Once Upon A Valentine - Krisyeol

Story Request

A/N: Hi guys! So here I am with my first requested fanfic. This is for mink_amiel23I'm so sorry if this is less than what you expected but I tried and I really had fun with it. So here goes! Hope you like it. Thank you.


It began with a letter.

Well, technically, it was some words scribbled on a piece of repeatedly crumpled paper, but Park Chanyeol considered it a letter still.

“You + Me: Movie for Valentine’s?” Then there was another scribble of the writer’s name, but Chanyeol knew who it was without fail.

It was simple, yet those words had made him smile so wide his cheeks began to hurt, and his best friend Byun Baekhyun had nudged him by his arm, ever so curious to what had made him smile that way. He wasn’t hesitant in showing the shorter male the letter as he shoved it in Baekhyun’s hands, which the latter immediately read through. He took about two minutes trying to figure out who had written it, to which Chanyeol rolled his eyes before mouthing the writer’s name.

Of course, Baekhyun had heard this name a thousand times before this. His reaction was priceless, his mouth shaped in a frozen ‘o’ as his eyes sparkled with excitement for Chanyeol.

That, though, was exactly a year ago.

Now, Chanyeol paced the floor of his room, hands on his hips as his eyes continuously glance at the telephone on the coffee table. It should ring anytime soon, and the person on the other end of the line should be that tall, blonde male who had asked him out for a movie to spend Valentine’s Day last year. He would pick it up if it rings, he really would. Hell, he wants to so badly. It had been days since he last heard his boyfriend’s voice, due to the latter having to go back to his hometown in China to visit his ill grandmother.

They could have talked on the phone, but Chanyeol felt that he should let Kris, his boyfriend, some time alone with his grandmother. The elder is reaching a century year old, even Kris said her time might come anytime really soon. Since Kris hadn’t called, Chanyeol assumed his grandmother is still bracing for maybe a few more months.

The problem now, though, to why Chanyeol’s heart banged against his chest, nervous about a phone call, was that he didn’t know what to say. His mind was completely blank, and added that Valentine’s Day is in a few more days, he panicked because for the past few days, he resembled an empty trashcan. Completely empty. What on earth can he give Kris for Valentine’s?

And worst, what was he supposed to say if Kris called to say that his grandmother had, in fact, left all those that loved her? Chanyeol was never good at consoling anyone, not even Baekhyun. He had tried, really he did. And maybe he had succeeded but it wasn’t comfortable.

For about five minutes, the phone stayed silent. He pursed his lips and fished out his cell from the pocket of his jeans, sending a message to Kris and asking when he would be returning to Seoul. Seeing that the message was successfully delivered, he pocketed his cell back into his pocket before he opened the door to his room and headed to the living room.

What he saw on his favorite couch made him throw his head back and squeezed his eyes tight as he tried to hold back an incoming laughter. Personally, he had no problems whatsoever with it, but almost a week without Kris was making him envious of the couple who were both seated on his couch. Baekhyun’s face was set with a cheesy smile as his fingers played with the hairs at the nape of the blonde boy’s neck. The boy had an arm around Baekhyun’s shoulder, a smile plastered on his face as he whispered so soft only Baekhyun could hear, and their faces were so close, Chanyeol was one hundred percent sure that they would be making out, on his couch, in no time. So he had to stop that, just out of habit. And because he missed Kris.

“Guys, jeh-bahl. Get a room. And find one that is not in this house.” He snickered, but was soon met with a pillow thrown by Baekhyun from where he was sitting.

“You ing . I pay half for this house; I get to do what I want.” Baekhyun feigned a glare at Chanyeol, who continued to laugh.

Chanyeol walked over to the couple, Baekhyun and his boyfriend, Sehun, and dropped himself on the other couch, a toothy grin still present on his face. Sehun lightly threw a smaller pillow in his direction, but this time he was ready, so he caught it in his hands.

