XV : Comeback.

Look Around You !

"  It was only rational ? Was it merely human ? Or was it love someone who isn't rational ? So, love would be the thing most meaningless in the world. "


Song : Elle me dit - Mika or Plus rien ne m'étonne - Orelsan




HyunSeung vowed to kill the person who woke him at this time. His phone kept ringing, he looked at the clock and the number. Number he didn't know, quickly and still partly asleep, he answered the call. Then he recognized the voice. Yoseob. Distraught, crying, almost screaming. HyunSeung stood up, he dressed quickly, always on the phone with Yoseob. He told him to wait, he came as fast as he could and specially to don't do anything particularly stupid. HyunSeung pressed, calling Junhyung in the process. HyunSeung eagerly waiting for the elevator when Junhyung picked up, growling.

" Seung, I know you love me but do you know what time is it ? It's ing too early.. "

" He's gone ! " HyunSeung yelled.
" Outch, not so loud. Who ? What are you talking about ? "

" Your amazing best friend, idiot ! Yoseob called me, he told he's gone. I don't know anything else, I can't understand him, and you know why ? Because he was crying ! Yong Junhyung, I don't know what was in Doojoon's mind, but if I saw him again, I'm gonna kill you ! Hurry up, and join me at his apartment ! "
HyunSeung hung up, furious. Junhyung sighed heavily, and stood up. He quickly changed, washed his face and went to this car.

Yoseob was still crying, trembling, his heart hurt ​​him so bad. He puts the phone, awkwardly, the two papers still in his hand, then slowly, delicately, he curled into a ball in a corner. He took his knees, approached close to his chest, hiding his head. He prayed that the tears will stop, his pain will end, he prayed, wanting to disappear, become invisible, no longer exist. It seemed like time had stopped, he had decided again to take it all ,as if his birth was cursed, as if the elements of life were linked against him, against his life . Would he have been born ? Was this a mistake? Or maybe life is taken her revenge ? After all, Yoseob was the only survivor of that hold-up and the time, unhappy, he would take revenge ? He didn't know, and as to know would be a burden again, he didn't want to know.

And unfortunately, like last time, the walls began to turn, his heart, in addition to pain, began to beat very fast, too fast. Then, as usual, his breathing began to accelerate. The urge to vomit, go away, run away, came back again. It's not that he lacked the desire, but the strength. Too tired, too weak, too exhausted to get up. Unable to move, he was crying even more.

Suddenly, as an issue, the door opened quickly, widely, revealing HyunSeung, breathless, worried.  HyunSeung run to Yoseob, kneeling beside him, he took Yoseob's head in his hands, stared at each side and then hugged him strongly, tightly, his back. And Yoseob, as if that wasn't enough, wept floods of tears, snorting, squealing. They stayed like that until Junhyung came. He sighed heavily, and saw the note on the floor, he took it, read it and sighed again. Yoseob fall asleep, tired of crying, tired of fighting, almost tired of living. HyunSeung moved Yoseob's head on his lap, his little body curled into a ball, clutching his arms, one of his hands her hair, the other his back. He looked Junhyung, and asked.
" What's on ? Tell me. "

" He said that he's leaving, he said that he had no choice. He said that he's sorry, he said that he love Yoseob, truly, deeply. He said that he can't tell him why he's leaving, but he asked him to wait. He said that he'll be back. " Junhyung said.
" No choice ? He love him ? He can't even tell him ?! My ! What is this ?! That's bull spoken by a moron who didn't understand how much this meant everything to Yoseob! Stupid, crazy, , bastard, and completely idiot ! Your buddy is an idiot and completely unconscious ! " HyunSeung said, louder.

" You're gonna wake up him, and with all due respect, I don't want to see him cry again. I'm gonna call him, okay ? I'll see if there is mail. I'll be back. "

" You're gonna call him right now ? Stay here, I want to talk with him. "

" No, you stay here. You would probably yell at him, and all stuffs. Moreover, Yoseob is sleeping so, don't move. " Junhyun said as he leaved. He heard HyunSeung cussing.
Shortly after, Junhyung came back with letters. One of them was open and Junhyung was reading it.
" What's that ? " HyunSeung asked. Junhyung didn't look at him. "Yong Junhyung, what's in your hands ? "
" Letter from Doojoon, to me and you. " Junhyung said. " I'm reading, I'll tell you everything when I would have ended. Just wait. " He continued, hearing HyunSeung mumbled "But I hate waiting.. " Junhyun frowned.
" What's wrong ? Come on, tell me Jun ! " HyunSeung frowned and whined.

