Digital Witness

And Then What?

Jay Walker-Smith was strange.


Everything about her was just so--lovely.


She grew up in London and went to college in Oxford.


She sang opera and practiced ballet up until she graduated.


She dedicated her summers to helping out the less fortunate in Ghana.


She’s married, has a stable job.


She knows at least 3 languages.


She’s only 23.


Just 2 years younger than me, and yet she has done so much, and I so little. She makes me feel like a complete loser when ever I see her. She makes most people feel like when she’s near them.


Jay is the type of woman that everybody wants, but no one can get with.


Like Sailor Venus.


Was Sailor Venus the love sick one?


Or the lesbian?




I hate walking.


I really do.


And to think, there are people who do this for FUN.




The walk took forever. Roscoe completely lied when he said it wasn’t that far away, their house was in a different district. According to the map, and the information (which may or may not be false) from Roscoe, the Incheon Airport was in Jung-gu while their house was in Mapo-gu.

AND in the Mapo-gu district, they lived in Yonggang-dong.


I’ve been here for what? 3-4 hours, and I’m utterly confused.


These districts and the neighborhoods in the districts, but we’re still technically in Seoul.


What is this, what is happening?


All I know is that I do not want to walk anymore.


While we were walking, Roscoe kept a steady pace ahead of me. Only turning back every so often to shake his head at me.


I already feel bad enough.


Stop it.


We finally made it to the hill leading up to their home. A HILL.


I almost burst into tears.




Their house was too cute.


It was a cute little cottage on a cute little hill.


It seemed so out of place, being next to such a huge city.


Roscoe, as expected, reached the door before I did and placed my luggage inside.

Jay stepped out and waved frantically from the porch. I gave her a thumbs up, not sure why, and continued making my way up the green hill of death.


Once I reached the house, Jay pulled me into a mildly painful hug. “Oh my goodness Tallulah! I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” I laughed slightly, “Yeah it’s been, like what, a month since you guy’s left?”


Jay scoffed and released me, “A month is too long for me to go without seeing my big sister, take off your shoes please.”

I sat down on the ground and began to untie my sneakers. I guess you can call it a quirk, but I always have to undo the laces, I can’t just take them off.


Like a normal person.


“So,” Roscoe began, “What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”




“What?” I asked as I looked up from my shoes.

“What do you wanna do Tally? We could go out to explore Seoul, get a bunch a food, go shopping, or-”


“Um, no. I’m not doing any of that. Not today at least, way too tired.”

Roscoe laughed, “C’mon Tally, don’t be so lazy, the day is still young!”


I’m not sure what happened within a month, but he’s starting to act like a middle aged man.


Y’know, the kind that go to bed at 8 and wake up at 5.

How are they even alive?


I glared at him.

“Roscoe I mean it, I’m exhausted.”


“Just let her chill for a day Ross, geez.” Jay interjected.


My guardian angel.


Roscoe sighed, “Okay, you to can ‘chill’ or whatever. I’M gonna go out and have some fun!”

Jay waved at him as she headed for the kitchen, “You will not be missed!” Roscoe laughed and headed out for adventure, or whatever.


Damn, when did Jay become so great?

I mean, she was already perfect before, but she’s amazing now oh my God.


“Tally why don’t you grab your bags and I’ll show you your room.”

I nodded and grabbed the absurdly heavy suitcases and followed her upstairs.


Right about now, I’m a cocktail of nervousness and excitement. I think my entire situation is all beginning to sink in.


Also, Tally?




Is everything in this house adorable?


The scenery is adorable.


The house itself is so cute.


And now my room.


The walls were a light green, and there were even little stars next to the bed.

Ugh, it’s amazing.


“Well?” Jay asked as she made room for me in the small space. “It’s too cute Jay, thank you.”

She pulled me into another mildly painful hug. “Why don’t you get settled, you’ve had a long flight. If you need me, I’ll be out in the garden.”


I nodded and waved at her as she left.


I layed down on my bed and let out a huge sigh.

For some reason, the whole XO thing came to mind.

