Busted (II)

The Curse

On her third day as a boy, the school’s in holiday. Amber has an appointment with a doctor she made yesterday to check her condition –her weird condition– this afternoon. She was still scared and felt uneasy because of Kris, who had guessed her real identity yesterday.

He might was just playing around and saying random things. But please, his face seemed to be serious and he spoke in a weird way, just like he has known everything. Amber sighed as she wore her skinny jeans. She has too few manly clothes for sure, and she needed more.

Amber took a comb and styled her hair casually, since there weren’t any important reasons that made her style her hair. She took a jacket from the closet, wore it and finally decided to walk out of her room.

Yesterday afternoon, her phone was full with missed calls from Soojung and an unknown number. There’s no way Soojung has known her identity.

She took her phone from the table; randomly put it inside her pocket. But there was a blinking icon on her phone, and she took it again.


From: Unknown Number

This is Kris.


Three words that made Amber shocked to death. She twisted her thumbs, thinking whether she should reply it or not. As she walked out of the house, she typed the reply.


To: Unknown Number

I see.


Her reply made no sense, she knew it. She opened the car’s door, her mom and her dad have been waiting inside, and Jackie didn’t join them because she said she wanted to spend her teenager-precious-yet-beautiful-life alone at home.

She stepped in the car, sat down and checked her phone again when it vibrated twice.


From: Unknown Number

I’ve known it


From: Unknown Number

You’re Joseph.


Amber bit her lip and twisted her thumbs in front of her phone, thinking whether she should reply it or not. The car started to leave the house slowly, headed to the hospital.

She typed the answer after saving the unknown number as a contact, and she pressed reply.


To: Kris

Have you got any reason to claim me as Joseph?


She put her phone on a pocket at the car’s seat in front of her position, and she looked out through the window. She tried to hide her identity, but she knew, sooner or later someone would find it out.


From: Kris

Gah, you had no talent to hide your identity. The way you play, the way you talk, all are just so similar with Amber.


From: Kris

What happened on you?


To: Kris

Listen, you’re the only person who knows this. Keep it as secret, I beg you.


From: Kris

Too late. Jung Soojung has known this.


To: Kris

Damn. As long as it doesn’t spread, it’s okay.


From: Kris

What is actually happened on you?


To: Kris

I don’t even know what happened on me. It’s like magic.


From: Kris

Wow, so unbelievable.


To: Kris



From: Kris

Where are you now?


There was two minutes gap before Kris’ reply. Amber felt nervous yet glad because of it. She’s nervous because someone found out her identity, yet glad because finally she had someone to share with.


To: Kris

What’s your problem with that?


From: Kris



The conversation paused there since Amber has to enter the doctor’s room. She put her phone inside her pocket and followed her mom to the doctor’s room.

When her dad was standing in front of the administration table, Amber and her mom have been inside the room. The doctor smiled gently as both of them sat in front of her and said, “Let me guess. Mrs. Liu?”

Her mom nodded, and the doctor smiled. “And you, her child?” Amber nodded.

“Okay, how I can help you?” the woman doctor muttered, and Mrs. Liu said, “Here’s my daughter. Miraculously she changed to a boy, and since days ago she hasn’t returned to her normal figure.”

The doctor seemed surprised; she widened her eyes a little. “Stand up, please,” she said, and Amber stood up. She turned around a little and chuckled lowly, “Weird, isn’t it?”

“You’re handsome enough,” the doctor muttered. She gave codes for Amber to sit, and Amber sat down. The doctor did several tests on her, started from hormone tests and several things that spent hours, but the result wasn’t helping at all: she is a boy.

Amber sighed and walked out of the doctor room. It’s been 3 PM, and she has been in the doctor’s room since 9 AM. The report said she has nothing wrong with her body –they meant she has perfectly changed into a boy physically. The doctor asked her to come again tomorrow, and she hoped it’ll make sense.

