Like A Rolling Stone

And Then What?




I’ve always hated flying.

Everything about it made me so anxious.

The heights, the turbulence.

The crying babies, the possibility of a crash.

It’s terrifying.

My parents used to travel a lot for business and would always drag me and my brother along with them. I would always complain about plane crashes, and mom would say: “If you were meant to die in a plane crash, you will. Even if you’re sitting at home and a plane hits you.”

Thinking back, that was a terrible thing to tell to a kid.

It’s true though.

I think I read about a crash in England on DailyMail or something.




“Now arriving in Incheon International Airport. Welcome to Korea!”

“Now arriving in Incheon International Airport. Welcome to Korea!”


I heaved a huge sigh of relief after hearing the second announcement in English.

So this was Korea.

Wow, I’m not entirely sure what to say. There are a lot of Koreans here.

Which seems like a really dumb thing to say, now that I think about it. What else would Korea have but a surplus of Koreans? I guess it was just a hefty culture shock, I’d get over it eventually.

I shifted my backpack on my shoulders and went on a search for baggage claim.

God, I am really tall.

It’s not like I just realized this, I’ve been 6’1 for about 9 years now. It’s just so exaggerated now, standing in between two women who couldn’t be more than 5’3.

A lot of things about me feel exaggerated here.

My hair.

My skin tone.

Hell, even my voice was starting to sound kind of abrasive and manly.

Which is definitely not cute.

I reached down to the revolving...revolver thing, and grabbed the two pastel suitcases as they made their way around. I really don’t wanna carry these, see, this is why I needed a boyfriend. He could do this stuff for me

As I walked around the airport, I peered over heads in search of Roscoe and Jay. The peering wasn’t the hard part, getting by each and every person was. People stopped in the middle of the walk way to greet and reconcile with loved ones.

Annoyingness knows no bounds.

I finally left my boarding terminal after an 30 minutes or so. I was once again hindered by a large crowd.

But this one was different.

I saw a hoard of young girls holding posters, and taking pictures with their phones. They were screaming and jumping about, shouting: XO! XO!


Not entirely sure what was going on here, but, they need to move. I’ve got somewhere to be.

The gaggle of teenage geese parted like the Red Sea. They got even louder than before, if that was even possible.

From what I could see from my vantage point, it was group of 1, 2, 3...12 guys.

Oh, it was a band!

I never got that.

Why girls scream like that for celebrities.

I remember going to concerts with Rochelle and watching her scream like crazy for Boys II Men or All-4-One.

I don’t know, maybe I was just a weird kid.

The boys, XO I think, looked nice. They were cute, like baby brother cute. The oldest couldn’t be older than 19.

But their cuteness does not compensate for the fact that I’ve been standing in the same place for 10 minutes. I pulled out my phone, and scrolled to the newly installed English-Korean dictionary.

Excuse me!” I shouted as I pushed through the crowd. They didn’t move.

This was gonna take a while.

I pushed and shouted through the mass. But like an idiot, I trapped myself into the group of fans.



Why can’t I ever catch a break?

Roscoe’s probably pissed at me.

Hell, I’m pissed at me too.

I sighed and screamed into my hand. I had no choice but to wait it out.

As I screamed openly into my palm, the girl next to me looked me up and down. “Miss,okay?” she asked in broken English as she tapped on my forearm.

“Uh, yeah. Just ready to go home.”

She nodded and pointed to the inner part of the group. “They should be coming this way soon! I’m so happy, I get to see my oppa!

I nodded, not really understanding what she said, but looked to where her finger pointed. The girl squealed, “Ommo, there they are! Sehun oppa! Sehun oppa!” She flailed her arms about, and successfully hit me in the stomach. She ran further into the group.

Man was she determined.

I was able to see the boys more closely now, and dang, were they cute.

Way too young for me though.

I smiled and waved at them as they passed, only seemed like the polite thing to do.


Towards of the end of the line, there was a boy with really big hands.

Like, really big.

He could probably palm a beach ball with just one of those monsters.

I was waving to him, like I did for the other members.

He looked over in my direction, and gave a wink.

What the ?

Was that meant for me?

If it was, then, no thank you.

I looked around, until I came face to face with this gorgeous woman.

Oh okay, it was probably her.



Thank God for hand boy being the last one.

As XO left the area, so did their large entourage of screaming teenagers. I was finally able to get through.

I frantically searched, running from terminal to terminal to find my brother.


I turned around to see my brother.

How did I even miss him?

He’s like the black Macho-Man Randy Savage.

I smiled and waved. He crashed into me with a huge bear hug. “Oh man! Where were you? I’ve been looking for you for about 2 hours.” I patted him on his bald head. “I was caught up in people traffic.”

He let out a deep laugh and reached for my bags.

That’s what I love the most about Roscoe, he’s such a gentleman.

“So, is Jay gonna come pull the car around?” I asked as we walked to an exit. Roscoe laughed, “We haven’t bought a car yet. Our school’s close enough for us to walk.”

“Oh, so are we taking a taxi?”

“Not here,” he said, “Most of them are full, see?”

“The airport bus?”

“Haha, c’mon Tallulah. Jay and mine’s apartment isn’t that far from here.”


Wait, what?

“You can’t be serious! I don’t wanna walk right now!” I whined.

Roscoe laughed and began walking.

That’s what I hate most about Roscoe, he’s extremely cheap.


So, I originally was gonna do BlockB, but was pretty undecided. I put my itunes on shuffle and chose the first boy band to come up.

So yeah.

It was Exo, oddly enough. <3 -whatimscared

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kpopismystylenow #1
Sounds good. I mean, the intro!~
shikasic #2
Chapter 2: sound interesting...
sevixx #3
I love Eat Pray Love! I wanted to do something similar, living abroad for a year and rediscover yourself; but I'm broke. If I could South Korea would definitely be top of my list. your story sounds interesting, can't wait to read more