The Bear Keychain

The Curse

Both of them entered the game center, and the voice of game machines made them happier. Amber immediately approached a basketball game with four real balls and a ring. She looked at Kris and said, “Let’s play this one!”

Kris nodded. He slides the game card and the basketball game started. Amber started yelling inaudible random words because she was so happy, and once the balls went down, Amber immediately took the control and be the dominant in the game. (this sentence sounds so wrong lol)

Kris was just standing behind her with no words from his mouth, only a slight smile curved and he folded his arms in front of his chest. Amber glanced at the point, she still had 13 points to go and there wasn’t enough time.

“Help me!” she glanced back with his hands kept on throwing the ball, minus the concentration. Like knowing what would happen, Kris immediately approached and took control of the game. He made points easily and bang, they succeeded to the second round.

The machine showed them the ‘second round’ text, and Kris laughed happily. “See, I said I’m better.”

Amber squinted and said, “Why didn’t you help me since the beginning of the game?!”

“Shut up,” Kris said as he let out a small grin, he walked a little forward and took the sliding ball. So the game has started already, Amber thought. She and Kris started hitting the ring with balls –uh, not hitting, but made the ball entering the ring.

After a minute full of concentrating with the basketballs, they scored points with satisfying number. Amber chuckled and walked to the other way, and Kris muttered to her, “Do you want to try another game?”

“Can we play that one?” Amber said as she pointed to another game machine. It was a crane-and-toys game every kid would like. Kids!

“Dolls?” Kris said in disbelief. He just followed Amber to the machine and he peeked through the glass to see the prizes. There were nothing but dolls and dolls. Amber nodded; she forcefully took the game card from Kris’ hand and slides it on the machine.

With full concentration, she began to move the crane. Kris was just standing behind her to see the game. After making sure that the crane has been on the right position, Amber decided to press a button for taking the doll.

Yay! The crane took the doll up. Amber cheered happily as the little bear stuffed toy went up, up and up towards the hole that drives the doll to them.

Amber bit her lip and waited the doll to fall, and Kris must admit that he was a little afraid too. But what a pity, the doll fell down before it reached the hole –still quite far from the hole though. Amber groaned loudly and Kris clicked his tongue.

“What a pity, it was just a palm away with the hole!” Amber said, and Kris nodded in agreement. He walked and stood up in front of Amber, Kris slides his game card and started to move the crane.

The crane went up and stopped above the doll, and slowly Kris, the ruler of the game, drove it down. Amber hasn’t blinked her eyes yet as she stared at the game with full concentration, so did Kris.

The cold iron crane grabbed the bear doll and brought it up. Kris grinned happily, but inside he was still nervous, thinking that he would do the same mistake as Amber did. Amber yelled an ‘ah!’ and she curved a wide smile.

It was nearer and nearer with the hole, every second reduces the gap between the hole and the doll. Kris stopped the crane and pressed the red button.


The doll fell down, but it didn’t get into the hole.

Kris whined and clicked his tongue, while Amber was laughing so hard and pointing at the doll. “You said you worked better, see! You couldn’t even do it!”

Kris was just chuckling bitterly when Amber laughed at him.

“If you said you’re better, prove it with this doll!” Amber said, but Kris just stuck his lower lip out and said, “I need no doll.” He balled his fist and hit the game machine, but magically his angry action made the machine vibrated, and the doll fell down the hole.

Both of them stared at the falling doll with super wide eyes.

“Was that for real?!” Amber cracked the silence, and Kris laughed loudly. He bowed down to take the doll, the little brown doll. Amber laughed too and she patted Kris’ back loudly and said, “You’ve done well!”

Kris chuckled and handed Amber the doll. Amber stared at the doll and then stared at Kris again, “Won’t you save it?”

Kris shook his head and said, “I don’t play dolls. Here,” Kris put it inside Amber’s jacket’s pocket. Amber grinned sarcastically and nodded, “Right. I can’t imagine Kris Wu with a little sweet doll.”

“What about Ace, my new alpaca?” Kris asked with his lips pouted a little, and Amber laughed. “You look so pathetic. Come on, let’s play another game!” she said as her hand lengthened to pull Kris’ arm towards another game machine.

