I Changed!

The Curse

10 subbies and 1 voters in a night. Geez, I love y'all.




January 30th, 2014

A girl with brunette shoulder-length hair walked out of the class with her backpack carried on her back, and followed by another girl with a black, long straight hair and pale face. The brunette one was Amber, and the black-haired one was Soojung.

It’s been night because of additional lessons they took in their school, Gangnam High School. Went home at seven wasn’t very scary for Amber and Soojung, that’s what made them to keep on walking rather than called a taxi.

Their feet were aching because of the basketball match before, and Amber was still cursing herself for being very short (she thought it made her team lost) and cursing Kris Wu, her tallest classmate who was her opponent for being 20 or 30 centimeter taller than her (she thought it made her team lost too).

She groaned and repetitively hit her thigh with her fist. It was aching for sure, and she uttered, “Damn you Kris Wu.”

“Just forget it,” Soojung glanced at Amber and murmured. Amber glanced back at her and answered, “But he made me lose. Ah, it’s my fault!! I should’ve been taller!!”

“Shut up,” Soojung murmured again. ‘I hate Kris’ and ‘I’m short’ have been her friend’s topic for the whole day, and actually Soojung understood that feeling. But the same topic repeated in a day was too tiring for her, and she wanted Amber to stop. Come on, Kris has more things to examine beside his tall body. His handsome face, maybe?

Amber clicked her tongue and walked again. She kicked the stones on the ground and stared at the black sky with stars, and started to wonder about her awful day, the basketball match, lessons at the school that popped in her mind again, and several random things that disappeared when Soojung’s voice entered her ears.

“It may be easier if you’re twenty centimeters taller than now,” Soojung joked, and Amber nodded. “Yeah! But… I’m a girl, and a girl 180 centimeters tall is weird, Soojung.”

“Be a boy, then.”

Soojung’s short statement meant a lot to Amber. She wondered how fantastic it’d be if she’s a boy. Flirting with the girls, playing basketball with the boys, and beating Kris Wu. It’d be awesome!

“A boy that tall isn’t weird,” Soojung continued, and Amber nodded. “I want to be a boy! Yes, I want to be one!”

Suddenly thunder boomed at the sky, and both of them were surprised. They immediately looked at the sky and gasped. “Geez, what a thunder.” Soojung murmured, and Amber stayed in silence.

“Well, I guess it’s gonna be raining. We better go fast,” Soojung said, and Amber nodded. They walked faster than before, tried to get home as soon as possible before the rain soaked the whole city.

January 31st, 2014

Amber yawned, and stopped her ringing alarm. Her eyes were still too heavy to open themselves, but she has to. The clock showed 6 AM, right a half hour before she has to go to school. She sleepily walked down her bed, opened her door, and went to the bathroom.

A normal new day, yet a normal morning just as usual. Wake up in the morning, wash her face, take a bath, eat with her family –dad, mom, and a little sister– on the dining room, and finally go to school. Those activities went round and round.

She coughed a little; felt a little weird today. When she’s been in front of the tap, she started to wash her sleepy face to clean every stain (yeah, you know.). She ran her hands over her face, let the cold water washed it.

Amber lifted her face slowly and dripped water from her face. But when she saw her reflection on the mirror, she curved her eyebrows.

Her hand went to her brown hair, and rubbed it. It’s as long as her neck now, just like normal flower boys around South Korea. But her hair used to be as long as her shoulder.

Amber stunned. She immediately pat her chest, and there’s definitely something different on it. It’s not as usual, and her hand felt weird when she touched it. She immediately looked down to examine her body, and Amber yelled as loud as she can when she saw her own body.

Her yell was different from the usual ones, it’s deep, just like another normal 16-years-old boys who just passed puberty. Her chest was flat (she was also flat, but not this flat!) and there’s something you-know-what under.

She turned into a boy.

“Mom!!! Mom!!!” Amber yelled loudly, and opened the bathroom door rapidly. Her mom was still preparing their breakfast, and she looked at the bathroom. She curved her eyebrow, who’s that?

“Mom, it’s me, Amber Josephine Liu!!” Amber ran towards the dining room, her yell cracked when she reached high octave, and her mom stared confusedly at her. After a few silent seconds, her mom opened and spoke, “What?”

“MOM!” Amber yelled. Her voice was deep and manly, and her mom stared at her in disbelief. “Amber?!”

