Investigation 6

Crimson Daisies


I N V E S T I G A T I O N   6



Taeyeon came to the department around 11 in the morning, dark circles started to form below her eyes. Soon as she arrived, she rushed towards the coffee machine, took a carton cup, and filled it with the caffeine.

“Mornin’,” a slight tap was felt by Taeyeon, and she almost spilled her coffee because of the shock. “Oh, did I startle you? I’m sorry!”

Taeyeon wiped the corner of her lips, “It’s alright, Joonmyun-ssi.”

“I saw you were spacing out,” the younger said, “Something wrong?”

She nodded. “Just got even more curious. I just found out that Kris Wu’s shipping illegals yesterday. His interview with Officer Youngwoon wasn’t really helpful too.”

“It’s tough, I understand.”


They stayed silent for a couple seconds before Taeyeon choked herself again.

“Ya, what’s wrong?” Joonmyun asked, eyes widened.

“I just remember that I have a very important search that I’ve got to do. Cat’cha later!” Taeyeon said and skipped to her desk, but not until Joonmyun called her again.

“Hey, Taeyeon-ssi.”


“Officer Youngwoon said I can help you,” Joonmyun said, grinning, “Only after I’m finished with my case.”

“That’s fantastic!” Taeyeon grinned back and joked, “Hurry up then.”

Joonmyun nodded while smiling, “Alright.”



Taeyeon went to look for phone numbers from the department’s data. She took her phone and scrolled through her phonebook, in search for Dr. Park’s—the call doctor at Little Daisies—number. She inputted the number, and her brows twitched when she read the result.

Dr. Park Chanyeol; plastic surgeon.

Address not listed.

Office: 126 St., Songpa, Seoul.

Address not listed? Dammit, Taeyeon thought, Let’s just hit him at his office then.

She then rushed to the department’s car and went on a ride to Medical Center, the hospital where Dr. Park Chanyeol worked. She just hoped she could find some useful information from him. At least.

“May I help you?” A woman in white uniform asked, soon as Taeyeon arrived.

“Hello,” Taeyeon said, “I would like to see Dr. Park Chanyeol, please.”

The woman—that Taeyeon believed was a nurse—frowned, “I’m really sorry, but I’m afraid he’s not here today. Dr. Park is out of the office every Thursday. You’ll have to come back tomorrow to see him. Or, maybe, have you made any plans?”

Taeyeon shook her head, “Not yet.”

The nurse smiled vaguely and shrugged.

“But,” Taeyeon halted, “I’m a detective from the Seoul National Police Department, and I wish to do a little research in his office. May I?”

The other seemed to be in a little shock, but agreed anyway. “Have your time looking around, detective. Please excuse me.”

Taeyeon raised her shoulders soon as the nurse left, thinking that it wouldn’t go that easily. After the nurse had left, she then rushed to Dr. Park’s desk that was full of books and paper. She spotted his agenda and saw that he had a plan with someone at the Shinhwa Theatre, exactly that day on 4 P.M. Feeling suspicious, Taeyeon took her phone and added a reminder for herself to visit that theater later and spy on Dr. Park. She then saw the phone beside the computer, and there, was assigned two speed dials. Home, and Home 2.

Soon as she got that little information, she headed back to her office and went to look for the two phone numbers in the department’s directory. Maybe they could show her where Dr. Park lives.

Park Chanyeol.

Private residence. Home belongs to Park Chanyeol and wife, Park Sooyoung.

Taeyeon clicked her tongue, nice address. She then inputted the second number, and smirked to herself as she read the result.

Park Chanyeol.

309 Il-cheok St., two-bedroom apartment. Property managed by The Golden Petals.

I don’t like how that sound. I’ll have to check on Dr. Park for this. But wait, why would he have two houses?

And that’s when Baekhyun called. Taeyeon jumped from her seat and quickly reached for her phone.


“Hey, Tae. Are you at home? I’m dropping by.”

