VII : This isn't my plan.

Look Around You !

" You know, I have been a good boy, I waited patiently for the day where I could make you pay what you did to me ! "

Song : Americano - 10cm


" What ?! " Doojoon's eyes widened.

" I-I said.. I-I love y-you.." Kikwang hid his head in his hands.

" Is that a joke ?! I don't even know you "

Kikwang raised his head. He looks serious, the redness was gone and he don't looked shy anymore.


" Yeah, actually it was a joke. " He laughed and Doojoon looked at him, confused. " Start again from the beginning, right ? Hi, I'm Kikwang. You asked your lovely cousin, HyunA, someone for help. "

" Oh my! You're the guy she talked about ! You scared me ! " Doojoon put his hand to his heart, reassured.

" Oh, my acting was good ? Aha, I knew I was a good actor. She won't trust me ! " Kikwang smiled. " Okay, joke is over. Why do you need me ? "

" Actually, right now I don't need you. I will need you soon, right now, it's too early. I just wanted to see you, I needed to check your skills in acting. I saw that you're good, good job. I really trusted you for a moment ! "

" Hey, thanks ! So, I guess you will call me when you need me ? Let me know, what kind of job do you want me to do ? "

" Need to make someone jealous. " Doojoon said while looking around if someone was there.

" A special someone ? " Kikwang saw Doojoon's death glance, he knew that he shouldn't ask more questions, expect one. " Just one more question before I leave.. Girl or boy ? "

" What ? " Doojoon raised an eyebrow, not sure about Kikwang's question.

" The person you want to make jealous, is it a girl or boy ? 'Cause you know, if it's a girl.. It won't work if you tried to make- Ouch ! " Doojoon slapped Kikwang's head.

" Are you stupid or something ? If I asked you, it's a boy, ! Everyone know it won't work for a girl ! "


" Yah ! I'm not dumb ! Just aking.. "

" Whatever. I need to go, I'll call you when you will need you. Bye ! " And Doojoon leaved Kikwang.


" Wait ! I don't even know where I am.. HyunA brought me here.. Aish ! Where's the metro ? Can someone help me ? " Kikwang shouted but Doojoon was far already.




The next day, Doojoon went to Japan because of a case. He regretted to be in Japan right now, he needed to talk to Junhyung and HyunSeung.

Few days after, Doojoon returned to Korea.

Tuesday. He went to HyunSeung's restaurant, he knew that HyunSeung was still angry against him but he needed to see him. He stepped inside the restaurant. HyunSeung frowned when he saw him. As usual, Doojoon sat at this usual sit.


" I hope you changed your mind. If not, you can leave this restaurant, now. " HyunSeung said coldly.


" Something happened between you two ? " Junhyung was confused. HyunSeung has never been so cold toward Doojoon.


" My mind has never changed since the beginning. Do you remember the second phase ? " This smirk on his face, HyunSeung hated it. Doojoon was his friend, but sometimes he just want to slap him.


" No ! I can't even remember the first. Tell me, explain to Junhyung too. He seemed as confused as I am. Tell me, what do you play ?! "


" I lied. Well not all, but I lied last time. No, Yoseob isn't my toy. But yes, it's a game. Well, for now. This will become serious later. Don't worry ! " Doojoon smiled. Not a smirk, a smile this time.

" Will you at least tell me your plan ? " HyunSeung was reassured. He was right, Doojoon was a bastard but not as he seemed to be. Doojoon waved his finger in front of HyunSeung.


" No. I know you too well, you will tell him to be careful. If you do that, my plan will not work ! You talked too much, sometimes ! " Doojoon smiled again. " I gotta go, need to work on this stupid case. See ya ! Oh, hey, don't worry for your Yoseob ! He will be alright ! " Doojoon waved at them and left.


Junhyung chuckled, making HyunSeung annoyed.


" Why are you chuckling, you ? "


" He's right. You talked too much, you heard him ? Don't worry. " Junhyung smiled. " By the way, the first phase was Spiying. And the second phase is Rescuing. "


" Oh.. My Yoseob don't need to rescue. " HyunSeung pouted as Junhyung chuckled again.




Doojoon felt better. He felt better when HyunSeung is reassured. At least, he can do his plan without having a death glance behind him. He was about to go in his car when he saw someone familiar. This hair, he would recognize from miles. 'Yoseob ?'


He wanted to talk to him but he saw others figures around Yoseob. Then, the others figures pushed Yoseob in a small alley. This didn't please him, not at all. He quickly took his phone number and type quickly.


" I need you now. Come at HyunSeung's restaurant. "




They pinned Yoseob against the wall. Yoseob didn't expect that they find him. He thought they were in prison.