How often would a girl changes into a boy? It should’ve been so weird and unbelieveable, and almost never happens. But it happened in an Amber’s body, and it’s too impossible to believe it –but it’s real.

“Y-you’re a boy?!” her mom yelled once again, and a plate she held was about to fell down but Amber immediately ran there and saved it. “Yes, mom!! A-and I don’t know why, but-“

“JIEJIE?!” suddenly Amber’s little sister, Jackie Liu, walked out of her room and screamed in high octave when she saw Amber, her sister who has changed into an Ambro.

Jackie widened her eyes, very wide. Imagine when your sister suddenly turns into a boy, how surprised would you be? She immediately approached Amber and gasped, and it continued to a high-pitched yell again. “Is this really you? Amber Josephine? My damn annoying sister?!”

“Why so noisy out here?” suddenly her heavy-voiced father appeared from his room, and he rubbed his eyes. But he rubbed it once again when he saw an unknown person in their dining room. A boy that used to be a girl.

Come on, man! She’s your daughter!

“Who are you?” Mr. Liu asked, he held his breath and his voice was so damn low, and monotone. That figure he stared for seconds ran approaching him and yelled, “Dad! I’m Amber!!!”

“Am-ber?” her dad stunned, and examined his daughter’s body. “How could you-“

“I don’t know!! I-I woke up normally and when I saw myself on the mirror, I’m a boy!” Amber replied rapidly, and her father was still stunned right in his place. “Wow.” He murmured in a very low voice.

“You turned handsome!!!” Jackie screamed again as she hugged her sister. She was just as tall as Amber’s neck now, while she used to be as tall as Amber’s eyes. Amber widened her eyes when she saw her weird sister’s reaction.

Her mom, who used to be as tall as her, now was just as tall as Amber’s chin. Amber used to be as tall as his dad’s neck, but now she’s centimeters taller than her dad.

And yeah, if you examined it, Amber’s handsome enough now. Her hair was as long as her neck and her body was slim, but seemed to be well-builded. Amber messed her own hair, and sat at the dining table chair.

Her mom widened her eyes since minutes ago, and Amber believed that it would last like that if her mom kept that expression for one more minute. She rubbed Amber’s face and finally asked, “Who’s your full name?”

“Amber Josephine Liu! Gosh, mom, it’s really meee!”

“Your sister’s?”

“Jackie! Mom, please, it’s really meee!”

“Your school?

“It’s Gangnam High Schooool!!”

“Your friend?”

“Jung Soojung!!”

“Describe how your friend looks like.”

“Pale! Is that enough?! Mom, please!!”

“Not enough.”

“Okay, she’s also flat-chested! Mom!!!”

Her mom caressed her own chin, realized that a handsome guy in front of her was really her daughter, Amber Liu, who turned into a guy in one freaking night. She blinked once, and finally said, “So you’re really Amber.”

“Who did you think am I?!” Amber yelled, and messed her own hair again. “What should I do now?!”

“Flirt on my friends. They won’t realize that you’re a boy,” Jackie let out her opinion normally, and Amber immediately hit her head. “Foolish,” she muttered.

Amber looked down and wondered about what made her being a boy.

And suddenly one thing popped in her mind.

That night, exactly yesterday night, when she wondered about being a boy with Soojung.


“I want to be a boy! Yes, I want to be one!”



Suddenly, a car horn was audible from the front of her house, everyone looked at the curtain-covered window and her dad went to the window to see who that was. And that’s Amber’s school bus!!

“It’s your school bus!” her dad yelled, and Amber gasped. “Ho-how can I go to school when something impossible happens at me?!” and her mom replied, “Honey, go tell the driver that Amber is sick! She can’t go to school in this situation!!”

Her dad immediately nodded, and went out of the door to tell the driver. Amber groaned and bit her lip, wondering what else would happen to her.

Jackie examined her from head to toe, and murmured, “You’re tall. You’re handsome!”

“Are you crazy?!” Amber smacked her sister’s head, and Jackie groaned, she continued her speech. “And you’re annoying!”

Seconds later, her dad returned from the gate and said, “It’s okay, I’ve told the driver about that.” Amber and her mom sighed, and her mom examined Amber again. “Did you lose your ?”