“Okay, fine. You get to do what you want but not on my couch. I paid full for that.” Chanyeol threw the pillow back at Sehun, who just in time caught it as well.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and rested his head on Sehun’s shoulder, almost purposely. He knew how much Chanyeol missed Kris, and watching him being so close to Sehun made Chanyeol missed Kris even more. Chanyeol half closed his eyes in an attempt to not see the couple in front of him, because honestly he was too lazy to get up and away from them. He sighed in frustration when he saw that Sehun had now laced his fingers with Baekhyun’s, with Baekhyun’s left leg over Sehun’s right one as both their gazes fixed themselves on the TV screen.

He could see the beginning of a winning smile on Baekhyun’s lips. He rolled his eyes; he knew both Baekhyun and Sehun loved doing those on purpose just to make him jealous. It was times like this that he wished Kris were here with him. On a normal night, when it was the four of them, he and Baekhyun liked to compete with each other on who wins the best, most romantic couple. In those cases, though, Baekhyun always wins, and Chanyeol half blames Kris for not showing his romantic side when the other two are the audience. Sehun is the kind of guy who would kiss Baekhyun even if there were thousands of people watching them. It was obvious that the young male is a romantic. Unlike Kris, who shows his romantic side only when they’re alone.

It’s both good and bad, though. But Chanyeol really wouldn’t complain.

“Hyung-ah, when is Kris-hyung coming back?” Sehun asked, interrupting his train of thoughts.

Of course he had to ask that question, of all questions. “The day after tomorrow.”

“Daebak,” Both Sehun and Baekhyun muttered it at the same time. If they had noticed, they ignored it. Chanyeol was sure, though, that they got so used to saying the same thing at the same time that they hardly notice it anymore. He saw their intertwined hands tighten and for a short two seconds, he watched as Baekhyun stared at the side of his boyfriend’s face, wearing a smile no one else had conjured up in Baekhyun besides Sehun.

Chanyeol released the breath he didn’t know he was holding. The two had been together since high school, back when he was dating that cocky, self-absorbed, Kim Jongin. Silently, Chanyeol prays that what he shares with Kris will last as long as Baekhyun and Sehun had, or longer still. He prayed that in the next seven years, Kris would still hold his hand like that, and he would stare lovingly at Kris like Baekhyun had at Sehun. Seven years had passed for the two; he wondered how they can manage to keep the love they have for each other ever growing.

He had thought that his relationship with Kim Jongin would go through the journey along with Baekhyun’s with Sehun, since they had both started seeing Jongin and Sehun respectively at around the same time, seven years ago. But while Sehun had been shy, and quiet, stealing glances and shooting small inviting smiles at Baekhyun, Jongin was cocky, overconfident and was so sure that any female or male would accept any of his invitations.

Baekhyun had sat Chanyeol down that night when Chanyeol accepted Jongin’s invite for a date, saying that he really doesn’t trust that male with a mocha tan. Chanyeol was pissed off because Baek had just started seeing Sehun, and he accused of the shorter male for not being happy for him. Their fight lasted for two weeks, in which those two weeks, Baekhyun watched Chanyeol went out with Jongin repeatedly, while Sehun tries to calm his anger.

Of course, as always, Chanyeol should have listened to the older male. Baekhyun was good at reading people, and he was also the one who knew Chanyeol was a biual even before Chanyeol knew it himself. He should have known that Jongin, really, was a fifteen year-old, cocky and not in any way ready for any sort of commitment. They only lasted for almost 5 months. Chanyeol was relieved, though, that Baekhyun hadn’t laughed at him for not listening.

Now, he blinked away the sleep that had begun to rest over his eyes. The screen on the TV blared rolling credits, and he saw that Baekhyun had fallen asleep on Sehun’s lap, his face buried into the younger’s abdomen. Sehun, meanwhile, was wide awake. His eyes stared blankly into space as his hand Baekhyun’s hair. Chanyeol knew that he was deep in thought, after having spent seven years knowing this kid. They stayed in silence for a minute or two, and when Chanyeol had finally decided to get back to his room, Sehun spoke up.