She walked alone on the corridor; her parents were still on the doctor’s room. Amber turned to a corridor filled with waiting benches, and she approached a vending machine to buy soda.

Suddenly, a figure from the corner of the corridor caught her attention. There was a high school girl with wavy brown hair facing her back on Amber, and when that girl turned her back, Amber widened her eyes.

For the sake of God, it’s Hyomin. Her classmate. Her friend.

Amber was about to run to her doctor’s room when Hyomin’s eyes had captured her figure, she yelled “Yah!” and chased Amber.

When Hyomin’s near behind Amber, Amber pretended to be cool and calm. She sipped her soda and smiled awkwardly at Hyomin.

Hyomin pointed at Amber and said, “Aren’t you the idolized guy?”

Amber raised her eyebrows and chuckled. “Am I idolized?”

“What are you doing here?” she asked, Hyomin has had her finger down. Amber remained silent for a while, and then she said, “I visited Amber.”

“Oh, so she’s hospitalized here?” Hyomin widened her eyes a little, and then walked to the same direction with Amber’s before. “I wanna visit her-“

“No!!” Amber caught Hyomin’s body, and when Hyomin stopped walking, Amber coughed a little and said, “The visit hour has finished.”

Hyomin nodded dissatisfiedly. “By the way, what disease she suffers?”

Amber gapped and finally said, “It’s awful. I’m sure you don’t wanna know…” but the stare on Hyomin’s eyes forced her to tell. “Diarrhea. With unstoppable vomit and sudden pregnancy. I- I was just kidding at the last one.”

Hyomin laughed and said, “I know. She’s too flat to pregnant,” and mentally Amber wanted to hit her , but she just smiled a little.

Hyomin glanced at her own watch, and smiled. “I visited my uncle here. Well, I guess it’s time to leave. I will invite everyone in my class to visit her. Thank you!” and then she waved, and walked away.

“Wait, you can’t!!” Amber yelled.

“Of course I can~” Hyomin answered, her voice faded away as her figure disappeared behind the wall.

Hyomin. Wanted. To. Visit. Amber. With. The. Entire. Class. Member.

Wow, what a disaster.

Soojung walked towards a house with three blocks gap from hers, and peeked at her phone every several minutes. The class sent her to give notes about the lessons to Amber, and she went here in case to give the notes, and to check Amber’s gender. Sounds odd but it’s true.

She bowed down to random persons she met all over the streets. The notebooks in her embrace didn’t seem to annoy her.

When she’s right in front of Amber’s house, she pressed the bell and yelled, “Excuse meee~!” and took her phone; she called Amber right in the same time.

But the call directed her to voicemail, and it’s been like that since –she didn’t know, maybe since yesterday. She waited for a minute before a head peeked from inside and spoke in an overlaid voice, “Who’s that?”

“I’m Soojung, Amber’s friend,” she yelled gently, and then the person inside the house gasped dramatically and said, “Oh, unnie! I’ll be right there in seconds…” before the voice faded away. The house owner seemed to be searching for the key.

Soojung nodded silently and examined the house. It didn’t change at all, even three months ago was the last time she visited this classic-styled house. In evening it looked exactly the same. The closed ochre curtains, the wide-opened windows on Jackie’s bedroom, and the blurred reflection of a chandelier from the small windows beside the door.

The only thing that changed was the garage. The black car Amber’s dad used to drive wasn’t that. Amber may isn’t at the house, she thought.

When she was deep in her mind, figure of a girl in pajamas appeared. Jackie grinned, walked towards the chrome gate and opened it. “I’m sorry that you have to wait so long,” she said.

Soojung grinned back and said, “Nope, that’s okay.”

“I rarely see you around. In what purpose are unnie coming here?” Jackie said, and opened the gate.

“Well… Where’s your sister anyway?” Soojung asked. She leaned her back on the wall. Jackie looked a bit surprised, and then she replied, “She’s sick.”

“Oh really?” Soojung widened her eyes a little. “What happened to her?”