Taeyeon looked panic. Of course she didn’t want to dismiss Baekhyun, but she was in the middle of work. But it’s been a quite long time since the last time they met. Answering hastily, Taeyeon stood up and took her coat. “Yes, I am. Sure thing, Baek. I’ll be waiting!”



Being the mad-driver Taeyeon was, she borrowed the department’s car and rushed to her apartment, wishing that Baekhyun wouldn’t arrive earlier. And she succeeded. Taeyeon changed her clothes and applied some concealer to brighten her eye sockets. Five minutes later Baekhyun arrived.

“Hey, you’re here,” Taeyeon said after opening the door for her lover.

Baekhyun smiled and went inside, carrying a box of cake in his hand. “I bought cakes.”

“Lovely!” Taeyeon exclaimed and went to the kitchen to grab some plates. “I’ve wanted to eat chocolate cake.”

“Great that I didn’t make the wrong choice.”

“You want some tea?”


Taeyeon reached for the cabinet and took two cups. While she was making the tea, Baekhyun cut the cake for each of them. After both of them were done with their snacks, they decided to have a chat on the living room, Taeyeon snuggling in Baekhyun’s embrace.

“I’ve been so busy with my case,” Taeyeon sighed, playing with Baekhyun’s fingers.

“Don’t strain yourself,” the older said, placing light kisses on Taeyeon’s cheek.

Taeyeon leaned on his touch. She saw Baekhyun in the eyes and saw herself in his dark eyes. “Baek,” she called, voice like a whisper.

Baekhyun answered with a kiss on her lips, and Taeyeon flew her hands around the former’s neck. The kiss went slow and chaste, as time went by. They parted for so much needed air, feeling their own soft pants afterwards. Soon, Baekhyun connected his lips with Taeyeon’s crook of neck, and she gasped.

Taeyeon knew where this would be going. She shut her eyes, and trains of thoughts went through her mind. Her heartbeat was getting a lot faster when she felt Baekhyun bit her skin. His hands on Taeyeon’s waist traveled down to her hip and s under the hem of her shirt.

She was utterly shocked at Baekhyun’s cold fingers. Was she ready for this?

“Baek,” she called again.

“Yeah?” Baekhyun answered, looking at Taeyeon’s eyes, hands still tracing patterns on Taeyeon’s .

Taeyeon noticed his lustful eyes and she didn’t answer. She was just too stunned of what was happening.

Hearing no answer, Baekhyun continued, “I missed you.”

Whether she was ready or not, she couldn’t deny that she wanted him. Baekhyun inched closer and kissed her again, with much more passion this time. Taeyeon gasped for air, and parted again.

She cupped Baekhyun’s face and whispered, “I missed you too.”

They were about to have another make out session when Taeyeon’s phone alarm rang.

Shinhwa Theatre 4 P.M.

“Dammit,” Taeyeon cursed. “I gotta go back to work, Baek.”


“Next time. The bed can wait,” she winked and giggled.

Baekhyun chuckled and gave her one last kiss, “Good luck.”



Taeyeon drifted to the Shinhwa Theatre, an old theatre around the town. There weren’t many people visiting the theatre. It smelled like a mixture of an expensive alcohol and cigarettes there. As long as Taeyeon remembered, this Park Chanyeol was tall, and his hair was caramel—thanks to the department’s resources that provided pictures. The only studio occupied there was the 3rd, so Taeyeon went in, and immediately spotted the young plastic surgeon, who was sitting on the middle row with two of his friends. He seemed to be talking with his friends, judging from the audible laughs that came from the only people inside the studio. The three of them had a cigarettes stuck between their fingers.

That’s him, Taeyeon told herself, he might be with his friends. I’d better watch and just wait.

And so she did. She took a few seats behind the doctor and made herself comfortable in her chair. Sleepiness overcame her and she felt sudden weight on her eyelids. Taeyeon thought that a 5-minute nap wouldn’t be bad, so she dozed off.