“Does he love me like he said he does, hyung?” Sehun asked, but his gaze didn’t focus on Chanyeol. The older, much taller hyung swallowed as he tried to think of what to say.

He was never good at consoling. “Of course he means it. I thought you knew him enough not to doubt him. Trust me, kid. Baekhyun’s a er for love. When he loves, he loves hard.”

That somehow made the maknae smile, and satisfied that the younger is okay now, Chanyeol nodded to himself before heading to bed, but just before he closed the door, he could hear Sehun’s voice, soft and far away, but clear still.

“Kris-hyung loves you too.”

And that itself, made Chanyeol smile even in his sleep.


Chanyeol woke up to the continuous ringing of his alarm clock. Last night ended with a good note, and sleep came easily, visited by heavenly dreams that Chanyeol wished would come true as soon as his boyfriend gets back from China. He glanced at the time, blinking heavily for his sight to focus. The clock showed 9am, and for a whole one minute, his heart stopped beating.

He was late for his nine o’clock class. As he rushed to campus, he cursed silently at Baekhyun and Sehun, who had obviously slept over last night, for not waking him up with them. He shares the same 9o’clock lecture with Sehun, for ’s sake. The boy could at least give him a call. Speaking of which, as he entered campus, he fished his cell out of his pocket, only to see that Baekhyun had left him a dozen messages, ten missed calls, and more missed calls by Sehun. But it was that one message that caught his attention, enough to subside the panic in his chest.


He was half an hour late. When he entered the lecture hall, he spotted Sehun’s blonde head immediately, sitting at the back of the hall. Since they’re both tall, it was just uneasy to be sitting at the front, so with basic courtesy, Chanyeol and Sehun opted to sit at the back, in every class that they shared. Now, he was washed with dozens of gazes, including Professor Kim’s, all focused on him as he bowed in apology before sprinting to where Sehun is.

The younger boy wore a snicker on his face as he continued to take notes of today’s lecture. Once Chanyeol got his breathing, he leaned in to whisper at Sehun.

“Did you even try to wake me up?”

“I think Baekhyun almost cried because he thought you were dead. I think he would cry still even if you weren’t, because it was that hard to get you to wake up.” Sehun chuckled.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. It wasn’t normal. On most days, it was actually easy for him to wake up. Heck, sometimes he was the one who woke up first before Baekhyun. Those dreams must have taken a toll because they were too good to wake up from. Opening his notebook, he began to scribble notes on it so he could catch up with the lecture. But the buzzing of Sehun’s phone, his screen lighting up with Baekhyun’s face and number on it, reminded Chanyeol of the text Kris had sent him earlier in the morning. Quickly, he took out his cell and opened the message.

“I’m back in Seoul. See you tonight.” Chanyeol almost dropped his phone once he saw what the message contained. He could have kissed Sehun on his cheek because he was that happy. Sehun must have noticed the excitement on his face because when he hung up after stealing a conversation on the phone with Baekhyun, he grinned at Chanyeol, guessing it instantly.


Chanyeol could only nod, and wished that the lecture would end already.


That night when the doorbell rang, Chanyeol rushed to the door to open it. Baekhyun and Sehun had left in order to let him spend some time alone with Kris, and he appreciates it. Sehun had insisted on staying, since he had missed Kris as well (Kris being the hyung he was closest to), but Baekhyun had pleaded his boyfriend to go catch a movie with him outside. And Chanyeol knows that Sehun could never resist Baekhyun’s pouty lips. So finally, they left an hour ago.

Kris’s tall and broad figure greeted Chanyeol’s almost equal ones at the door. The older male brought a paper bag in his hand, wearing a not so bright smile on his face but Chanyeol knew it was the brightest the older could muster even when he could cry of happiness.

“Let me guess,” Chanyeol started, pointing at the bag, “Tonkatsu!”

