XIII : Stubborn

Look Around You !

" I like challenges, my instincts took over my mind. And you look like an annoying kid rude, stupid and stubborn. (..) Your eyes and your face. Impassive, without feelings. "


Song : The Only Exception - Paramore




" ..And maybe, yes, maybe, I can love you. "

Doojoon's eyes widened a bit, then he smirked. He left his car and looked into Yoseob's eyes. Yoseob stepped back a little, but suddenly the oldest embraced him in a warm hug. Yoseob froze, unable to move. He didn't expect such an action, but he didn't expect either that this hug him do much good. The youngest felt weird, a strange feeling that took his heart, it almost hurt. He tried to push Doojoon away from him, but the oldest's grip was stronger. Slowly, Doojoon released Yoseob from his grip, and before let him go he whispered into his ear.

" Thank you. "

" Go away, now. " Yoseob said, coldly. He said he'll give time, but for now, he still hate this guy.

" Goodnight, Yoseob. Work well. " Doojoon smiled and went to his car.

Yoseob didn't reply, and walked away. He walked back to HyunSeung's restaurant, found this one leaning against the front door, with a wide smirk. He went next to him, ignoring him.

" After that, you think you can take your revenge ? Give up the idea, Yoseob. You start to fall in love. " The blonde continued to ignore his senior, he entered the restaurant and said.

" I have to work, and delay to catch up. "

" Definitely stubborn. "


It's been 5 days since Yoseob gave Doojoon time to prove him. And the least we can say is that he put all his heart. This bothered Yoseob. Doojoon often followed him, he looked and didn't care about Yoseob's answers, completely cold and nasty. He continued.

Friday, after midnight. Yoseob put away his apron, but he accidentally dropped a glass that broke. He picked it up, but cut his finger. A silhouette crouched next to him, took his finger and it. Yoseo still felt weird. Doojoon let go of his finger and picked up the pieces of glass. Yoseob frowned and said coldly.

" I can do it myself. "

" I know. I just want to help you, go and put a bandage on your finger. " Doojoon smiled warmly at him, and continued to pick up the pieces of glass.

" Stop acting like that. It's annoying. "

" You said I had to prove that I love you and all. I'm not the one who said that, but I'm the one who have to do that. Can you at least once let me do ? "

" I give up, you're too stubborn. "

" So are you. " Doojoon smirked as Yoseob rolled his eyes and went put a bandage on his finger.

HyunSeung and Junhyung had looked for it since the beginning and thought it was really fun. They wondered when these two will end up together. They were playing cat and mouse for weeks, Doojoon had confessed his feelings but Yoseobt seemed he don't want to do it. Yoseob left the restaurant, and as always Doojon followed him. The blond stopped a bit after, and turned to Doojoon.

" Why do you follow me ? "

" I don't know. Let's walk together a bit, okay ? " Doojoon smiled, as always. Yoseob wondered if his smile could disappear sometimes. He looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

 " What ? "

" I don't want to walk with you."

 " I don't ask you your opinion. " Doojoon took Yoseob's hand, held it firmly and walked. Yoseob froze, again this feeling appeared in his heart. He wanted to go away, but as for the hug, Doojoon's grip was strong. They remained silent for a long time and then stopped Doojoon. He broke the silence, taking Yoseob by surprise.

" Why do you hate me ? " Yoseob didn't answer. So, Doojoon walked away, leading Yoseob with him, their hands still tied. " I guess you'll tell me when you'll feel ready.." he whispered.

" I don't hate you.. " Yoseob mumbled, making the older to stop. Doojoon smiled, happily.

" It's a good thing to know." he walked, slowly. " So, why don't you love me ? " Yoseob was a bit surprised by this question.

" Because you're annoying. "

" That's mean. "

" You're the one who's mean. "

" Stubborn. "

" So are you. Stupid. "

" You think you're better than me ? "

" Oh, yes ! " Yoseob smirked as Doojoon frowned.

" Yah, YangYo ! I'm the one who was able to get close to you, and see your feelings. "

" No. You're close because you kept following me. And, you can't see my feelings. "

" Of course, I can. Let me guess, you'll see. " Doojoon smirked, but suddenly he heard the most beautiful thing of this world. A laugh. A happy laugh. He looked at Yoseob who was laughing.

" You're funny, you remind me a guy met not long ago. He said he can read in my tea and stuffs, so funny. " Yoseob dried her tears, and looked at a confused Doojoon.

" Oh really ? Who was it ? I need to find him, he'll teach how to read here. " Doojoon touched Yoseob's chest, on his heart. Yoseob felt weird, again and hot.

" Don't joke around me. You really want to do that ? "

" Of course. " Doojoon said seriously. " Who was it ? "

" Tss. Stubborn. I don't know him well, he talked about fate last time and all.. I think his name was..Kikwang ? Yeah, Kikwang. "

Doojoon frowned and stopped. He let go Yoseob's hand, and strangely Yoseob regretted the warmth of his hand. Kikwang. Doojoon forgot him.