“Uh, it’s… she had her butts swollen. It makes her grows , either. Awful isn’t it?” she lied, and Soojung opened widely, but then nodded. “U-uh, yeah.”

“I want to give these notes to Amber,” finally she said, and Jackie widened her eyes. No, no. Jackie couldn’t let her in, because Amber, mom, and dad may come back home all the time, and she didn’t want Soojung to see the male version of Amber.

“Just leave those notes with me,” Jackie said, tried to grin widely. Soojung stared at her for a while, and then she said, “She’s home, right? Can I visit her too?”

“Uh- unnie, your mom should’ve worried about you, it’s been 5 PM! Unnie, just leave these notes with me,” she rudely took the notebooks, and gently pushed Soojung out. “Unnie, go home, okay?”

Right when Soojung was about to answer, Jackie’s corner of eyes had caught the figure of her dad’s black car. They’re coming home, and she cursed in her breath. “Unnie, see you soon, bye!” she gently pushed Soojung to the other direction so she won’t see the car, and Soojung was stunned at the beginning. And then she curved her eyebrows, widen her eyes, turned her back a little and said, “What’s happening?!”

“Unnie, it’s been late night –akh! Bye!” Jackie turned Soojung’s body and pushed her towards the street.

As the scene happened, Amber was literally shocked. She stared at them with widen eyes from inside the car, and when slowly Soojung’s grumpy figure had walked away, she sighed in relieve.

Why would she come here? Amber thought.

When Soojung’s figure has completely disappeared, Jackie opened widely the gate and let the car entered the house. The car slowly went through the house, entered the garage, and switched off.

Amber jumped down the car and immediately approached Jackie. “Hey, what happened?!”

Jackie grinned widely, “Soojung came, she left these for you.” She handed Amber a bunch of notebooks, and Amber accepted them in confuse. “I succeeded brought her home before she met you, you know. You gotta thank me.”

Amber chuckled in relieve. “Thank you! I owe you a piece of rainbow cake.”

“Rainbow sounds gay, though, but I still like it.” Jackie saluted her sister, and both of them laughed.

On the other side, Soojung was walking grumpily. Jackie, Amber’s little sister, told her to go home and didn’t even allow her to visit Amber. What the hell?!

She clicked her tongue when her phone rang, said that she’s got a new message. She took it from her little bag, and scrolled the message down.


From: Hyomin

Hello there, this message is broadcasted to the entire class member. As Amber’s cousin, Joseph, has said, Amber’s currently suffering a dangerous yet scary disease at the hospital. We’re planning for a visit at 2 PM tomorrow. Kris and Luna offered their cars to use if you have no one to drive you. Please reply this message as a confirmation that you’ll join the visit. I’m glad if you’re joining! q(*^*)p


Soojung chuckled lightly and replied the message as a confirmation that she’s coming.

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[23/04/2014] updated chapter 9. [The Curse]


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waiclareli #1
Chapter 9: great story here
huskylover #2
Is Hyomin is the person who likes to steel stuff.. what do you call people like that? I forgot
Chapter 9: I dont understand.. Im trying but i cant
Lukber #4
Chapter 9: i like the chapter
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 9: who is park hyomin???
what her relation with krisber???
K-SoulHeart #6
Chapter 9: ####Cool####
Lukber #7
Chapter 8: the wait was worth it .. great chapter .. fun .. soon I hope the upgrade
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 8: ohhhhh ma gad....
im giggling when read this chap...
so cuteeeeee
adelliaar #9
Chapter 8: whoaaaaa~ whats the uke? '-')?
Chapter 8: Gaaah, I'm really curious about when exactly Kris started liking Amber. Is it before she turned into a dude? Or is this a new development for him too? 'Cause yknow, it's not really clear for me because Kris didn't have those 'heart beat picking up' or 'blushing' moments like Amber was having in this chapter, but then again Kris' character is supposed to be cool so ergh I am conflicted.
For now, I'll just assume he liked her even before. :)