Kris feigned a groan as he entered the house, “It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“You’re just not good at surprises, hyung.” Chanyeol laughed, grabbing Kris by his forearm and pulling the older into the living room. He took the bag from Kris, placing it on the table before he locked eyes with his boyfriend, as the Chinese male took both of his hands.

“I did surprise you with my early return, though.” Kris leaned in threateningly close; his warm breath hitting Chanyeol’s cheek, making the younger’s heart beat at his chest.

“Only that one time, though.” Chanyeol managed a response, still not willing to let Kris get the last word, before his lips was met with Kris’s full ones in a deep kiss.

Chanyeol’s head was reeling with excitement when he felt Kris’s long fingers go up under his shirt, lightly using his nails to leave trails down Chanyeol’s back. The younger bit onto the elder’s lower lip, causing Kris to elicit the softest of moans, which Chanyeol loved to hear but can’t at the moment for fear that a simple and cute reunion would turn into a wild and hot and bothersome, but one that they would both enjoy. Nonetheless, not tonight.

He grinned against Kris’s lips, pulling away. He wiggled his brows at the blonde male, stealing glances at the paper bag that had been shortly forgotten due to their heaty reunion. “Tonkatsu.”

Kris groaned, dropping himself on the couch (the one Chanyeol paid for on his own so he’s sure Baekhyun wouldn’t have anything to say about it), but there was a lingering smile on his lips. “Tonkatsu can wait.” He said, tugging the younger male’s hand so they sat beside each other.

“It won’t be Tonkatsu when it’s cold and disgusting.” Chanyeol shrugged.

“Well, we’ll reheat it in the microwave. It definitely won’t be disgusting as long as it’s edible.” Kris insisted, leaning in so close to place feather-light kisses on Chanyeol’s neck, which latter can’t help but respond with soft moans.

“But I’m starving already. So it can’t wait.” Chanyeol, as always, was a tease and stubborn. Kris would always be the one to give in. Chanyeol likes it when Kris is frustrated because he craves their make-out session. It wasn’t that he himself doesn’t crave it, but teasing is his forte and it only turns him on even more besides Kris and his hot self.

An hour later, full and leftover Tonkatsu abandoned on the table, Chanyeol was playing with Kris’s hair as the older lay on his lap, watching the rerun of Running Man on TV. They decided the make-out session they had both been eager for can wait until later, since both men were too full to move much. Chanyeol wondered how just one packet of Tonkatsu can fill him so much, since he was known to be a great eater and could eat a lot more than just one packet of his favorite food.

From the constant shaking of Kris’s shoulder when he lets out small laughs tells Chanyeol that the older hasn’t fallen asleep. Running Man soon ended, and it was Kris who got up and took the remote control to turn off the TV. Chanyeol smiled at the other male as the older shot him a teasing grin. Kris leaned in once again to close the distance between them, his lips before they met with Chanyeol’s. It was about time, Chanyeol decided, for their long-awaited make out.

The first kiss was short, because Kris breathed and whispered the three words that made Chanyeol’s heart stop for a second or two.

“I love you.” The older male had whispered, but he didn’t let Chanyeol respond when he captured the younger’s lips with his once again.

Kris’s kisses were firm yet passionate, leaving hot trails from Chanyeol’s lips down to his neck. The older on the skin of his neck, sure to leave red hickeys that he was sure Baekhyun would with. His heart was racing, those words still hovering in his head as he tried to manage a whispered response, but failing. Kris isn’t letting him speak.

He was pushed up against the armrest of the couch, with Kris on top, their long legs tangled with each other’s, when the front door banged open, and in came the laughing duo that is Sehun and Baekhyun, causing Kris and Chanyeol to jump apart. Vulgar words left Kris’s mouth on instinct as the two that had just came froze in their positions, mouth hanging open.

The first to laugh was of course, Baekhyun. Then his boyfriend followed suit. Kris smiled, because Chanyeol knows he did miss his dongsaeng Sehun. As the two tall males met with a welcome-back embrace, Baekhyun stopped laughing and shook his head.

