Bonus chapter

When Exo's unicorn needs a unicorn

Suho and lay had fallen asleep in eachother's arms on the couch. Soon Tao's obnoxious laughter outside the door woke them up and no sooner had they sat up than the rest of Exo burst throught the door carrying shopping bags and containers of food.

"We brought dinner!" Chanyeol exclaimed excitedly

"yeah lets eat!" they heard tao yell from his bedroom where xiumin had ordered him to go when he tried to drop his shopping bags on the floor.

" looks like these two have already eaten. Manager hyung is gonna kill you guys" D.O tsked as he carried everything into the kitchen to set the table. 

"we didnt even eat any of it really. feel free to have some if you guys want it" suho said standing up and strethching his arms over his head before heading into the kitchen to help D.O set the table. Real food sounded great! Sehun took the opportunity to bounce over and take suho's vacated spot next to him. 

"hey lay hyung. how was your day"? he asked innocently, laying his head on lay's shoulder. 

" it was.... great." he said truthfully with a huge grin as he shrugged the maknae's head off his shoulder and headed to the bathroom to relieve his full bladder. When he came back out taemin and kai had arrived and apparently taemin was staying for dinner. Suho called them all to the table for dinner and everyone setlled in and chattered happily. Lay had taken a seat next to suho instead of his usual place next to sehun and he and suho were looking at eachother, eyes asking the same question. Should we tell them? After dinner.Suho whispered to lay and picked up his chopsticks. Lay laced their fingers together reassuringly. He knew this had to be hard on their leader.

After dinner suho called everyone into the living room for a family meeting ( plus taemin). He didnt mean for it to sound so formal but he didnt know what else to call it. Everyone settled in in the living room, lay next to suho and everyone else around them. Kai, who was sitting between taemin's outstretched legs leaning against his chest, kept making eye contact with lay. Lay looked at him confusedly each time. He couldnt know could he? Suho cleared his throate and everyone quieted down. 

" so we have.. something to tell you guys. Today.. lay and I. we are um.. together now.." suho said. which came out with much less stuttering than lay expected it to. He reached over and clasped suho's shaking hand. Suddenly the entire room errupted in a round of applause causing suho's eyes to grow as big as saucers. 

"I told you taemin hyung" he said turning around to look at their sunbae.

" Pay up!" chanyeol said to baekhyun as baekhyun pulled money out of his pocket and handed it to the giant. Suho should have been offended that they had made a bet on them but he was just so happy that their member's accepted them that he didnt care. 

" soo you guys are all ok with this?" suho asked hesitantly

" of course!" several of the members shouted simultaneously

" why wouldnt we be? kris and tao have been pretty much dating for like ever" chen said with an evil smirk on his face as he turned around to face a very red faced tao. 

" we have not! " tao squeaked

" ok keep telling youself that panda" chen giggled. Kris was quiet once someone brought up him and tao. It was probably better that he didnt talk anyway. He had a tendency to stick his foot in his mouth. 

"congratulations you two. I remember how happy Jonhyun hyung and Key hyung were when they finally decided to stop fighting it. Now they are enough to give us all cavities." taemin laughed from behind kai.

Sehun just stared at lay and suho. They looked so happy. He didnt notice that luhan had settled in next to him. 

" you had to know sehunnie" was all he said

" yeah, i guess you are right hyung. I really did like him though. but look how happy he looks with suho." sehun sighed.

" you wouldnt want to get in the way of that would you?" luhan asked gently

" no, i guess not. Im gonna go congratulate them" he sighed as he got up off the floor annd walked over to his leader and the unicorn. 

" um. congratulations suho hyung, lay hyung. I am happy for you guys" he hugged them both with a genuine smile and went back and sat next to luhan who smiled at him reassuringly. 

Suho looked around at s. They had accepted them. He was on cloud nine. He had gotten the man of his dreams and acceptance from the most important people in his life all in one day. He almost wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasnt dreaming. Then he felt  a pair of soft lips press against his cheek and he came back to reality. He turned his head and pressed a soft kiss to lay's lips.

"i love you yixing. With all my heart".

" i love you too joonmyeon".


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Chapter 5: This is so sweet~~
carelessLISPer #2
Chapter 5: I Love It~!
carelessLISPer #3
Chapter 5: So fluffy~!
esther91 #4
im so glad people like my story! thank you for your kind words. this is my first fanfic so i was super nervous about posting it. What are people's thoughts on a sequel? should i make it happen?
Love_ZEA #5
Chapter 5: so sweeeet.. really like it.. fluffyyyy... ehehe.. :) love it!!
So sweet
Glad that Suho finally man up and confess to Lay
My feels
It's ok Sehunnie, you got Luhan ^^
Now, Taekai, your turn !
napolitana #7
Chapter 5: this is too cuteeeeeeeeeeeee.<3