Her nap absolutely didn’t last for 5 minutes. She woke up when her head bobbed down, and she swiped the drool on the corner of the mouth. The studio was no longer dark, and she was alone. The movie was finished around 10 minutes ago, and most importantly, Park Chanyeol had left.

Kicking the seat in front of her Taeyeon grunted, “Ugh! How can I sleep in this very situation!? You stupid detective!”

She then stood up harshly and stormed outside. But she halted her third step, considering that maybe Park Chanyeol had left something on his seat. She went to his previous seat and looked for any leftover. Taeyeon found a flyer of a very fancy restaurant in Sokcho, Han Chang Restaurant. Might be leading? Taeyeon took the flyer and quickly dialed Jessica’s number.

“Jessica here.”

“Hey, Jess. I’ve a lead on a restaurant called Han Chang in Sokcho. I think one of my suspects goes there.”

“Han Chang? It’s a fancy restaurant.”

“You know about it? Good, then. Can you see if you can dig up any dirt on that place?”

“Sure thing, Tae. Catch you later.”

“Thanks a lot hon.”



Soon as the call was terminated, Jessica, who was having a small gathering with her fellow reporters, started the topic about Han Chang.

“Guess I’m lucky today,” Jessica began. “Minseok, you work for the historical culture of ‘Hello Seoul’, right?”

“I guess, I am. Why, why?”

“Have you heard about Han Chang Restaurant in Sokcho?” Jessica asked, putting her phone inside her bag.

“That fancy restaurant?” Kyungsoo, a fellow reporter of Jessica’s, replied.

“And old?” Minseok added.

Jessica nodded, “Tell me more.”

“Han Chang is very old, and very famous. One of the finest dining in Sokcho,” Minseok explained, biting his ham filled croissant. “Way back at 1900’s, people said that there are mazes of rooms under that place.”

“Mazes? That’s wicked,” the only girl told. “What for?”

 “Gossips said, it was for very private guests,” Minseok answered. “I’ve heard there are still secret things that go on there, down in the depths.”

Jessica switched glares with Kyungsoo, and the guy shrugged, “Maybe it’s true.”

After collecting the information—which was more than enough—Jessica packed her things and excused herself. She went to her car and immediately drifted to the said restaurant in Sokcho, Han Chang.

It was already 9 P.M. when Jessica arrived. The restaurant had barely people, and was pretty quiet. Well of course, people eating here were mostly elites.

“Good evening, Miss,” a tall waitress came, “How can I help you?”

Jessica forced a smile, “I just want to check if my reservation here is already written or not. My boyfriend called this morning.”

“What’s the name of your boyfriend, Miss? Let me check it for you,” the waitress said, turning the page of Han Chang’s reservation book.

Kris Wu, “Um, Kim Minseok,” Jessica blurted. Sorry not sorry, Minseok-ie!

Two pages were turned and the waitress didn’t find Minseok’s name on the book. “I’m sorry Miss, but are you sure you’ve made a reservation this morning?”

Jessica crossed her eyebrows, “Of course I did! Let me check it by myself!” She smirked to herself by how genius she was to create such a quick scenario.

She then scanned the thick book quickly, and found something interesting at every end of the page. Jessica read it once again to remember both the time and the fact that securities were hired for that reservation. A reservation for Kris Wu, every Fridays, at 10 P.M.

“Well,” Jessica stayed calm, “I guess it’s my fault. He sure didn’t call.”

“Apologies, Miss,” the waitress bowed politely, and Jessica followed.

“Can I go to the washroom while I wait for him?”

“Sure thing, Miss. The bathroom is at the corner of the room.”

Jessica then excused herself and went to the washroom, curious of the mazes of room that both of her friends had said earlier. Soon as she got to the empty washroom, she looked around for any possible entrance towards the said maze. Her eyes spotted a loose vent below her with warm air blowing from it. She thought that the vent was huge. Maybe it fit three to four people in it. Without hesitating, she rolled her sleeves and bent her back, crawled into the vent, and hands clutching to her phone, being the only source of light.

