04. Baekhyun, You Little

In Between Words [[Extra Content on Chapter 7!]]

They were waiting in line for the cable car that would bring them back to the main island. That was after they managed to convince Chanyeol to let his soul go from its grip on the Universal Studio.

“I don’t wanna go home! Pleaseee just for a little while more pleaseeee.” 

Eve didn’t have the heart to say no. So ten minutes turned into thirty, which then turned into an hour. Until finally the rest of the gang grew tired of his whining and forcefully dragged him off the ground. 

“Is he going to be okay?” Eve asked Joonmyeon when she saw the everlasting pout on Chanyeol’s face. Looked like he could just break down crying anytime soon.

“Naah, give him a few minutes and he’ll be alright.” 

“You sure?” 

Joonmyeon stepped between her and the rest of the group, blocking her eyesight from them. Eve tried to evade this blockade, but Joonmyeon was persistent.

“Just forget about them, they’ll be fine,” he reassured her with a hand on her shoulder, “just tell me more about that book you just read.”

And with that she immediately forgot about her worries.



The line was going quite slow, as there was suddenly an influx of tourist out of nowhere. The group walked ahead, huddled together whispering things as they sometimes took quick glances to Eve and Joonmyeon who were standing behind them.

“Look at them,” Sehun sneered, “look at them all lovey dovey and cute. Eugh.”

“Why Hun-ie, you jealous?” Kyungsoo nudged Sehun’s ribs repeatedly with his elbow until his victim had enough and stopped the assault by giving a sorrowful look to Kyungsoo. Of course he had to stop after that.

“Yo Baek, do you have any more of those weird ideas?”

Baekhyun was thinking hard at the edge of the circle, fingers his chin with an overly serious expression on his face. Suddenly, his face lit up, as if a light bulb was from within his eye sockets.

Without saying anything to the rest of the group, Baekhyun dashed off to the front of the line and pulled the cable car attendant aside. He swished swooshed some whispers to her ears which ended when both of them looked at each other with a knowing smirk on their faces, both nodding in agreement. 

“What did you say to the lady?” Sehun asked.

Baekhyun had to glance behind to make sure Eve and Joonmyeon were unaware of his brief venture out of the waiting line. Not to worry, they both were still too busy laughing at each other’s words to notice anything that happened around them.

He leaned in to the eager boys and whispered, “so get this.”

“Okay, see that one pink car? I’m telling the attendant lady to stall the line a bit so that we can get that one.”

“Isn’t that a bit trivial?” Jongin blankly pointed out.

“It’s romantic, whatever!” Baekhyun flapped his fingers in front of Jongin’s nose to shush him up, “okay so, just remember what I tell you and I don’t want this to go wrong okay. If it does, then I’ll kill you. I’m not joking! I will!" 

The rest of the members assured him that yes, they will listen closely to his instructions and told him to just go on with it.

“Let them into the cable car first. Then two of you walk in. No! You’re not going to sit there with them dumbo, that’s why just shut it and listen! Okay so you sit there, just for a sec, just so that they won’t find it suspicious or anything. Then, once the attendant lady went over to close the door, just jump out!”

“Wouldn’t the car already be moving by then?” Kyungsoo looked ahead to the rows of cable cars, and he was right. They had to jump out from a moving car, although it was just moving in such a slow speed from the push from the attendant. Which was why Chanyeol’s reaction was so uncalled for, “so you’re asking us to take a leap of death?!”

“Stop over exaggerating stuff please, hyung…” Sehun tried to calm him down, partly afraid that the talking couple behind them would realize their scheming, and partly because he just didn’t want other strangers to look at them weird. 

“So?” Baekhyun rubbed his hands in anticipation. Eyebrows wiggling, mouth grinning, feet tapping, unable to wait for the nods of approval from the rest of the group. 

“If anyone of you screwed this up,” he gave the group a thorough glare, fist subtly pumped in the air, “you know what’s coming.”

The boys only mumbled back with no interest whatsoever. It seemed that Baekhyun’s threat didn’t mean anything for them. Not that he cared anyway, as he looked back to Joonmyeon and Eve, whose conversation only grew in excitement as the time passed, and maniacally whispered,

“That’s more like it.”



A/N:Umm... Filler chappie everybody? humhumhummm well see you on the hotter chapter next time!

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Chapter 4: OMG GIMME MORE PLEAAAASE T^T Meh, I guess this is a filler chapter. I'm waiting for the next one!
Chapter 3: Wohoo!~ Another chapter! :) I could imagine how stupid Jongin looked when he wore those donkey earphones and that T-Rex Tumbler...O.O He would probably look pretty adorkable :3
This story seems pretty cool,but why aren't there any comments or that many subscribers? You're writing is great,and so are your graphic skills,but why isn't this fic on the front page of the 'Popular' section? I may be exaggerating,but your fanfictions are awesome,and they need to be heard out there!