Busted (I)

The Curse

Three minutes left for the match.

Kris panted and breathed heavily because he has played for constantly a half hour without any rest, but he wanted to win badly. The points were now the same, and he targeted ten points gap if he wins it.

“I won’t let you!!” suddenly Amber yelled and chased the ball that was in Kris’ hand. Kris curved the corner of his lips and ran towards the ring, Amber’s word echoed all over his head and he won’t let Amber win.

But suddenly, the ball rolled down his hand, and Amber won’t lose the chance. She took the ball, ran towards her ring, shot it and laughed. “Hey, foolish!”

Kris stunned and stared straight at Amber.

Her words echoed, her laughs echoed.

Jo looks like someone, he thought. The way he speaks, laughs and plays seems so similar with Amber Liu.

He lost his concentration until the end of the match.

The match ended with 18-15 points for Amber, and now both of them leaned their backs on the school locker with their beverages on their hands. They were tired, sweating all over the body, and Amber was proud.

Amber chuckled lowly and muttered, “We should play more often, you know.”

“Who are you, actually?” Kris asked casually, tried to hide his curious feeling. Amber glanced at him, sipped her water and said, “Joseph Liu, as everyone known.”

“Joseph Liu?” Kris spoke again and Amber nodded. “Yup, obviously Amber Liu’s cousin.”

Kris put his hand above Amber’s head, his face approached Amber’s ear and spoke right beside it. “Are you sure you’re not Amber Liu?”

Jesus, Amber wanted to die immediately.

“Okay, now where the hell is Amber Liu?!” Soojung walked back and forth inside her class with her phone on her hand and her eyes staring straight at a webpage at her phone. Her phone was still opening Soojung’s senior’s blog, Jessica’s.

The headline was ‘Hot Match between Kris and The Foreign Prince’. Okay, it sounded so hyperbolic and disgusting, but the news has spread around the school and no doubt, everybody has read it.

 It said that the new kid known as Jo or Joseph had a basketball match with Kris, the famous yet idolized athlete in this school. But Joseph lost it, and Jessica wrote everything in her blog. Soojung wanted to meet Amber badly for explanation, and yeah, these two days Amber wasn’t at school.

She clicked her tongue and walked rapidly out of her class, ran down the stairs and headed towards the canteen. But two figures of tall men standing with their backs leaned on the locker changed her direction.

Soojung squinted, and curved the corner of her lips awkwardly. Joseph and Kris were standing next to each other, the objects of today’s gossip made by Jessica. Soojung approached them more, and she could saw Joseph glanced at the grasses, avoiding Kris’ eyes. Kris whispered right beside Joseph’s ear with a serious face.

And what’s that reddish burst on Joseph’s cheeks?!

Soojung gasped, and stared at the moment for a while. Are they gay together?!  She widened her eyes, quickly grabbed her phone and captured the fantastic moment.

Soojung hid herself behind the wall, stared at the amazing capture and giggled. Her friends would love it that Soojung has captured a very rare, awesome yet epic moment, and she was wondering about how much would it costs if Soojung sells it to Jessica.

She grinned and put her phone inside her pocket. Soojung walked out of the wall happily, but accidentally she hit something –not something, it’s a someone. Soojung gasped, she looked up and realized that it’s Joseph.

“I- I’m sorry!” she yelled, but Joseph was just taking a glance on her, and walked quickly towards the school lobby. Soojung stared in confuse at the leaving figure, and tilted her head a little.

She peeked out of the wall, and Kris was still there, with his eyebrows curved in depression and he sighed. Soojung encouraged herself to get out of the wall, and walked passing Kris.

“Jung Soojung!” suddenly the deep voice called her name, and Soojung looked back to Kris. Kris was staring at her and he continued, “I want to talk personally with you.”

Soojung nodded in confuse, and Kris led their ways to the seat beside the toilet. Kris sat down first, followed by Soojung. “So, what are you going to talk with me?”

“Do you have Amber Liu’s phone number?” Kris’ answer was really out of the topic. Soojung nodded, she curved her eyebrows and took her phone. “Yes, I do. Does she have something to do with your problem?”

“She has so much to do,” Kris said, and sighed. “Listen. I may seem so crazy and out of my mind, but I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears. I assume that Joseph who has been an idol these days… Is Amber Liu.”

“Is Amber Liu’s cousin, I know.” Soojung chuckled.

