Investigation 9

Crimson Daisies


I N V E S T I G A T I O N   9



It was late at night and Taeyeon was still at the department, typing a few more documents on the victim reports. She was surprised by a tap on her shoulder, and when she turned around, it was Luhan who she saw.

“Taeyeon-ssi, there’s a lady over there who wants to see you,” Luhan said. “I’ll be going home around five minutes later, don’t forget to leave the keys in the green box.”

Taeyeon nodded and finished her coffee before taking her coat and processed to talk to the said ‘lady’ Luhan was talking about. She was greeted by a tall lady, Taeyeon knew too well, when she opened the door to the outside.

“Hi, Taeyeon-ssi,” Jinri said, voice barely a whisper. “I know it’s late but I gotta have something to tell you.”

“It’s alright, Jinri,” Taeyeon gave Jinri’s shoulder a reassuring pat before continuing, “Why didn’t you wait for morning to come? It’s dangerous to go alone, it’s already midnight.”

Jinri shrugged, “I think I need to give this as soon as possible to you, Taeyeon-ssi. And I kinda feel guilty for what I’ve said to you,” with her words, Jinri gave her a white envelope of letter.

“What’s this?”

Jinri hushed, “Ssh. Keep it to you and your crews, Detective.”

Taeyeon looked at the tall girl and she smiled back, “I hope this helps.”

The detective nodded, “Thanks, Jinri.”

Jinri nodded before hooking her shades on the bridge of her nose. Nobody knows why she would wear shades at night. She then got into her car and drove back to her apartment.

Taeyeon then opened the envelope Jinri gave to her. It seemed to be old, judging from the yellow-ish stain on the white paper. Inside, was a handwritten letter in Chinese. Taeyeon couldn’t read the letter at all, for she’s never learned Chinese. She then remembered that Luhan was still in the office. She rushed to the parking lot behind the building and found Luhan was getting into his car.

“Luhan, wait!” Taeyeon exclaimed, half running to the young police.

Luhan turned around and closed the car door, “Oh, hey Taeyeon-ssi. What’s wrong?”

“Can you translate this to me?”

Luhan’s eyes were a bit widened though that didn’t make any much different, for his eyes were still small. He then nodded and stretched his hand for Taeyeon to give the old handwritten letter.

“It begins with ‘For My Most Precious Flower’,” Luhan said. “Wow, how cheesy.”

Taeyeon chuckled and gestured him to go on.

Luhan spent a minute to read before eventually translated it, “It talks about how beautiful she was, how delicate, and how the writer loves her so much,” Luhan continued, “He also wrote that she will always be safe and well-taken care forever.”

“Okay, cute. Who’s the author?”

“I’m not sure, it only signed ‘Xiao Xin’, or ‘Little Heart’,” Luhan told and folded the letter.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s like a term of endearment.”

“Oh, how cute.”

“I think I’ve heard such term like it before. But I don’t remember much,” Luhan said and zipped his jacket up.

“What do you mean you’ve heard it before? When?”

“I kinda know this person, but I don’t quite remember him. Could he be the mastermind?” said Luhan snapping his fingers.

“Might be.”

“I’ll tell you as soon as I remember him, Detective. We still have tomorrow, we’re both tired now, let’s talk again tomorrow, okay?” he said, smiling.

Though she was stubborn, she couldn’t deny that she was tired too. She didn’t take off her eyes from the computer screen for almost five straight hours.

“I promise,” Luhan added.

Taeyeon hesitated at first, but she eventually patted Luhan by his shoulder, “Alright, kid. I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care.”

“You too, Detective.”



Sunkyu was drying her wet hair with her pink towel when her phone beeped. She walked to her work desk and took her phone, realizing that she got a new message, from Luhan.

‘Sleep yet? Just wanting to remind you about our meet up tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at 10, ok? See you tomorrow, Sunny-Bunny!’

Sunkyu smiled as she read the short message Luhan sent to her. With the same smile still plastered on her face, she swiped her fingers over her phone and wrote a reply.