“You should heed your own advice next time, Chanyeolie. Get a room.”

Chanyeol hates Baekhyun sometimes. Sometimes.


Kris blinked once, twice, not believing what he was seeing. The pathway was filled with college students, male and female, but Kris would always spot this particular male no matter how crowded the place is. For one, his boyfriend Chanyeol is nowhere near an average height. He was tall, taller than himself even, and also because well, Kris could only see Chanyeol.

He sits with Chanyeol’s best friend, Baekhyun, since they were in the same major and had classes together, at the open concept cafeteria. Sehun once joked on switching places, because the younger was in the same major with Kris’s boyfriend, and his boyfriend was in Kris’s. Kris’s gaze never leaves the two men at the pathway. His boyfriend seemed to be getting away from someone, or some creep, and it made Kris get up from his seat to approach them. He heard Baekhyun’s questions of ‘Why’s and ‘what are you doing’s but he ignored the younger male. With quick long strides of his legs, Kris was soon face to face with Chanyeol, who bumped into him. Chanyeol breathed a sigh of relieve as he got behind Kris, protected from the other man.

That said man was shorter, with a light mocha tan and a smirk on his face. Kris kept his face straight, not wanting to create trouble. Not that he wouldn’t get into a fight for Chanyeol, he would, but just not now, when he doesn’t know what the man’s intention was.

“Is there a problem?” Kris spoke, but the man only smirked wider.

“Is this your new guy, Channie?” The man asked, stepping closer, and Kris clenched his jaw at the name he was using to call Chanyeol. Only he can call him that.

“I think it’s best if you leave. You’re obviously not needed here.” Kris insisted.

The man chuckled, shrugging his shoulders before he walked pass them both.

Kris could feel Chanyeol’s grip on his forearm, and he took the younger’s hand in his before going back to the cafeteria, where Baekhyun now sat with his boyfriend. Once they reached their seats, it was Baekhyun who spoke up first.

“Oh my God, Chanyeolie. Was that Kim Jongin?”

Kris sat on the seat that he had got up from earlier, with Chanyeol sitting down on the chair next to him. He looked at Chanyeol, to see any sign of response as he too wondered who Kim Jongin was. Chanyeol never mentioned the name, and he was curious. He didn’t want to come out as the jealous type, but in truth, he is. And definitely possessive. But he needed to know who that man was to Chanyeol first before he reacts. He’s rational that way.

Chanyeol only sighed, leaning on his seat and squeezing his eyes shut.

“That definitely is Kim Jongin. The hair’s still the same.” Sehun contributed.

“You would obviously know that. You were Kim Jongin’s biggest crush, anyway.” The last sentence Baekhyun had said in a mumble, and Kris saw that Sehun rolled his eyes and looked away, everywhere but at Baekhyun.

“Who’s Jongin?” Kris changed the subject, his eyes not leaving his boyfriend.

“He’s no one.” Chanyeol shrugged.

“He’s the ex. But don’t worry; they only lasted like two months.” Baekhyun said, patting Kris’s hand on the table in assurance, and Chanyeol kicked Baekhyun in the shin.

“Five, actually.” Sehun corrected, in which he received a glare from his boyfriend.

Well, that definitely wasn’t what Kris expected to hear. An ex who came back is an ex who wants their lover back. He sighed and leaned back in his seat, not sure why it bothered him, except for the fact that Chanyeol still hadn’t told him the three words, like he did last night. Chanyeol looked at his boyfriend, emitting a twin sigh.

“That was like, seven years ago, hyung. He must have started schooling here or something.” He looked over at Kris, shooting him that toothy smile of his, and Kris only briefly smiled back.