“No, he’s not the cousin. He –or should I call Joseph she? Is Amber Liu herself.”


Amber sighed and looked out through the window. The day was awful, really not like what she expected before. First, Kris found out that she’s Amber –even though she kept on saying ‘I’m her cousin’, Kris seemed to realize that she’s lying. Second, there’s no other problem, but the first one feels so bad.

She played with her nails, her mind flashed back when Kris found out her real identity.


“Who are you, actually?” Kris asked casually, tried to hide his curious feeling. Amber glanced at him, sipped her water and said, “Joseph Liu, as everyone known.”

“Joseph Liu?” Kris spoke again and Amber nodded. “Yup, obviously Amber Liu’s cousin.”

Kris put his hand above Amber’s head, his face approached Amber’s ear and spoke right beside it. “Are you sure you’re not Amber Liu?”

Amber gasped, and seconds later she faked a laugh. She shook her head and said, “Of course I’m not Amber Liu. We’re cousins, so it’s normal if we look similar physically.”

“Too bad, you and Joseph are too similar.” Kris answered, and he pressed the word ‘Joseph’. Amber gulped and muttered, “W-what are you talking about? I have to g-go home,” and she immediately turned her back, walked towards the school lobby with her pounding heart and redden cheeks.


What if he found out her real identity? Amber stared blankly wherever the car brought her to, and her dad murmured, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Amber faked a smile without even contacting her dad.

Her dad remained silent. Amber couldn’t hold her words anymore and finally she said, “Dad, what if someone finds out about my identity?”

Her dad answered with his eyes stared straight on the street. “You have two choices… to let them know or to keep it as a secret until something changes you back to normal.”

Amber sighed, nodded and threw her sight at the window again. Her dad drove normally again, but the ways he took were different with the normal ones if they want to go home.

“Where are we heading to?” Amber asked and looked around. Her dad turned the steer and said, “Amber, I and your mom have decided to take you to a hospital. Well, as you know, sleeping doesn’t help.”

Amber leaned back again and nodded. If this is the best way to change normal again, she will do it.

She started to regret everything she expected before.

The call connected to Amber’s phone, but there wasn’t any answer.

Kris attempted to call Amber once again, and this may have been his 10th try. But after several seconds, he sighed and shook his head to Soojung.

Soojung groaned and muttered, “Stupid Amber Liu. Go raise the phone you freaking dumb.”

“But how come you are so sure about Joseph?” Soojung asked again, and Kris raised his eyebrows a little. “How did he play basketball, how did he speak, and her respond to my words explained a lot.”

In this fifth period, Kris and Soojung skipped class together. They decided to try contacting Amber and now they were sitting at the rooftop together.

Soojung bowed a little, and sighed. “It’s weird enough to explain, though it seems real. How come a girl changes to a boy?”

“Magic,” Kris murmured, and crossed his arms. He leaned his back, stared at the sky and squinted. “You’re the only one I told about this thing. And please, don’t tell anyone. Just pretend that I said nothing.”

Soojung nodded, tried to call Amber again and yawned. “I get it.”

“But there’s still one thing I’m confused about,” Soojung muttered when the call failed again, and Kris took a glance. “What’s that thing?”

“What made her changed into a boy?”





a short chapter, it's more like chapter 3.5 lol.

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[23/04/2014] updated chapter 9. [The Curse]


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waiclareli #1
Chapter 9: great story here
huskylover #2
Is Hyomin is the person who likes to steel stuff.. what do you call people like that? I forgot
Chapter 9: I dont understand.. Im trying but i cant
Lukber #4
Chapter 9: i like the chapter
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 9: who is park hyomin???
what her relation with krisber???
K-SoulHeart #6
Chapter 9: ####Cool####
Lukber #7
Chapter 8: the wait was worth it .. great chapter .. fun .. soon I hope the upgrade
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 8: ohhhhh ma gad....
im giggling when read this chap...
so cuteeeeee
adelliaar #9
Chapter 8: whoaaaaa~ whats the uke? '-')?
Chapter 8: Gaaah, I'm really curious about when exactly Kris started liking Amber. Is it before she turned into a dude? Or is this a new development for him too? 'Cause yknow, it's not really clear for me because Kris didn't have those 'heart beat picking up' or 'blushing' moments like Amber was having in this chapter, but then again Kris' character is supposed to be cool so ergh I am conflicted.
For now, I'll just assume he liked her even before. :)