Personal Message

It's a wonderful day to be alive!

Click. I promise you won't regret it. 

About Me



an oxymoron in a single word

eargasm: dear tv (tablo (the greatest))

eyecandy: me




It's summer now and I'm outside listening to the soft roar of overhead planes and the screeching of my neighbor's car as she parks it behind my house.

And I've been thinking. Recently, I've been thinking of what it means to be happy and what the hell happy even means.

I think the first thing that pops into many people's minds would be money but maybe I'm an idiot to believe that you only need enough money to survive, that all you need is a cozy home, some food, water, and whatever it is that makes you... well, happy. Maybe a video game console, maybe flowers, maybe music.

For me, it's spending time with nature. Half of my summer has been spent now and I've chosen to spend almost every waking second outside. I'd be walking around my backyard, staring into space, reading books (mostly sci-fi nowadays), and writing.

Sometimes I'd look up when a breeze sweeps by and rustles the leaves on the plum tree or my eyes would sting from reading or perhaps there's a lone butterfly fluttering around the yard. And then I'd smile and think, This is true happiness.

It makes me realize that I don't need much to be happy.

Just a book, a journal, a pen, and maybe some nature and imagination too.