chapter three

A Shy Love (DROPPED)


Seohyun went to the school as usual but she did notices that there was something different about today. She wasn’t bored like she always felt before instead she’s anticipating about today. She was confused by it and chose not to over thinking about it.


Seohyun walked past through the door of her classroom and saw that Luhan was already there. He was talking with two of her classmates. Her heart suddenly beats fast out of nowhere. She was a bit nervous while she walked behind her seat but she was not looking at him.

She took her seat and took out her book and she tried to put her attention to the book. Nicole wasn’t here so she doesn’t have someone to divert her attention. Gosh... She really tried to calm down. It was as if someone knocked her heart with a hammer. She took a few deep breaths and when it didn’t calm her, she stood up and decided to go to the toilet. She honestly didn’t know if Luhan were looking at her or not. But she did feel someone stared at her back. And that makes her more nervous.


She faced her own reflection in the mirror and sighed. She didn’t know why she’s behaving like this. She’s nervous for no reason and couldn’t control her heart. Seohyun washed her hands at the sink and tried to calm down once again. When she’s calmed, she took a deep breath before went out the toilet to the classrooms.


She entered the classroom and smiled with relief when she saw that Nicole was already there at her seat. This time she desperately wants to clap for successfully walked behind Luhan without all the emotions troubling her.

“Where did you go? I was looking for you earlier. I saw your stuffs but you weren’t here?” Nicole was worried about Seohyun because usually they went anywhere and everywhere together.

“Ahhh... I just went to the toilet. Emergency.” Seohyun grins while she whispered the latter softly. She can see Nicole’s also grins at her words.

She took her seat and she couldn’t very well tell that she went to the toilet to calm herself, right? That would make Nicole wants to know her problem and she won’t stop until she found out.

“Did you know the girls in our school have made a Luhan’s fan club? It was called deer something? Ahhh... ‘Deer fan club’.” Said Nicole suddenly.

Seohyun turned towards Nicole and her eyes widened by the information.

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yeahhh... I’m not lying. I just found out myself earlier. I was talking with So Eun and she told me that they and some of the girls have started a fan club. And now she and the rest of the ‘communities’ are recruiting members. Believe it or not, she asked me if I’m interested to join.” Nicole explained seriously.

Seohyun did not believe this situation. How could they form a club so fast when Luhan just came yesterday? The power of girls... really scary at some point.  Since she was not close to any of the other girls, it explained why she was left out with the breaking news.

“But... Why ‘Deer’?” Seohyun asked innocently.

“Beat me. I have no idea why. But So Eun said that some of the members told that Luhan looks like a deer and his eyes are like a doe eyes.  And as she was the one of the founder of the club, she agreed and decided to choose that name. By the way, I really wondered if Luhan know about this? Seriously.” Nicole genuinely wanted to know if Luhan somehow heard of this news. She thought that it would be awesome to see his reaction.

“I bet he knew. Well, if this story is a breaking and hot news, I am sure that some of the guys heard about it and already told him. In fact, earlier before I went to the toilet, I saw Baekhyun and Sehun talking to him. Probably they were talking about that.” Seohyun recalled the situation earlier where she saw Luhan talking to Baekhyun and Sehun.

“Hmmm... Probably.” Nicole stopped talking as she saw their Calculus teacher came in.


After the school session is over, our class teacher, Mrs. Cha came in and informed us about the school festival. Since now is April and the festival started in May. We have almost 4 weeks to get everything done. Some of the students were proposing to do a haunted house and some were opposed to it.

“How about we open a cafe? We have lots of pretty girls and handsome boys in our class, so if we take advantage of that, we could have lots of customers. I know Seohyun can cook very well and other girls too. It won’t be expensive and there’s no hard work. Just cook, serve and entertains them, right?”

Seohyun suddenly blushed by what Nicole said about her cooking ability and some of them were looking at her. She can’t believe that Nicole just stood up and said her idea. She also can see almost all the students were considering it. Some nods and some were thinking until Mrs. Cha clapped and smiled.

“Great. Your idea is great, Nicole! How about it class? It is your last year in school and your last time participating in school festival. You must want to do something fun and memorable right rather than scaring people off.” Mrs. Cha grins at the end of her words.