‘Okie-dokie. Good night, Luhan-ie.’

She waited for a reply but he didn’t send one, so she assumed he was already asleep. Sunkyu threw herself onto her bed and scrolled through her phone gallery. There, she saw so many pictures of her alongside with Luhan, smiling towards the camera. She giggled as she recollected the happy days she had with Luhan in these past few weeks.

She closed her eyes and a flash of memory ran through her brain.


Last summer.


“Hello, my name is Luhan, and I’m undoubtedly Chinese,” the young cop bowed to the workers at the office that noon. He successfully made them smile—some chuckled and some other laughed—at his pun. “Since today’s my first day, I hope we can get along well and let’s work hard together.”

The greetings were done as Officer Youngwoon gave a slight tap on his shoulder and cued him to go to his post. Luhan politely bowed once again and went to his post. He was still a bit nervous when he was walking, and was utterly shocked by the scream he heard by his right. A sight of a girl with a white laboratory jacket hissing as she was clutching her own hand was caught by the cop. He was pretty panic, and he didn’t saw anybody else beside him and that girl at that exact place. Though he was unsure whether it was safe or not, he stepped into the clean lab, wearing neither masks, nor latex gloves, nor laboratory jacket.

“Are you alright!?” He asked, eyes widened.

The girl with long tied brown hair and glasses perched on the bridge of her nose looked up, still scrunching, but soon told Luhan to stay back. “D-don’t touch it! It’s a very strong acid!”

Luhan was surprised and stepped backwards, pretty much not knowing what on earth should he do. “Uh, uh,” he mumbled, “T-then, how should I help you? Your hand is burning!”

A tear escaped from the girl’s eyes, but she managed to say, “Quick, call the medicals!”

After the medicals showed up and treated the girl’s wound, both the cop and the researcher sat in a pretty awkward silence, the girl still eyeing her hand.

“Feeling better?” Luhan asked, concerned.

The girl nodded and her fingers along her bandaged hand, “A lot better,” flashing a smile towards the beginner cop. “Thank you, um…”

“Oh,” he straightened his back and cleared his throat, “Ahem, Luhan, Luhan Xi. First day at the office.”

The girl grinned a childish one and let out his injured hand for a shake, “Nice to have you in the team, Luhan. I’m Lee Sunkyu.”

Luhan accepted the friendly handshake before saying, “And you’re the forensic researcher, I suppose?”

Sunkyu smiled again, “You’re right.”

After a few seconds of silence, the cop eventually said, “Well, I should get going, still on my first shift,” standing up. “Better be more careful next time!”

The girl chuckled and nodded slowly. Before Luhan could open the door, once again Sunkyu called, “Hey, Luhan.”

Luhan turned around, “Yeah?”

“Thanks for helping, really,” a slight tint of pink appeared by the apple of her cheeks.




“Oh, Luhan-ssi!” Sunkyu greeted, folding her mini pink umbrella, as she entered the small coffee shop near the department.

The said guy turned around and quickly brushed his wet hair off his forehead. “Mornin’!”

“Tough morning, huh?” The girl chuckled while walking closer to the cop.

Luhan shrugged, “Yeah. I should’ve gone earlier, but I didn’t hear my alarm ringing.” And with that, Sunkyu’s laugh grew bigger. “Don’t laugh at me!”

“Poor, poor boy,” the girl said. “So I bet you didn’t have your breakfast too?”

Luhan nodded, “I barely showered, how could I even have a morning meal?”

“Alright, let’s go inside. I’ll treat you some donuts.”

“For real?”

“Why not? A treat for our new diligent policeman that didn’t get enough sleep last night so he comes late to work the next day, sounds good, doesn’t it?”

Luhan rolled his eyes but chuckled afterwards. “Just get me the chocolate one.”



It’s been eleven months since Luhan and Sunkyu’s first meeting. And undoubtedly, they’ve gotten a lot closer. They hang out regularly, share stories, buy each other little things, secretly have couple stuffs—but they always think that it was only for a friendship.

