Empire State Of Mind

And Then What?


What am I doing with my life?

No honestly.

I’m pushing 25, still living with my parents, and wasted my college education on a degree in Philosophy. I always thought I would be able to find some sort of job that required that degree, though.



Hell, right about now I would take elementary school guidance counselor.

New York is such an awful place to find a job in.

Screw you Jay-Z, dreams are not made here.

Only ty schools, and ty people, that convince you to get ty degrees when you should’ve just kept on with cosmetology.

My life isn’t all bad.

Who the am I kidding?


It was tea time at Kennedy’s.

I’m not entirely sure when we started this, but all I know is I have to pay for a long train ride from the Bronx to Brooklyn, with no compensation. I’ve known Kennedy, the hostess, since middle school, and barely knew who Meredith, her neighbor, was at all.

And I would care not to get to know her, she’s honestly awful.

It’s like she’s comprised of Pledge and Oscar worthy dramatics, and she always talks about her child prodigies. Your kids are like, 3, calm down Meredith.

“You guy’s I am SO done!” I shouted as I threw my hands up in the air.

Kennedy took a sip of tea, “Done with what, Tallulah?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, just everything I guess. My life’s not really going anywhere.”

Meredith slammed her tea cup on the porcelain saucer “Tallulah Smith! You weren’t thinking of suicide were you?!” Kennedy choked on her tea.

“Jesus, Meredith, NO!” I shouted, causing one of Kennedy’s dog to come running into the room.

Meredith got up from her seat on the couch and ran over to me. She grabbed my shoulders violently and shook me back and forth. “Meredith, what the-?”


All of Kennedy’s other dogs began to bark, very loudly, at the scene Meredith was causing.

“Meredith she’s fine, get off of her!” Kennedy shouted as she ran over to my side.

“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT KENNEDY?! SHE NEEDS OUR HELP!” She released my shoulders and collapsed onto my lap in tears. “Don’t do it Tallulah, we love you!”

Now, by this time I was in an almost comatose state, due to the massive shock I’d just endured.

“Kennedy,” I whispered, “Get her off me.”

Kennedy pulled the whimpering mess of a person off of me and sat her back down on the side of the couch. “Now,” I began “Meredith, I’m not going to off myself, so calm down.”

Meredith nodded as she wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater.

“I’ve decided to go on a trip, and possibly stay there for awhile, I’m not entirely sure yet.”

“Ooh a trip! Like Eat Pray Love?” Meredith asked in a chipper voice.

I swear to God this woman is love child of Meryl Streep and Christopher Walken.

“Uh, sure, I guess.”

“So, where are you going?” Kennedy asked as she picked up her tea cup.

“South Korea, I hope.” I said as I looked down.

Meredith’s face twisted, “Really? Korea? Why not somewhere fun, like Tahiti or Fiji?” “Oh shut up Meredith,” Kennedy retorted “It’s her Eat Pray Love, she can go where ever she wants. My question is how are you going to get there?”

“Well, you know Roscoe just moved there.”

Kennedy raised a brow, “Really? So you plan to stay with him then?”

“Yeah, he and his wife just got teaching jobs there, so they said it would be fine if I stayed for a bit.”

Kennedy hummed a reply as she bent over to pick up a small chihuahua. Meredith cleared . “How long do you plan to stay there, exactly?”

That’s a really good question. One that I hadn’t even asked myself, really. How long WAS I going to be there? What the hell would I be doing in Korea? I barely know the language, and I’m too awkward to function in America let alone a different country. Roscoe and Jay wouldn’t welcome me forever, then I’d have to come back to the Bronx. Then what after that?

Y’know what.


No reason to go doubting yourself now, Tallulah you are doing this.

Meredith, Kennedy and the little dog in Kennedy’s lap looked at me expectantly, anxiously waiting for my answer.

“As long as it takes.”
Meredith heaved a heavy sigh, “What the hell does that mean?”

God I am so sick of you, Meredith.

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kpopismystylenow #1
Sounds good. I mean, the intro!~
shikasic #2
Chapter 2: sound interesting...
sevixx #3
I love Eat Pray Love! I wanted to do something similar, living abroad for a year and rediscover yourself; but I'm broke. If I could South Korea would definitely be top of my list. your story sounds interesting, can't wait to read more