“Are you and Baekhyun in a fight?” Kris was asking Sehun as both the tall and blonde men sat at a café in town. Baekhyun had ignored Sehun all afternoon, saying he and Chanyeol should have some time alone. Kris didn’t mind, since he wanted to know more about Jongin, and figured that asking Chanyeol would be pointless. His little maknae would definitely spill.

Sehun lets out a humorless chuckle. “He asked about my past crushes last night when we were about to sleep. So I told him my first was Jongin. He’s being unreasonable.”

“Who is this Jongin, anyway?” Kris prodded, sipping on his cup of coffee.

Sehun pursed his lips, considering on whether or not he should tell the hyung. “He was our classmate back when we were fifteen. Proudly bi, overconfident and just eye-catching. He asked Chanyeol out that one time and Chanyeol said yes. Baek hated it, said he doesn’t trust Jongin, so Chanyeol continued to see him just to prove to Baek that Jongin wasn’t how Baek had accused him to be. Alas, Baek was right. So they broke up.”

Kris focused on every word that Sehun was saying, nodding in acknowledgement as and when. Well, he shouldn’t be jealous, right? Since Chanyeol figured his best friend was right and dumped the other boy. Wait, Chanyeol dumped him and not the one who got dumped, right?

“Channie broke up with him?” Kris asked for confirmation.

“He likes to think so,” Sehun said, shrugging his shoulders. “But it was Jongin who broke their five months relationship, just a second earlier before Chanyeol could indicate the breakup first.”

Breathe, YiFan. Kris tells himself. Chanyeol had wanted to break up with that boy, just a second too late. Chanyeol got over him so there really was no reason to that heavy weight that had somehow settled over Kris’s chest. His boyfriend doesn’t like Jongin anymore, and he should be glad and not doubt the younger but it was easier said than done.

“Don’t worry hyung. We never saw him since high school. There’s definitely no reason for you to be jealous of Jongin.” Sehun said reassuringly, but even though Kris smiled at it, the weight stayed, keeping him up all night.



Chanyeol barked out laughter as he dropped himself on the couch at Kris’s house. The four of them had just finished the day’s classes, and decided they should hang out at Kris’s place since they’d spent too much time at the place Chanyeol and Baekhyun shared. Baekhyun hadn’t wanted to come along, but Chanyeol had insisted. Kris didn’t mind them coming over, but he had wanted to speak with Chanyeol alone, and to ask Sehun and Baekhyun to leave sounded rude.

“You two fighting is ugly and unhealthy,” Chanyeol was saying, leaning in to playfully bite Kris’s left shoulder, which the latter responded with a flinch. It happens every time.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he sat on the ground, far from his boyfriend, angrily flipping through a magazine, but really he wasn’t reading anything from it. Sehun lazily leaned back on the couch opposite the one Chanyeol and Kris are on, his eyes half-closed, as if to say that he had been trying to be on good terms with his stubborn boyfriend but to no avail.

“Baekhyun-ah, don’t worry about Jongin. Sehun doesn’t like him anymore.” Kris said, but he barely notices the glare Baekhyun was shooting at Sehun because all he could feel was Chanyeol fidgeting beside him at the mention of Jongin’s name. He breathed, trying not to let it bother him.

Baekhyun placed the magazine back to where he first found it, angrily so, before he got up from the floor to leave the house. Chanyeol watched as his best friend stormed out, and he glances at Sehun, who soon followed after Baekhyun. Chanyeol chuckled, shaking his head at his two friends, until he realized that Kris wasn’t smiling and looked sick instead.

“Hyung, you okay?” Chanyeol asked, feeling his boyfriend’s forehead with the back of his hand.

Kris looked at the younger male, “Did Jongin come back for you?”

The hand on his forehead froze, and the man sitting beside him blinked. Kris waited patiently for Chanyeol to say something, anything, but the latter was quiet. Chanyeol cleared his throat but Kris still waited. He watched the younger swallowed down his saliva, waiting still. Then Chanyeol’s face lit up, and Kris rolled his eyes because he knew what was coming.

Chanyeol pointed an accusing finger, “You’re not jealous, are you?”