Sunkyu smiled as she remembered what Luhan said earlier this morning;

“Sunkyu-ah, are you free tomorrow?” The cop asked while casually leaning his hand on the wall.

The girl smiled sheepishly and answered, “And why did you ask?”

Luhan placed his chin between his fingers, and pretended to think for a couple of seconds before finally replying, “Because I want to take you out for lunch.”

“What if I say no?”

“You have to say yes!” Luhan gently placed his hand on Sunkyu’s small shoulder. “There’s something I need to say.”

Sunkyu’s eyes brightened and the smile she has been having grew wider. “Any hint or spoiler?”

Luhan sighed childishly and answered, “No. It’ll ruin the surprise,” and left Sunkyu dumbfounded in front of the laboratory.

Though Luhan had left, the smile on her face hadn’t.

Sunyku squealed just when she got back to the reality after that short flashback she had. She prepared for bed, and her mind couldn’t stop thinking about a special outfit she’d be wearing for tomorrow.



Taeyeon was once again woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. With her drowsy eyes, she reached for her phone that was placed on the nightstand beside her bed, and answered it after making sure that it was no other than Officer Youngwoon who called.

“Yes, Officer?” Taeyeon greeted.

“Bad news, Tae,” the low voice of Youngwoon’s was heard across the line, and it seemed urgent.

Sensing that something was obviously wrong, Taeyeon straightened her back and rubbed her eyes, “What’s wrong?”




“Luhan is dead.”


hello! dear subbies who are still subscribing, thank you so much! so sorry for not updating:( here you go the 9th chapter. and... dont be mad at me!!! xD

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Chapter 11: *Slow clap* This. Is. Brilliant.
Chapter 11: YAASSS! sweet Jesus the sutae moment in the beginning asasflaskj and yeah i was right zitao is the killer nyahahaha but then it turns out to be wow omg okay baekhyun is suspicious and i kinda feel bad that kris had to die lolol ANYWAYS i love the whole story i love the ending i love everything and ily hehe kbye<3
Chapter 11: I want an extra chapter too please!!! This is just good and I would really want to understand how Taeyeon would feel now!!! Please make an extra chapter!!! Luv this!!!
Iamyourcake #4
yaaaas i was so suspicious of baek ¬_¬ i think the ending is satisfying btw. and i like it how it is so my opinion is you should keep the amount of chapters.

so many deaths, it was hard to process but we got to the killer eventually. (idk why im still sad about Luhan's death)
Chapter 11: an additional chapter please! And omg..... i cant believe baekhyun killed kris after kris killed tao, the murder. lmao so complicated and that only makes things harder for taeyeon sigh
Chapter 10: omg the ship is sailing *question mark*

really anticipating for the next update bc i want to know more and i need explanation????????!!111!1 anw is zitao the one? fufufu /le smirk imnida/
Chapter 10: Holy cow! OMG >.< !!!!!! Son of a piece of doggie poo and hamster vomit what just happened???? God...... Taeyeon don't fall for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iamyourcake #9
Chapter 10: WAT. TAEYEON.

idk what just happened. he seemed into her but i didn't think he'd actually make a move. i still don't trust him tho.

btw you're becoming the Queen of cliffhangers ;-;
Chapter 9: luhan??????? why??????@.@
this is terribly sad because idk but luhan is some kind of important character here and and i wish he will stay alive until the very end but but okay this is really a plot twist
and what about sunny, what was luhan going to say to her anyway? can you tell me????
author-nim why is this so good otl

this is crazy, taeyeon and the crew must find the villain immediately or else
so the hint is this 'little heart' guy huh
update more ivestigations, author-nim cause i want to know
anyway i don't know if this story is going to be baekyeon or sutae
but i support sutae so im looking forward for more suho and taeyeon moments hahaha
sorry if im too delusional but ah screw it, until next update!:)