“Yes, mom! And don’t ever ask about that anymore!” Amber yelled, and her mom nodded. Her mom’s facial expressions were awful and confused, seeing that her first daughter turned into a son.

“You better take a rest, kid. Sleeping may change your gender again,” her father said, and Amber stared at him in disbelief. It’s impossible! But Amber would like to try, so in a tired way she nodded and slowly walked back to her room.

Amber slammed herself on the bed, and shut her eyes. It’s just a dream, just a dream. I shall return to a normal girl when I open my eyes, and everything goes back to normal. It’s just a dream…

She slowly opened her eyes and pinched her own arm, but when she rubbed her chest again, it’s still so damn flat. Geez, it’s not a dream. It’s effing real.

Amber groaned loudly and tried to sleep. Forgetting all the problems and yeah, still hoping that things would be nice. But right when she shut her eyes, she remembered about a task that has to be done today.

And to get that task, she has to go to the school and do it.

But how?!

Imagine a foreign-looking boy suddenly entered a class in a rude way and said, “’Sup. I’m Amber who used to be a girl, but I got cursed and I turned into a boy. Can I get my task, please?” and the teacher could have collapsed in front of the class.

She immediately opened her eyes and held her breath. She exactly remembered that Mrs. Kim gave her class that damn biology task to finish today, and –damn, once again– Amber didn’t take the paper earlier.

“Mom!!” she yelled again, went down from her bed and approached her mom. “Remember it when I said I have a biology task?!”

Her mom nodded. “Yes, what’s with it?”

“I have to take it today or Mrs. Kim won’t give me permission to enter her class this year!” and her mom slapped her forehead. “Oh no.”

“But how would you get to school?” Amber’s dad murmured, and Amber shook her head, didn’t know what to do. She sat down at the chair again, and looked around. “Where’s Jackie?” usually that crazy little kid would give her crazy opinions that might be useful.

“She’s taking a bath,” her mom answered, and Amber nodded. Being a boy wasn’t as awesome as she expected. It ruined her morning for sure, and she was too scared to think about what would happen next.

“So, what are you going to do to get that task?” her dad asked, and he calmly took a piece of bread and ate it. Amber followed him lazily, and answered, “Don’t know. Any suggestion?”

“Hey, jiejie!” Jackie yelled from the bathroom, and the toothbrush grinding voice overlaid with her yell. Amber glanced at the bathroom door and answered with a bread inside , “What?”

“Go dress as a boy, and pretend to be my cousin!” Jackie replied, and Amber curved her eyebrows. “What?!” but then everything heard was just the draining water from the tap.

Seconds later, Jackie walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her neck and she said, “I was serious about that. Go say that Amber is sick, and you, as the ‘cousin’, would gladly take the task for your dearest cousin.”

“You’re brilliant enough,” Mr. Liu murmured, and he started to eat his second bread as he just finished the first. Amber glanced at her sister and muttered, “Yeah, and freak enough,” to reply her mom’s statement.

“Should I try it?” Amber asked and pointed at Jackie, she stared at her mom, and unfortunately, her mom nodded. “Yes, I guess.”

“But no guarantee,” Jackie stuck out her tongue, and Amber was too tired to smack her sister’s head.


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[23/04/2014] updated chapter 9. [The Curse]


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waiclareli #1
Chapter 9: great story here
huskylover #2
Is Hyomin is the person who likes to steel stuff.. what do you call people like that? I forgot
Chapter 9: I dont understand.. Im trying but i cant
Lukber #4
Chapter 9: i like the chapter
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 9: who is park hyomin???
what her relation with krisber???
K-SoulHeart #6
Chapter 9: ####Cool####
Lukber #7
Chapter 8: the wait was worth it .. great chapter .. fun .. soon I hope the upgrade
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 8: ohhhhh ma gad....
im giggling when read this chap...
so cuteeeeee
adelliaar #9
Chapter 8: whoaaaaa~ whats the uke? '-')?
Chapter 8: Gaaah, I'm really curious about when exactly Kris started liking Amber. Is it before she turned into a dude? Or is this a new development for him too? 'Cause yknow, it's not really clear for me because Kris didn't have those 'heart beat picking up' or 'blushing' moments like Amber was having in this chapter, but then again Kris' character is supposed to be cool so ergh I am conflicted.
For now, I'll just assume he liked her even before. :)