“What did you expect? I’m your boyfriend, of course I am.” Kris closed his eyes, ashamed.

Chanyeol laughed, but seeing that the older kept his eyes shut, he shuts up. “It’s cute that you’re jealous, hyung. Really. But you don’t have to be because what Jongin and I shared is history and a seven year-old one at that. I barely loved him. It was just a crush.”

Kris finally opened his eyes, the beginning of a smile playing on his lips. “You sure?”

Chanyeol nodded, “One hundred percent. He’s in love with himself; no one needs that kind of guy for a boyfriend. Sehun chose correctly when he chose Baekhyun. I made a mistake once but it’s over. I love you, and I guess that’s all that matters.”

Kris’s breathing stopped. He was sure he had heard it right. The three words finally leaving Chanyeol’s lips and directed at him. He looked at the younger male, grinning. “What did you say?”

Chanyeol frowned, “I guess that’s all that matters?”

Aniyo, before that.” Kris took Chanyeol’s hand in his, squeezing the other’s tightly. Chanyeol was confused for a second or two, until he finally realized and a sheepish look settled over his features. He buried his face into Kris’s shoulder, embarrassed.

“I said I love you.” He repeated, peeking up to look at Kris.

Kris laughed, not that it was funny but because it made him so happy he just had to laugh. He cupped the younger by his face, and before he leans in for a kiss, he whispered, “I love you more.”

Chanyeol wanted to say that that is impossible, but his lips were soon covered by Kris’s, and he forgets about everything else except the feel of Kris’s hands on his face and the elder’s lips on his.

He was sure about one thing though, at that moment, when the clock strikes twelve and the day became Valentine’s.

There will definitely be more ‘I love you’s to come.



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I'm sorry, holikaholika. Hopefully in the future I get to make up for it ;_;


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Chapter 3: Wow this was beautiful... I'm so so glad sebaek choose to each other ..
Chapter 6: hello there author, just done reading the story~
I'm surprised that you managed to finish my request so soon tho o.o
I like the story but I think it is a bit rushing? kkk and I actually hoping it will be longer. but don't worry, overall I like your work especially the ending~
and why are you keep apologizing omg, I'm not angry and I don't hate you orz don't think that way, tbh I really am thankful that you wrote this story. you're not a fail author~
in the end, thank you so much for your hard work and good luck for your other stories. see you again in the future :)
Chapter 4: Wait so u will only make two stories for each couple?
missJ_panda #4
Chapter 4: thank u so much!! this kaisoo fanfic was awesome!! luv u!!
Chapter 3: You know what..saranghaeyo..forget abt liking i loved this story..Thorough out the story i could feel butterflies in my stomach..just perfect for me...>_<

Thank you so much...u evn kept the title..:D M glad that u like Sebaek too...thank you once again...Keep up the good work author nim...^_^
MehRainbow #6
Chapter 1: Hello~

1. Xiuhan
2. So fluffy it gives me cavities
3. Happy ending? PUHLEEEEEZ. o3o
4. Luhan had never lost a soccer game in his life! Until he meets an infuriating rival over an online soccer game. There's no way Luhan can let his MANLY man man pride be damaged like this, so he challenges Xiumin to a REAL soccer match.
6. Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me
Chapter 1: 1. Xiuhan

2. Fluff, comfort

3. Definetely a happy ending

4. Luhan is homesick, and it's up to Xiumin to comfort him ^^

5. Nope

6. You pick one (my name-picking skills really )

I hope you'll concider writing this fanfic. You really have 100% free hands with this story if you do choose to write it :))
ars251 #8
Chapter 2: uwaaaa, krisyeol :))
Chapter 3: ahh this sebaek one shot is nice and also sweet. their love is.. amazing ;3;
good to know that baek still with sehunna~~
YeeningPenguin #10
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Sebaek cliffhanger. Aww, I want to know what happen to them after baek and sehun went out.. Btw, nice story!