“Dance game? Are you kidding me?!”

“I’m serious!”

Soojung rolled over when Super Junior’s Acha audibled from her cell phone, signed that someone called her. She took the abandoned little pink phone on the floor and wrinkled her forehead when the number wasn’t in her contact. It was an unknown person who called her.

It’s ten o’clock at night now. Soojung took a nap (well, not really a nap, she fell asleep after doing some tasks from school) and the call interrupted it. “Hello?” she muttered sleepily after pressed the green button to answer the call.

It was silence for three first seconds, and then voice of a girl cracked it. “Jung Soojung?

Soojung hummed in confuse. “You’re speaking with Jung Soojung.”

Ya!” Suddenly the girl on the phone yelled. Soojung flinched away from her phone and the foreign girl continued, “You! Do you have Joseph Liu’s number?!

“Who is this?” Soojung answered back as loud. The girl giggled and said, “You’re Soojung the first grader, uh?

Soojung curved her eyebrows; this person must be someone who came from the same school with her. “I asked you, who am I speaking with?” Soojung replied loudly.

Jessica,” the foreign girl replied. “Your senior.”

Jessica sunbae?! Soojung mentally screamed. She remained silent for a while to progress the situation until finally Jessica said, “You don’t want to say anything after screaming like that to your senior?

“I’m sorry, sunbae!” Soojung said, her voice still seemed surprised.

Jessica mumbled inaudibly. Soojung was about to ask how did Jessica get her number, but then she remembered Jessica’s previous words that she asked for Amber’s number. Uh, no, but Joseph’s.

“Did sunbae ask for Am- I mean Joseph Liu’s number?” Soojung asked curiously and Jessica hummed. “Give it to me now! Send it via text!”

Soojung curved her eyebrows. “For what is it, sunbae?”

You don’t need to know!” when Soojung expected for a reasonable answer, a scold came. “Just give me the number and don’t speak too much, you little brat!

Soojung was cursing and mentally hitting Jessica, but then she tried to control her breath and said, “Yes, sunbaenim. Please wait for my upcoming text message.”

At the other side, Jessica hung up the call and smiled. She gently knocked her phone’s casing and thought; finally I can contact my Joseph.

Soojung looked in disbelief at her cell phone when Jessica hung up the call, but then she realized that she had something bigger to worry about than a disconnected call from her senior.

Hey, she asked for Joseph –the fictional character–’s number, and what should she do if finally Jessica realized that her crush, Joseph, was a girl in reality? What should she do if Jessica called Amber?

Soojung clicked her tongue and rolled over her bed. Jessica must’ve been asking her this one because everyone knew that she’s Amber’s best friend who would know all things about her best friend, including her best friend’s cousin’s phone number. She had sworn that she would send Amber’s number to Jessica; at least it was Joseph’s number like what Jessica believed. She opened text message from her phone and typed something.

After sending the number to Jessica, Soojung decided to send a text message to Amber, sending a first warning about Jessica.


Amber raised her phone that has the bear doll hung as the keychain and showed it to Kris. Kris squinted as he saw it and he said, “Why do people love hanging things on their cell phone?”

Amber stuck out her lower lip and said, “Whatever.” She put the phone back to her jacket’s pocket and walked again. Both of them were walking at the mall’s hallway, they were a little sleepy and had no more excessive energy to play, so they just eye-shopped.

When they walked side by side, it’s the time to examine that Amber’s not much shorter than Kris like before. She’s as tall as Kris’ eyebrows now, and seeing them was just like seeing twin tower inside a mall. The differences were just the one was cool and quiet, while the other ‘tower’ was bubbly, cheerful and playful.

Kris had his palms inserted in his jeans’ pockets, his blonde hair was arranged upside. Amber’s hands were completely loose, but sometimes she would rub them together to make herself warmer. Her black hair was arranged normally, a little bit combed downwards but still had a couple of hairs that were arranged upside.

“Uh,” Amber muttered and Kris slowed down his pace to look at her. “Hm?” he asked through a hum.

