Investigation 5

Crimson Daisies


I N V E S T I G A T I O N   5



“Fantastic job, Jessica. Our first victim has a name, Victoria Song!” Taeyeon began, leaning forward to the table at The King’s.

“She’s Chinese?” Sunkyu asked.

“I think so, from her name,” Jessica answered.

“And, Jess,” Taeyeon called. “That symbol you saw in the orphanage was the same one I found on Cho Kyuhyun’s cufflinks.”

“It all makes sense. That symbol ties the two victims together,” said the blonde.

“But what does it mean?” Sunkyu squeaked.

Taeyeon answered, “Maybe it has something to do with the secret society,” folding her hands afterwards.

“But why would a secret society be involved with an orphanage at the same time?” asked Jessica.

“Best way to find out is to see Kris Wu,” Taeyeon suggested.

Jessica choked on her orange juice, “Speaking about him! I forgot to tell you that I met him yesterday at the orphanage.”

“You did? That’s cool!” Sunkyu said, eyes widened. “How did he look like?”

Jessica choked again, “He’s hot.”

Sunkyu smirked and poked her waist, “Ey.”

“Tell me more about the guy, Jess. What did you guys talk about?” Taeyeon asked.

“Well, he said that he funds the orphanage, and he knows the headmistress—which I call her headmistress annoying-—pretty well,” the tallest among the three replied.

“Nothing more?”

Jessica shook her head. “But, I’ve his name card. I think there’s also his office’s address.”

Jessica then handed Taeyeon the name card, and told her to keep it.

“Is it just me, or something’s really suspicious about him?” Sunkyu asked, narrowing her eyes while sipping her apple juice.

“I don’t really smell something stink from him. He seemed to be a nice guy,” said Jessica.

“Baekhyun told me that he’s a nice guy too,” Taeyeon told.

“They knew each other?” The other two exclaimed.

“Yes,” Taeyeon nodded, “They’re good friends. Kris Wu replaced Baekhyun in being the major sponsor for the Little Daisies. Small-small world, huh?” Taeyeon received a nod from the two.

“I swear I’m gonna find the one behind all of this,” Taeyeon said, raising her glass of pineapple juice. “For Cho Joohyun.”

Sunkyu and Jessica followed, “For Victoria Song.” “Amen.”

“Alright girls, I’ll be going to Little Daisies to clear out some little problems about the death of Victoria Song,” Taeyeon began after finishing her last shot of pineapple juice.

“Well good luck dealing with headmistress-annoying-, Tae-Tae,” Jessica snorted.

“Why don’t you help me?” Taeyeon asked, placing her phone inside her handbag.

“Me? Ew, thanks,” The blonde rolled her eyes.

“I think I’ll be going to Kris Wu’s office afterwards,” The detective said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Okay, I’m in,” Without hesitating, Jessica finished her orange juice and stood up.

The two other giggled. “What about you, Sunkyu-ah? You’re comin’?”

Sunkyu shrugged, “I, I’ve made another plan.”

Not so long after the reporter and the detective had left, Sunkyu dialed someone’s number from her phone. “Hey, I’m done with my lunch.”

“Okay, where are you now?”

“At The King’s, as always. Mind picking me up?”

“Sure, why not. I’ll be right there.”


Sunkyu smiled seeing her phone after the call was terminated. After around 5 minutes her ‘date’ came with a car. Sunkyu smiled upon seeing the familiar car and got in right away.

“Hey, Luhan,” Sunkyu said, making herself comfortable beside the driver’s seat.

“Hey,” he smiled at the short-haired girl. “So, where are we going?”

“I thought you’ve made plans!”

Luhan chuckled, “I’m just kidding. Movies would be great, don’t ya think?”

The girl nodded excitedly, “Splendid.”

And so that, the two best-friends went to the movies.



Both detective and reporter finally arrived at the gloomy building of The Little Daises Orphanage. It was Taeyeon’s first time visiting it, and frankly speaking, she thought that it was sorta creepy too.

“We’ve talked about this, I’m not going,” Jessica protested. “I’ll just wait in the car. I’m so sick of that Kwon witch.”

Taeyeon sighed, “Okay. Just stay put in the car, I hope this won’t take long,” she continued, getting out from the car.

She went inside the hall of the orphanage and met an old lady, standing with her back arched down. Poor lady.

“Good afternoon, Mistress,” Taeyeon called.

The old lady turned her head and smiled, “Oh, such a beautiful young woman. What do you need, dear?”

“Thank you,” Taeyeon bowed deeply. “Um, I’m here to see Headmistress Kwon. I’m Detective Kim, from Seoul National Police Department.”

