Incapable of Words, Frozen In Place

Garden of Words
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020714. Rain is pouring. Really hard. I mean really hard. I don't remember the last time i've felt or seen rain. Only because half way down it freezes into cold snow. I want to go outside. No— I want to let the rain hit me. I want it to————— 


"Oh Sehun!"

Sehun grunted hard and laid his pencil on the desk. He didn't need a moment or a minute, the moment his mom called his name, that was it. He had to get his down there for whatever reason it was. With his anger held in and no complaints, Sehun rose from his seat and started down the stairs.

"Sehun, can you go to the mart and buy some green onions and potatoes? I need it for the broth i'm cooking."

"Of course mom." he grinned. A true grin. He finally found a reason to go outside. Not something ostensible like, 'I have to buy something.' or 'Chiseon wants me to go to his house.' 

Sehun rushed to his room and quickly put on his coat. He shoved his feet into a pair of old sneakers and headed out with an umbrella.

He didn't plan on coming back soaking wet. Maybe wet enough to come home looking like he's still alive. His rainbow umbrella burst open as he hid himself under. He sure liked rain. He sure wished there was more of it too. Sehun stuck his hand out, feeling the drops of God's tears or the saturation of beauty.

He tucked his hand in his pocket and headed for the corner mart.

"I don't need this from you okay? I don't need all your bull. I'm not your ing maid." she stomped off.

"Jieun! It's raining get back in the car!" he grasped her arm.

"Let go of me!" she wagged his hand off her and continued walking. 

He's soaking, she's soaking. Who knew if they were crying. He punched the passenger window of his car, his hands we

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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 4: Please update your story again author-nim, i love your story hehe >.<
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nanaboo17 #3
Chapter 4: omygosh jieun aaid yes!!!

finally HunU~~~~~

update soon please~~~
Chapter 4: yeey HunU! finally~
more HunU moments pls kkk cant wait next chapter!
update soon~
Chapter 4: Finally.... HunU.... ^ ^ i hope it will long last...
Nice chapter
Chapter 3: Jieun just going with sehun....
Ohhhh it's because of lay... why must jieun stay with a guy like him that treat her like a maid :(
nanaboo17 #7
Chapter 3: jieun just accept him already he likes you

update soon~
Chapter 3: poor sehun :( i dont even know why Jieun didn't let Sehun to loves her...
update soon~
nanaboo17 #9
Chapter 2: the kiss~

kyaaah it sooo romantic

updaate soon author^^
Chapter 2: omg i just read this! and it was amazing!
cant wait next chapter~
update soon pls :)