[Woohyun/fluff] When he confesses to you on Valentine's Day

[Compilation] SHINee/Infinite Scenarios

"I’m sorry…but I don’t feel the same way," you responded, heart-broken, to your friend’s confession. The truth was you liked someone else, you just couldn’t bear to tell him the truth and make things worse for him. Especially on Valentine’s Day.

His gaze seemed disappointed and his eyes started to fill with tears. Letting out a sigh, he added, “I see…”

"This doesn’t change anything, I still want us to be friends," you admitted. Compromising such a good friendship just for a little confession was something you were not willing to do.

This actually made him feel better than before. “You’re right. You’re still my friend and you will always have a special place in my heart.”

Smiling, you reassured him, “That’s fine. You’ll always be a special person to me as well.”

He smiled at that. “Well, you can keep these flowers as a gift from your friend who loves you.”

"Of course," you chuckled, glancing once again at the beautiful bouquet he gifted you. "And thank you so much. Really."

You threw your arms around him for comfort and reassurance. He returned the hug and you let him do so. The two of you would always be good friends. But nothing more sadly.

Finally separating from him, you noticed someone familiar standing nearby with a surprised expression.

"Woohyun," you gasped, so happy and surprised to see him coming unannounced by your campus. As soon as your eyes met, Woohyun tried to hide the small bouquet he held in his hand behind his back. He seemed embarassed and uncomfortable.

Luckily, your friend understood the situation quickly. “This is my cue to leave,” he whispered, and left awkwardly while a flustered Woohyun avoided his eyes as he passed by.

"Woohyun," you called again, making him snap from whatever trance he seemed to be in. "What made you come here? This is such a great surprise."
Coming closer, you noticed his eyes were not as bright and full of energy. “What’s wrong?”

"Huh? Oh, nothing. This was for you, happy Valentine’s Day," he said, handing you the small bouquet of red roses he’d brought. But his voice was not his normal one and he seemed to be forcing a smile. Before you even got a chance to thank him, he pointed at the bigger bouquet in your hands, and added, "I guess I was too late."

"What? This?" you asked. "My friend confessed his feelings today and gave them to me. I turned him down but he told me to keep them."

A ray of hope suddenly lit up his eyes and you swear he became his normal self again. “You turned him down? Why?”

This coming from the guy you were dying to confess your feelings to, your cheeks became hotter as you tried to decide what to answer. “I like someone else,” you admitted.

Beaming, he took this as a sign and immediately said what he’d come to. “Well, I’m really hoping that’s me or else my confession will be in vain.”
His sudden boldness took you aback. You wondered if you’d heard right. Did Nam Woohyun just say he had feelings for you? “W-what?” you stuttered.

"That’s the whole reason I came here today, why do you think I came unexpectedly and brought you flowers on such a day?"

"I thought you were just being a good friend," you admitted, your face about to explode as you tried to process this was actually happening.

He took a step closer and pressed his lips against yours real sweetly. Closing your eyes, you enjoyed what was possibly the best moment of your life.

"I don’t want to be just a good friend anymore." With the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face, he took one bouquet from your hand and replaced it with his hand, intertwining your fingers together.

Well, to you he never was just a good friend. But now, it was finally official.



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Chapter 20: Awwww so cute!!! (⌒▽⌒)
Chapter 20: Taemin!~<3 This is really cute kekeke! :D
2am-ramen #4
Chapter 19: .....

>< how is it even possible to make a reader burst while reading this ><
too good ><!
2am-ramen #5
Chapter 16: ...................

okay, I'm nuts right now.


I'm going nuts.
Chapter 14: ~~~~~~~~~ :D i will soon ask for one Joe ;)
2am-ramen #7
Chapter 13: ONEW WHY T_T

*melts after gulping down a bucket of ice cream*

2am-ramen #8


I'm officially dead and this is my soul.