“So do all of you agree or you have another idea? Okay, that settles it. So, we’re just going to divide some work and responsibilities.”

While Mrs. Cha listing on the works and who in charged, Seohyun turned to Nicole.

“Why do you mention my cooking abilities? I’m NOT that great, you know?”

“Well, I have tasted your food and trust me you have talent. It was so damn good and I just suddenly remembered it while I was suggesting about the cafe. And you love cooking, so why don’t you take part in it make the menu. And also this is your chance to befriend with our classmates. You know that you are still awkward with them? Don’t you dare deny it!” Nicole said honestly. Her friend, Seohyun is good with cooking. One just had to taste it and realized that she has talent for it. Too bad Seohyun didn’t admit it.

Seohyun sighed. She don’t know what to say after hearing that. She admits that she’s still awkward with her classmates. She just didn’t know how to be close with them.


“Seohyun....” Seohyun looked at Nicole, who nudged her arm.

“The teacher...” Nicole explained after she saw the look on Seohyun’s expression. And immediately Seohyun looked at their teacher. Nicole chuckled at that.

“Seohyun, can you take in charge with the cooking team? There will a few of the students that would help you with everything. Your team need to come up with several recipes and the rest of the class will choose which one is suitable to sell at the festival. Is that all right with you?”

Seohyun was flustered a bit. She wanted to refuse but she reluctantly nodded after she saw her teacher’s hopeful eyes. She saw Mrs. Cha nodded too and continued to talk to others. After that she couldn’t seems to focus much and worried about the upcoming festival.


“Okay, now that we settled it all. I leave all the decision to you. Discuss and we will talk about it next week.” Mrs. Cha ended the meeting for today.

Seohyun saw her teacher walked away. And she too packed everything and wanted to go. But before she stood up, Nicole stopped her.

“What? We need to go back home.”

“Errr... Don’t you want to know your team’s members and discuss a few thing or whatsoever?” Nicole asked her.

“Haaa...? My team?” Seohyun frowned.

“Yes, your team. Did you not focus earlier? You’re dreaming again, right?” Nicole shook her head.

“Sorry... I didn’t mean to.” Seohyun smiled apologetically.

“Okay. So do you want to discuss or not? About the menus or we can just getting acquainted first?”

“Meet them first, I guess.” Seohyun guessed that meet them first and get to know each other would be wise rather than jumping straight to the menus and recipes.

“Right. Do you want to know who is in our team?”

“Shoot.” Seohyun said carelessly.

“It’s me, you, Hara, Sehun, Baekhyun and.....” Nicole suddenly stopped.

“And?” Seohyun frowned while asking. She didn’t understand why Nicole stopped suddenly.





I am so sorry for the late update. Mianhae~~ :(

But i did managed to update on Thursday eventhough it's night in my country. kekeke~

So it wasn't that long because i was a bit busy lately. It's okay right? o.O

Anyway do enjoy~ >_<




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mianhae~~ :(


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s_juhyun #1
Chapter 5: Author-nim, you are not going to abandon this story right?! Honestly this storyline and youe writing style is so goooood. I already read the subtitute and i decided to search for your another story. It is so sad to know that you have this wonderful story unfinished. Im curiouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus eith this fanfic. Please do update author-nim. Pleaseeeeeee. Will you?
Seohan0924 #2
Chapter 3: Update soon
SoshiLuver327 #3
Chapter 5: It's okay author-nim ^^ I understand :)
I will be waiting for your new story :D
Author-nim HWAITING!!!!
inseonity #4
Chapter 5: I am deeply sorry yet once again. :(

And those who will support me on my new story, a big THANK YOU in advance. I'll try not to make it a long wait. Thank you. :')
Chapter 4: Plz update soon I can't wait
Chapter 4: Lol~ they're so awkward with each other... It's cute though :3
SoshiLuver327 #7
Chapter 3: 0.0 OMO
Luhan is gonna cook?????
Author-nim please update soon ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 3: luhan interested in cooking ??? hmmm haha
looking forward for their interaction ..
seems sehun also in the team seohun too !!

thank u for updating !!
fighting !!
Chapter 2: Omg how can this be totally awesome
lullabaek #10
Chapter 2: So fluff >< im lovin it. I'm waiting for the next update :)