[Minho/fluff] When you visit his dorm and he thinks you're flirting with the members

[Compilation] SHINee/Infinite Scenarios

 Knock, knock, knock

Minho opened the door to find a smiling you behind it. He grinned at you and immediately pulled you in for a warm hug. “You finally made it!” he chuckled. You haven’t seen each other for almost a month due to his busy schedule. Since today was a free day for him, he took the opportunity to invite you to the dorm. After breaking free from his embrace you looked around only to see the other members smiling brightly at you.

“Oh, everyone’s here!” you exclaimed. It made you happy when you got to see the five of them at once. You felt like the luckiest girl alive every time you did. Truth was, you admired these five boys that were now surrounding you. They were a big inspiration in your life. You immediately greeted them with a hug which they gladly accepted and sat on the couch with Key on your side.

Minho stared, laughing and shaking his head. He didn’t like it when you treated the other members like that. It didn’t make him feel special since you were treating them all equally. He never found that fair since he’s your boyfriend, after all. But being the nice guy he is and knowing you haven’t seen them in a while, he decided to let it slide.

You sat there not really knowing who to pay attention to. They were all talking to you at the same time and all you could do was laugh. Minho sat on your other side and enjoyed the conversations. First, you were updating each other on what you’ve been up to and how you’ve been. Even though you were talking directly to Minho, all the members were listening and they also said their comments once in a while. “But still, it’s so good to see you again. We missed you!” said Key leaning his head on your shoulder.

“Aww, I missed you guys too, very much,” you chuckled and leaned your head against Key’s. Minho shuffled his body uncomfortably on the couch and cleared his throat. It was such a faint sound that you didn’t even hear it, or probably didn’t get the message he was trying to convey with it.

“Are you hungry?” Minho asked suddenly making you lift your head to smile at him. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckled.

“Hyung, I’m hungry too!” Taemin chirped in with an innocent smile plastered on his face to convince the oldest.

“I think we all are,” Jonghyun grinned at Minho.

You laughed. “I can cook something for all of us,” you offered but naturally, Minho denied your help since you were the visit. “No really, let me do it. It’s been a while since I cook for you,” you gave him a warm smile and with that, you won. You immediately made your way to the kitchen and started preparing everything you needed. Your cooking skills have improved a lot during these days, so you were ready to do one of your best dishes to impress them.

“Need any help?” Onew offered poking his head towards the kitchen. You smiled and shook your head no but he came in anyways. Like you told him, he didn’t help but he just stood there by your side talking endlessly. He was telling you some funny stories about Minho during rehearsals and what not. You were laughing hard, Onew would always keep you updated with those kinds of funny embarrassing moments of your boyfriend and you enjoyed it. Not to make fun of him of course, but you just couldn’t help but find it cute.

Minho was playing video games with Taemin but he kept looking at your direction. By the way you were laughing with Onew, he thought you were too flirty.

“Yes!” Taemin hissed as he won the soccer match for the fourth time in a row. “Hyung, you at this game today,” he simply said while laughing and made his way to the refrigerator. Minho saw as you stopped cooking to get Taemin what he wanted, how you smiled at him and ruffled his hair. To top it all off, Jonghyun also walked into the crowded kitchen and started complimenting you on your cooking because it smelled delicious. He just couldn’t take it anymore.

Minho got up from the sofa in such an abrupt way that Key jumped in surprise. “Jesus! Next time give a warning that you’re standing up!” he yelled sarcastically at Minho’s back as he went to his room and shut the door.

You were all surprised at Minho’s behavior so you decided to go up to him and ask what was wrong. You turned the doorknob to his room and, thankfully, it was open. “Minho,” you softly called. He was sitting on the edge of his bed holding a soccer ball you very well recognized. It was the ball you once gave him as a birthday present.

Minho didn’t look up to meet your gaze and it slightly hurt you. You instantly knew the problem had to do with you. “Why are you mad at me?” you asked without beating around the bush. He stiffened, he shouldn’t be surprised by how you knew him so well but he still was. He let his body relax again but didn’t answer. “Come on, you know you can tell me. We’ve talked about this before,” you held his hand encouraging him to talk.

“I’m…I’m not mad,” he mumbled.

"That’s not how I see it," you chuckled. Minho was even too nice to admit when he was mad at you, it’s happened before.

"I’m not!" He whined in a way you found cute. "I’m just…"

"You’re just what?" You prompted.

He sighed and ran a hand behind his neck. “Why are you so flirty with the members?” He finally asked.

You tried to suppress your laughter. “Choi Minho, are you being jealous right now?”

Minho shifted his body so you wouldn’t see his face. “Yes…”

You felt overwhelmed by that simple word. He admitted he was jealous and you liked it. You back hugged him and he was a little surprised at the sudden touch. “I’m not flirting with the guys, you know. They’re actually like brothers to me. You know how I told you about you guys being a great inspiration for me.”

"Yeah but you treat them like you treat me. It doesn’t make me feel special," he complained.

"Hey, come on, look at me," you ordered and he slowly faced you again. "I treasure them as family and I love you as my boyfriend. You should never doubt or question it, okay?"

Minho smiled at you and let his hand make its way to your face. He caressed your cheek gently and leaned in to kiss you. You smiled against the familiar lips on yours and let the emotions sink in. “The guys don’t get this special treatment,” you said grinning and he chuckled.

“And they never will,” Minho gave you a wide smile and leaned in to kiss you once again.



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Chapter 20: Awwww so cute!!! (⌒▽⌒)
Chapter 20: Taemin!~<3 This is really cute kekeke! :D
2am-ramen #4
Chapter 19: .....

>< how is it even possible to make a reader burst while reading this ><
too good ><!
2am-ramen #5
Chapter 16: ...................

okay, I'm nuts right now.


I'm going nuts.
Chapter 14: ~~~~~~~~~ :D i will soon ask for one Joe ;)
2am-ramen #7
Chapter 13: ONEW WHY T_T

*melts after gulping down a bucket of ice cream*

2am-ramen #8


I'm officially dead and this is my soul.