“The police? I will find her for you,” the older said. “Please wait in the hall.”

Taeyeon said ‘thank you’ once again before the older left. Taeyeon then decided to just walk around, admiring the traditional architecture of the old building. She then found a telephone by the corner of the hall. Curious, she opened the phonebook, thought that she’ll probably find some information from the book.

The book turned out to be blank, and only contained of 3 phone numbers: Headmistress Kwon, Kris Wu, and the last one was Dr. Park.

Who’s Dr. Park? Maybe a call doctor for this orphanage? Taeyeon thought as she took her phone, immediately saving his number. This is worth to check out.

Placing her phone back to her pocket, she then darted to the paper, pinned to the wall. It contained the daily schedules for the students of The Little Daisies Orphanage.

Staff meeting from 10:30 to 11:30, every night. Isn’t it the time range of both Victoria Song and Cho Joohyun’s murder? Taeyeon asked herself as she recalled the autopsy records Sunkyu had given her a week ago.

This could be an alibi of the entire staff. Convenient.

“Is it some sort of déjà vu or what,” A voice startled Taeyeon, and made her turned her head. “The last time someone came here, that person was also looking around for anything suspicious, just like you’re doing now, Miss…”

“Kim, I’m Kim Taeyeon,” Taeyeon continued, “I’m sorry for that, Headmistress Kwon, I suppose?”

“Yes. Someone told me you’re from the police department.”

“She’s right. I’m a detective, Mistress Kwon. May I interview you?”

“You’re still gonna interview me whether I say yes or no, don’t ‘cha?”

“It’s for everyone else’s sake, Mistress Kwon,” Taeyeon sighed, Jessica was right.

“Are you going to ask me about Victoria’s death?” Headmistress Kwon asked, leaning her elbow on the stair’s railings.

“I’m surprised,” Taeyeon said. “Yes, I am.”

“This news about our Victoria is most tragic. She graduated 2 years ago, and I don’t keep up with the girls. Or should I say, I lost contact with every alumnus, so I can tell you literally nothing about her recent activities.”

Dang it, Taeyeon cussed on her mind. “How about her records in school?”

“I’m afraid you will need a search warrant for that, Detective,” Headmistress Kwon said, intertwining her fingers as he talked. “As an institution dealing with adoption, our records are considered privacies.”

Taeyeon gritted her teeth. I’m not going to leave this orphanage in vain! Come on, there’s at least another information to dig in! “Do you know about her friends outside of this orphanage? Like, a person who often pays a visit here?”

“No, I don’t. That’s all I can say, Detective. Have a good day,” she marked her sentence with a full stop, and vanished upstairs.

Taeyeon mentally screamed on top of her lungs. She got no major information at all from Headmistress Kwon. All she got were a phone number, and well, a suspicious schedule. She promised herself that she’ll look for Dr. Park’s residence with the phone number she had on her phone.

“You’re right about that lady,” Taeyeon said when she got back to the car. “She’s super annoying.”

“What did you got from her?” Jessica asked, a bubble popped from her raspberry bubblegum she was chewing.

“She didn’t tell me much. But I kinda got a phone number from their phonebook. Probably a call doctor for Little Daisies,” Taeyeon explained and Jessica nodded. “And I found out that they always have a ‘staff meeting’ every day at ten thirty to eleven thirty. The times when both Victoria Song and Cho Joohyun were killed.”

“Suspicious,” Jessica said and started the engine. “We’re heading to Mr. Hottie’s office now. Prepare yourself to see his eyes.”

Taeyeon laughed it away, “Like I will fall for him like you did.”

Jessica did the same and thought that it was rhetorical.



Kris’s secretary said that his office was at the highest floor, and surely, it was a tall building. Both Taeyeon and Jessica were mesmerized when they arrived at his office.

“Seriously, this is sick,” Jessica said, walking out from the elevator with twinkling eyes. “Imagine if I didn’t lie, saying that we’ve made a scheduled meeting with Kris, we wouldn’t be here.”

Taeyeon laughed lightly, “This wasn’t planned, was it?”

Jessica shook her head. “We’d better move quickly.”

Both girls went to every corner in search for some documents regarding to either The Little Daisies Orphanage or the homicide of Victoria Song and Cho Joohyun. They were both startled as the fax machine suddenly made a beeping sound.

“, what was that?” Jessica said, rolling her eyes.

“It’s the fax. It seems that Kris has a new fax coming,” Taeyeon said as she pressed the start button.

She was right. A new fax was coming, and Taeyeon couldn’t help herself from peeking at what the fax was talking about.