" Hum, he's in America. He said in his letter that he had something to do there, he couldn't tell to Yoseob because he would be hurt, and he said he don't know when he'll be back. He hoped he'll be back in 3 months. "

" What the is he doing in America ?! Some cases ? Something to do ? He would be hurt ? Oh my god..He's stupid ?! Leaving Yoseob is the thing that hurt him the most. I just want to kill someone right now ! 3 months ?! That's bull ! Call him ! " HyunSeung said, but Junhyung didn't do anything. " Yong Junhyung. Call him. Now. "
" I don't think it would change anything, Seung. " Junhyung sighed.

" I don't care. I just want explanations, real explanations, not that ! " HyunSeung said. Junhyung took his phone and called Doojoon, but he know that his friend won't answer his call.


Doojoon felt guilty, he had never wanted Yoseob abandoned or hurt him. The plane had taken off since several hours and more the hours passed more his morale was declining. If he could, he would stay with him in Korea. But despite all the releases, all the arguments against any, he had no choice. Go there, see him, do his job, and after returning ? He didn't even know if his chance had broken and if he could have another one, the last chance. Doojoon wasn't cruel, at least, he wasn't  if he doesn't hate anyone, he wasn't a breaker of hearts and even though everyone said that he was a player. At least he wasn't playing with the hearts of others. But who would believe it now ? Abandoning the person he loves to go find the person he hates most in the world, it was only rational ? Was it merely human ? Or was it love someone who isn't rational ? So, love would be the thing most meaningless in the world. He sighed, slowly but heavily.

As expected, Junhyung called several times. He didn't answer, he couldn't answer. Hearing HyunSeung's voice, shouting to come back, to repair what he had done, will torture him. And even if he could die of want to hear Yoseob's voice, he couldn't . He turned off his cell phone, avoiding calls Junhyung.

The plane is landing a few hours later. The airport was big, but soon he found those who waited for him. A tall man, smiling brightly, in black suit surrounded by two giants. 'Bodyguards huh ? Tss..' Doojoon thought. The man greeted him.
" Oh, Doojoon. It's been a long time ! What a pleasure to see you ! How are you ? "
" The pleasure isn't shared. Don't ask me how I am, you don't care. Hurry up, I want to finish your as soon as possible, I have only one forward, back in Korea, away from you. " Doojoon said coldly.
" That's how you treat your old father ? Come on, let's have a talk and enjoy dinner with me. "
" You're not a father for me, and I don't want to enjoy time with you. Hurry up, tell me everything and I'll start to work. " Doojoon said as he started to walk away.


It's been 3 months since Doojoon left Korea. Junhyung and HyunSeung didn't tell anything to Yoseob, even if HyunSeung wanted to. HyunSeunt watched Yoseob, he became increasingly thin, as before, he spent his days walking, at last that's what HyunSeung thought. More Yoseob became ​​thinner, more HyunSeung hated Doojoon.

But actually, Yoseob spent all his day in Doojoon's apartment. As if it would change something, he stayed on the couch, not thinking, not watching Tv. He just stayed here, waiting and wanting for Doojoon's comeback. But months passed and Doojoon still didn't come back and Yoseob started to spend his day outside as before.

And Doojoon didn't spend a day without regretting what he had one, nor worry about Yoseob. And finally, one day, he came back in Korea. He felt relieved to come back. First, he went to his apartment, put his things. Then, he went to HyunSeung's restaurant. He went inside, carefully, walked a bit and looked at HyunSeung. The doe-eyes didn't see him first, but when he felt something staring at him, he looked up and frowned. Doojoon sighed, walked and sat at his usual place. Junhyung beside him, was surprised while HyunSeung felt anger in him. HyunSeung opened his mouth, ready to say something but Doojoon talked first.

" I know you hate me, HyunSeung. Let me explain, would you ? I didn't go in America because I wanted to, okay ? It's been several weeks since I refused to go, but I had no choice. So, I went to America because of my father. He was sick, you know, a final stage cancer, but I didn't care you know, I actually think that the world will be better without him. Anyway, he asked a last favor, he wanted to participate in a trial, last time. First, I refused because I didn't want to see him. But he told me about his cancer, but I kept refusing because I was certain that his client was a scoundrel. And it was, you know who it was ? Yoseob's uncle. Yes, this bastard was in America. When I heard that, I refused again, but my father, true to himself, said that he knew about me and Yoseob. How ? I don't know, but he said that I have to help him, if I didn't want that something happens to Yoseob. Of course, I could protect him, but god and I know that it's the worst choice ever. So I left Korea, I know I could tell to Yoseob everything but which of them would hurt him the most ? Learn that I'm helping my father to defend his uncle or know that I go overnight with no explanation ? Fortunately, we lost the case and Yoseob's uncle goes to jail for the rest of his life. And my father died, but that we don't care. I didn't have the choice ! "

Doojoon sighed, relieved. HyunSeung looked at him, surprised.