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t get them out my head. Especially that big handed guy.


Maybe Jay knows something about them.


No time to think about cute boys now.


Only sleep.




I hate sleeping.


Okay, that’s not true.


I love to sleep.


But I’m a very light sleeper and even the slightest of noises will set me off.

Another part of it is that I wake up really violently.


I remember getting questions on my multiple bruises while in school, and I would have to tell them about how I flail and panic when I wake, and hit my limbs on every piece of furniture ever.


But now, in this very comfortable bed, in this very pretty house, with my tired old bones, I could not sleep at all.


Just because I can faintly hear Jay pulling weeds or whatever in the backyard.


I covered my face and groaned into my hands.


Still thinking about Big Hands though. I don’t know why, but I think he was the cutest one.

But like I said before, they were too young for me.


I groaned again and decided to get up.

I needed to ask Jay about XO, they’ve been bugging me all day.


After almost falling down the stairs, I went to the backyard.


Absolutely gorgeous.


The hill was just as lovely as before, but now there was an expansive garden. Past the hill, you could see the skyline of Seoul.


“Hey, you’re up already?” Jay called out from amidst the flowers.


“Couldn’t sleep.”


Jay nodded and went back to tending the plants.

“Do you need any help?” I asked as I made my way through the plants.


“Well,” Jay began, “If you could begin to water the rose bushes over there, that would be lovely.”

“Oh yeah, sure.”


I have never gardened a day in my life, but watering plants shouldn’t be that hard.


I hope.


“So,” I said as I started watering the rose bush, “How are you liking Korea so far?”

Jay laughed, “It’s great, but I think that’s what I should be asking you.” I snickered “It’s great, from what I’ve seen so far.”


“Oh Jay?”


She hummed as she began on a new section of weeds.


“Have you heard of this boy band called XO?”


Before I knew it, Jay was running towards me.


“EXO? The Kpop band EXO?” she asked frantically.


“Uh, yeah I guess. I saw them at the airport.”

Jay gasped. “Oh my God. OH MY GOD!” she shouted, “I ing love them Tallulah, you have no clue.”


What is it about me, as a person, that brings out the weird in people.


First Meredith.


Now Jay?


Is it me, or do I just have a talent for meeting strange people.


“Oh, are they that...good?” I asked carefully.

“Only one of the greatest I’ve heard so far! C’mon, I’ll show you some songs,” Jay said as she grabbed my arm and led me back to the house.




“That one, there!” I pointed to the screen.

We were watching some music video of theirs, and yeah, they were just as adorable from before.

“Oh, that’s Kris. Y’know you’re right, I’ve never noticed how big his hands were.”

I nodded and went back to the video.


They were okay.


Pretty good dancers with decent songs.


Again, not bad.


Jay seemed to think the sun shined out of their asses, though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so invested into a video. “I’m so glad that you like them, Tally. Maybe I can teach you a dance sometime.” Jay said after watching Growl, I think.


I nodded, although I hate dancing.


I like watching other people dance, but I can’t dance myself.


I’m all limbs and no rhythm.


“Jay,” I began, “How’d you even come across this group? Aren’t you a bit old for this.”

“They’re really popular with the girls in my school. And no, I don’t think I’m too old. I’m actually younger than the oldest member.” Jay said matter of factly.




They all looked 20, at the oldest.

The fact that one of them maybe older than me is worrying. Because that must mean that I’m one old looking 25 year old.


“You up for meeting Ross at a resturaunt? He just texted me that he’d be there.” Jay said looking up from her phone.

“Sure, I could go for some food.”


Bruh. Filler is my life.

Don’t worry, you’ll get your EXO soon enough. <3-whatimscared

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kpopismystylenow #1
Sounds good. I mean, the intro!~
shikasic #2
Chapter 2: sound interesting...
sevixx #3
I love Eat Pray Love! I wanted to do something similar, living abroad for a year and rediscover yourself; but I'm broke. If I could South Korea would definitely be top of my list. your story sounds interesting, can't wait to read more