“Good thing I wore my jeans today,” Jessica coughed and dust flew away.

The only sound she heard was the faint sound of cars honking, and the fan swirling. A smile crooked on her lips when she saw a source of light a few meters away from where she was crawling. She immediately ran for it, and she was surprised by a sight of her own car, that was parked beside the building.

“Hey, it’s my car!” She exclaimed. “This could be another entrance from the outside so I wouldn’t have to go inside the restaurant. Great job, reporter Jessica!”

Jessica then crawled back, and went deeper into the maze, still looking for the secret room. She had passed another vent to the kitchen, back to the main hall, and even to the men’s washroom. Luckily, she had been taking notes on her phone along her way, so she wouldn’t get confused and lost.

She nearly gave up not before she saw another source of light, a bit dimmed this one. She crawled there, and gasped as soon as her eyes found the sight of a ballroom. Though it was empty, Jessica felt that something was weird and suspicious about this room. Moreover, she spotted a symbol of dragons. Well, it seemed normal, but not until Jessica saw another thing that was framing the logo.

Petals, of a daisy.


hey, guys! i know, i'm really really sorry for the unbelievably late update... it's all because of school, and now that finals are over, i hope i can work on this fic quicker. most of all, thank you for those who are still subscribing despite how late i'm updating. thank you really, it means a lot for me. though there aren't many comments yet, i hope you guys would comment on this chappie. don't forget to hit that subscribe button (because that's what the cool kids do lol) and yes, upvote too! i really love y'all guys. thank you ^^

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Chapter 11: *Slow clap* This. Is. Brilliant.
Chapter 11: YAASSS! sweet Jesus the sutae moment in the beginning asasflaskj and yeah i was right zitao is the killer nyahahaha but then it turns out to be wow omg okay baekhyun is suspicious and i kinda feel bad that kris had to die lolol ANYWAYS i love the whole story i love the ending i love everything and ily hehe kbye<3
Chapter 11: I want an extra chapter too please!!! This is just good and I would really want to understand how Taeyeon would feel now!!! Please make an extra chapter!!! Luv this!!!
Iamyourcake #4
yaaaas i was so suspicious of baek ¬_¬ i think the ending is satisfying btw. and i like it how it is so my opinion is you should keep the amount of chapters.

so many deaths, it was hard to process but we got to the killer eventually. (idk why im still sad about Luhan's death)
Chapter 11: an additional chapter please! And omg..... i cant believe baekhyun killed kris after kris killed tao, the murder. lmao so complicated and that only makes things harder for taeyeon sigh
Chapter 10: omg the ship is sailing *question mark*

really anticipating for the next update bc i want to know more and i need explanation????????!!111!1 anw is zitao the one? fufufu /le smirk imnida/
Chapter 10: Holy cow! OMG >.< !!!!!! Son of a piece of doggie poo and hamster vomit what just happened???? God...... Taeyeon don't fall for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iamyourcake #9
Chapter 10: WAT. TAEYEON.

idk what just happened. he seemed into her but i didn't think he'd actually make a move. i still don't trust him tho.

btw you're becoming the Queen of cliffhangers ;-;
Chapter 9: luhan??????? why??????@.@
this is terribly sad because idk but luhan is some kind of important character here and and i wish he will stay alive until the very end but but okay this is really a plot twist
and what about sunny, what was luhan going to say to her anyway? can you tell me????
author-nim why is this so good otl

this is crazy, taeyeon and the crew must find the villain immediately or else
so the hint is this 'little heart' guy huh
update more ivestigations, author-nim cause i want to know
anyway i don't know if this story is going to be baekyeon or sutae
but i support sutae so im looking forward for more suho and taeyeon moments hahaha
sorry if im too delusional but ah screw it, until next update!:)