Morning Amīcus

Morning Routine

The winter wind was calmly howling outside. Luhan, enjoying the view of airplanes preparing to set off and those that just landed, was surprised how flights weren't delayed. He thought it might be worse in the sky up there but then again he never scored well in Geography so he shouldn't think more. Apart from that, he was grateful that the flights weren't delayed or specifically the flight that he'd been checking out for. According to the provided schedule, the flight from Rome will arrive in 5 minutes, not reckoning the time to pick up luggage, customs checkup etc. He then stood up from the seat by the huge glass of window and walked to the Starbucks Coffee.

The scent of coffee reminded him of the one he was waiting for. Luhan can't help but to order the latter's all-time favorite Caramel Macchiato. It wasn't Luhan's cup of tea but he learned to love anything the other guy loved, even to the extent of riding roller coasters. Luhan was acrophobic. He was afraid of heights, however Minseok was the opposite. Heights and those rides were his favorites. Luhan never won over Minseok that he would have to give in to Minseok almost every time and ended up doing things he disliked, despised or even feared.


It was 7.30 and Luhan had settled down in his favorite, usual seat in the cafe. It was the most left table by the wall and the glass window, facing the busy street of Seoul.  He put his 393-paged novel, the one he had been reading for the third time, on the table as if reserving the table just for him. He then went to the counter to make his order. The waiter didn't ask for more.  All of the waiters, including the Dyo's Cafe manager knew the doe-eyed guy so well. They knew he would either have Latte or Espresso and a muffin, either coffee-flavored or dark chocolate. They all knew it.

As soon as he paid for the order Luhan went back to the knowing table. To his dismay there was a new, unknown figure sitting at his table – it wasn't officially his but to Luhan, he called the table for himself as he had been sitting at the same place, same table in the same cafe for more than a year since he moved into the city, every morning. Luhan was nearly enraged but he kept it cool. He softly poked the guy's shoulder. "Excuse me but can I have this table all by myself? I thought I've put the novel on this table and it's clear enough that I have this table for now." The guy didn't budge much but smiled, slightly showing his upper gums, and calmly replied, "and I thought we can share this table, no?"

Luhan didn't know why and how it struck but he couldn't say more and simply gave in. It was the first time in his entire life to give in and not to mention he did it to someone he barely knew. Luhan never gave in, not even when he fell in track running causing his knee wounded and stained with red, thick liquid. He was really persistent. But this time it was different. The stranger then stealthily took a look at the quite thick novel, which he assumed was Luhan's and asked if he could borrow it. Expectedly Luhan said no. He was too livid about the stranger. There were tens of other tables in this cafe but why, out of all of the tables in this cafe, did he need to sit at this particular table? It had been more than a year and Luhan had been doing the same routine every day—came as early as 7.15 to 7.30 am to the cafe and left his novel which eventually changed every day—and never did once anyone else sit at the table. Luhan was used to enjoy his morning coffee alone while looking at the street. To Luhan it was a great view to start his day. He loved observing people and numerous kinds of demeanors every day. He was so absorbed into the street when suddenly he felt the other guy looked up from his cup of coffee and looked at him. "Minseok. Kim Minseok," the stranger spoke up after about ten minutes of silence. "You didn't ask but I feel like introducing myself."

That was how Luhan met Minseok, three years ago. He was more than annoyed to the face of the healthy white and light brown eyes, and slightly rounded cheeks but that wasn't long before the relationship grew fonder. Luhan managed to feel comfortable with Minseok's company at his table until one day he realized how wrong his day turned out without meeting Minseok in the morning. That was when Minseok went to an interview for a full scholarship to Rome for a 3-month length class of coffee art. He had to show up at the interview's venue early in the morning, and he forgot to tell Luhan beforehand, causing him to buy a box of Cadbury's Black Forest on the next day to calm his friend down. It was still an unanswered question to why Minseok chose to sit at the table but Luhan felt too appeased to get to know him that he never bothered to ask him why.


Luhan was about to take a sip of Caramel Macchiato from the significant Starbucks cup of coffee when suddenly a large bar of Cadbury's Black Forest was shoved onto the table by a fair-skinned hand with protruding veins that he knew and recognized more than well.  He turned around to a 5.8 ft. tall guy with the extended luggage handle in his other hand. He was wearing a black Pyrex shirt and a pale denim jacket which surprisingly looked good with his not-too-tall appearance, and another outer layer of red varsity jacket which matched with his Sesame Street snapback.

He surely did lose some weight, Luhan thought. His cheekbones were protruding. Luhan didn't expect to see changes in the guy's appearance. It was only three months but he could see his rounded cheeks were becoming more obvious that when he smiled his skin was like lifted up to his cheekbones, in a good-looking way. His jawline was even more surprising. It became sharper, showing off a perfect shape of his face. He even changed his hair color from simple dark brown to Auburn brown which astonishingly suited his fair skin. A long list of mocks played on Luhan's mind as he looked at Minseok but he bit it back and pushed it behind his head. Then again, Luhan didn't know how to react to the changes but he was glad that there was one thing that never changed. 

It didn't take a long time for Luhan to stand up and throw his hands around the guy, and punch his stomach right after. "That was for leaving me in Seoul alone," another punch, "that was for leaving me having morning coffee with no company, every day," third punch, "and that was for making me miss you." Luhan was contented to get to see the smile and the upper gum that he had been longing for. Minseok on the other hand couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Luhan never changed his morning routine even after three months. 

"I doubt those punches could kill a fly," Minseok said as he straightened himself up, only to receive another punch on his side.


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Chapter 1: Awww. Very cute.
kyungsooly #2
Urgh these charming guys.. i want more please, a kaisoo's would be perfect :)
Chapter 1: i want moooooore ohmygod squishiness overload
Chapter 1: Perffffff<3 Not too much nor too less :) just right.
This is cute.

However, it's not a drabble like you said in the foreword. Drabbles are arguably written pieces that are less than 1000 words (according to fanfiction definition).

But nonetheless, still cute.
Scarlet_Legionnaire #6
Chapter 1: Sesame street backpack is so Minseok istg you described him perfectly hahaha :DD And the story's so cute and fluffy <3 <3

Plus point: I love caramel macchiato too :b
Chapter 1: Awwwww so cute! ^^