" So, Yoseob. Long time no see huh ? Since when.. Ah, yes ! Since 3 years ! Since you sent me to jail, you bastard ! " The tallest guy put a punch in Yoseob's stomach, which brought down the blond on his lap.


" Hey, there, Yunho. I didn't know you were released from prison. "


" They let me out because I had a good behave. You know, I have been a good boy, I waited patiently for the day where I could make you pay what you did to me ! And your uncle too ! Besides, where's the money, huh Yoseob ?! "


Two mens took Yoseob by the shoulders and have raised against the wall. Yoseob smiled.


" Oh hey, Junsu, hey Yoochun. Always at the beck of this moron ? "


" SHUT UP ! " Yunho punched Yoseob again, but this time in his face. Blood flowed from his nose and mouth. Yunho took Yoseob by his hair. " I repeat. Where is the money, Yoseob ? You know you have to pay for your uncle ! "


" I'm going to disappoint you but I have not heard of this for a long time. And besides, I have no money. Bad news, huh ? "

Yunho punched Yoseob again, and again. Face, nose, stomach, back. Yoseob felt on the ground. Blood all over his body and his clothes. Yunho grabbed Yoseob's hair and lift his head up.


" Well, you'll pay anyway ! I'll make you work ! Or maybe, you prefer to pay with your body ?! "


" I prefer to die... rather than work for you...I prefer to die.. rather than you... touch me. " Yoseob panting, trying to catch his breath.


" Oh really ?! Too bad, I already made ​​my decision ! " Yunho punched Yoseob's nose again before he started to ing Yoseob's shirt.


" Take off your hand of him. Immediately take off your hands dirty before I crush you. " A voice came in the dark.


Yoseob knew this voice. He smiled and murmured 'Doojoon'.Yunho heard that.


" Doojoon ? Who are you ? "


" You don't need to know who I am. But, you need to take off your hands of him. Now. "


" Or what ? "


" Or you're dead. "


Before Yunho is able to say something, the three bodyguards of the Doojoon had landed them on the ground. Two of them were still standing. Doojoon approached them. He whispered :


" If you don't want to be kicked, you better ran away, arrasso ? And take that with you. I guess it will be enough to pay Yoseob's debt. But if ever I'll see you around, you're dead."


The two nodded and took the money. They bowed and ran away.


" What we do with the rest, boss ? "


" Call the police. I have charges against them, they will return to prison. "


Doojoon lift up Yoseob, took him in his arms and led him to his car. Yoseob was unconscious. Doojoon sighed 'This isn't in my plan. Yoseob, what are you hiding ?'.







Yoseob woke up. His head was hurting very badly. His nose also. He rubbed his eyes and looks around. 'Why I am here ? And..Who owns this house ? What happened yesterday ? Why my heard hurts ?'


" You're awake ? It's good. Are you okay ? "


" You ! Why do you bring me here ?! And what did you do to me ?! Bastard ! "


" Calm down, okay. I saved you idiot ! "


" What.. ?"




Tada~ Is this enough ? I hope ^^
I'm sorry, the preview is actually the end of the chapter.. Sorry ^^"

I make things happen faster, so Doojoon reveals a little of his plan, and finally he explains a few things to HyunSeung !
I choose Junsu, Yoochun and Yunho as bad boys, but I can't make Jae' and Minnie as bad boys..They only watched the scene, they looked too innocent for being bad boys xD

Oh, a bit of Yoseob's past is revealed. Uncle, debt.. and something else will come !
The next chapter will be release tomorrow ^^ But I don't give a preview sorry :P

Comments reply :

@Teddyrain : Thanks you. Don't worry, things are going faster ! And, Yoseob will show how fragile is he in the future ^^
@Straighcut : Hey, there ! Thank you for commenting and subscribing :)
@ReddyHong : I scared you with Kikwang's confession, right ? :P


Love, from Author-ssi

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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 16: Amazing !!!perfect !!!write more Π~Π
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 16: wow, this was amazing!! i enjoy reading this..

and yeay for happy ending..& KiWoon in the end.. \(^0^)/
Chapter 16: finally..seobie and dujunie...
after such a trial...after hard times...
they're together...

and dongwoonie....
smarty...caught kikwang with his smart brain....

i love the storyyyyyy...
Chapter 13: awwww....... naughty...stealing kisses...
Chapter 12: kikwang's part is interesting...
he pushed yoseob to make a decision ^^
Chapter 11: gosh...
let me give you a hug for being so though and persistent with yoseob..
Chapter 9: awww i'm getting more and nore curious every chap..

Chapter 7: hey...i just found your fic and i'm addicted to it
poor seobie...
anyway i'm curious what will happen in the next chap...
i like this story...^^
#9 sweet but sad too because the fic was end....hoho yoseob of course is doojoon's mine puhahahhahahhahhha...I read it so many times because so sweet ehehhehhheeheh