“It’s from a shipping company,” Taeyeon said. “I think Kris ordered something that had to be shipped, and it says that the shipping container will arrive today.”

Jessica took the paper and read it, “No, tomorrow. It’ll arrive at 3 in the morning, at Pier 42 and will be placed in Bay 6.”

“It also says that he has to be quick to clear the container, within the next 48 hours,” Taeyeon mumbled. “What are the things?”

Jessica shrugged, “No idea.”

“This probably links to the ‘secret-society’. Do you think what I’m thinking, Jess?”

Jessica shrugged again, “Thing is, let’s keep this for now.”

“Good idea, we’ll check it out tonight.”

Just after Taeyeon placed the fax paper inside her bag, the elevator dinged and Kris walked out from the cubicle.

His eyes met Taeyeon’s, and he looked puzzled. Taeyeon was so panic, but she hid it well, being an intelligent detective she was. Kris then noticed Jessica, behind his desk, and soon his glare softened.

“Oh, it’s you again,” Kris said. “My secretary said that my guests have come, but I don’t remember having any guests at my office today.”

Jessica stuttered a bit, “I-I’m—we’re sorry we didn’t tell you beforehand.”

Kris nodded, fixing his necktie a bit before smiling, “I don’t mind. Jessica, right?”

He ing remembers me, Jessica shouted on her mind. “Right. And this is Taeyeon. Taeyeon, this is Mr. Kris Wu.”

“Hello Mr. Wu,” Taeyeon shook her hand and looked far upwards, “I’m from Seoul National Police Department, and I work as a detective.”

He nodded again, “Hi. Nice to meet you, Taeyeon-ssi.”

“I happen to be Byun Baekhyun’s girlfriend, you must’ve known him.”

Kris smiled upon hearing his friend’s name, “You are? Yeah I’ve known him for a quite long time. He’s a good friend of mine,” and processed behind his desk.

“So Mr. Wu, Jesssica told me that you sponsor The Little Daisies Orphanage,” Taeyeon earned a nod. “What else do you do beside that?”

“As you can see, I run my own company. This building is completely mine,” Kris told the two, crossing his legs.

“Are you a member of a sort of society, Mr. Wu?”

There was a pause. Kris’s expression changed into serious, and his eyes slanted a bit. His lips were pursed, Taeyeon felt like she’d hear at least one important information slurred from those.

“What do you know about this society we’re talking about?” Kris asked.

“Well,” Taeyeon fixed her collars, “I’ve once heard that there’s a society thing-y. But I still haven’t had any idea of what it is.”

Kris exhaled before finally answering, “The Golden Petals Society, yes I’m a member of it.”

Taeyeon and Jessica exchanged glares.

“Do tell us more, Mr. Wu,” Jessica insisted.

“It’s a club for men’s interests,” Kris leaned deeper in his chair. “We do nothing illegal. Just a bunch of people hangin’ around.”

Taeyeon then asked, voice half tone higher, “Do you know anything about Victoria Song’s murder?”

Kris shook his head, “No, not at all. Her death had nothing to do with us.”

Taeyeon retreated.

“That’s all I have to say to you, Detective,” Kris said.


“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Wu. Your client Mr. Choi is on the line.”

“Thank you, Jia-ssi. Please hold it for a moment,” Kris said to the phone. “Do you mind?”

Both Taeyeon and Jessica stood up quickly and bowed to Kris for one last time before leaving.



The clock strikes 2:18 in the morning, and both Taeyeon and Jessica were on their way to Pier 42. Taeyeon was still staring on the fax she stole from Kris Wu’s office, mind full of entangled thoughts. Jessica, chewing her second piece of gum, was focused on the empty street, barely slowing down.

“We’re here,” Jessica said, stopping the car. “It’s freezing.”

“I know,” Taeyeon said, zipping up her coat and pocketed her hands.

After looking for approximately forty minutes, they finally found a blue huge container that had the logo of Kris Wu’s shipping department. A piece of paper was also placed on the container, it told that it was Kris Wu’s.

“It contains antiques, the paper said,” Jessica said, tracing her fingers onto the paper. “But I’m not gonna buy that.”

Taeyeon didn’t reply.

“Tae?” Jessica cocked her head to the side and found Taeyeon was trying to break the lock. “Gosh, Taeyeon. It’s not like you’re a Hulk. You’re not gonna break that lock.”

The shorter sighed, “You’re right.” She inched closer and sniffed, “I smell no cyanide gas, should I be relieved?”

The blonde nodded, “I guess.”