" Don't approach him again. " the older said, coldly.

" I didn't mean to. He's too strange. " Doojoon continued to walk, following by Yoseob. The blond felt like he did something wrong. Carefully, he divided the distance between them, to be near him.

" But, you know. You can thank him if you see him, one day. Thanks to him that we are there today. "
Yoseob said with a little voice. He felt Doojoon's hand taking his hand. Doojoon was smiling. They walked a long time, not knowing where they were. They just walked, without speaking, hand in hand. Seoul was a bustling city, there were still people walking the streets, the lights lit throughout the city. They reached a little park, above the city. Doojoon stopped and sat on a bench. Yoseob sat beside him, they looked at the night sky and Seoul.

" You know, I might be a bit..annoying. I kept following you everywhere, I kept looking at you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not stalking on you..At last, yes, you can tell that but I'm not doing it because I want to annoy you. "

" I know. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate you but I don't..love you. I can't trust people like that, I can't fall in love easily. It's not specially because of you, Doojoon. At the beginning, yes, I hate you because you look like your father. But.. " Yoseob stopped because he didn't know what to say.

" But I'm not my father, Yoseob, neither your uncle. I already told you that. "

" Why do you love me ? Why me ? "

" Mmh..First, because you looked so inaccessible. I like challenges, my instincts took over my mind. And you look like an annoying kid rude, stupid and stubborn. Second, your eyes and your face. Impassive, without feelings. Oh, and your voice. I heard your voice when I was..stalking you and I felt like I was melting. What are you ? An angel ? " Yoseob chuckled and Doojoon felt so lucky. One night, hearing Yoseob's happy laugh and Yoseob's chuckle like a girl.

They talked for hours. About everything, stuffs, life, family. Yoseob felt comfortable, he even talked about his parents. Laughing, joking, talking. Doojoon felt like he was in heaven. Then, Yoseob began to rub his eyes.

" Are you already tired ? It's only.. Oh my! It's 4:14 ! Time passed quickly. I had to work at 8:00 a.m.. . "

" Oh, really ? It's 4:00 a.m already ? I will stay here, it's beautiful. Go home. "

" Why don't you come at home ? " Doojoon said, but Yoseob froze. The older sighed. " It's okay. I'm leaving.."

" I'm sorry, don't ask me that now.." Yoseob whispered, guilty.

" It's okay. Good ni-Good morning, Yoseob. "

" Good morning, Doojoon. " Yoseob smiled, and Doojoon too. Yoseob's strange feeling appeared again in his chest. The taller stood up, he started leaving but suddenly he turned to Yoseob who looked at the sky.

" Oh, Yoseob. " Yoseob turned his head, ready to ask what was wrong to Doojoon. But Doojoon cut him off before he started talking. He felt something warm near him, then on his face and finally on his lips. Without understanding, he allowed himself to be, lovers of pleasure from the action of Doojoon. And at this moment, where bakers and distributors of newspapers wake up ,where the sun begins to rise, everything becomes clear to Yoseob.

They kissed.



Lalala. I hope it's okay ? 13th chapter. Huh, I think I'll make 1 chapter and the final will come !
But anyway, guys ! They kissed. I told you that there will have more DooSeob's moments, I hope you'll like them !
Looks like Yoseob is used to Doojoon, and may be he start to fall in love ? Lala~ You'll see that in the next chapter~ ♪

Oh, if you guys want to be friends, you can add me ! I don't bite at all.. Or at least, if you're not Yoseob, neither Doojoon, I don't bite

Comments reply :

@straighcut : Yeah, he's just a fortune teller for this chapter. He might appear after, but I'm not sure. As for DongWoon.
@renachun : Hello ! Thanks a lot ! I update one chapter/day, sorry. Sometimes 2, but rarely. I'm glad for commenting ! Thank you again~ :D
@meco_comain : Omo, thank you ! :D


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Love from Author-ssi


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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 16: Amazing !!!perfect !!!write more Π~Π
KiwiPrincess #2
Chapter 16: wow, this was amazing!! i enjoy reading this..

and yeay for happy ending..& KiWoon in the end.. \(^0^)/
Chapter 16: finally..seobie and dujunie...
after such a trial...after hard times...
they're together...

and dongwoonie....
smarty...caught kikwang with his smart brain....

i love the storyyyyyy...
Chapter 13: awwww.......
doojoonie....so naughty...stealing kisses...
Chapter 12: kikwang's part is interesting...
he pushed yoseob to make a decision ^^
Chapter 11: gosh...
let me give you a hug for being so though and persistent with yoseob..
Chapter 9: awww i'm getting more and nore curious every chap..

Chapter 7: hey...i just found your fic and i'm addicted to it
poor seobie...
anyway i'm curious what will happen in the next chap...
i like this story...^^
a.............so sweet but sad too because the fic was end....hoho yoseob of course is doojoon's mine puhahahhahahhahhha...I read it so many times because so sweet ehehhehhheeheh