Amber looked around nervously for a while before finally she asked, “Is there any bathroom?”

Kris burst into laughter when he heard that. “You wanna pee? Come on,” he walked faster to reach the bathroom for Amber, and Amber nodded; followed Kris from behind.

Both of them walked towards the bathroom that wasn’t far away from their previous place. Amber was about to enter the ladies toilet when Kris pulled her hoodie and said, “Are you crazy?”

“I’m no- Ah!” Amber shrieked as she finally knew what Kris meant. She was physically a guy, so it would be extra weird if a guy went to ladies’ toilet. Amber chuckled and rubbed her nape sheepishly. “I get it.”

Meanwhile, a figure of someone in black jacket who was standing across Kris and Amber peeked more to see them. That person tightened the black jacket and bowed down a little to quietly go across the hallway, although everyone would be curious seeing someone bowing down like a cow with black hoodie that was running towards the toilet.

That person stood up beside Kris, pretended to wait for someone. That person covered the face with the black hoodie, and Kris and Amber glanced at that person curiously.

“Would you wait outside?” Amber’s voice cracked their suspiciousness. Kris nodded and immediately slung Amber’s bag that was commended to him around his shoulder. Amber also took off her jacket and handed it to Kris. “Hold this too, okay?”

Kris nodded and slung the jacket on his shoulder. He took his own cell phone from his jeans’ pocket and played it.

Amber awkwardly entered the bathroom and immediately went inside the one with a door. She looked around nervously while covering her eyes as she sat down and ped her jeans. Amber could hear that an ahjussi outside was talking with his friend about his life with his wife (ew), and Amber wrinkled her nose.

Let’s go back to Kris. Kris was busy with his phone until he didn’t realize that the figure with black jacket was standing right beside him.

The person examined Amber’s jacket that was slung on Kris’ shoulder, and that person saw the bear keychain that was slightly hung outside. What a cute doll!

It was such a short time that Kris didn’t even realize that the person had taken Amber’s cell phone including the super large bear phone-keychain that was slightly brought outside from the jacket’s pocket. That figure immediately ran away (with the hoodie covering the face of course), and Kris didn’t realize it.

“Hey,” Amber muttered as she wiped her own wet hands on her jeans. Kris looked at her and said, “Uh, you’re done?” he immediately handed Amber her jacket and bag. Amber wore both of them with Kris’ small helps, and now both of them were ready to leave.

Amber rubbed her jacket’s pocket and said, “Hey, do you know where my phone is?” when she’s sure that there was nothing left inside her pocket.

“In your bag?” Kris muttered and Amber nodded. “Ah, yeah. Sorry.”

Kris simply nodded and walked again. Both of them were deep drowning in their minds, Amber was looking around since she didn’t have any more power to be hyper. Kris just walked straightly with a straight expression.

There were lots of good stores around the mall. Amber had found about three or four stores that sold women stuffs such as hairpins, bandanas and beanies, and Amber badly wanted to go there if she was a girl physically.

She sighed and looked around again. The void was right on their left, and whenever she looked down from this second floor, she would see painting exhibition down there with nice drawings. At their right there was a door, glass door to be more specific, where she could see the deep black sky and city shines through it.

Wait! Was there a balcony?

“What’s over there?” Amber pointed at the door and glanced at Kris. Kris looked at Amber with sleepy eyes and said, “Where?”

“There,” Amber kept pointing at the door, and Kris nodded lightly. “Ah, it’s the balcony.”

Amber widened her eyes happily, “So can we see the night sky and city lamps from that balcony?”

Kris nodded and rubbed his eyes. “Exactly.”

“Then let’s go there!” Amber immediately pulled Kris’ arm. Kris immediately pulled Amber back before she had pulled him to the balcony and he said with loud voice, “Let’s go home!”

Amber looked at him in surprise and said, “Why not? It would be great! The night scenery is wonderful!”

They were wrong if they wanted to argue in the middle of a mall’s hallway. Kris and Amber looked like a couple together; just can you imagine a cool manly guy staring straight at a cute guy’s eyes –they’re literally staring at each other with the manly guy’s hand on the cute guy’s arm; added with their jackets that were coincidentally kind of similar. Of course everyone will think they’re a couple!