“Quick, find a wrench or something, we still need to know what’s inside.”

Jessica complied, and ran to look for something metal. Taeyeon walked in circle as she waited. Same with Jessica, she also couldn’t believe that the container only contained of antiques.

When Jessica came back with a metal rod, a smile was carved on Taeyeon’s face. She quickly took it and hit the padlock a few times. But it still couldn’t be broken. Jessica tried too, but it didn’t budge.

“Gosh, what kind of lock did this monster use?” Jessica groaned.

Taeyeon shrugged, “Don’t know.”

Jessica threw the rod away and sighed, “We’ve spent an hour getting nothing.”


The impatient blonde threw her fist to the blue container.

And the sound they heard next wasn’t Jessica hissing.

But a baby crying.



About an hour later, Youngwoon came with a few police crews, armored with their guns, after Taeyeon called. Both she and Jessica were shocked as hell when they heard that innocent cry. So, they were right, the container really did contain something else not antiques.

“You’d better be right about this, Detective,” Youngwoon said, a cigarette was stuck between his teeth.

“I know what I heard, Officer,” Taeyeon said.

Youngwoon nodded, “Everyone else ready?” He said towards the crews, and earned nods.

Youngwoon cued them and they opened the container.


“Don’t shoot! Please!”

Taeyeon gasped and lowered her gun as she saw an old lady and a baby in her arms, and 13 other babies in their cribs, all girls. That old lady was already drenched in tears, hands shaking from fear. Both Taeyeon and Jessica looked puzzled. Youngwoon told the crews to lower their weapons and to stay put.

“This is unbelievable,” Jessica said, voice barely a whisper.

Youngwoon disposed his cigarette, “Detective Kim, I think we’ll have to arrest Wu for smuggling illegals. But I’m afraid, he’ll be out on bail by tomorrow, because of his resources,” he sighed. “And he’ll probably claim the container was obscured without his knowledge.”

“What is he up to?” Taeyeon said, eyes narrowed. “Whatever it is, there’s no obvious connection to the murder of Victoria Song and Cho Joohyun. Not yet.”


hello~! i’m finally back with another update. who’s been waiting for it!? hehe<3 so yeah, thank you who are still subscribing until now, and also thank you for the lovely comments! ^^ i really like reading them, especially the long ones owo thank you very much! i’m anticipating for another comments like those. see ya! love ya :D

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Chapter 11: *Slow clap* This. Is. Brilliant.
Chapter 11: YAASSS! sweet Jesus the sutae moment in the beginning asasflaskj and yeah i was right zitao is the killer nyahahaha but then it turns out to be wow omg okay baekhyun is suspicious and i kinda feel bad that kris had to die lolol ANYWAYS i love the whole story i love the ending i love everything and ily hehe kbye<3
Chapter 11: I want an extra chapter too please!!! This is just good and I would really want to understand how Taeyeon would feel now!!! Please make an extra chapter!!! Luv this!!!
Iamyourcake #4
yaaaas i was so suspicious of baek ¬_¬ i think the ending is satisfying btw. and i like it how it is so my opinion is you should keep the amount of chapters.

so many deaths, it was hard to process but we got to the killer eventually. (idk why im still sad about Luhan's death)
Chapter 11: an additional chapter please! And omg..... i cant believe baekhyun killed kris after kris killed tao, the murder. lmao so complicated and that only makes things harder for taeyeon sigh
Chapter 10: omg the ship is sailing *question mark*

really anticipating for the next update bc i want to know more and i need explanation????????!!111!1 anw is zitao the one? fufufu /le smirk imnida/
Chapter 10: Holy cow! OMG >.< !!!!!! Son of a piece of doggie poo and hamster vomit what just happened???? God...... Taeyeon don't fall for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iamyourcake #9
Chapter 10: WAT. TAEYEON.

idk what just happened. he seemed into her but i didn't think he'd actually make a move. i still don't trust him tho.

btw you're becoming the Queen of cliffhangers ;-;
Chapter 9: luhan??????? why??????@.@
this is terribly sad because idk but luhan is some kind of important character here and and i wish he will stay alive until the very end but but okay this is really a plot twist
and what about sunny, what was luhan going to say to her anyway? can you tell me????
author-nim why is this so good otl

this is crazy, taeyeon and the crew must find the villain immediately or else
so the hint is this 'little heart' guy huh
update more ivestigations, author-nim cause i want to know
anyway i don't know if this story is going to be baekyeon or sutae
but i support sutae so im looking forward for more suho and taeyeon moments hahaha
sorry if im too delusional but ah screw it, until next update!:)