" But..Why don't you say everything to us from the beginning ? And why Yoseob's uncle had a trial ? " HyunSeung said, quietly.

" Because we all know that you are too talkative, you would have to say to Yoseob. Oh, he was charged with and murder. Where's Yoseob ? " Doojoon asked.

" Who knows. He comes and goes, we haven't seen him for three days. You've really screwed him up anyhow, Doojoon. Even when I knew him at the beginning, he wasn't like that. It's as if his soul was gone, you did a good bull, Doojoon! What you gonna do ?" HyunSeung said, angry but a bit reassured. Doojoon came back, he hoped that Yoseob will be fine.

" Find him, get him. And third phase, of course. " Doojoon smiled, got up and started to leave.

" What's the third phase ? You always think about your plan ?! After all ?! Yoon Doojoon ! " HyunSeung said, frowning.


Doojoon walked, ran and searched Yoseob for 2 hours. Seoul was enormous, where could Yoseob go ? Yet it has searched all the places where Yoseob loved to go, the most famous, least known, the ones where they went while the two but to no avail, the blond wasn't there. He no longer thought of anything, apart from his apartment. Then he remembered the first time they kissed, the small hill overlooking Seoul. Doojoon hurried, running fast, he tried to remember the path. Luckily, he had a good memory, and even if he hadn't paid much attention to exactly the way he vaguely recalled the road.

He arrived a bit after, panting. The air had refreshments, fall arrived, he regretted the time he and Yoseob came, a warm summer evening, a small wind rose, and a light breeze, he saw him, standing in the middle , eyes closed, hair flying in the wind. He walked, slowly, calmly. He remained away, waiting Yoseob turns to himself, he didn't want to frighten him, who knew how the youngest react ? So, he waited a bit. Finally, Yoseob took a deep breath, scratched his head and turned. He froze the moment his eyes met those of Doojoon, his face expressionless became so dark.

Doojoon looked at him, smiled at him. He looks thinner, pale and incredibly lost.

" Hey, Yoseob. "




15th chapter. I'm sorry, it's a bit..Hum, well I feel disappointed. At the beginning, I wanted to put all explanations and end in a chapter, but after, I thought that it'll be a bit heavy and confusing. So, I hope it's okay !

Explanations are in here, see his father is a b*stard ! I know some of you can think that it's drama, but it's not. I see it as an issue for Yoseob. He just realized that he love Doojon, okay now the deal is : Will he accept Doojoon's excuse or not ? You'll see that ! :)

Also, I'm sorry, I didn't update yesterday, too busy.

Comments reply :

@ReddyHong : Who knows ? Ahah~
@straighcut & renachun : Ahah. Now, you know !
@zyra_summer : Thank you :D
@shy777 : Hey, there ! Thank you :D

OH ! I was just thinking of doing a little KiWoon end, so I wanted to know if you guys wanted it ? Answers me please n___n
( And quick, because I need to know it now, I'm writing the last chapter, I can't update tomorrow, nor Saturday ><' so, I want to update today, or the next update will be only on Sunday :/ )

Enjoy reading, thanks for subscribing and commenting.
Love from Author-ssi


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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 16: Amazing !!!perfect !!!write more Π~Π
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 16: wow, this was amazing!! i enjoy reading this..

and yeay for happy ending..& KiWoon in the end.. \(^0^)/
Chapter 16: finally..seobie and dujunie...
after such a trial...after hard times...
they're together...

and dongwoonie....
smarty...caught kikwang with his smart brain....

i love the storyyyyyy...
Chapter 13: awwww.......
doojoonie....so naughty...stealing kisses...
Chapter 12: kikwang's part is interesting...
he pushed yoseob to make a decision ^^
Chapter 11: gosh...
let me give you a hug for being so though and persistent with yoseob..
Chapter 9: awww i'm getting more and nore curious every chap..

Chapter 7: hey...i just found your fic and i'm addicted to it
poor seobie...
anyway i'm curious what will happen in the next chap...
i like this story...^^
a.............so sweet but sad too because the fic was end....hoho yoseob of course is doojoon's mine puhahahhahahhahhha...I read it so many times because so sweet ehehhehhheeheh