 “Ah, shut up and let’s leave!” Kris said and automatically wrapped his arm around Amber’s neck. Amber immediately shrieked and held Kris’ circled arm with his palms to take it away, but Kris pulled her by the head towards the first floor and to the basement where their car at.

“Kris! Let me free!”

Park Hyomin took off his black sunglasses and stared in disbelief at the black sedan that was known as Kris Wu’s property left away. Did she saw the truth; Kris entered the car with Joseph Liu?

No, not Joseph Liu. His ‘cousin’ had made a statement that Amber Liu is Joseph Liu! Hyomin thought by herself, but then she widened her eyes more. So Amber just went on a date with Kris?

Hyomin clicked her tongue and walked back to the room with glass walls where the elevators at. She sat down at a chair in front of the elevators. Hyomin supported his face with his palms and thought about Amber and Kris. She had never seen them this close!

She lengthened her back and cracked her stiff bones. Hyomin yawned; she glanced at her white bag to take her phone so that she could ask her little brother to pick her up. But the bear keychain annoyed her sight, so Hyomin decided to take it. “What is this?”

Ah, it was Amber’s keychain she took at the mall. If you’re curious, yes, she was the one who stalked Amber and Kris all the way. Blame her weird personality and why they should met at a mall.

Hyomin decided to take it, but soon as she lifted it up, a phone –Amber’s– also lifted up. Hyomin widened her eyes. So she didn’t just take a keychain, she also took a phone?

She was just about to place it inside her bag again, planning to return it later when the screen went accidentally on. Hyomin shook her head and attempted to put the phone back, but her hands didn’t do it. She automatically looked up at the coming text that hasn’t been read for about minutes.


From: Soojung

Sorry sorry sorry for doing this! Jessica sunbae asked me your number and I sent it to her. Don’t be mad! If someone with the number +82-xxx-xxx-xxx calls you, it’s her.


Hyomin’s brain was still trying hard to progress the text message when suddenly Amber’s phone tinkled, the screen showed an unknown number was calling the phone, exactly the same one Soojung wrote at her previous message. Jessica is calling.

She answered the call right a moment before it missed.

Hello?” Jessica at the other side of the phone spoke. “Joseph, is that you?

Hyomin gapped as she was still surprised at the call. She blinked in surprise and then said anything that was in her brain to answer; trying not to be suspicious. “Uh, n-no, this is not Joseph.”

Jessica tilted her head and curved her eyebrows. Why would a girl answer her call to a boy’s cell phone? She mentally thought. “So who is this?” she said after being silent for a while.

The coming answer made her widened her eyes, gapped and shocked to death, and yes, it tear her heart apart.

This is Joseph’s girlfriend.




I haven't even known about what will go for the next chap but... okay la. Hope this is nice, upvotes and comments will be loved! c:]

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[23/04/2014] updated chapter 9. [The Curse]


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waiclareli #1
Chapter 9: great story here
huskylover #2
Is Hyomin is the person who likes to steel stuff.. what do you call people like that? I forgot
Chapter 9: I dont understand.. Im trying but i cant
Lukber #4
Chapter 9: i like the chapter
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 9: who is park hyomin???
what her relation with krisber???
K-SoulHeart #6
Chapter 9: ####Cool####
Lukber #7
Chapter 8: the wait was worth it .. great chapter .. fun .. soon I hope the upgrade
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 8: ohhhhh ma gad....
im giggling when read this chap...
so cuteeeeee
adelliaar #9
Chapter 8: whoaaaaa~ whats the uke? '-')?
Chapter 8: Gaaah, I'm really curious about when exactly Kris started liking Amber. Is it before she turned into a dude? Or is this a new development for him too? 'Cause yknow, it's not really clear for me because Kris didn't have those 'heart beat picking up' or 'blushing' moments like Amber was having in this chapter, but then again Kris' character is supposed to be cool so ergh I am conflicted.
For now, I'll just assume he liked her even before. :)