time, he could feel Kyungsoo’s lips taking his, and he was more than willing to kiss the older male back.  

“If this is your birthday gift for me, then it’s the best birthday present I’ve ever received in my whole twenty-two years of life.” Kyungsoo whispered against Jongin’s smiling lips.

He once again peck the shorter’s lips. “Happy birthday, hyung.”


The house was once again filled with many different noises and voices, coming from twelve boys who had just woken up from their much needed sleep. Jongin had been the first to wake up, followed by his now boyfriend, Kyungsoo. After shower, they had both opted to sit on the couch in the living room, with Jongin’s arm around the shorter’s shoulders, as one by one the rest of the members wake up.

Jongin had never been happier. There is this warmth spreading around his heart, something comfortable and familiar, like Kyungsoo. He finally felt truly complete, like there was nothing else missing in his life. They sat there in each other’s arms, watching their friends disagree on the littlest of things, and laughing at how silly some of them can get. It was a good feeling.

Their little privacy was soon interrupted by Sehun, who dropped down on the couch next to Jongin, wearing a teasing smile as he wiggled his eyebrows at the new couple.

“You finally confessed,” He said to Jongin.

The latter smiled and nodded proudly, “At least I did. Unlike someone we know.” Jongin caught Kyungsoo’s eye in agreement and both of them nodded.

Kyungsoo’s eyes trailed over to where Baekhyun sat with Chanyeol, laughing over an inside joke. Sehun followed his gaze and Jongin saw the maknae’s jaw clench.

“Look at them,” Kyungsoo teased, “I bet Chanyeol will pretty soon fall for Baekhyun, and we all know how he’s not the shy type so he’ll just confess on the spot.”

Jongin felt the need to continue, because annoying Sehun was in favor. “Then Baekhyun loves easily so he can just say yes to Chanyeol and they’ll be one of the cutest couples in this world and all the fans will die from happiness. Then we have you…”

This time, both Kyungsoo and Jongin finished the sentence. “Alone, sad and wishing you had told Baekhyun you liked him first.”

“I hate you both.” Sehun said softly, but they heard him.

They watched as the maknae got up and walked over to Baekhyun with long, confident strides. Chanyeol said hi, Jongin heard, and then Sehun asked if he could talk to Baekhyun alone. Chanyeol, oblivious, only shrugged his shoulders and left the two. Jongin laughed, followed by Kyungsoo. They both knew how Chanyeol doesn’t like Baekhyun that way, because the giant has had his eyes on the Canadian-Chinese for a while now, and both Jongin and Kyungsoo knew this because the happy virus told them himself. Jongin guessed it was just fun to see Sehun panic, because the maknae only knows how to tease and disturb him.

When both Kyungsoo and Jongin stopped laughing, they looked at each other, they smiled and there was a silent understanding between them. Jongin leaned it and closed the gap, touching his lips to Kyungsoo’s. Their kiss this time was passionate, less needy, and just sweet.

Jongin is certain, though, that they could never be separated, as long as they decide they’re worthy in each other’s lives. Not just him and Kyungsoo, but also the rest of his hyungs, and of course, his annoying little maknae.


A/N: I’m sorry if it’s too short. I love Kaisoo but there really was nothing to add because I loved how it ended there! A new beginning for one of my OTPs. :’) And if you notice, I will somehow always add a sprinkle of Sebaek in every one of my fic if they’re not the main pairing because I love them and I ship them so hard. Plus it gets me writing if I know I will at least write a sentence or two about them, like this Kaisoo one. I’m sorry if you don’t ship Sebaek that way and think they’re just cute as brothers, but I love them so I tend to add them. Just expect them to pop up at any time in my next Kaisoo, two more Krisyeol and two Xiuhan. And don’t expect Chanbaek pairing because I really only love them as best friends. I love Chanyeol being there for Baekhyun and vice versa, heheh. But Sebaek and Krisyeol tops. OKAY! I’ll end my stupid blabbing here and see you next chapter!


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I'm sorry, holikaholika. Hopefully in the future I get to make up for it ;_;


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Chapter 3: Wow this was beautiful... I'm so so glad sebaek choose to each other ..
Chapter 6: hello there author, just done reading the story~
I'm surprised that you managed to finish my request so soon tho o.o
I like the story but I think it is a bit rushing? kkk and I actually hoping it will be longer. but don't worry, overall I like your work especially the ending~
and why are you keep apologizing omg, I'm not angry and I don't hate you orz don't think that way, tbh I really am thankful that you wrote this story. you're not a fail author~
in the end, thank you so much for your hard work and good luck for your other stories. see you again in the future :)
Chapter 4: Wait so u will only make two stories for each couple?
missJ_panda #4
Chapter 4: thank u so much!! this kaisoo fanfic was awesome!! luv u!!
Chapter 3: You know what..saranghaeyo..forget abt liking i loved this story..Thorough out the story i could feel butterflies in my stomach..just perfect for me...>_<

Thank you so much...u evn kept the title..:D M glad that u like Sebaek too...thank you once again...Keep up the good work author nim...^_^
MehRainbow #6
Chapter 1: Hello~

1. Xiuhan
2. So fluffy it gives me cavities
3. Happy ending? PUHLEEEEEZ. o3o
4. Luhan had never lost a soccer game in his life! Until he meets an infuriating rival over an online soccer game. There's no way Luhan can let his MANLY man man pride be damaged like this, so he challenges Xiumin to a REAL soccer match.
6. Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
Chapter 1: 1. Xiuhan

2. Fluff, comfort

3. Definetely a happy ending

4. Luhan is homesick, and it's up to Xiumin to comfort him ^^

5. Nope

6. You pick one (my name-picking skills really )

I hope you'll concider writing this fanfic. You really have 100% free hands with this story if you do choose to write it :))
ars251 #8
Chapter 2: uwaaaa, krisyeol :))
Chapter 3: ahh this sebaek one shot is nice and also sweet. their love is.. amazing ;3;
good to know that baek still with sehunna~~
YeeningPenguin #10
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Sebaek cliffhanger. Aww, I want to know what happen to them after baek and sehun went out.. Btw, nice story!